Latest Edition of Adam Up - Saying Goodbye to Some of You - And Finding Your True Self!

Published: Thu, 02/22/18

Feb #4
Edition #635
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

This week I have had the dreaded man flu bug, we had a death in our family, I have had an incredibly busy time with my business, my children have been on half-term break and well....  these are my excuses for not having some of the usual features to share with you.

I realise that there are more positive ways to open up and frame an ezine. I'm a realist if nothing else....

I have no new podcast, no new YouTube video clip, no new running blog entry. But I do have archive video footage, I do have a recording of a recent webinar, and I do have an awesome article to help you find your true self with some science added in for good measure.

Also, I noticed this week when analysing our statistics that a fair few people of the thousands we have subscribed to this weekly broadcast had not opened these emails for a while. I don't want to keep sending these emails to those who are not interested or stimulated by them, those who do not want to receive them, or those whose email addresses are no longer in use. So those who our records show have not opened this Adam Up weekly ezine for a while, I shall delete from our distribution. If you regularly open these emails, we'll carry on sending them through.

Ok, let's get on with it, shall we?

Archive Video – "As if", "the perfect hypnotist" and an imaginary mirror.....

As you are likely to have seen me mention in recent week's here on Adam Up, I have revamped my YouTube channel and my weekly updates have been getting lots of attention.

This week, I chose not to record a new clip due to my red nose and hoarse voice, so have dug out a clip from a way back and shared it on the channel.....

Some really old archive footage from a seminar back in the early noughties. I demonstrated a simple induction process to use with very receptive clients and combining a series of techniques - "the perfect hypnotist" and an imaginary mirror, all with the added use of an "as if" pattern.... Have a watch:

Using the "perfect hypnotist" to induce, then "as if" and a mirror to deepen hypnosis.

If you've not already done so, do subscribe and you'll be notified of new clips and additions to the channel as soon as they are uploaded.

The Hypnosis Geek UK Tour

I mentioned it last week, I am going to be on tour a bit this year. I am coming North to Hull. I am going East to Norwich. I am going west to Cardiff. I am going to the midlands in Birmingham and I'll be in London though the upcoming one day seminars here in Bournemouth in March are now completely full to capacity and sold out. Wherever you are based in the UK though, I hope you'll be able to access my seminars this year.

My rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena for hypnotherapists seminar is coming to all these venues, and so is my science of self-hypnosis seminar. Many of the dates are at weekends, so there's no excuse. Each is less than £100.00 to attend (plus Vat) and you can read about the course, grab all the dates, details about course content and more by downloading a free prospectus at these two pages on my website, come and join me in your neck of the woods:

Free Hypnotherapy Webinar Recording
Considering training to be a hypnotherapist?

Wednesdays are webinar days here now, I'll be running them every couple of weeks or so.

Just last night, I ran a busy webinar "How To Become a Successful Hypnotherapist"

Let me explain my reasons for this webinar. Typically, when people are weighing up hypnotherapy training who have not heard of me or my college, the three things I am asked a great deal:

1. “Do you offer a taster day?”
2. “The hypnotherapy training options are overwhelming. It’s a minefield out there! How do I choose? What do I do?”
3. “Can I really earn a good living as a hypnotherapist?”

I felt that a webinar offering an essential guide to training as a hypnotherapist was a great way to answer these questions and more.

Additionally, in this webinar I showed the exact questions you should be asking yourself and your potential hypnotherapy training provider right now to ensure that you are going to derive the best return on investment.

This webinar shows the exact steps you need to take in order to get the best quality education, have the best skills and be incredibly effective at setting up and running a successful hypnotherapy professional practice. The aim is that you have no regrets at all when you are under way with your chosen hypnotherapy training.

I exploded LOADS of myths and misconceptions, shared LOADS of science and gave away some awesome resources. If you missed out and were not able to make it last night, you can go and watch it here, I've made it available to you all here, with my compliments, enjoy:

Free Webinar Recording: Essentials To Becoming a Successful Hypnotherapist

You'll just need to pop your email address and name in and then you'll get immediate access.

Are You a qualified hypnosis professional already?

Next week, I'll be running a webinar on how to become a hypnosis geek. Either watch out on my social media channels in the coming days for details, or go and sign up straight away here:

Free Webinar: How To Become a Hypnosis Geek

Onto today's main theme... 
Are You Being Your True Self?

Your true self – what is that? Who is that? How do we know it? That’s what I look to explore today….

“True self is non-self, the awareness that the self is made only of non-self-elements. There’s no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected. Once you are aware of that you are no longer caught in the idea that you are a separate entity.” ~~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Us humans are typically social animals who develop as a species partly because we‘ve been able to solve many common problems together. When you work together, in this collective fashion, it often results in a compromise of some kind. We are typically required to apply some sort of tactic in our social lives; we assert our needs and desires whilst also being sensitive to the preferences, motives and needs of others….. and all this further depends upon and is complicated by the social and cultural situations and scenarios we find ourselves in.

All in all, this often results in us struggling to be our true selves. All of us wear numerous hats and adopt a variety of roles in life, and deep down each of us has an authentic self, the person who we feel is truly who we are – at our core. Life just sometimes has a habit of drowning that person out.

“Adam, this is a bit hippy-ish and cosmic for you, isn’t it?

Well, it’s a bit left-field of my typical position on personal development and self-actualisation, but there is scientific research that suggests we would all benefit from understanding our true selves and that it could have a major impact upon our psychological health and well-being. Of course we need to do our best to live in harmony with others. We need to do our best to live our life, take care of our families, tend to professional requirements and so on. Yet there is evidence that suggests we’d all benefit greatly from connecting with our true selves too.

There are studies that indicate, for example, that when people believe they are behaving or taking actions because they value or enjoy them, that person experiences higher levels of well-being. On the flip side of that, when people feel as if their actions and behaviours are driven by external forces (such as money – which I’ll mention again later – or social pressure) their well-being often decreases. Evidence also tends to suggest that people will successfully complete goals that are reflected in their true self. Therefore, it is important when setting goals that you consider if they reflect your true self, as well as setting goals that you’ll follow for other reasons, such as paying your bills or keeping other important people in your life happy and satisfied.

Additionally, being aware of your true self tends to add meaning to life. Research suggests that when people report that they understand who they truly are, while their actions and behaviours match that of their true self, tend to be more hopeful and optimistic about the future than those who do not feel connected with their true self. At the same time, people who feel they are living in sync with how they perceive their true self, also perceive life as more meaningful.
So, it’s important to discover your true self, right? Many people maybe don’t realise how much strength, resource and power resides within us, which is not necessarily our everyday self that gets mixed up with all the day-to-day activities of life, but a deeper self, as I’ve been referring to and which psychologists often refer to as “the true self.”

The true self isn’t a familiar term to many people, although it is interpreted by many as what some religions refer to as your soul, the purest part of yourself, you real essence. I tend to refer to it as being your core. You can test to get a sense of your own true self. How? The true self typically has certain qualities that belong to it the way sweetness belongs to sugar; a flavour if you like. If you can experience these qualities, repeat them, learn to cultivate them, and finally make them a natural part of yourself, the true self has come to life and that can be enriching for all. You find your purpose, you know your values, you understand yourself deeply.

Be your true self. Because if you’re not, there are consequences to be paid.” ~~ Wendell Pierce

Read how to find your true self, and why it is so important with the full article with links and references here:

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, photos and loads of articles from our vaults (including some really controversial ones from the past few years!!) and some other bits and pieces.

You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too (in particular, this week's video stimulated a lot of discussion!):​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Studying With Adam
I'm completely booked up with regards to being able to take on any new clients for hypnotherapy, mentoring or coaching currently, so have removed those links from Adam Up for a few weeks.

For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working or studying with me, here are the pages to go and do that:

Would you like a satisfying and meaningful career as a hypnotherapist helping others?

Are you a hypnotherapist looking for stimulating and career enhancing continued professional development and advanced studies?

We have a range of classroom based and home study courses offering the most comprehensive and highest quality education in the hypnotherapy and hypnosis fields:

If you are a hypnotherapist, then I highly recommend the investment of 10 minutes of your time to read these articles, they are ram-packed full of useful information even if you do not choose to study with me, they’ll benefit you greatly: 

Jokes Of The Week
These are my favourites from this week.

1. What did the Buddhist ask the hot dog vendor?
“Make me one with everything.”

2. You know why you never see elephants hiding up in trees?
Because they’re really good at it.

3. What is red and smells like blue paint?
Red paint.

4. What’s a foot long and slippery?
A slipper.

5. I told my friend 10 jokes to get him to laugh.
Sadly, no pun in 10 did.

Hahahahaha, love those. Thanks to all who send them in to me each week.
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Get In Touch:-
Do feel free to contact me if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, or anything else.  I am very accessible and love hearing from you.  

Email or Web Contact

You can reply to this email and use that email address, or visit my personal website or college website and use the contact pages there to send a message - I'll always reply within one working day and if you do not get a reply within that timeframe, I won't have received your message. 


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)


That's it for this week's edition, how did I do?

I shall be back next week; in the meantime, I thank you for being a very valued reader, I appreciate you and hope to reward you greatly going forward with the year, I send you much love and my very best wishes,


Adam Eason.

What Does ‘Buloo!’ Mean Adam?

AE College Of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis