Latest Edition of Adam Up - What's Your Vision for 2018?

Published: Thu, 01/04/18

Jan #1
Edition #628
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

It is 2018, a new year and a very new version of this Adam Up weekly hypnosis ezine. It may not seem that different to you, but it is very different from where I am sitting because for the first time ever, I am writing this and sending it all out by myself. Any errors or issues are entirely mine and cannot be blamed on anyone else!

So happy new year to you, I hope you had a wonderfully enjoyable festive season and that the new year ahead is going to be a great one!

Hypnosis Weekly

The latest edition of the podcast has gone live.

I welcome Sarah Wall as my guest and she is the perfect guest for our new year edition. She talks all things "FitMind" and how to use hypnosis and related tools to help reduce weight and keep it off, she is a shining example herself and gives lots of fabulous information for all you hypnosis professionals or those with an avid interest! Go and have a listen of that episode here: 

2017 Highlights

At the end of each year, I spend some time reflecting on the year we have had here at the college; assessing how we measured up with regards to goals set for the year, examining the contribution we made to the field of hypnotherapy in general, how the college and myself as Principal and main driving force behind the college have developed and moved forwards. I like to examine what we could do better, though it always gives a chance to recognise the things that went well during that previous year.

2017 was a great year for me and this college. This week, on the college blog, I wrote about and shared some of the highlights that really stand out from 2017 and reflected upon the year gone by for the college, have a read here:

Our Hypnotherapy College Highlights of 2017 and Exciting Times for 2018

In the second half of that article I mention that among my plans for 2018, I shall be teaching in a much broader range of venues and destinations. I will announce details soon, but I shall be teaching seminars in Hull, Cardiff, Norwich, London and Birmingham in coming months and I shall also be teaching at events in Iceland, Denmark, Australia and the US this year, so if you are in any of those places and have wanted to come and train with me, then let me know and I can give you more detailed information as I have it.

Finally, if you have ever downloaded a prospectus for any of my courses then this week you will have received an email from me about our "January Sale" on course fees for courses and seminars being offered online and in the classroom for the year ahead. You may have unsubscribed previously and not got the emails and this may still be of interest to you. If you'd like to train with me this year (or are just weighing up whether to or not), simply email me and I'll send you on details of the incredible offer we have available for the next two weeks.

Festive Holidays Good For Mental Health?
Just before New Year, I came into the office to get things up straight ready for my return, and I ended up writing an article...

Writing about the psychological impact of Christmas and the festive season is something I have meant to do for a few years now, yet I’ve stopped myself in the previous couple of years due to the initial findings of exploring the psychological scientific literature. Initially it makes for pretty discouraging reading…..

Two large reviews (Friedberg, 1990; Sansone & Sansone, 2011) indicate Christmas holidays tend to result in an increase in certain types of psychopathology; worsening of mood and alcohol related fatalities in particular. They do also suggest that there is an overall decrease in such issues just before Christmas, but the opposite is true following Christmas and these issues tend to increase just after Christmas. Upon reading these reviews, you might end up buying in to some of the urban legends that suggest Christmas is bad for mental health in general. If you look closer at these two reviews though, they also indicate that during Christmas psychiatric patients use emergency rooms less and there is a decrease in behaviours such as self-harm. So I decided to delve deeper and thought I’d report back here on my favourite studies of Christmas psychology that aim to show you how much of a tonic Christmas can be for your mental health for a number of reasons.

Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values” – Thomas S. Monson.

For many, Christmas is a religious celebration that involves celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The good news for those people is that a 2002 study that featured in the Journal of Happiness studies entitled What Makes for a Merry Christmas? suggests that family and religious experiences are associated with more happiness during holidays.

Can we benefit from Christmas without being religious? There is strong research, such as the 2012 Holiday Health Experiment carried out by Nuffield Health and Kuoni that suggests simply taking holiday time is good for our health. Christmas is still a time when people all over the world celebrate and enjoy time together as individuals, families, and communities. For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, for others, it is less so. In the article, I wanted to focus on what the psychological benefits of Christmas really are and how you can actually ensure that the Christmas Holidays (or any holidays) boost your mental health and well-being. So go and have a read of this article and the science supporting it, I think you'll be incredibly surprised.....

Onto today's main theme...  Having Vision!

Vision is my topic today, because it has begun, hasn’t it? All the “New Year – New You” stuff. All the articles about goals, resolutions, making changes and so on. All of which, if I am honest, I love. It seems pretty fashionable to say that we should be that way inclined and focused all year round, but I think it is good to have a period of time to re-focus, to turn a leaf, to let go if need be and new year is a great time for that. Goals, resolutions and everything else that gets spoken about a great deal at new year are advanced greatly if they are built upon the foundation of a vision. With today’s article then, I want to help you to clarify and craft a powerful vision for your life and for what you want to achieve. That vision transforms you into an individual with a mission. This spreads and echoes into every area of your life.

The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision” ~ Helen Keller.

A clear vision for one’s life answers questions such as – Where do you want to be in the future? What do you want to accomplish? What is the destination that you want to arrive at? How does the destination look like? Why do you want to get there? When do you want to get there? However, asking yourself those questions first, is also a great way to start honing your vision. I’d recommend taking some time out and examining those questions as a means of working towards your vision for your life.

A clear vision points you towards what you want to be in life. Knowing your destination will keep you traveling on the right road, even if you go off track or get lost, you are able to reset and get back on track. When you have vision, it gives clarity going forward. Create a vision before you set your goals for the new year ahead. In simple terms, goals tend to be the “how” you achieve something; such as running every day, creating a business plan for the year ahead, spending more time with your family. Vision, on the other hand, is much more about your reasons “why.” When you reflect at the end of this year, what do you want to see? What do you want to get out of life?

Once you have started asking the above questions about yourself, you then want to start examining what drives you and what your sense of purpose is. Have a read of this article to help you with that: What Is Your Life Purpose? 5 Ways To Discover It Today.

Your vision should embody a sense of your purpose in life and reflect who you are, what values you hold and how you view yourself and the life you wish to lead.

There’s nothing wrong with setting goals. I recommend doing that. In fact, a well-crafted personal vision for your life should be leading you to being more goal-focused.

The Power And Purpose Of A Vision Board:
A vision board is a board that you have divided into certain important areas of your life, and then you add pictures that inspire you and that form part of the vision you have fir yourself to the different areas on the vision board. I have a new one every year, it is part of the new year for me. For many, vision boards are a bit old hat, but they have the potential to be awesome and create a major effect in your life. No matter what approach you take – big or small, tech or no-tech, physical or imaginary – the point is that vision boards are meant to serve as a daily reminder of what you’re working towards. They’re meant to consistently focus you and your efforts. Unlike resolutions, vision boards are not something that you say today and forget tomorrow. They’re not just a fleeting thought that’s easily forgotten. They’re not a potentially uninspiring to-do list that can easily get lost in pile of papers. Instead, they speak to you and remind you daily with words and images that resonate with the unique outcome that you want to come alive in your life. They can spark a fire in your soul that motivates you to keep going and pressing through when challenges and setbacks come your way.

What you think, you become” ~ Buddha.

The concept is an old one, but as an added bonus, it’s backed by science and solid principles. You’ll know that we are all impacted by our own thoughts and feelings throughout each day. Many authors have highlighted how the subtle goings on in our everyday lives can add up to profound outcomes. For this reason, it makes sense to keep your vision board prominently displayed every day in a place that you’re sure not to miss. These days, using apps like Evernote, my clients and I tend to focus on goals, positive affirmations, gratitude lists and much more – your vision can be revisited regularly that way too.

Three Steps To Help Realise Your Vision:
Creating and realising your vision is not as hard as some may think. At the beginning of any vision, you start by envisioning the best version of yourself in any life area you choose. Let’s look at the 3 steps in more detail, go read the full article here:

Creating a Vision For Your life.

A Gift To You
On the college blog last year, I also wrote about something very exciting that I hoped you'd be excited about too. SOme of you were, and certainly enough of you were for me to keep this open a bit longer.

We set things up on our online membership area, so that anyone can go and have 5 days completely free access to everything.

That’s right, you can now go and watch video footage of
  • our hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our advanced hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy certificate,
  • our hypnotic coaching certification course,
  • our hypnotherapist business development academy course,
  • our science of self-hypnosis seminar,
  • our rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena for hypnotherapists seminar,
  • our specialist lectures and additional materials galore – all for free!

Go and have a read of this article at the college website for more detail and information on this offer:

In that article, I listed a number (ten, to be precise) articles that I have written in the last decade that I believe to be incredibly important. They give a sense of the vision I have for the field of professional hypnotherapy and they offer up a huge amount of resource for anyone interested in this field whether new to the field, or those of you that are seasoned professionals.

If you want to get a good feel for this college and our ethos and what we stand for, then have a read of these articles. They demonstrate so much of what we believe is important for the hypnotherapy field to develop credibly and effectively.

If you are a hypnotherapist, then I highly recommend the investment of 10 minutes of your time to read these articles, they are ram-packed full of useful information even if you do not choose to study with me, they’ll benefit you greatly: 

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, photos and loads of articles from our vaults (including some really controversial ones from the past few years!!) and some other bits and pieces. You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Working With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working or studying with me, here are the pages to go and do that: 

1. Would you like a satisfying and meaningful career as a hypnotherapist helping others?
Are you a hypnotherapist looking for stimulating and career enhancing continued professional development and advanced studies?
We have a range of classroom based and home study courses offering the most comprehensive and highest quality education in the hypnotherapy and hypnosis fields:

Joke Of The Week
Of course, we have New Year jokes this week! 

What is a New Years Resolution?
Something that goes in one year and out the other.

What Did Che Guevara Make on New Years Day?
A new years REVOLUTION

What's a Cow's Favorite Holiday?
MOO Years Day!

Hahahaha, I know they are groan-tastic, but they put a smile on my face!
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Get In Touch:-
Do feel free to contact me if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, or anything else.  I am very accessible and love hearing from you.  

Email or Web Contact

You can reply to this email and use that email address, or visit my personal website or college website and use the contact pages there to send a message - I'll always reply within one working day and if you do not get a reply within that timeframe, I won't have received your message. 


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)


That's it for this week's edition, how did I do?

I shall be back next week; in the meantime, I wish you a truly wonderful start to the new year, I send you much love and my very best wishes,


Adam Eason.

AE College Of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis