Latest Edition of Adam Up - An Open Mind and a Big Mouth?

Published: Thu, 01/18/18

Jan #3
Edition #630
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

It has been an incredible and busy week for me this week. I am writing this just a few minutes prior to you receiving it rather than with my usual amount of preparation. That is because I have just got back home after a day of lecturing at Bournemouth University. It's made me want to share my thoughts on people who are "all mouth" more on that in a moment... We are more importantly going to focus in on the benefits of being open-minded today and I cite some great research on that topic while also giving tips on how to be more open-minded, let's get on with it, shall we?

Hypnosis Weekly

There's no new podcast this week, so you can use that as an opportunity to go and catch up with some past episodes, but ready yourself for some incredible upcoming editions, I have a titan of an academic guest coming up, and I have a major UK organisation as my guest on a show coming up, and I have some other wonderful guests, can't wait to share it all with you, go subscribe and tune in if you haven't already.....

The Hypnosis Geek UK Tour

I mentioned it last week, I am going to be on tour a bit this year. I am coming North to Hull. I am going East to Norwich. I am going west to Cardiff. I am going to the midlands in Birmingham and I'll be in London and here in the south often as always on the south coast in Bournemouth. Wherever you are based in the UK, I hope you'll be able to access my seminars this year.

My rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena for hypnotherapists seminar is coming to all these venues, and so is my science of self-hypnosis seminar. Many of the dates are at weekends, so there's no excuse. Each is less than £100.00 to attend (plus Vat) and you can read about the course, grab all the dates, details about course content and more by downloading a free prospectus at these two pages on my website, come and join me in your neck of the woods:

All Mouth?
The reason there has been no new podcast this week is because I have been so busy, with clients, with new projects, with my research and with lecturing for a full day today. I feel really proud of my self and what my college has achieved in the last year in line with our vision and aims for the field of hypnotherapy. So even though my aim was to write about my day, reflect upon it and give a mini review as I tend to do on my blog after these events, I also got something off my chest in my report also.... Hypnotherapists and hypnotherapy training schools who are "all mouth" - hahahahaha, I can barely believe I'm using the term, but I have written about it and I hope you'll understand where I am coming from, go have a read.....

Onto today's main theme... 
Being open-minded.

Open-minded is something I think comes with the territory when you work in the hypnosis field as a hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy trainer. I instruct and request my clients, students and attendees to adopt an open-mind as a prerequisite to my courses, seminars, books, lectures or one-to-one sessions. Why would I do that? What does it mean to be open-minded? That is what today’s article is all about.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”George Bernard

Being open-minded can be really tough sometimes. Many of us are brought up with a set of beliefs and values and, throughout our lives, tend to surround ourselves with people who share similar values and beliefs. Therefore, it can be difficult when we’re faced with ideas that challenge our own and, though we may wish to be open-minded, we may struggle with the act of it from time to time.

Like most people, you may have some pretty strong views about specific topics and find it hard to sway from those opinions — no matter how others might try to persuade you. Of course, having strong beliefs can be a wonderful thing and we should all stay true to some of what we believe in, but having strong beliefs doesn’t have to mean having a closed mind.

There is much to be gained from opening the door to your mind and letting new ideas and beliefs come in. People who are open-minded are willing to change their views when presented with new facts and evidence. In a paper entitled When self-perceptions of expertise increase closed-minded cognition: The earned dogmatism effect (link on the web page of this article) published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers from Loyola University of Chicago found that those who consider themselves to be experts in their fields are often more closed-minded to alternative viewpoints.

This is a BIG bug-bear of mine in my own professional field. I attend conferences whereby delegates simply want to have what they already know confirmed, rather than learn anything new, or have what they already know challenged. Instead, they often defend their own stance and attack aspects of anything new or challenging. I’ve written about this theme a couple of times, have a read of these articles:

a) Why Prominent Hypnotherapists and Hypnotherapy Training Schools Need To Know How To Take Criticism.
b) Critical Thinking: Its Importance and Ways to Improve It.
c) The Cult of Anti-Intellectualism and Ignorance In the Field of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis.
d) Anecdotal Hogwash From Hypnotherapists and Why Hypnotherapists Need Critical thinking Skills.

Being open-minded, however, goes beyond accepting new ideas or expressing flexibility. It includes the understanding that sometimes your expertise can only go so far – and that’s okay. Though you may disagree with other’s opinions, it’s important to be open-minded and accept that they might be onto something that’s worth pursuing, yet is outside your repertoire of successful tactics. This may require an added dose of patience and humility on your part, but in the end, you will both benefit from the learning opportunity and develop a stronger relationship.
So, before you communicate with anyone personally or professionally, keep these tips on being open-minded in your back pocket and watch them work wonders for you, go read the full article with all the steps and tips here:

Access All Areas!

If you cannot make it to one of my classes this year and would still like to train with me, or study with me, then as I've mentioned here in recent weeks,
we have set things up on our online membership area, so that anyone can go and have 5 days completely free access to everything.

That’s right, you can now go and watch video footage of
  • our hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our advanced hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy certificate,
  • our hypnotic coaching certification course,
  • our hypnotherapist business development academy course,
  • our science of self-hypnosis seminar,
  • our rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena for hypnotherapists seminar,
  • our specialist lectures and additional materials galore – all for free!

Go and have a read of this article at the college website for more detail and information on this offer:

In that article, I listed a number (ten, to be precise) articles that I have written in the last decade that I believe to be incredibly important. They give a sense of the vision I have for the field of professional hypnotherapy and they offer up a huge amount of resource for anyone interested in this field whether new to the field, or those of you that are seasoned professionals.

If you want to get a good feel for this college and our ethos and what we stand for, then have a read of these articles. They demonstrate so much of what we believe is important for the hypnotherapy field to develop credibly and effectively.

If you are a hypnotherapist, then I highly recommend the investment of 10 minutes of your time to read these articles, they are ram-packed full of useful information even if you do not choose to study with me, they’ll benefit you greatly: 

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, photos and loads of articles from our vaults (including some really controversial ones from the past few years!!) and some other bits and pieces.

You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Working With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working or studying with me, here are the pages to go and do that: 

1. Would you like a satisfying and meaningful career as a hypnotherapist helping others?
Are you a hypnotherapist looking for stimulating and career enhancing continued professional development and advanced studies?
We have a range of classroom based and home study courses offering the most comprehensive and highest quality education in the hypnotherapy and hypnosis fields:

Joke Of The Week
In line with one of my themes this week, how about a couple of salesmen jokes.....

1.How do salespeople traditionally greet each other? “Hi. Nice to meet you. I m better than you.”

2. A door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman manages to bull his way into a woman’s home in a rural area. “This machine is the best ever” he exclaims, whilst pouring a bag of dirt over the lounge floor. The woman says she’s really worried it may not all come off, so the salesman says, “If this machine doesn’t remove all the dust completely, I ll lick it off myself.” “Do you want ketchup on it?” she says, “we re not connected for electricity yet!”

3. No, no, no! said the enraged businessman to the persistent salesman. “I cannot see you today!” “That’s fine,” said the salesman, “I m selling spectacles.”
Hahahaha, thank you to all who send me jokes or tag me in them online. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Get In Touch:-
Do feel free to contact me if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, or anything else.  I am very accessible and love hearing from you.  

Email or Web Contact

You can reply to this email and use that email address, or visit my personal website or college website and use the contact pages there to send a message - I'll always reply within one working day and if you do not get a reply within that timeframe, I won't have received your message. 


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)


That's it for this week's edition, how did I do? A bit of 'getting on one' here and there, but hopefully not veering into whining....

I shall be back next week; in the meantime, I thank you for being a very valued reader, I appreciate you and hope to reward you greatly going forward with the year, I send you much love and my very best wishes,


Adam Eason.

What Does ‘Buloo!’ Mean Adam?
AE College Of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis