**, - Adam Up - Being Invincible

Published: Thu, 12/14/17

Dec #2
Edition #626
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

This has been a memorable week for a few reasons; both my children have had their school nativity plays and are getting very excited about Christmas, we received some surprise shocking news in my family (I will sort of refer to this later on, but it is not really the kind of thing I am ready to discuss publicly just yet), and the day arrived whereby I was due to lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine - presenting on the topic of my research and work at the RSM's Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine Section annual David Waxman memorial lecture. 

It was not really the kind of event where you could take selfies from the lectern as I tend to do at many other such events, but I managed to take plenty of photos and wrote in detail about the event over at my college website, you can go and have a read here:

New Vlog

Additionally, I have started recording a weekly Vlog on my college website...

There will be another posted on the college website before the weekend, but having been away for most of this week, I've not been able to get that completed yet.  You can go and watch the previous two videos I've recorded in recent weeks if you missed them previously:  

1. Those who have read my 'Science of Self-Hypnosis' book or been on one of my science of self-hypnosis seminars will be aware that I tend to favour a sociocognitive model of hypnosis as a means of explaining and conceptualising hypnosis. It is simple, tends to be favoured by many academics, researchers and prominent authors, it empowers the individual and inherently creates self-efficacy and moves away from explaining hypnosis in terms of a conscious/unconscious mind or as an altered state of consciousness (both of which lack evidence to support despite being so popular among front line hypnotherapists).

In class, at the beginning of our diploma course, I explain a wide number of models of hypnosis and also explain my preference (and positive bias) for the sociocognitive model of hypnosis. For those just starting out in this field and for those who have perhaps trained previously and be taught just one singular way of explaining hypnosis, the sociocognitive model might seem like a challenge to explain in simple terms to clients.

The model comprises of a number of modulating factors the come together to heighten suggestibility and create hypnosis and hypnotic responding. Those modulating factors (attitudes, expectations, role adoption, motivation etc) might take a while to explain and might be difficult to socialise the client to that model, especially if the client has preconceived notions of what hypnosis is or how they want it to be.

Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to import one of the ABC models used in the field of cognitive behavioural therapy – Antecedents, Beliefs and Consequences to form a simple way to start sowing the seeds of how hypnosis works and how you can use it according to the sociocognitive perspective… And I recorded a short video all about that, I hope you enjoy it and find it useful…..

2. In this video clip, I give a broad and simplified version of how to import the fundamental principles and approaches of cognitive therapy (as per the originators Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis) into the hypnotherapists offerings and form the real basic foundations of cognitive hypnotherapy.

I do so using an outline of a thought form and in the video I explain first of all how the thought form would be used by the client, and the purposes of it. Then I explain how it is used by the client and explain how that overriding process also illustrates some key stages of cognitive hypnotherapy in terms of moving from cognitive awareness, cognitive disputation and through to the ultimate aim of cognitive restructuring.

I then show a few of the kinds of tools, skills and techniques that we have and that we learn to apply as hypnotherapists to carry out that process and journey towards cognitive restructuring

Excuse my handwriting and the blip in the middle where the recording got lost as I had not turned the phone function of my phone off!! I’m such a pro!

Enjoy this video about cognitive hypnotherapy anyway.

College Blog

On the college blog last week, I also wrote about something very exciting that I hope you'll be excited about too. 

The festive season has arrived. With it being the month of December, the time of giving, I am giving you hypnotherapists the gift of education…..

You know what we’ve gone and done? We have set things up on our online membership area, so that anyone can go and have 5 days completely free access to everything.

That’s right, you can now go and watch video footage of our
  • hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our advanced hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course,
  • our cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy certificate,
  • our hypnotic coaching certification course,
  • our hypnotherapist business development academy course,
  • our science of self-hypnosis seminar,
  • our rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena for hypnotherapists seminar,
  • our specialist lectures and additional materials galore – all for free!

Go and have a read of this article at the college website for more detail and information on this offer:

In that article, I listed a number (ten, to be precise) articles that I have written in the last decade that I believe to be incredibly important. They give a sense of the vision I have for the field of professional hypnotherapy and they offer up a huge amount of resource for anyone interested in this field whether new to the field, or those of you that are seasoned professionals. I decided to write about these articles a bit this week too. 

I highlight these things articles often, but I wanted to write a brief article that had them all in the same place.

If you want to get a good feel for this college and our ethos and what we stand for, then have a read of these articles. They demonstrate so much of what we believe is important for the hypnotherapy field to develop credibly and effectively.

If you are a hypnotherapist, then I highly recommend the investment of 10 minutes of your time to read these articles, they are ram-packed full of useful information even if you do not choose to study with me, they’ll benefit you greatly: 

Being Invincible

Onto today's main theme and article. 

I have had to attempt to be invincible this week as someone very close to me was diagnosed as being very poorly. I had to do my best to compartmentalise my own feelings for a period of time. It made me want to write about the topic of developing a sense of invincibility as I think at this time of year in particular, a sense of invincibility helps us towards our New Year goals and helps us in a wide number of other ways too. 

Invincible, what does it mean?

Here is what the dictionary says;

[in-vin-suh-buh l]
1. incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.
2. insuperable; insurmountable:

When did you last feel invincible? What does it mean to you, to feel invincible?

Have you ever felt invincible?

For me, I have felt invincible when I have weightlifted a personal best weight, or run a good race at a marathon or ultra-running event, or enjoyed some success with a professional project, or excelled with a personal goal.

I recall how I used to feel during the seemingly long Summer holidays when I was at school, when I’d play out all day long every day playing football, chasing around on bikes, climbing trees and living an energetic carefree existence, which may be the reason that I feel so invincible when I am lost in playing with my own children.

Being self-employed makes me feel invincible often; I get to dictate my own life, be in control of it, create new ways of earning my living and develop my career, it gives a sense of freedom and comfort in life, yet so few seem to feel anything other than vulnerable and terrified at the reality of being self-employed in this current economic climate.

When we are invincible, we are energised, driven and fearless, and this is an incredibly useful way to be at times in your life.

  • What goals do you have for your life both personally and professionally?
  • Why haven’t you achieved those goals?
  • Has anything stopped you from reaching the level of success in life that you desire?
There is no need to feel frustrated if there is currently a gap between where you want to be and where you are currently. You can actually create purposeful autonomy and have power over your own fate. Being invincible, and having the feeling of invincibility is exactly what you need to triumph over obstacles and achieve more of your goals and aspirations and begin to move your life in the direction you wish.

Many people that I encounter in my consulting rooms are living a bit of nightmare when they believe that their life is a result of causes other than their own doing; they blame too much sometimes.

So much of what happens in life is actually a result of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. All of which you can combine and unify with an awe-inspiring sense of feeling invincible.

We are nearing the new year, setting goals, looking forward with optimism, so now is the time to tap into your invincibility.

Today’s main article is all about how to do that.

Go and have a read, I think you'll be greatly rewarded for doing so: 

Self-Hypnosis Online Store
Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, photos from my life, loads of articles from our vaults (including some really controversial ones from the past few years!!) and some other bits and pieces. You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:


Working With Adam

For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working or studying with me, here are the pages to go and do that: 

1. Would you like a satisfying and meaningful career as a hypnotherapist helping others?
Are you a hypnotherapist looking for stimulating and career enhancing continued professional development and advanced studies?
We have a range of classroom based and home study courses offering the most comprehensive and highest quality education in the hypnotherapy and hypnosis fields:

Need A Website? 

The weekly podcast broadcast would not be possible without Tom Watson, who sponsors Adam Up and puts it all together each week.  

If you need a website then do please pay him a visit here: 
Joke Of The Week
In line with this week's theme....

  • Sometimes I write "Drink Wine" on my to-do list just so I feel like I accomplished something. 

  • "I've developed a new philosophy. I only dread one day at a time." - Charlie Brown

  • And finally, one of my favourite little poems that used make me laugh out loud as a boy..... 
    I wish I were a glow worm. 
    A glow worm's never glum.
    'Cause how can you be grumpy,
    ​​​​​​​when the sun shines out your bum?!  ​​​​​​​

Hahaha, love those. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

AE College Of Self-Hypnosis