**, - Adam Up - Physical Exercise Boosts Mental Health

Published: Thu, 11/30/17

Nov #5
Edition #624
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

Black Friday

You know what?   I jumped on the Black Friday bandwagon at the end of last week. I have never done that before. However, I resisted the urge to embrace "Cyber-Monday" mainly because I did not really know what it meant or whether it actually meant we'd be invaded by metallic armies of robot-like beings.... (doff of the cap to Dr Who there; explaining for those baffled by my comment)

Anyway, we've had some email challenges and so if you did not receive one of my emails with the Black Friday offers about some of our courses (online and classroom), then get in touch with me via email and I'll advise you of the details and keep the offers open for another 24 hours or so.

Ok, onto today...
The Sociocognitive Model

One of the things we talk about quite early on in my hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course is the variety of different explanations of hypnosis along with there being no real universal definition of hypnosis and heck, that is a discussion for another day and not one I'm going to exhaust in an ezine article or video clip!

If you've read my 'Science of Self-Hypnosis' book or been on my 'Science of Self-Hypnosis' seminar in particular, you'll be very aware that I tend to explain hypnosis in terms of a sociocognitive model. I know it sounds complex, but it is actually really simple, straightforward, easy to understand and makes a huge amount of sense. 

As a way of explaining hypnosis, it suits me. It empowers the individual engaging in self-hypnosis or hetero-hypnosis by creating more self-efficacy (that is, it makes the individual feel more confident and capable in their own ability rather than thinking hypnosis is totally reliant on the hypnotist). It is a model that is favoured by a wide number of academics, researchers and prominent authors and sits well with me and the way I work with clients.

What's more, it has good scientific grounding and a good evidence base to support it, unlike many of the more fantastical explanations of hypnosis. 

The sociocognitive model is explained in terms of a number of 'modulating factors' (such as expectancy, attitude, motivated, adopting the role of being hypnotised etc) that come together to create a mindset that the individual adopts and which results in hypnosis and heightened suggestibility etc - though this is it in a nutshell. 

Lots of my students and graduates, especially those who have trained elsewhere previously and perhaps are used to explaining hypnosis in terms of conscious/subconscious mind or altered states of consciousness, for example (both popular ideas but they do lack good evidence to support them), sometimes find it difficult to explain the sociocognitive model and it feels a bit clunky to have to explain all the various modulating factors and components of it. 

Therefore I often explain hypnosis using one of the ABC models that CBT practitioners will be very aware of - in terms of ABC - antecedents, beliefs and consequences. My clients find it simple to follow and so do my students and graduates, so I recorded a brief video about that, I hope you find it useful. 

I shall be recording a weekly video snippet explaining areas of the hypnosis world from now on - this one is aimed more at those with some training and background in the subject already. 

Anyway, go and have a watch, it is less than 10 minutes long: New Vlog: Simple ABC Explanation of the Sociocognitive Model of Hypnosis.

Physical Exercise Boosts Mental Health

Onto this week's main article.... 

Physical exercise boosts mental health – I mention this often, but have never really gone into detail about it. Today I thought I would do so…..

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.”  
Gene Tunney   

Many of us know the physical benefits of a healthy body such as
  • improved cardiovascular health,
  • increased muscle mass and getting, 
  • maintaining your desired physique.
but how many know about the added benefits for the mind, brain and mental health?

Physical exercise boosts mental health too!

For many years now scientists have wondered how exercise helps brain function. Studies show that any form of exercise boosts mental health and is beneficial for brain health; so going for that walk in the park, going for a run or hitting the gym is of benefit for the mind as well as the body.

I know I always feel much better after exercising and I wanted to explore that in a bit more depth. Some of the mental health benefits of physical exercise are outlined below and so I hope you let them inspire you into action leading to a healthier happier lifestyle.

Can help keep depression at bay:
Exercise has been proven to be at least as effective as medication in treating mild depression for most people who take on a structured exercise plan. Those who exercise frequently are also less likely to become depressed than those who are inactive.

“For some people it works as well as antidepressants, although exercise alone isn’t enough for someone with severe depression,”
Dr. Michael Craig Miller, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

There are various theories that explain the link between depression and exercise, the most well-known of which being the endorphin theory. High-intensity exercise releases the body’s feel-good chemicals called endorphins, resulting in the “runner’s high” that many runners report.

You can read more about that with this article here:
Getting and Using the Runner’s High.

Aside from more complex mechanisms, however, the simple fact is that exercising is distracting (in a positive way), gets you out of the house and makes you feel better about your body also goes some way to explaining why exercise is effective at beating depression.

Exercise is helpful for the majority of people who experience mild depression but it is not a silver bullet when it comes to moderate or severe depression. In more extreme cases, you should seek medical help in conjunction with maintaining a healthy exercise routine.

Have a good read of the rest of the reasons, along with access to the scientific studies I cite here in the full article:

If you want to see for yourself that exercise boosts mental health, then get into a routine; most of the evidence suggests that you engage in exercise by doing something that you will sustain and ideally something you enjoy so that you keep it up and engage in it regularly.

Read these articles to help you with that greatly:

Self-Hypnosis Online Store
Social Media

This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, photos from my life, loads of articles from our vaults (including some really controversial ones from the past few years!!) and some other bits and pieces. You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:


Working With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working or studying with me, here are the pages to go and do that: 

1. Would you like a satisfying and meaningful career as a hypnotherapist helping others?
Are you a hypnotherapist looking for stimulating and career enhancing continued professional development and advanced studies?
We have a range of classroom based and home study courses offering the most comprehensive and highest quality education in the hypnotherapy and hypnosis fields:

Need A Website? 

The weekly podcast broadcast would not be possible without Tom Watson, who sponsors Adam Up and puts it all together each week.  

If you need a website then do please pay him a visit here: 
Joke Of The Week
A lovely one I was tweeted this week: 

  • I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger...Then it hit me.

Hahahaha, enjoyed that, and how about some others in keeping with this week's theme.....

  • My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.. Now he's 97 years old and we don't know where the hell he is. 

  • I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing..

  • If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.

  • You know you're still in good shape if you can touch your toes. Using your boobs doesn't count. 

  • Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
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Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
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Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

AE College Of Self-Hypnosis