Onto today’s main article. My main theme this week, has been learning to have a better relationship with yourself.
A better
relationship with yourself – something we all could do with, even if just occasionally….
“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.” ‑ Sri Ravi Shankar.
When looking to develop a better relationship with yourself, first ask yourself: Do you judge yourself fairly, comfort yourself when you messed up and have encouraging thoughts when trying something new? Or are you not happy with who you are, what you do, who you are with and what you have? Are you overly critical of yourself and hard on yourself?
Well this week,
regardless of your answers to the above questions, I’ve been writing about developing a loving friendship with yourself; having a better relationship with yourself – something which as I’ve already said, we all can benefit greatly from.
Many people struggle to have a better relationship with themselves due to lacking self-belief and having a poor
Surefire Ways to Undermine Your Self-image:
• Comparing yourself to others – your peer group, strangers online, celebrities
• Pretending you’ve got it together – exciting life, success, glamour
• Believing that you are not okay as you are but should be better or different
• Dwelling on what’s wrong with you, your faults, failures and
what you lack
• Difficulties finding any positive qualities about yourself
• Trying to meet some standard of perfection, whatever perfect means to you (or others)
What Is Happening Inside Your Mind?
You might be so used to self-doubt, self-criticism, self-neglect, even self-loathing, hate or shame that it almost seems normal. Fat, ugly, stupid, boring, a klutz, too nerdy, a freak … Whatever ideas you have about yourself, they were formed by you and
have been influenced by others and the way you have interpreted life experiences.
Do go and read this article if you have ever suffered from self-doubt:
You may have absorbed as your ‘truth’ demeaning messages about yourself at different stages in your life, through a variety of experiences. That ‘truth’ will stay with you until you see it for what it was: unfair, unjustified, loveless, cruel or at best
thoughtless. If your damaged self-image is reinforced by the cultural and social environment you live in, and especially the media, it’s no wonder your internal world turns dark on occasions and you have a hard time liking yourself.
“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself” – Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being
Go have a read of this week’s new article on this subject and start developing a better relationship with yourself:
I’ve been working with a client recently who told me that he thought everyone in his office should have hypnotherapy sessions to improve and levee mood at a tough time for the business he worked in. So earlier this week, I also
shared online a LOAD of techniques and strategies for elevating mood. Engage in these processes and you’ll be bouncing and brimming with joy.
Here are plenty of ways to help elevate your mood, go explore and have a good read: