**, - Adam Up - Minimalism and Darkness

Published: Thu, 09/14/17

Sep #2
Edition #613
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

This week, I have announced so much for those of you that have an avid interest in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, those of you with existing training and experience and those of you that are totally new to the field. 
Hypnosis Weekly
The Hypnosis weekly podcast returns with a great episode featuring my guest Dipti Tait, her and I talk about some of her amazing hypnotic experiences and discuss the topic of grief, something we’ve not covered on the podcast before, go have a listen: 

This week, I took my daughter for her first day at school. Last week, my son had moved up into year one at the same school, both my babies are now firmly school pupils and I could not help feel slightly emotional at the pace by which they are growing up.

Likewise though, I get emotional at the end of every academic year when our students graduate. 

And yes, it is that time of year when I get excited about getting to see some you again at the Festive season. Our legendary annual Christmas party is booked and I hope you’ll come and join me for it, you can either email me to tell me you’d like to come, or simply follow the instructions and add yourself to the numbers at this page of the hub, where you can also read all about it: Christmas Party 2017.

There is an additional reason to come and join us for that event this year, because late that afternoon, I will also be presenting a majorly important lecture at the Marsham Court Hotel that I’d love you to come and join me for.

I have mentioned to a great many people, with great pride I hasten to add, that my ongoing research is about to be published in the Psychology of Consciousness journal, that I have been presenting that paper to world renowned researchers and academics (including Irving Kirsch) and as a result, I have been asked to present a lecture on this paper at the Royal Society of Medicine’s annual David Waxman memorial event in December this year.

One of the things about the Royal Society of Medicine is that they do not believe hypnosis or therapeutic hypnosis skills should be taught to non-medical professionals That is, they will not teach hypnotherapy to anyone other than doctors, nurses, dentists etc. Therefore, I am offering the same lecture here in Bournemouth prior to our Christmas party too.

For those that are interested in the theory, my research findings, and what the major depth of self-hypnosis research says about the ‘best practice’ of self-hypnosis, I am offering a full academic presentation and lecture, virtually free (a nominal fee of £3.50 to cover room hire cost) to hypnotherapists, psychologists and those with an active interest, sharing my consultations with prominent researchers and academics as well as unearthing many seemingly controversial notions regarding self-hypnosis.

This will be held on December the 20th, 2017 at 5pm-6.30pm, and here is an excerpt of the abstract to whet your appetite for now:

The notion of ‘self-hypnosis’ is ubiquitous in the hypnosis literature, but whilst the definition is itself clear enough (inducing oneself into the hypnosis process), there is little consistency in methods used to produce it.

For example, many permit the use of audio tapes of other voices inducing hypnosis. Whilst no one else is physically present in the room, the process is effectively indistinguishable from hetero-hypnosis (hypnosis by another person).

Indeed, many researchers hold that self-hypnosis and hetero-hypnosis are in fact the same thing.

This might however be in large part to the mixed approach to establishing self-hypnosis methodologically. The notion that self-hypnosis exists is theoretically important, since the notion of self-hypnosis is a direct challenge to dissociation theories of hypnosis (Kirsch & Lynn, 1998).

Here we will discuss the history of self-hypnosis, systematically review key studies in the self-hypnosis literature, whilst highlighting methodological differences between studies, compare self- and hetero-hypnosis, discuss the benefits of self-hypnosis, compare self-hypnosis to other related forms of treatment such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Meditation, and finally present a research-informed “best-practice” model that can be used to enhance the benefits of self-hypnosis.

= End of abstract.

This lecture will have no practical content, it is one for theoreticians and super hypnosis geeks. If you are interested in the latest, ground breaking research regarding self-hypnosis, you won’t want to miss this lecture as it is a presentation of the world’s first systematic literature review of the subject and includes the most up-to-date evidence. All present will get copies of the slides and a couple of preparatory PDFs to aid them during the lecture.

The only other people who will have access to this information will be those who buy the peer-reviewed journal article or those medically trained professionals who attend the Royal Society of Medicine presentation the week before.

Again, you can email me to book yourself on, or you can add yourself to this page of the hub, where you can read all about it too: Science of Self-Hypnosis Lecture
Advanced Diploma Course:
I am going to be running the advanced diploma course every two years from now on. It will be run again in 2018, we have set dates and the class is filling up. 

Just this week, Linda Bromage, a qualified hypnotherapist and serious researcher wrote this on Facebook about the advanced course:

“I took this course last year and can honestly say it challenged me in the right way! I learned and understood much more than my training to date at that time- and was re inspired with new methods and technigues- all that are evidence based and therefore recognised as effective therapy in line with professional and ethical standards of a medical model of hypnosis”

If you fancy it, get in touch with me or go and have a read of this article I wrote this week at the college website as it contains a MAJOR offer for those of you who are already qualified hypnotherapists:

Delve Into Darkness And Embrace It

This week, I also wrote about a self-hypnosis process that I use a great deal and that I teach to many of my clients and students who struggle with sleep

At first, the approach and the theme might raise a few eyebrows, but I hope I explain the reasons for the use of the process well and you’ll find great benefit and usefulness in the technique. 

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”Edgar Allan Poe

This week, I was chatting to a very lovely man who enrolled on one of my hypnotherapy training courses and I was telling him that despite us having very high educational standards and expectations of our students, despite the very high academic nature and theoretical underpinning of some of the course, I tend to draw upon cultural references to illustrate the theories in simplistic terms – in particular by drawing upon references to my love of sci-fi.

He then matched my sci-fi geekiness and we shared our love of it together for a while and we are going to get along just fine when his course starts.

One of the things we laughed about was how when we first watched the Star Wars trilogy as boys, we were drawn to the dark side. That is, the dark side of the force did seem powerful, impressive and very alluring to a young boy. Even today, now that my children are watching the films, they both have Darth Vader down as their favourite character, just like I always did, and I did nothing to influence that.

Some of my teenage years in life were punctuated with darkness. Not just as a metaphor for challenging times, but also as a choice and as a way of feeling (albeit seemingly perverse) comfort and joy. I used to play my Smiths LPs while sat in a darkened room and purposely mope and affect a kind of faux depression that would lead to quite a lot of existential angst – heck, the best poetry of my life came out of that time in my life and much art and creativity is born out of darkness that is experienced and reflected upon.

Typically, people tend to associate darkness with the negative, quite rightly so much of the time. Yet darkness has a number of purposes to serve.

“In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”Francis Bacon

Well said Francis Bacon, the yin and yang of light and darkness is often necessary for each to exist and be appreciated. Many of the dark times in my life that I referred to earlier on have ensured that I truly appreciate and understand the value and importance of the good times and the halcyon periods of my life. Many of us use dark experiences in this useful way.

Darkness is going to become a resource for us in a very different way altogether today with this self-hypnosis process.

“So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” – T. S. Eliot

This T.S Eliot quote could not sum up better the process I am offering up today and it is incredibly relevant, let me explain, just go and read this article, I think you’ll really like it….


Minimalist living has been my main theme this week.

“If you have easy self-contentment, you might have a very, very cheap source of happiness.”Leon Kass

Two things have happened in my life recently that have had a profound impact upon me.

Firstly, my family and I spent two weeks camping in France and though we had a van full of stuff, we lived in a very minimalist way, as everyone tends to do when they go camping. It was even a shame for me to come home and revert to living in a house in a number of ways. We went without so many of the things and the stuff that fills our home and our life usually as a family. I spoke with my wife about it and we met another family who had made a big decision to stop buying their children so much stuff and instead focus on experiences, the lady we met referred to it as “trips not toys” and it sounded like a great idea in so many ways.

Secondly, I have been on a major mission with regards to my eating and lifestyle. If you read a previous blog entry of mine about my Search and Destroy mission (http://www.adam-eason.com/mission-search-destroy-i-running/), you’ll know I am in the process of reducing my weight and getting my abs visible again, which I will be sharing photos of in a few weeks time. However, it has also shown me that you can eat well, in a stimulating, tasty, fulfilling fashion, without the need for so much that people often stock their cupboards with.

This is something I have nailed in my business, but until recently not applied as thoroughly to my personal life and I have been keen to change that recently and this article about minimalist living explains the reasons why. When I am mentoring or coaching, I meet individuals whose initial list of goals and ambition is overwhelming to read, let alone apply, so we often look at the essential aspects and elements of their business and work on the most important goal before anything else and we strategise accordingly – this is like having a minimalist approach to our goals, and minimalist living has a similar theme, let me explain.

Minimalistic living – or clean living – is all about getting rid of the things, thoughts, tasks – and people – you don’t need in your life. Hand on heart, if you were asked to give away half of what you own, it really wouldn’t be a problem, now would it? That’s the really easy part. Stop buying things you don’t need. Stop buying food that is not good for you.

When it comes to tasks, we need to be honest with ourselves – do we really need to do everything that is on our list? Or is it just maybe that we are hiding under the “urgent” to procrastinate the important? I encounter so many business clients who tend to get this wrong and need to simplify and get some clarity.

Removing people we don’t need in our life is a little tricky, but on occasion it is necessary. If somebody takes more of your energy than what you get in return, then politely excuse yourself from their presence. This might take a bit of practice, because as a human being you naturally don’t want anyone to feel bad. But….. Saying no to someone else does sometimes in fact mean saying yes to yourself and ensuring your needs are best met in order for you to be the best version of yourself.

To minimise thoughts is considered by some to be the most difficult part, they are the hardest to control for some people. Learn how to be mindful and aware of thoughts, and then how to manage those thoughts (if you ruminate too much, then read this article here: How To Stop Rumination and Overthinking Being Your Downfall). But once you’re there with letting go of unnecessary thoughts, it’s surprisingly easy to maintain and form as a habit.

Becoming a minimalist can change your life in many positive ways and I describe those and how to adopt it here in this article, have a read, I think it’ll prove very valuable regardless of how much of it you adopt:

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos of my early morning sunrise training at the beach photos, and some other bits and pieces. You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:
Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 


Need A Website? 
The weekly podcast broadcast would not be possible without Tom Watson, who sponsors Adam Up and puts it all together each week.  

If you need a website then do please pay him a visit here: 

New Hypnosis For Download Store
I have set up our new website and it will appear in all areas by tomorrow.   The transfer takes some time to happen.  

I will set up an opening promotion over the weekend.

Hypnotherapy Online Training - ALL LEVELS - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Joke Of The Week
In line with one of my themes this week…..

After God created 24 hours of alternating darkness and light, one of the angels asked him, “What are you going to do now?”

God said, “I think I’m going to call it a day.”

Hahaha, enjoyed that one. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
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Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
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Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Awake Media Productions Ltd