**, - Adam Up - 80% Off - Closing Down Store ...

Published: Thu, 08/31/17

Aug #4
Edition #611
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

 Adam Up 80% Offer  - Next Two Weeks - See Below
Where Have You Been Adam?
Yes, you are right, you have not had an edition of Adam Up for the past two weeks. I have been away, and I had a complete internet and social media blackout.

I had a break and you had a break from me. I hope you did not miss me too much. 

For those of you that missed it, just before I went away, I wrote about some of the science to support going for a holiday, you can have a good read here: 

Camping in France

I am back now though, and Phew! What an amazing fortnight.

Me, my wife and my two children went camping an visited a variety of places in France. I have written about my love of camping before which you can read about here: 
Importance Of Quality Family Time

One of the things I love about camping is that it demonstrates just how little you really need to live happily and satisfactoril. I love spending so much time outdoors, especially eating meals outside and sitting out until late watching the stars and talking.
I’ve also written before about the benefits of and my love for family time, which you can read about in more detail here:

Digital Detox

For the past two weeks, I have been really up close with my wife and children, all sleeping together in a tent, all eating every single one of our meals together, playing in the pool together, walking together, spending hours in the van together, swimming and paddle boarding in lakes together. It has been lovely to be camping, travelling and having plenty of adventure with my family. 

I had thought that I might post a few pics along the way, but as I wrote earlier, in the end I opted to have a complete social media and internet blackout, so I could connect with my family, not be distracted and enjoy everything fully, and also felt that I needed a bit of a digital detox. ​​​​​​​

Go read about having a digital detox here. 


It really helped me to step out of my usual reality, to really disconnect with my usual working and personal life, and create and be in a very different reality, in a variety of beautiful settings, in nature mostly, and just let go a bit.

I must admit, it was quite a shock to be back again. 

Anyway, I thought I’d share some pictures in a single blog entry to those that are interested.

Go have a look and a read here:

OK - Great Rest - So What NOW?
How About 80% Discount for Adam Up Readers
So I am now rested and got my batteries recharged.  

Now for some action...  

Well How about this as a great start!

NEWS About Hypnosis For Download Online Store

Our current online Hypnosis For Download Store is closing down.  
We have been using a company called Big Commerce.  Unfortunately they do not have all the facilities we would like to use.  

Time to move on as we have bigger plans...


We have been developing a
NEW Hyponsis For Download store.

One of the reasons is that we want to offer more facilities for our referral programmes. We are keen to enable affiliates to refer our self-hypnosis audios etc.  

In fact we have some affiliates already on board BUT the current store has limitations which we are keen to overcome - the new resources will be available in our new store.

Now here is great news for you Adam Up readers....


We will be launching our new website in two weeks on 14th September but until then we are having the best offer ever.  

In the meantime you can get an 80% Discount on everything in our current store.

Take These Steps:

  1. Go to current store: hypnosisfordownload.com
  2. Select as many products as you want
  3. During checkout please insert coupon code SALE80
  4. You will see the total change.
  5. You can use as often as you like between now and 14th September

Hypnosis Weekly

The hypnosis weekly podcast resumes this week though will not be out until tomorrow, I’ll be welcoming my friend, colleague and brilliant hypnotherapist Lindsay Shepherd, to have another “Heroes of Hypnosis” edition whereby Lindsay talks about the great man, Clark Hull and the impact he has had upon the hypnotherapy field. 

For those of you who cannot wait until tomorrow for your weekly hypnosis geek fix, then you might enjoy this little article I dug out from our vaults and re-posted this week, it features Lindsay Shepherd again, and has a great hypnosis factoid for discussion: 

I also posted this article, also from way back in 2011 that I wrote with another geek factoid, this time about Charles Dickens and his interest and dabbling in hypnosis: 


I hope they satisfy your need for hypnosis geekery until the podcast goes live sometime tomorrow. 

Fun, Fun, Fun
“Even though you’re growing up,
you should never stop having fun.”

Nina Dobrev

Those who have trained with me at my hypnotherapy training college, attended hypnotherapy sessions with me as a client, or attended any of my lectures, read my books or listened to my podcasts, I think it is obvious that I like to have some fun. If I’m honest, I doubt I could do the things I do if I did not have fun while doing it.

One of the things that has made my holiday so enjoyable, was having fun with my wife and children. Whether it was playing beach games together, fun in the swimming pool, bedtime shenanigans or just silliness and games we do while on long drives to and from different campsites, we made it all as much fun as possible.

I’ve written about related topics here before, and I strongly recommend you having a read of these articles:

Many of us are at a stage in our lives where we’re either doing what we love, or are working towards it. But, even so, there comes a time when some of it can become boring. Work can get monotonous, weekends aren’t always that exciting, and we’re occasionally feeling that our lives are coming to a standstill.

When this happens, there’s always a few small things we can do to slowly get out of the mentality of life being one big metaphorical boring desk job on a Monday morning, and give ourselves that boost we need to go on and chase our dreams or just enjoy the moments of our life a bit more.

Having fun is key.

This article offers up a number of things we can do to make life a little more interesting and engineer a bit more fun into our lives, go have a good read:

Social Media

This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos from my holiday, and some other bits and pieces, including a photo with my favourite wine and food in it all at once!
You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason ​​​​​​​

Facebook Group: Discussions and Articles
Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

Hypnotherapy Online Training - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Need A Website? 
The weekly podcast broadcast is put together by Tom Watson, who sponsors Adam Up and puts it all together each week, if you need a website then do please pay him a visit here: 
Joke Of The Week
Some holiday themed jokes and humour this week….

1. My husband was waterskiing when he fell into the river. As the boat circled to pick him up, he noticed a hunter sitting in a duck boat in the reeds. My husband put his hands in the air and joked, “Don’t shoot!”
The hunter responded, “Don’t quack.”

2. We use a really strong sunblock when we go to the beach with the kids. It’s SPF 80: You squeeze the tube, and a sweater comes out.
Lew Schneider

3. Delta Airlines is infusing its cabins with a lavender-and-chamomile scent called Calm. The Week asked its readers to come up with a better name to match “the ambience of the packed economy cabin.”
  • “Eau the Humanity” —Serena Meyer
  • “Giorgio’s Arm-on-me” —Wade Etheredge
  • “Chanel No. 5 Inches of Legroom” —Austin King 
  • “Claustrophobique” —Cynthia Pocali
  • “Mist Connection”    —Cary Berkowitz
  • “The 99 Per-scent”    —Julia Flagg
4. A hotel minibar allows you to see into the future and find out what a can of Pepsi will cost in 2020.
Comedian Rich Hall

5. L.A. public pools don’t have lifeguards—[they] have life coaches. If they see you struggling in the water, they say, “Are you happy with the decisions you’re making?” and give you a pamphlet for a yoga studio.
Craig Ferguson

Hahahaha, I really enjoyed those. 
Love those. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
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Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
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Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Awake Media Productions Ltd