**, - Adam Up - Messing With My Head ☕️

Published: Thu, 07/13/17

July #2
Edition #606
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Hypnosis Weekly
The hypnosis weekly podcast is back. And it is different.

This week’s edition is the first of a series that will pop up from time to time entitled “Heroes of Hypnosis” and will feature a former guest speaking about their own hero from the hypnosis field, talk about their history, their contribution to the field, how it influenced and effected their own work and so on.

To start us off with this new series within the podcast, I have recorded the first edition myself, all about my own hero, Emile Coué.

I talk a bit about his background and the historical context of his work, but then really do my best to condense his life work, his 3 books and the book of Charles Baudoin  who was his closest disciple, into a single recording all about ‘Conscious Autosuggestion’ and really show how Couéism’s legacy still endures today, how it has influenced so much of what we know about hypnosis and self-hypnosis and I explain the processes of his work.

It was a real pleasure for me to record about something I love so much, and I hope that comes through in this special edition, the usual format with my scheduled guest is back next week.

Go listen and enjoy, it really is one for you hypnosis geeks: 

Messing With My Head
This week, I have written about something very close to my heart, but also something that was truly messing with my head. 

Caffeine has posed some major issues for me. On one hand, it fills me with joy, energy and strength (that sees me able to run and lift more). On the other hand, it impairs my sleep quality greatly, makes me anxious, twitchy and paranoid.

My experience oscillates greatly with prolonged consumption of caffeine; that is, the benefits outweigh the downside for a short while, but then the negative aspects gather momentum and I have to stop.

This then cues 3-4 days of detox headaches and a sort of withdrawal that is generally unpleasant and as I catch up with proper deep sleep, nothing is masking how tired I feel - I tell myself that I will not drink caffeine again.

That is - until such a time has passed and I can barely recall the unpleasantness, it is a distant memory, so I convince myself it’ll be fine to have a cheeky pot of the good stuff in the Bialetti today, and then it is repeated tomorrow and until the cycle perpetuates again and again.

The dilemma has been such that I have started with a new regimen and have been drawing upon a lot of things that have been going on in my world very recently, and I’ve been so amazed with the results that I thought I’d share it all with you on my blog.

Go have a read about how I have used the placebo effect, self-hypnosis and some very cool other ideas to really get that caffeine hit without any of the side effects, and I give the process that any of you can use for yourself today too:


The sun has been shining here, I feel so happy that I chose to live my life and raise my family in such a beautiful part of the world - I get to spend time in the New Forest, at our Beach Hut and so many other beautiful places in between.

I’ve been out on the paddle board with my children, playing games and just soaking up the joy of nature and the simple things in life. It is something which helps me to feel really good about life, and to feel really optimistic about other areas of my life.

I shared that with a friend of mine, and he said that he struggled with optimism, even WITH all the wonderment that we were surrounded by.  So I mentioned that if nature was not able to help, I would, and I directed him to these articles, enjoy yourself too: 

Important Stuff
I’ve also been writing about the masses of stuff that is happening here at the moment. It has been a busy couple of weeks here. Boy has it ever.

I have just about recovered from my calf and thigh strains that I got at our annual Summer party.

The end of the academic year meant that I have a LOT of new projects going on and I really wanted to share them with you, please come and have a read about all the exciting stuff happening here: 

Advance Your Hypnotherapy

Last week, I wrote about the fact that in 2018 I shall be running my accredited advanced hypnotherapy diploma course that is for already qualified hypnotherapists. You can read that article here as it has an AMAZING deal and offer in it that expires soon, seriously, the deal includes a discount, online preparatory materials (lots!) and some one-to-one mentoring with me, if you missed that, go have a read here: 

While setting it all up, I stumbled across a mail shot I sent out to those prospectively interested in the advanced diploma course and thought I’d share a number of links from that with you here, they are very relevant to anyone seeking to advance their skills and career as a hypnotherapist: 

1. Why All Hypnotherapists Need To Know What “Shoshin” Is: I wrote this when I had just got back from teaching the first ever 5 days of my advanced course. It is relevant here, because I frame the entire advanced hypnotherapy diploma with reference to “Shoshin” a Zen Bhuddist concept that you’ll benefit from greatly even if you do not join the course. 

2. Why Are Most Hypnotherapists Unaware of The Stroop Effect and It’s Importance To The Field of Hypnosis? I was amazed at how few of the hypnotherapists I speak to around the world at conferences, trainings and conventions that simply do not know what the Stroop effect is. On this advanced hypnotherapy course, we go into great depth and explore the neuroscience and brain research findings about hypnosis, and understanding the Stroop Effect helps us start to understand some of what is revealed by neuroscience about hypnosis. 

3. The Cult of Anti-Intellectualism and Ignorance In the Field of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis: Really a piece I think is vital for hypnotherapist who wish to grow and for our field in general if we hope to develop. Don’t bow to anti-intellectualism, dare to become an erudite hypnotherapist, it’ll provide the foundations for your practical skills to grow exponentially, I assure you. 

4. Are Hypnotherapists Aware Of The Diversity Within The Field of Hypnotherapy? Is There More Than Erickson vs Elman? I wrote this because I meet so many hypnotherapists who think the two major contributors to the field of hypnosis are either Erickson or Elman. Yet scholars, researchers and academics virtually never refer to them? Why is that? 

I hope these articles help illuminate and whet your appetite for deeper learning and appreciation of our field and the expansiveness of it. 

Self-Hypnosis AUDIO Sessions
Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos of me on my paddle board, and some other bits and pieces! You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

Hypnotherapy Online Training - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Beach Body Bundle Only £3.99

ALSO Check our JULY OFFER page at:

Joke Of The Week
In line with this week’s theme of coffee and caffeine, here is a list of amusing “you know you drank too much coffee when…” gags, enjoy: 

You're Drinking Too Much Coffee When . . .

  • You ski uphill.
  • You speed walk in your sleep.
  • You answer the door before people knock.
  • You haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse.
  • You grind your coffee beans in your mouth.
  • You sleep with your eyes open.
  • You have to watch videos in fast-forward.
  • You can take a picture of yourself from ten feet away without using the timer.
  • You lick your coffeepot clean.
  • You're the employee of the month at the local coffeehouse and you don't even work there.
  • Your eyes stay open when you sneeze.
  • You chew on other people's fingernails.
  • The nurse needs a scientific calculator to take your pulse.
  • Your T-shirt says, "Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's coffee."
  • You’re so jittery that people use your hands to blend their margaritas.
  • Cocaine is a downer.
  • You don't sweat, you percolate.
  • You've built a miniature city out of little plastic stirrers.
  • People get dizzy just watching you.
  • Your life's goal is to amount to a hill of beans.
  • Instant coffee takes too long.
  • You want to be cremated just so you can spend the rest of eternity in a coffee can
  • You want to come back as a coffee mug in your next life.
  • You'd be willing to spend time in a Turkish prison.
  • You go to sleep just so you can wake up and smell the coffee.
  • You're offended when people use the word "brew" to mean beer.
  • You get drunk just so you can sober up.

Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


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