**, - Adam Up - inspiration and Burnout

Published: Thu, 07/27/17

July #4
Edition #608
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

Hypnosis Weekly

The hypnosis weekly podcast is back with a new episode this week.

I am delighted to welcome my guest Jeff Jordan to the show. Jeff and I talk about hypnosis and his take on it, we then also discuss in detail “Fight Brain” which is Jeff’s extensive work with MMA fighters and UFC competitors where he shows fighters how to use their minds to derive success as well as their physical training.

Jeff is very generous with his information sharing and insights. Whether you are interested in fighting applications or not, there is a lot packed in to this episode for you to learn from.

Jeff is also the tallest hypnotherapist in the world, I am certain that no-one else matches his 6’ 8” height! 

Meeting Parkrun Paul...

Last weekend, my son and I did a bit of Parkrun tourism. In recent weeks, we have run Bournemouth, Poole, Moors Valley, Upton Country Park, Basingstoke and were looking for a different one to do as we had some time to go slightly beyond the usual local parameters.

SO I had seen that last week was the one year anniversary of the Lymington Woodside park run and so we decided to give that one a go.

When we parked the van up, I saw a group of experienced Parkrunners getting out of vehicles and heading out towards the start point (I say “experienced” because they had a 100 park run and a 250 park run t-shirt on), and one of the men with them seemed familiar. When we got to the briefing, I saw the same man take off his jacket and was wearing a very familiar orange Parkrun t-shirt. These t-shirts usually have your home Parkrun named on them so people know where you're from – mine has Bournemouth on, for example.  The man’s orange t-shirt simply had the word “founder” underneath – that was it; this was the one and only Mr Paul Sinton-Hewitt, the founder of Parkrun. Paul is the man who set up the very first event and turned it into the phenomena that it is today with hundreds of thousands of regular runners.

After the briefing, I had to ask, “hello Paul, thanks for all you have done, can we get a selfie?” to which one of his team replied that he’d take a photo of us instead. You can see the picture at the article page on my website (link below).

It was a lovely moment for us. As soon as we stood back up, Paul stepped to the front of the crowd of runners, said a few words and started the race. He even stayed around toward the end of the race to give my son a high-five as he neared the finish line.

We were really buoyed by this, and I spoke to my five year old son about what this man had done and how great it was that we had met him, and it made me recognise how lovely it is to meet inspiring people, and people who have legacies or have made some sort of impact upon the way we live our lives.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I have written here about heroes of mine and featured heroes on my podcast; this is not just hero worship – it turns out that there is a great deal of evidence to support how good it is for us to be inspired.

Researchers Thrash and Elliot (2003) even created an inspiration scale to measure it!

In their extensive work on inspiration, they have shown how 'feel good' brain chemicals are released when we are inspired.   They increase mood and well-being in a number of ways, and they cause us to take inspired action, to be more motivated, have a heightened sense of purpose and even to become better at what we do.

If you examine the research further, you can easily work out for yourself that inspiration matters. The article goes into the reasons why and how. You can read the full article here: 

Next up this week, I wrote about burnout. Burnout is a painful topic to write about because as therapists, we like to be upbeat and positive. Yet burnout is very real, problematic yet avoidable with the right understanding, awareness and tools.

One of the things I recognise a lot with the hypnotherapists I mentor to develop their businesses, and those I supervise, is how crazy busy they are. They are often not effectively productive, but are incredibly busy, working long hours, trying to cram so much activity into their days along with seeing their clients. They are under pressure too, stressed and sometimes struggling to deal with it all and earn a healthy living.

This is a recurring theme among individuals in caring and therapeutic fields; that of practitioner burnout. Therapists, coaches, and wellness professionals are continually faced with job stresses including clients, running and growing the business, (often in isolation i.e. Private Practice), and sometimes with little business experience and only being guided by the many false gurus out there.

We often forget to delegate the “non-money making” tasks. On top of this, by nature of our heart-based professions, we are continually exposed to emotionally draining situations and the numerous emotional vulnerabilities that form a large part of our profession.

Across numerous studies, it appears that 21% – 67% of mental health workers may be experiencing high levels of stress and getting close to burnout. Between managing clients, emotional fatigue from various distractions, stress is absolutely inevitable. Research stresses mental health professionals must recognise that they are only one to prevent burnout and understanding of burnout doesn’t make them immune to it.

Marieke Ledingham, a lecturer in counselling at the University of Notre-Dame, Australia, conducted a study of mental health workers in an attempt to explain why so many were suffering burnout in such large numbers, despite understanding it’s causes. Typically, mental health workers do not recognise the symptoms in themselves and often assume burnout will not happen to them according to Ledingham; rather than perceiving themselves as immune to mental distress because of their occupation, mental health workers should consider burnout to be a major occupational health risk.

The sort of stress us therapists encounter, if it becomes excessive, is likely to create a reduction in our capacity to make decisions and think clearly, which are really important in our line of work. Despite this, mental health workers are less likely than other caring professions to seek help before it gets to the burnout phase for a variety of reasons. Maybe an article such as this can start to help with raising awareness and offering some tangible assistance?

I wrote one and you can read that full article here: 

Facebook Group: Discussions and Articles
Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

In fact, this week we have discussed and debated hypnosis and memory and a number of topics that can sometimes polarise opinion. As a result of one particular discussion and exchange I had, I shared this article that I believe to be incredibly important, do have a read if you are a hypnotherapist or are a hypnosis student of any kind: 


Related to this, there are just a few days remaining on our fabulous offer for the new dates for the advanced hypnotherapy diploma I shall be teaching next year (the offer includes a 25% early bird discount and access to our full initial diploma course online to help you real ensure you have the foundations in place for our advanced course which is a big step up in many ways),

You can read the offer in full and some more details here: 

Articles About Advanced Knowledge, Skills and Business Development

In relation to this and my belief in the need for this, there are a couple of other articles that I believe make for very good reading if you are a professional hypnotherapist looking to advance your knowledge, skill and business in general. There is exponentially more to this field than diploma level learning, those that thrive know that:
1. Why All Hypnotherapists Need To Know What “Shoshin” Is: I wrote this when I had just got back from teaching the first 5 days of my advanced course last year. It is relevant here, because I frame the entire advanced hypnotherapy diploma with reference to “Shoshin” a Zen Bhuddist concept that you’ll benefit from greatly even if you are not seeking further training. 
2. Why Are Most Hypnotherapists Unaware of The Stroop Effect and It’s Importance To The Field of Hypnosis? I was amazed at how few of the hypnotherapists I speak to around the world at conferences, trainings and conventions that simply do not know what the Stroop effect is. The Stroop Effect helps us start to understand some of what is revealed by neuroscience about hypnosis.
3. The Cult of Anti-Intellectualism and Ignorance In the Field of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis: Really a piece I think is vital for hypnotherapist who wish to grow and for our field in general if we hope to develop. Don’t bow to anti-intellectualism, dare to become an erudite hypnotherapist, it’ll provide the foundations for your practical skills to grow exponentially, I assure you. 

Self-Hypnosis AUDIO Sessions
Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos of me on my paddle board, and some other bits and pieces! You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason ​​​​​​​
Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

Hypnotherapy Online Training - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Need A Website? 
Joke Of The Week
This week, in honour of my favourite TV show returning, I have some Game of Thrones jokes for you.....

1. What's the difference between Cersei Lannister and a direwolf? 

2. What is the Nights Watch oath? 
Crows before Hoes. 

3. What is the name of the Stark family barbershop? 
Winter is Combing.

4. Why do the Lannisters have such big beds? 
Because they push two twins together to make a king. 

5. What do you call stormtroopers in jousting tournament? 
Game of Clones 

6. Why does the Mountain get bigger every season? 
He's been taking Westeroids. 

7. Why doesn't Bran Stark take a bath? 
He's used to his strong Hodor. 

8. Why does no one from Winterfell have Alzheimer's? 
Because the North remembers. 

9. What did the railing say to the stairs? 
A Bannister always pays his steps. 

Hahahaha, enjoyed those. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
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