**, - Adam Up - Action - Action - ACTION...

Published: Thu, 07/20/17

July #2
Edition #606
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Camping It Up
It has been a short week for me as I had Monday off as I packed up our family tent and camping gear following a weekend of camping in the glorious sunshine and the equally glorious and beautiful Dorset countryside.

I wrote briefly about it and shared a number of pictures, have a read here:  

Hypnosis Weekly
There is no new podcast edition this week, though it returns in coming weeks with a barrage of wonderful guests and jam-packed full of hypnosis geekiness.

If you missed last week’s very popular podcast, it was a special edition in a “Heroes of Hypnosis” series whereby I talked about Emile Coué and explained in great detail what Coueism is and how it has impacted our field today, one for the hypnosis geeks for sure, go catch up if you missed it: 


Weights On My Mind
Yesterday morning was a big morning for me. I got a personal best weight at my single rep max weight of 170kg, and I did it twice. You regular readers may recall that I wrote an article back in April following the last testing day at the gym and I PB’ed 145kg then. To have added 25kg so far, and I hope to add more to that on the upcoming testing in just under two weeks, is great progress for me The coaches at the gym watched both reps and gave them the green light, so they got chalked up on the board in the gym, and I proudly took a photo that got shared on social media.

One of the things I always loved about running was getting to test my physical endurance and ultimately advance it by applying my mind.

With the weight lifting, I get to test and advance my strength with my mind too.

However, the one mental element that weight lifting really exposes, which serves as a great metaphor for life in general, is just how much you rely and depend upon yourself in that crucial moment.

You get the guidance on technique from coaches, you get the programme to train to throughout the months, but when you are at the bottom of a back squat, are pushing back up with all your might and you don’t seem to be moving back upwards, in that moment, you, your mind and your body are alone, self-reliant and the ability to keep drawing deeper upon your strength to finally get back upright is something that has stood out as an important part of the learning for me in recent months.

Back in 2015, I wrote an article entitled, My Top Ten Motivational Quotes, And Why.

In that article, the notion of ‘depend upon yourself’ got touched upon as I included this beauty: “No one is coming.” – Nathaniel Branden

I wrote this about that quote:

"When I first read this, I was shaken. It gave me a major kick up the backside. It really did. In my life, no-one else is responsible for who and how I am. The same is true for you. No-one is coming to save us, no-one is coming to make things better for us, no-one else can do it. This is about taking responsibility, ceasing the day and has so many levels to it that I’ll allow you to interpret for yourself just as I have."

And boy, heavy weight lifting highlights this point massively (as does running a marathon, setting up your own business, writing a book etc). It creates a sense of self-reliance and a confidence to believe and depend upon oneself that has proved incredibly beneficial for me in recent months when so many changes have been happening in my life and in my business. It is that which I wrote about this week, the fact that “no one is coming” and how to go about accepting that you are enough, and that you can learn to depend upon yourself. Have a read of this article on that very subject:

I’m not going to write anymore this week for a particular reason. This is a big week for a number of reasons; my daughter has her final day at pre-school before she joins her brother at the proper school. My son has his final day in the reception year before moving up to year one at the end of Summer and the holidays are here as of this weekend for us. It is a period of change and revitalising. 

Likewise, there is much change here at my business as I’ve spoken about in previous week’s; I’m parting ways with Keith and Tom and so I’m handing over to Keith who will be writing for the final time here in Adam Up as he says his goodbyes and tells you what him and Tom will be up to from here onwards. The joke of the week will return next week and we’ll be back to our usual format then too, so over to Keith……


[Keith Watson - Last Time Writing To This List]

A couple of months ago I was in York and out with my wife in a pub, and I suddenly told her I was thinking about something very different for my way forward.  

I actually didn't want to say more to her just then as it affected more than me.  

However Babs knows just how to get around me and I began to think around it all and started thinking it all through with her.  I am 70 in October and Babs has been keen for me to slow down a bit - so I think she was pleased I was taking stock and setting a clear path ahead.

I was about to leave my direct business link with Adam - sort of!!

I am not retiring of course - I have a couple of projects in mind - and you are welcome along too if you are interested.  More about that below

There were so many things to sort out though and what I will do here is just make a list of thoughts, ACTIONS (for you)

1. Adam Eason - The Person

Of course I had to break this news to Adam and it wasn't easy.  As usual though he took it well and has been really helpful in discussing the way forward.  We were just getting things done - no arguments ever - just finding the best way forward.

I met Adam around 2005 and have worked with him ever since I set up his first website. I will publish shortly on my blog - some of the stories over the years of our time of working in this field.  

Let's forget Hypnosis for a minute though. Adam the person is a great character who I have seen through the years from his bachelor days (say no more) and his marriage to Katie and his children.  Loving and kind, generous and thoughtful.  Caring.

He is a delight to work with and I believe we have learned so much from each other.  I had no idea about hypnosis when I met him and frankly he had little knowledge about the web.  But we made things work.

A great friend.  Thanks Adam

2. Adam Eason - The Trainer,

What made me happy most was that I knew I was working with the best trainer in this field.

Passionate... YES PASSIONATE about his subject and what hypnosis can achieve.

Time and time again I would talk to his students (many who had trained elsewhere) and they would ALWAYS say he was the best in the field.  

It is vitally important who you train with - and Adam likes to cultivate critical thinkers.  I have sat there with my video camera for hundreds of hours - and it was usually fun.  He has a great presence and well if you want to train properly - this is your man.

ACTION   Go and see the video at the bottom of this page to get a brief glimpse into Adam's teaching style. 

3. The Awake Media Business,

We formed our business called Awake Media Productions - Awake is a combination of his initials  AE and mine KAW.  We produced and got out into the world hundreds of self-hypnosis products, books, courses (online and classroom) and videos.

More about this below but we are really proud of the range of courses we have on offer from HPD through to Advanced Hypnotherapy.

In particular I want to mention the 30 month membership programme.  It took so much time and work to put this online education material together - and it is hard to envisage anything more comprehensive about all areas of hypnosis.  

Adam is going to continue the college business and we have made arrangements so that I can develop an affiliate programme around his products.  

See project below - if you are an ACTION person I will be happy to talk to you.

ACTION  - Check out the Inner Circle - 30 Month CPD

4. Hypnotherapists and CPD

[Forgive me for this one]

OK - so -  here I am a 70 year old - trying to delve out a nugget of wisdom - so forgive me but I have been watching from the wings.

My wife (in her 60s) is still working as a Health Visitor and this week she has been learning some new skills in checking babies hearing when they are just a few weeks old. The equipment needs careful application and she has had personal training.  She will have to go up to London for a skills test later this month.

I spent most of my adult life nursing and worked in various departments and the training in each was considerable and on going.  Nothing stands still.  Ongoing education was essential to keep up.

Go into most professions and the story is the same.  

Continuing Professional Development is the norm - not so in hypnotherapy.

That is why I am delighted and proud that we have put together this 30 month membership for hypnotherapists to advance their skills,  because it makes sense that you move on from your basic training.  

Adam is passionate about the subject and is so keen to get you on board. The more you learn the more you will be able to excite the public about your skillset.

ACTION - Do check out the Inner Circle - 30 Month CPD information


ACTION - Join the Facebook Group 

5. Thanks To Adam and Tom.

Adam and I had our turbulent times running Awake Media as any business does.  During a recession is not the best of times for many people to attend courses for financial reasons etc.  

Also for a couple of years I had some health issues which was not good timing.  Adam battled on - but into the picture came my son Tom.  He had trained at university in sports education but didn't let that put him off.  

Tom has been working with Awake directly for a couple of years now.  

He has really learned the web stuff so well and can now put together websites better than me.  Terrific stuff.

So he is setting up his own business called TMWMedia

He has put together Adam's latest websites and you can see more of his work on his website.

I am sure that Adam will be calling on his services from time to time.  He will in fact be making sure the podcast is delivered each week anyway.

So if you need a website - get in touch with my son Tom.

Thank you so much Adam and Tom for your help and support when I needed it because of health issues.


6.  What Am I [Keith] Going To Do?

I am excited because I am going to work on something which I have wanted to do for years.  Time to get it going.  

Now it is interesting that Adam is talking about self-reliance above.  He mentioned the coaching etc - but all of that will be a waste of time if you don't get on and do it.  

Adam knows I have been hot under the collar about an affiliate approach to selling products.

In fact I am learning myself all of the marketing skills that are currently in use by affiliate managers.  Every evening this week I have been listening to webinars and updating my knowledge.  It is that particular website that I am urging you to check out if you would like to develop your online marketing


  • Awake Media have got great GREAT products which sell well.  
  • The best people to sell them would be Hypnotherapists.  
  • Can it be done part time and from home?  YES
  • Can skills be learned by anyone? - providing they can read and write YES
  • The best training is available - This trainer is as good as Adam - YES

My settlement with the business is to work with Adam's audio and video products and sell them via Affiliates.  

I am not starting from scratch - I have tried this in the past and not got it to work yet.  

Persistence Keith.


I am not going to let anybody on board easily now.  I am looking for ACTION people


It is easy to get people to stick up their hands and say they are interested and then do what - NOTHING!!   -    Expecting results for no effort - Come On!!

In the last six months I have been trying to get people on board.  Quite a good showing of hands BUT - just one of them has really made a significant move and will be growing his mailing list soon.

I personally know six people who have made a large income (yes large) selling other peoples products.  No outlay - no follow up service action etc.


I will NOT give a free entry any more - I want go for it people.

It will actually cost you $47 a month membership training - but I can tell you it is the BEST training resources I have found for internet marketing.

I hope you know me well enough to know that I mean that.  That is small money when you realise just how big a business you can build online..

On the this link you will find you can get a 14 Day Trial for just $1.

Join that and you can bet your last penny I will be in touch.

ACTION - You can get access to NAMS - With David Perdew 

It has been great to write to you sometimes - if you want to follow my progress and find out more you can come to my blog at wats-on.net

I also have a new e-mail: -  keith@wats-on.net

To all the lovely people that I have met working with Adam a fond farewell. I hope some of you will keep in touch.  In fact I hope some of you will join me with my next project - the affiliate programme (I am going to have to give it a name)

Bye for now

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos of me on my paddle board, and some other bits and pieces! You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too:

Hypnotherapy Online Training - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Awake Media Productions Ltd