**, - Adam Up - Self-Hypnosis ...

Published: Thu, 06/29/17

June #5
Edition #604
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Hypnosis Weekly
The Hypnosis Weekly podcast is back with a different edition this week. I welcomed back former guest, and founder of the UK Hypnosis Convention, Nick Ebdon and we talk about some highlights of and reflections upon last year’s event, what is new about this year’s convention and we have a lot of laughs at the same time.

Go have a listen: 

Self, Self and Self
This weekend is the final tuition module of our current Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma course. We will be holding our annual Summer party on the Saturday night (watch out on social media for photos and of course my usual load of selfies!) and have an exclusive experiential lecture on Saturday afternoon that I have not run in a classroom before.

It is always a slightly sad time for me to have to say goodbye to a group that I have spent so much time working with over the past year, yet there is always so much to celebrate too. One of the things that I continue to be proud of every year is seeing how some people are lacking a bit of belief in themselves at the start of the course, yet when they’ve thrown themselves into it, they have grown in self-confidence, self-belief and self-assuredness so much, it delights me to see this. 

This is something that happens in hypnotherapy sessions with clients - typically a major aim of hypnotherapy is to develop a sense of self-efficacy within our clients. That is, they see the results - start to believe in themselves more - and as that belief increases, so does their actual ability to achieve those outcomes. This notion has major scientific research and support. 

So firstly this week, I wanted to offer up a number of ways that you, anyone and everyone can advance self-belief, self-assuredness and develop self-efficacy.

Have a read of these articles, together they’ll equip you with major skills and a mindset that’ll serve you incredibly well in every aspect of your life: 


Even though this final article has a theme of being applied to running, you can exchange running for anything else in your life and use it as an example, instead build self-efficacy in any other area of your life! 

Meeting An Idol Part 2
I have mentioned to a great many people, with great pride I hasten to add, that my ongoing research is about to be published in peer reviewed journals, that I have been meeting with world renowned researchers and academics (you can read this from last week: My Take On The Adage “You Should Never Meet Your Heroes”) and as a result, I have been asked to present a lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine’s annual David Waxman memorial event later this year. 

One of the things about the Royal Society of Medicine is that they do not believe hypnosis or therapeutic hypnosis skills should be taught to non-medical professionals. That is, they will not teach hypnotherapy to anyone other than doctors, nurses, dentists etc. 
I have just added some new dates for courses in 2018 and I will be offering my self-hypnosis seminar one day seminar in March.  You can visit this page of my college website for details, price, exact date and even to book on: http://aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/science-of-self-hypnosis-seminar/ 

This one day course teaches people the skill of self-hypnosis and explains how to best practice self-hypnosis and incorporate it into your life. It is for professional hypnotherapists but primarily for members of the public and I continue to get the most wonderful feedback from it year upon year. I have made it simpler and more practical and removed much of the theory for next year’s offerings. 

For those that are interested in the theory, my research findings, and what the major depth of self-hypnosis research says about the ‘best practice’ of self-hypnosis, I am going to offer a full academic presentation and lecture, virtually free (a nominal fee to cover room hire cost) to hypnotherapists, psychologists and those with an active interest. I will be sharing my consultations with prominent researchers and academics as well as unearthing many seemingly controversial notions regarding self-hypnosis.

I am going to announce the date for this presentation in the coming weeks, but here is an excerpt to whet your appetite for now: 

The notion of ‘self-hypnosis’ is ubiquitous in the hypnosis literature, but whilst the definition is itself clear enough (inducing oneself into the hypnosis process), there is little consistency in methods used to produce it.

For example, many permit the use of audio tapes of other voices inducing hypnosis. Whilst no one else is physically present in the room, the process is effectively indistinguishable from hetero-hypnosis (hypnosis by another person).

Indeed, many researchers hold that self-hypnosis and hetero-hypnosis are in fact the same thing. This might however be in large part to the mixed approach to establishing self-hypnosis methodologically. The notion that self-hypnosis exists is theoretically important, since the notion of self-hypnosis is a direct challenge to dissociation theories of hypnosis (Kirsch & Lynn, 1998).

Here we will
  • discuss the history of self-hypnosis, systematically review key studies in the self-hypnosis literature, whilst highlighting methodological differences between studies.
  • compare self- and hetero-hypnosis,
  • discuss the benefits of self-hypnosis,
  • compare self-hypnosis to other related forms of treatment such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Meditation,
  • and finally present a research-informed “best-practice” model that can be used to enhance the benefits of self-hypnosis. 

So whereas my one day seminar will teach the skills and now be virtually free of surplus academic theory, this lecture will do the opposite.

I’ll write more on this in coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled, you won’t want to miss that lecture.
On a different note, this week I recently read on a forum “Why on earth would you need 3 sessions for depression? Use XXX and it is gone within 30 minutes, job done.”


Then loads of other fellow like-minded hypnotherapists joined in, laying the boot in to anyone and everyone who ever takes more than 30 minutes to cure their client of depression, or anything else for that matter.

It seems that if you do not offer the latest super fast, hyper mega quick therapy intervention that cures anxiety, depression and every unwanted habit in a flash, then you have not been trained properly and are simply not awesome enough to be a member of the super cool, ultra fast zoom therapy brigade who yell “YEE-HAAW!” on the hour every hour to remind the world how fast they are going.

Now, you know what?

I’m going to sober things up a little bit. There is currently virtually no evidence to support such super speedy claims. I decided to write this article in response: Get It Here! Super Speedy Mega Hyper Quick Hypnotherapy!

I wrote it in response to the strange attitude by many hypnotherapists and hypnotherapy training schools that insist that therapy should be as fast and speedy as possible.

It just doesn’t seem to stack up to me.

The evidence to support this idea is missing, and it simply seems like a way of marketing oneself and somehow belittling anyone with a more considered, diligent approach that does actually have evidence to support it. 

Do have a read, because the point is incredibly important I think. In fact, I copied and pasted much of the article into our online Facebook group to discuss it and got some incredibly useful contributions from some major figures in the hypnotherapy field, come join the discussion: 

(Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some other wonderful discussion on there too.)

FREE Hypnosis Track
Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, in particular I featured a couple about hypnotisability, some photos from my travels, and some other bits and pieces including my thwarted attempts to have a Sunday afternoon snooze while my children and dog decided to set up camp on top of me! You can follow and keep up to date here: 

You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason ​​​​​​​

Working One-To-One With Adam
For those of you interested in finding out a bit more about working with me one-to-one, here are the pages to go and do that: 

Hypnotherapy Online Training - Inner Circle Membership
We have many options to train with us. Check out this page about our Inner Circle Membership - the place to get training from newcomer to advanced practitioner training.  

http://training.aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/inner-circle/ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Beach Body Bundle Only £3.99

ALSO Check our JUNE OFFER page at:

Joke Of The Week
In keeping with the theme of having to be super speedy in therapy, I tracked down a list of several of the best “Quicker than a.” or “Faster than a..” one-liners that I found online.

I was trying to come up with a funny response for the Facebook comment I referred to earlier, however, I decided that life is too short, I unsubscribed from that group and decided to laugh about it… and also thought I’d share the list!

..quicker than your mother can unbutton her overalls.
..quicker than [famously overweight person] would sign up for a butter convention (squirrel-at-a-nut-convention, etc)
..faster than a cheetah could pounce on a limping [political figure - I’ve seen Prime ministers and US presidents used in this one online].
..faster than a speeding ticket.
..disappeared faster than a [snack food - take your pick] at a [weight watchers/slimming world etc] meeting.
..faster than a new version of anything by Microsoft needing to be patched.
..gone faster than a toupee in a hurricane.
..gone quicker than a cheesy poof in the hands of Cartman. (Or my version - a Vindaloo curry placed in front of Dave Lister, from Red Dwarf)
..vanished quicker than [one hit wonder]’s music career.
..faster than the babysitter’s boyfriend when the car pulls up.

I also read loads of funny one’s about so-called tax avoiders, famous sports stars, but did not want to highlight real people or adopt any sort of sympathy for a political stance etc. I loved the above ones though. 

Meme Of The Week
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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


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