**, - Adam Up - Manchester - Loving Kindness

Published: Thu, 05/25/17

May #4
Edition #599
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up

Firstly this week, I want to start by offering my thoughts on the tragic events that happened in Manchester this week, which has not come naturally me as I’ll explain….. 

My Thoughts on Manchester, My Existential Melodramatic Angst, and Loving Kindness For All! 

I’ve not written a single comment, or expressed a single public opinion or thought on the events of this week in Manchester. I’ve just not felt qualified to offer anything other than personal emotions and felt that I do not deserve to express public emotions when I consider what those who has lost their loved ones are going through right now. 

I was driving back home from the gym listening to the radio on the morning after the attack and as the media were trying to relay events and explain what had gone on, it was mentioned that some teenagers and children were still missing - it would not be until later that we’d all find out that eight year old Saffie Rose Roussos died in the attack and it is only now that we continue to find out who the other people are that lost their lives - and as I drove into the road I live in, I saw my wife walking up the street, holding hands with our daughter and son. My son in his school uniform, including his shorts and school cap, turned around, saw me and waved with a huge smile on his face which flooded me with emotion. Such a small thing that I take for granted, that brings those moments of joy and happiness that I could not bare to be without. My eyes filled with tears. 

I felt pathetic, I felt sorry and I felt guilty. Guilty because I believed I had no right to be sad. I had my smiling children and the families of all 22 of those who were killed in Manchester had now had pain, loss and a void in their lives. All in all, it made me think I was being unjustifiably melodramatic because I had not been directly effected. 

So as I mentioned already, I said nothing and did not comment beyond discussing it with my wife as I tried to make some sense. Perhaps I was more emotional because we’ve not had enough sleep in our house this past week (there has been a lot of sickness bugs in our house recently) or because my imagination was running wild or for any one of a huge number of reasons I was coming up with.

As I considered the wider elements of what had happened here, I simply failed to be able to comprehend how anyone, however extreme, whatever cause they hold strongly, can justify the loss of any life, let alone that of those who are still so young. I could not comprehend how anyone can place such low value on human life, and how anyone can think that violence and death can ever create any kind of healthy resolution. 

There were plenty of people with plenty to say on many levels, but I felt unable and unjustified to comment or respond in any way at that stage. 

Then I watched the vigil in Albert square in Manchester, I watched the footage of the city where I lived for three years while studying at the University of Manchester, that I had such a fondness for. I listened to some of the words from the people present and saw the outpouring of grief and emotion. I saw how important that shared emotion was to so many, and how important it was for people to have permission to express themselves openly and freely. I recognised that I had been directly effected, that we all have been in whatever way - the thoughts, the feelings, the reflections, the emotions are all an effect. 

The thing that has really struck me since then, has been the words of families, Manchester locals, Manchester United football supporters at last night’s Europa League Cup final who all offered a defiant message to the world, one of bravery and courage and a refusal to back down or hide away out of fear.

That Was It ...

That was it, I had been FEARFUL;
  • fear of ever suffering the same fate,
  • fearful of the callous minds of a minority,
  • fearful of how the world might be,
  • fear of ever not being able to see my son smiling cheekily at me for a fleeting second. ​​​​​​​
Fear is the aim of terrorists.

My mantra that I have struggled with at many times during my life has always been to do all I can to fear less and love more, and in writing this today, I wanted to do that.

I still feel some apprehension about writing or commenting in any way, so much so that I’ve not felt it in any way appropriate to use any kind of photos here in this article - but one way I feel I can contribute something positive to any of this is by sharing a message of loving more and fearing less. 

For anyone reading this, I’d like to help you love more and fear less, so I’m giving my audio track “Using Hypnosis To Enjoy the Scientific Benefits of Loving Kindness” to anyone and everyone completely free.

We’re not sending you to our store to grab it, we just want people to have it, so here is a direct download link - importantly though, use it. It is massively courageous and brave and is a major contribution to the world to express love and kindness in the face of such adversity. 

I’ve been revisiting the words of Mahatma Gandhi, and wanted to share them here also:

“Love never claims, it ever gives; Love never suffers, never resents, never revenges itself. Where there is love there is life; hatred leads to destruction.”

“Where there is love, there is life.”

“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Thank you for reading, thank you for understanding, thank you for fearing less and loving more. 

Please Download This Free Hypnosis Audio Session

We have decided to offer Loving Kindness for Free this week in light of the events:​​​​​​​


It is a scientifically proven method of meditation which involves you directing and projecting love and kindness toward yourself, other people and the rest of the world.

What’s more, it is a process that can and does help alleviate stress. In a PhD dissertation study carried out at the University of Arizona the author discovered that the loving-kindness meditation can help ease social anxiety stress.

A 2013 study also showed that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder reduced symptoms by following a 12 week programme of loving-kindness meditation. Certainly I have found and those who I have learned from have spoken of how much easier it is to let go of stress when you engage in loving-kindness practice regularly.

If you then go and search the vaults at Google Scholar or at PubMed and search for credible research on loving-kindness meditation, you’ll discover that research shows it can reduce pain, increase social connectedness, build positive emotions and cultivates self-compassion among other things. It helps to calm the mind and in turn helps us to be more solution focused and effective in life. Importantly, we become more humane.

With this hypnosis audio track then, you’ll learn and experience the very real and scientifically proven benefits of loving kindness. 

Download your Free MP3 Audio Session

[Keith Watson]

Just a quick comment from me. 

I am currently in York and will be in Manchester this weekend.  

Like Adam I love Manchester and visit it regularly because my daughter Zoe works at the University.  

There are a lot of events planned this weekend in Manchester and what I think is great - is that they are still all going to be taking place.  

My daughter is not a runner and she has struggled while training but she will be running a 10K Event on Sunday for her charity.  I will be there to cheer her on.

Well done everyone who will turn out for all events in Manchester this weekend.  I think there will be a lot of love and very little fear.​​​​​​​

Terrorists will hate that defiance.

[Back To Adam]

I’m going to leave the sombre mood there as I move on with the rest of this week’s edition of Adam Up now. ​​​​​​​

Hypnosis Weekly
The Hypnosis Weekly podcast returned this week with a great edition featuring the very lovely Renee Van Der Vloodt, she has some wonderful influences and communicates beautifully, do go and have a listen: 

Articles This Week
Yesterday I wrote an article that so many of you have asked me for, whereby I wrote about the differences between self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation. The two have some similarities for sure, but they also have differences and I thought that I’d do my best to give as much of an evidence based answer to that question as I possibly could, I hope you find this interesting and useful: 

This past week, I have also written about a topic very close to my heart. Critical thinking. It is something that benefits people so greatly and is vital for hypnotherapists in particular. I teach about how to employ it and develop the skill on all of my courses, however, I wanted to write something about how to become more of a critical thinker in day-to-day life, and so this article is all about that: 

Social Media
This week, my social media output has been filled with memes about hypnosis, some photos of our puppy who is growing up and is the cutest thing on the planet in my biased opinion! You can follow and keep up to date here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 

Additionally, if you are a student, graduate or friend of my college, then come & join our Facebook group for hypnotherapists, it has some wonderful discussion on there, in particular you’ll see the thread about the use of scripts in hypnotherapy and how despite being demonised greatly by some hypnotherapists, I give the case for how vital they are in training and in standardised therapy protocols: 
10 Self-Hypnosis Audio Session Downloads FOR £10 Only

Check our MAY OFFER page at:

You're welcome :-)

Last Few Days - 
YES - you here a lot about our online courses - BUT we also run our classroom courses here in sunny Bournemouth.

The next 10 month course starts in October 2017 and NOW is the best time to book onto the course.  WHY - well anyone getting a prospectus will be offered an EARLY BIRD OFFER - BUT ONLY THIS MONTH

Get in touch with me and I will send you the details -  

Joke Of The Week
There is no joke of the week this week, it just does not feel right for me to be sharing jokes this week, the joke of the week will return next time out. 
Meme Of The Week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
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Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

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Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd