**, - Adam Up - This Week’s Focus Is … FOCUS and CONCENTRATION

Published: Thu, 04/13/17

April #2
Edition #593
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Welcome to a bumper seasonal edition of the Adam Up weekly hypnosis ezine, I’ve got LOADS to share with you this week. 

Firstly, and rather sadly, during the past week, my good friend and business partner Keith had his home burgled.

I called Keith to see if he needed anything or if there was anything I could do and what I found, as is usually the case with Keith, is that he was more calm, more philosophical and more positive about it all than I was.

Despite his home being violated and much of his wife’s jewellery being stolen along with some other things, he remained as he always is.

I think you learn a great deal from other people and from life at times of adversity, and in particular, I learn a great deal from Keith - he has faced numerous health scares, we have had issues within our business on occasions, and even when his home is burgled, he manages to rise up above it and find some semblance of clarity, and it really inspires me. 

It made sense for me to therefore share a couple of articles that relate to this to help any of you also look to develop such a powerful and progressive attitude: 

Hypnosis Weekly
The Hypnosis Weekly podcast is back. This week, I welcome my US based guest Shawn Schweier, who talks about using pacing and leading and brings new light on the subject for me.

Additionally, I have extended my Facebook Live rant from last week and froth at the mouth about the seeming cult of anti-intellectualism in the field of hypnotherapy, do go and have a listen: 

Social Media
This week, my social media output has included two of the cutest pictures I have ever shared online, at least, in my opinion they are two of the cutest pictures I have shared.

Firstly, last Sunday was National Unicorn Day, I bet you didn’t know that, did you? Well here in the Eason household, we wholly respect such an important day in our calendar and what with it being so sunny…. While at the beach, we blew up a huge inflatable unicorn and climbed on board it in the sea, I posted a picture of my two children playing with it in the sea and it melts my heart.

Then a couple of days ago, my daughter put her hair clip in our puppy’s hair to keep it out of her eyes, and I thought it was adorable. You can find these things and much more on my social media output: 

Additionally, I post lots of interesting articles, memes, photos and updates on all that we do here: 

Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Twitter: @AdamEason
Instagram: Adam_Eason 
Control Your Weight - Hmmm It's Easter
You’ll also notice that just this morning I posted a photo of a surefire way to tell my children are on their Easter holidays as we had M&S chocolate orange hot cross buns cooking in the house!

And yes, the Easter break is upon us here in the UK, which is a 4 day holiday for most and typically people like to spend it gorging themselves on chocolate eggs and bunnies.

If you are worried about turning up for work on Tuesday with a waistline that has doubled in size, then have a read of these articles, because they’ll all help you cope with Easter and the excessive chocolate consumption, learn to eat artfully, mindfully, boost willpower and deal with cravings - 4 ingredients that will help you come out the other side still on track for the beach body to be proud of this Summer: 

MP3 Audios

If you would like to purchase the related hypnosis audios,

See these audios in our Hypnosis For Download store:

OK - So Onto This Week's Focus Which Is FOCUS ....... And  CONCENTRATION

Focus and Concentration
One thing I encounter in a variety of ways with my students, hypnotherapy clients, and in particular the hypnotherapists that I mentor is that they have a lot of goals that they wish to achieve. Typically, they give me a long, long list of all the things they wish to do and achieve, and I feel tired and overwhelmed reading it, let alone attempting to guide them to achieve it all.
Without guidance, often these people take a small bite out of each of those many goals each day and ultimately make very little progress, despite working very hard. They can end up demoralised as a result of the lack of achievement. They get mega busy, but are not productive. They lack focus. 
We therefore narrow things down to the most important goals and we then concentrate and focus on the plan of action to work through each of those goals methodically.
I often make reference to the 1980s film, the Karate Kid.

The star of the film, Daniel, moves to a new town and is bullied.

During one ordeal with the bullies, Daniel is rescued by Mr Miyagi who uses Karate to send the bullies fleeing. Daniel asks for training from Mr Myagi who agrees and tells Daniel to turn up at his house the following day. Daniel turns up expecting to learn karate in a particular way, but his expectations are dashed when Mr Myagi gets him waxing his car in a very particular manner. Daniel is a bit miffed, but waxes his car using the technique as instructed and then Mr Myagi sends him home. T

he next two days are the same, with Daniel being shown how to paint Mr Myagi’s fence, and sand his floor. Eventually Daniel erupts with emotion and angrily tells Mr Myagi that he is not here for slave labour and has not learned a thing. Mr Myagi then throws punches at him and asks Daniel to do his ‘wax on’ move to block the punch, as well as his sanding and painting moves – he realises, he learned a great deal.

He just needed to focus on the component parts of his training and ease away from the big picture from time to time. Without wanting to ruin the film for those of you who have not seen it, he does go on to become Daniel-Son.
The big goals in life are what we want, but the actions required on a daily basis to make solid measurable progress towards them require focus and concentration. 
The skill of focus and concentration is incredibly important in and of itself as I’ve explained. Additionally though, in many cases advanced concentration and focus can help us to add more value to a task that is being completed.

Researchers also believe that focusing on a singular task enables a person to get the task completed quicker, as it reduces the “switching costs” involved with transferring from one task to another task. It also helps us to achieve much higher levels of creativity and innovation when dedicated to one particular task/outcome.
“My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused” —- Ashton Eaton
Is it as easy as that quote insinuates?

Focus and concentration can be difficult to master.

Sure, most people want to learn how to improve focus and boost concentration. But actually doing it? We live in a noisy world and constant distractions can make focus difficult. As with most things I write about though, focus and concentration can be developed as with many skills. So this week, I wrote the following two articles that I recommend you read in order and they’ll ensure you develop focus and concentration to really nail your goals…. 
Focus and concentration have been incredibly important to me this year as I have switched from running to weight lifting for a period of time.

My body is changing greatly and my quarterly goals have been exceeded in ways I never would have imagined. I thought I would hold myself accountable and walk my talk on this subject and so last Friday, I published a video clip of me squatting 25kg higher than my quarterly goal that I set at the start of the year, and I plan to go on much further and heavier in that regard. 

if you’d like to see my squat and me doing a casual clean lift, then visit this article: 
That is it for this week’s edition of Adam Up. 

I am off for the next 4 days to have some time with my family, whether you are celebrating or not, I wish you a wonderful few days, I’ll be back after the Easter Monday Bank Holiday. 

Hypnosis For Download - £1 Audios
All self-hypnosis audio sessions just £1 each

[Keith Watson]

I have been talking to so many of you over the last week about our NEW Inner Circle Membership.  

We have a webpage that describes what we are doing - and you can join right now as a founder member. 

We now have some students who have joined and started their diploma. It is an easier route as the cost is spread.  

I want to put together a much more informative page with videos on and illustrations to show you what you get as a member.  

This is a really important online training project where we want to develop an ongoing community for people developing skills to be top end hypnotherapists and coaches.  

This is an incredibly enormous package of Hypnosis Training and a library of resources and events.

  • Hundreds of Hours of videos and audios of Courses
  • Basic to Advanced courses available to you from day one.
  • Self directed learning and self development
  • Option to register to train and qualify.
  • All course fees for members at discounted rates.
  • All Seminars and Webinars available
  • Peer support and business development advice
  • Discounted prices to events
  • Online webinars
  • Special discounted prices in our Hypnosis For Download store. 

Joke Of The Week
Ok, get ready for a groan-fest with this selection of Easter one-liners…

Q: How do you know the Easter Bunny is really smart? 
A: Because he's an egghead. 

Q: What happened to the Easter Bunny when he misbehaved at school? 
A: He was eggspelled! 

Q: Did you hear about the lady whose house was infested with Easter eggs? 
A: She had to call an eggs-terminator! 

Q: Why do we paint Easter eggs? 
A: Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them! 

Q: What day does an Easter egg hate the most? 
A: Fry-days. 

Q: What do you call a rabbit with fleas? 
A: Bugs Bunny! 

Q: Why was the little girl sad after the race? 
A: Because an egg beater! 

Q: What do you get if you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole? 
A: A hot cross bunny 

Q: How do bunnies stay healthy? 
A: Eggercise 

I know, “groan” - have a happy Easter folks. 
Meme Of The Week
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd