** - An Invitation - New Inner Circle Membership Area...

Published: Tue, 03/28/17

[From Keith Watson  - Tuesday 28th March]

*Platinum members - see foot of message

Hello ,

This week is very exciting for myself and Adam and the rest of the team because we are launching a new Inner Circle Membership with a lot of NEW aims and ambitions

We are incredibly proud of what we have to offer and this is an important message that will take just two minutes to read and I am certain is
2 minutes very well invested.

Most importantly, we hope that by reading this message, you'll seriously consider our invitation to join.

This very low priced membership offers comprehensive training for beginners (novices) with no former experience of hypnosis, right through to advanced level practitioner development for seasoned professionals.

I'll explain more about the membership aims below - but right now...


Let me give you the background.

Adam Eason has been successfully training hypnotherapists to an incredibly high standard for many years (since the late 1990s) both in the classroom and more recently, online.

We believe that we have a great knowledge about the field of hypnotherapy and what it takes for hypnotherapists to be effective and successful and I will just point out a few things that we know and encounter often. 
  • Many hypnotherapists do their basic training and don't feel they ever need to learn anymore.
  • Many courses don't offer help for newly trained hypnotherapists to find clients.
  • Many hypnotherapists fail to develop advanced skills and updated knowledge base.
  • Many of the hypnotherapy associations and training colleges are not pushing research or educating their members/students about the impressive science base that supports this field. 
  • Much hypnotherapy training lacks proper business development information, which leads to.... 
  • Many hypnotherapists lacking income and therefore short of money for further skills training or career development. 
  • Lack of the highest quality skills and evidence based knowledge means less likelihood of great therapeutic outcomes whereby clients will refer many more clients to you - the bedrock of a successful thriving hypnotherapy business. 
  • This often leads to a lack of confidence and self-esteem - difficulty promoting own brand and perhaps giving up on the field. 

Adam has written prolifically about these subjects over the years, here are a a couple of illuminating and incredibly insightful articles he has written on some of these related subjects, do go and have a read: 


Recently we ran some surveys to find out more about you - members of our mailing list.

We know from this survey that:
  • Many of you struggled to find really good quality hypnotherapy training in your location.
  • When you did find the good stuff, it often would involve a lot of traveling and accommodation cost to get to the venue where the course was delivered. 
  • Many of you simply could not afford to invest in the additional training you wanted 
  • Many would like scheduled payment plans for training programmes.
  • You still want to be able to work or have interaction with other professionals and fellow students when doing online training.
  • You wanted follow up peer support, a sense of community and a place to go when you have questions and not feel isolated once a training has completed. 
I could go on with those points, these are the key ones that kept cropping up - and it meant that we became keen to develop a membership area that meets those needs and more.

Put simply - that's what we've done. 

Attempting to do everything on your own is a challenge - so we want you to grow in confidence with a team that is working for you to succeed. 

WE WANT TO DEVELOP HYPNOTHERAPY LEADERS, and as a result advance the field of hypnotherapy to one that is:
  • better skilled,
  • more knowledgeable,
  • more credible
  • and perceived more favourably by the general public. 


We are not starting from scratch here and that is why I have added Adam's team into the heading. 

Adam is a leader in this field and is passionate about hypnosis and it's professional development - and also the perception of this field by other professional medical groups.

He has:
  • written bestselling, evidence based books on the subject,
  • his audio programmes sell globally,
  • he is engaged in PhD level research,
  • is broadcaster of one of the world's most popular hypnosis podcasts,
  • he speaks at conventions and conferences,
  • has lectured to NHS directors,
  • is lecturing for the Royal Society of Medicine,
  • he runs very well attended webinars and seminars,
  • has been a hypnotherapy trainer for nearly 20 years
  • and writes a regular blog that challenges much of the typical pseudoscientific 'received wisdom' that is so popular in the hypnotherapy world.
He is a major figure in the hypnotherapy field.  

Additionally, with an excellent team of his professional peers and colleagues, he founded the Professional Hypnotherapy Network, a professional hypnotherapy association that issues all of it's members with access to the leading peer reviewed academic hypnosis journal as a means of helping develop the field.


This membership area includes a vast amount of educational tuition for all those who join.

Every member will have full access to video footage of my full hypnotherapy diploma courses, our advanced level diploma courses, our hypnotic coaching coaches, our cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy certification courses, our business development academy courses, plus many additional lectures. The library of tuition you'll have access to is incredible

We have an established community already in existence BUT we are now advancing it to develop a membership area with:
  • Scheduled payment training for all levels,
  • Incredible value and affordability,
  • Support network, 
  • Regular question and answer webinars with Adam,
  • Brand training,
  • Social media help,
  • Business development support.
  • Special events and low entrance costs for members  
  • We have opportunities for entrepreneurs, 
  • Plus, several exclusive projects to collaborate on just for our members. 
So don't work alone - join a community that wants YOU to succeed and raise the bar in this field.  

Join now - this week - while the fee to at its lowest and you will be a founder member.

This AE Inner Circle area will grow rapidly this year. 

You will be with the best hypnosis support and training - that is our aim.

There are no flashy pages to join this membership website [there will be] but you can join NOW and at the best starting price we will offer by going to:

Kindest Regards

Keith Watson

*Lifetime Platinum members will get a separate letter or can get in touch with Keith