**, - Adam Up - 10 Ways Successful People Approach Life Differently

Published: Thu, 03/09/17

March #2
Edition #588
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
7 Brand New Audios
In the past week, we have released 7 brand new audio programmes that are available at our store (www.hypnosisfordownload.com), they are as follows: 

One of my favourite subjects and one of the most enjoyable sessions to take part in. The benefits of expressing loving kindness in the way that is laid out in this session are backed up by science, do go and read more about it at the website. 

This is a brilliant process that offers you two major applications with the same hypnotically installed tool - how to get into the ‘flow’ with any activity or goal oriented project - and how to overcome unwanted thoughts, behaviours and habits using it in another way. It is a highly effective process that I employ with clients and teach on advanced trainings. 

As it says on the tin - I talk you through a range of strategies on how to start practically enhancing your creativity, then one of the most brain stimulating hypnosis sessions follows it up that will blow your mind and have your creativity at another level. 

For those of you that need to manage intensity levels before sports events or for any other type of event where you’d like to have controlled and most effective state, this is for you. 

After any physical exercise, though particularly gym based exercise and weight lifting, this session will give you a process that advances your recovery and also helps you greatly maximise the gains you made during that workout. I have been using this process a lot myself with great effect. 

I have written about this in recent weeks. Here, I guide you through the process of auditing your comfort zone, setting up practical strategies in your life to give you a jolt and then employing hypnosis for you to expand the boundaries of your life, inspiring you and helping you get out of any ruts, and on the track to higher levels of fulfilment. 

This programme will nourish you, will accelerate and amplify your self-esteem and develop the love you have for yourself. The health benefits are great when you apply this, as are the psychological and emotional benefits. You’ll feel just wonderful in your own skin after this session. 

With my audio programmes and hypnosis tracks, we do not just churn out the same scripted tracks with one or two words exchanged depending on the issue that it aims to help with. I plan, create and develop tracks that are active processes, with scientific principles underpinning them, and that are quite unlike anything else available in the world today. What’s more, every single one of these new audio programmes mentioned here are less that three quid! That’s right, they are just £2.99 each. 

Go and read more about them at our Hypnosis For Download site here: www.hypnosisfordownload.com 
9 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Time
It seems quite relevant that I should be covering the theme I am writing about here today. Last week, when we launched these tracks, a number of people asked me where I find the time to get so much done.

That is, we have a lot of regular output through our social media channels, we offer a wide number of online training courses, and we manage to produce and put out for sale new audio programmes - and all this during a week when I was teaching our classroom based hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma last weekend. I took some time out for R&R on Monday, but the rest has been carefully planned. 

There are sometimes sacrifices. Although it will be back next week, my podcast is not going live this week and it has a great following of people who miss it when it is not around. It was a casualty of high levels of productivity and having to deal with life going on around us at the same time. 

Earlier this week, I wrote an article about how to make the most of your time. It offers up a number of ways to manage your time effectively and become really productive, but also to derive more enjoyment from the time you have, have a read here: 

How To Be Incredibly Productive
There is a sister article that I wrote a little while ago that I also want to draw your attention to, that covers the fundamental ways I organise my day and the principles that lead to high levels of productivity; I strongly recommend you read this article, it’ll transform your work, life, goals, and much more besides: 

Social Media
My output on social media this past week has not been as prolific as last week as we have had to focus on a number of other areas, but I have still managed to Instagram some pictures of some empty beer bottles in crates at my home that are heading back to their home in the Ardennes, a picture of my favourite post-training course cocktail that I was merrily sipping last Sunday night, and I also shared some pictures of me with some of the team here at my college - namely, our two longest serving class assistants, who are both very awesome women. Add to that a BIG load of evidence based hypnosis memes, and our social media output is a joy to behold, so come and get your fill here: 

Adam at Facebook: /HypnotistAdam
Adam on Twitter: @AdamEason
Adam on Instagram: Adam_Eason
Adam on Google Plus: +AdamEasonHypnotist



Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​
 Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars. 
​​​​​​​There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.


10 Ways Successful People Approach Life Differently
This week, I have a guest article, written by my friend Abdul Mulharty who is an upcoming coach. Him and I spoke last week about our tendency to buck convention and I told him he should write about that, so he did, and then he asked if I could share it with our readers, so here it is: 
In many ways successful people are just like unsuccessful people. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, all types of demographics, have all levels of education and experience and expertise.

In many ways successful people are the same as everyone else. Yet look closely and you'll see that in certain key ways, they are very, very different.

Here are the qualities that set exceptional people apart:

1. They love when others win

Successful people can't stand playing politics--and to some degree, people who play politics. Politically motivated people hate when other people earn praise or recognition; they instinctively feel that diminishes the light from their star.

Others aren't competitive, at least not in that way. They want to be recognized, but their accomplishments don't preclude others from doing great things, too.

They want everyone else who does something awesome to get recognized, too.

2. They desperately want to see ideas come to fruition

Maybe they love to dream up their own ideas. Or maybe they love to help others build out their ideas. Either way, successful people want to make things happen -- new, exciting, crazy, groundbreaking things.

Successful people don't want to manage what already exists; they want to create what doesn't exist -- yet.

3. They're meta-thinkers

They love big ideas. The greater the challenge, the greater the pleasure gained. Problem solving is cat’s meat. It gives them the inducement to simplify worn out and tired ways of constantly repeating the same pattern of performing. You don’t need all the answers. Assimilate, conjugate, and go forward. Every act of accomplishment starts with an idea in the mind. Only afterward does it appear as a foregone conclusion to those with less insight.

4. They believe nothing is sacred

Successful people don't say, "Well, that's just the way it is."

Instead they never feel what is must always be, because perspectives can be shifted. Laws of physics can be broken. Conventional wisdom may not be wisdom at all.

Even when something huge stands in their way, they know there's a way around it -- they just need to figure it out. Changing a paradigm makes new things possible.

                   “A man’s mistakes are his portals of discovery.” – James Joyce

5. They embrace nontechnical feedback

Successful people readily take input from others. And they definitely don't put up barriers to feedback -- feedback, especially critical feedback, is just another problem to solve. Becoming better is more important than their egos.

That's because they don't see feedback as threatening -- they see feedback as enlightening. Plus they know they need a lot more feedback on interpersonal skills and personal growth than on technical skills.

Why? Technical issues are obvious. Because they are constantly self-assessing, successful people know their technical limitations better than anyone else. But what other issues might be standing in their way?

6. They actively create their future selves

In general, successful people realize they are often their own worst enemy. They don't see themselves as controlled by external forces; they think the barrier between what they are and what they want is almost always them.

They plan to become their future selves in advance. Studies show that this kind of planning will help brain to detect and seize the opportunity when it arises, increasing the chances of success by roughly 300%.

So they're constantly trying to be better tomorrow than they are today -- even if the people around them wish they would just give it a rest.

7. They adore taking things off their plates

Successful people have a tendency to systematize, not to be anal but to take small and large decisions off their plate so they don't have to waste time thinking about them. So they eat similar things, wear similar clothing, and create daily routines They organize so they don't have to waste brain share on things that don't really matter.

But don't confuse creating routines with being compulsive. Successful people will change a routine the moment they see a flaw or an opportunity to make an improvement.

There's method to the apparent madness -- you just have to look for it.

8. They're awesome at leveraging self-reward

Successful people almost always do the things they have to do before they tackle the things they want to do. They use what they want to do as a reward. And that means the more things they have to do, the more they'll get done.

But that doesn't mean they're great at celebrating success. Because they're constantly trying to improve, a "big win" isn't big -- it's simply the outcome of all the things they did to make it come true.

9. They believe they're in total control

Successful people understand the true meaning of self-control. It’s not about denial or wearing a hair shirt. It’s about living a principled set of guidelines which put you touch with your inner self. Although this is a stretch experience, successful people recognize with each day they are that much nearer to mastering their own purpose in life. Routines and compulsiveness are for people who are afraid of being free. Let go of everything which holds them back.

Many people feel luck has a lot to do with success or failure: If they succeed, luck played a part; if they fail, the odds just didn't go their way.
Successful people feel they have complete control over their success or failure. If they succeed, they caused it. If they fail, they caused it. 

10. Understand That Life Is A Journey Not A Destination 

Many people are always looking for closure. However, successful people know that when one thing is done another project or challenge will take its place. They don’t mind, but take this in stride. They understand that the true purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Trinkets and trash hold no allure. Their true pleasure is making a difference.

In the end, it takes consistent practice to be successful. Success doesn’t happen by accident, but because you have committed yourself to certain activities, that will help you reach your goals.

Joke Of The Week
Since this week was all about time management and being productive, I thought this week’s jokes would be about lateness, the ultimate in time management gone wrong, enjoy these….

1. After waiting more than an hour and a half for her date, the young lady decided she had been stood up. She changed from her dinner dress into pajamas and slippers, fixed some popcorn and resigned herself to an evening of TV.

No sooner had she flopped down in front of the TV than her doorbell rang. There stood her date.

He took one look at her and gasped, “I’m two hours late . . . and you’re still not ready?”


2. Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn’t do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well and in fact beat the alarm in the morning by almost two hours. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.

“Boss”, he said, ” The pill actually worked!”

“That’s all fine” said the boss, ” But where were you yesterday?”

3. Then how about a list of top ten excuses for being late to school: 

1.They’re always ringing the bell before I get there.

2.I saw a sign that read “School Ahead. Go Slow.”, so I did.

3.My watch was set to Tokyo time.

4.I had to feed my pet piranha.

5.My alarm clock kept going off while I was asleep.

6.Sorry–usually my punctuation skills are excellent.

7.I was dreaming about a b-ball game, and it went into overtime.

8.I’M on time–everyone else is early.

9.I told you if i wasn’t here, you should go ahead and start without me.

10.What? I thought this place was open until three thirty!
Meme Of The Week

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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd