**, - Adam Up - Spring Clean

Published: Thu, 03/02/17

March #1
Edition #587
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
We get feedback. We got tons of feedback recently following a survey Keith sent out. Keith has been working his way through your messages and we are both doing what we can to respond positively to the feedback we received. 

For some reason, people wanted to see more of me. If you come on my courses, or invest in our online training programmes, or come to our peer support events, or social events, or conferences, then you get to see me, hear me, and heck, even touch me…. Hahahaha…. However, for some of you, well, quite a lot of you actually, you wanted to weigh me up a bit more it seems. So this week, I did a bunch of things for you to get a sense of who and how I am, and bring myself into vision a bit more. 

Firstly, I opened a professional Instagram account. I have always resisted Instagram, because I thought I could do all that it does in other ways.

However, I can now post pictures with a range of filters! So if you want to see more of my hypnosis memes, plenty of pictures of me at my gym (and this week a clip of me doing squats at the gym - tomorrow some pull-ups with a weight plate hanging around my waist!) , or pictures of me and our 8 month old enthusiastic cockapoo puppy, and the quirks of my world (purple clay tea pots, Red Dwarf mouse pad and Jason and the Argonauts drink mat, for example) then my Instagram account is a great way to do that. I have been sharing a bunch of that stuff from Instagram to Twitter and Facebook to, but some bits are exclusive to Instagram. My account names for social media are as follows: 

Secondly then, I started to do a bunch of Facebook Live broadcasts. This week, they have all been off the cuff. That is, I’ve not announced them, I’ve just gone live and spoken about some topics that have been relevant at the time and so on. In coming weeks, we’ll announce key broadcasts for those who want to come in and interact. I’ll also be broadcasting from my classrooms and other destinations along the way from time to time. They are just little snippets, and you can go and watch them and catch up with them if you’d like to over at my Facebook page: 

So far this week, the comments on the videos have seen my professional peers and ‘friends’ public refer to me as looking like ‘one of the Goodies’, ‘having a great face for podcasts’, ‘looking like a newshound presenter’ and ‘Harry Potter’ to name just a few. I covered some topics such as ‘Shoshin, the beginners mind’, gave business advice for hypnotherapists, made a big reference to the Karate Kid (the 80s film), said the word ‘Snatch’ (as in weightlifting) without giggling like a 13 year old, did an Alan Partridge impression, showed my guns, spoke of loving oneself and various other bits and pieces along the way.  

That there is us responding immediately to your requests and we’ll continue working hard behind the scenes with regards to other feedback you have given us too, as much as is viable and do-able anyway. My sincere thanks to all those of you who responded. 
Our Surveys And More
[Keith Watson] 

Following on from Adam's comments above. 

You are going to hear a lot from Adam and myself,  and see a buzz around here, because we have a few initiatives that we will reveal to you all over the next few weeks.

I am following on with my affiliate program and looking at the best training to get you successful in list building and attracting traffic to your websites. 

From the survey we sent out over the weekend I have a large list of you interested in promoting our products and courses and I will be contacting you all during March.

Also there were a huge number hypnotherapists overseas who I hope will be joining our online CPD courses.  

If you go to my web post today - you will see why that gives me great pleasure.  I should think Adam got a blush when he read the blog - it is not like me to give such glowing praise. 

Here is my Blog Post: 


Here is another invitation to fill in our Survey we sent over the weekend if you didn't get to do it then.

There are incentives to take part.

Adam and I have a couple of very short surveys - (just couple of minutes to complete).

First Survey:
is for hypnotherapists or other therapists only: 
Hypnotherapist Survey

Second Survey:
is for all our Adam Up mailing list
General Survey

You will see the gifts on offer on the survey form.

Well I hope you have a couple of minutes to help us with this.

I will be watching out for your replies while I watch the rugby and football today.

Hypnosis Weekly
The latest edition of the Hypnosis Weekly podcast has just gone live and for any of you who are therapists, especially hypnotherapists, I think there is a huge amount of value for you in there.

My guest this week is Sarah Swanton, an exceptional hypnotherapist who draws upon her own skill, knowledge and painful past experience to help therapists understand and deal with the very real occurrence of burnout.

I wish I had the awareness I have today when I first started out, and I know a great many of you therapists out there will have better lives and careers as a result of listening to what Sarah has to say on the subject.

Enjoy it: 

Quality Family Time
Last weekend, my 4 year old daughter joined me, my wife and our 5 year old son and ran the local junior park run. It was fabulous, she was fabulous.

She ran the entire distance without stopping and it felt so awesome to have a full compliment of Team Eason running the event.

It made me want to research and write an impromptu blog article on Monday this week about the importance of quality family time and how good it is for all members of the family in terms of their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Have a read of that article here: 

Have A Spring Clean
Also last weekend, I very nearly fetched my Geraniums out of the greenhouse where they’ve been hibernating all Winter, but chose to leave them there for a bit longer and I am pleased I did so as we’ve had a couple of frosty mornings since! It is almost Spring and time for that annual ritual known as spring cleaning. I have rearranged my wardrobes, got rid of old clothes, tidied my drawers so that they no longer look like an offering to the God of rag and bone men and the massive pile of paperwork that I usually sit next to in my office has gone! It’s that time of year whereby many of us spring clean in our homes, offices and anywhere else there is clutter.

This week, I wrote about a different kind of Spring clean though. I wonder how many of us conduct an emotional spring clean with the same degree of vigour that we apply when we de-clutter our environment? Yes indeed, Spring is also a great time to get emotionally organised following Winter and the start of the year, a great time to get some clarity about the rest of the year ahead and make sure you are on track to make it as great a year as you planned when it began. I gave some great tips on how to organise and conduct an emotional spring clean, free up your mind, and get inspired and rejuvenated for taking on the rest of the year, read this: 

As you would/should expect from me, I also recommend aiding the emotional Spring clean process by using self-hypnosis and yesterday I wrote and offered up a self-hypnosis process for advancing your emotional spring clean, go and have a read of this article to help you do that: 

As it happens, I have written before about a great many ways to help do that, and all of these processes in these articles from our vaults are going to help you wonderfully when it comes to having a good emotional and mental spring clean and letting go of what you no longer want, use these to really kickstart your de-cluttering:

Plenty to get stuck into this week then, eh? 
New Audios Added to Hypnosis For Download


Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​
 Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars. 
​​​​​​​There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.

Joke Of The Week
A collection of Spring themed jokes for you today….

When do monkeys fall from the sky? 
During Ape-ril showers! 

Can February March? 
No, but April May! 

Why is everyone so tired on April 1? 
Because they've just finished a long, 31 day March! 

What season is it when you are on a trampoline? 

Why is the letter A like a flower? 
A bee (B) comes after it! 

What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? 
A hot cross bunny 

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? 
Bugs Bunny

I laughed out loud at most of those! Thanks to everyone who sends the jokes in each week, I love getting them. 
Caption Contest

Meme Of The Week

Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd