**, - Adam Up - LOVE - Maybe Self LOVE

Published: Thu, 02/16/17

February #3
Edition #586
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Today’s edition is a bumper edition, and yes, it is a LOVE edition of the podcast.

We are putting our own spin on the Valentine’s day fervour and even our evidence based hypnosis meme of the week is heart related! 

First up, the Hypnosis Weekly podcast will return next week when I welcome Dr Birgit Zottmann with whom I discuss mindfulness and hypnotherapy, and I also welcome a former guest back on to the show who offers up a bonus snippet instead of one of my usual sections. My good friend, and organiser of the UK Hypnosis Convention, Nick Ebdon also features and I think you are going to love what he has to say.

Until then though, if you have not listened to the most recent edition with Karl Smith, or any of our previous 64 editions, do go and have a listen: www.hypnosis-weekly.com  
Happy Valentines
SO yes, this week has been the week whereby convention says we must all design a Moonpig card, buy a big box of choccies, a bunch of flowers and organise a romantic dinner for two by candlelight, with your favourite Chris De Burgh LP playing softly in the background… 

As you know, we are not really ones hell-bent on convention here, so I wanted to focus my own output on topics of love, effective communication, relationship development and weave self-hypnosis in wherever possible of course. 

To start the week off, last Monday I wanted to place some emphasis upon the subject of being more loving and loveable, but not just because it was Valentine’s week, but that a number of research backed principles will help you be more loving and loveable all year round if committed to and if applied regularly.

With some key themes about appreciation and developing into a loving and loveable person as if it were a skill, I also draw upon some research that suggests arranged marriages last longer than those built upon an idealistic notion of romance - arranged marriages are not being advocated, just the processes that are often involved in making them work. I wrote this article: 

Love Yourself
For me though, this week’s focus was always going to be much more about learning to love oneself.

If ever we feel in need of love, instead of craving or desiring love from others, if we have a ready made reservoir of love within ourselves to draw upon, we can derive great sustenance and well-being.

So on Valentine’s day itself, I wrote about 12 wonderful ways that anyone and everyone can learn to love themselves more.

These are practical and easy to apply processes that will bring a lot of love into your life and the impact that has on life is just incredible: 

I also wrote about giving love as a means of feeling it more often, and this was a central theme when I shared a self-hypnosis process last year all about the health benefits of loving kindness, incorporating the famous meditation process with some very solid scientific principles, wrapped into a self-hypnosis session: 

Self-Belief and Love Yourself More
I also suggested that it is easier to love yourself when you believe in yourself, so again I shared this article, ram-packed with useful ways to advance self-belief: 

How To Believe In You – 9 and a bit Ways To Advance Self-Belief

Then yesterday, I wrote about and shared a way to use self-hypnosis to advance the love you have for yourself.

I loved writing this article, I just loved it.

I feel so good when I use this session and it buoys me for days on end and others notice it. I also got to sneak in at the end a wonderful music track from Danny Wilson that makes me very happy.

All in all, I think learning how to develop love within and for oneself was a very fulfilling topic to focus upon this week, and this process was the real icing on the cake, it is like receiving a massive warm hug - I hope you enjoy using it as much as I do: 

You know what, those who have trained with me, know that I like to make regular references to my favourite ever TV show, Red Dwarf.

There is a great episode of Red Dwarf, where the crew fall prey to the “Despair Squid” on an ocean planet while salvaging from a derelict vessel at the bottom of the ocean. The despair squid squirted the ship with ink that had hallucinogenic properties that created despair in the crew members and is designed as a deterrent.
They realise that they have been infected and head back to their own ship incredibly quickly to get a mood stabiliser.
On the lift back to the top of the ship Dave Lister says “I don’t seem to have been effected….
Though it is true to say that no-one ever truly loved me in my entire life….” and starts crying as despair sets in.
It is really funny! 

Though I laugh, I recognise that Valentine’s day is not necessarily something that makes all people happy - quite the contrary in fact. Especially for some single people or those who have lost love in one way or another. Likewise, even those who are in happy relationships are not always thrilled by the conventional expectation of Valentine’s day. 

Whatever your thoughts and feelings about Valentine’s day, I hope that this series of articles and self-hypnosis processes help you recognise that there is love there to be found, within yourself and all around you and that learning to find a deep and profound love for yourself is beautifully uplifting and nourishing and can really soothe the soul at any time of year. 
Hypnotic Affiliates Training - One Of The Best I Can Offer You
by Keith Watson

We have a few affiliates on board - learning to communicate and promote our audios and videos in our Hypnosis for Download store.

There is actually quite a steep learning curve to build a successful responsive mailing list and communicate within it effectively - a skill necessary for your any business online or offline.

If you wanting to learn all of the best marketing techniques as an affiliate marketer online I totally recommend this white haired (he is about my age) marketing sage.  

He is totally up to date and he offers incredibly value in his training.  

Go and read more in my blog post>>​​​​​​​


When you go to my blog post you will see an offer on the right hand side.  That is Genuine.  

Then go to Hypnosis For Download and get 50% Discount with the coupon code offered beside my blog post.




Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​
 Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars. 
​​​​​​​There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.

Joke Of The Week
Yes, we even have Valentine’s themed jokes this week…..

Boy: Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day? 
Girl: Yes, February 14th.

What did one boat say to the other?
“Are you up for a little row-mance?”

What do you say to your single friends on Valentine’s Day?
Happy Independence Day! 

4. Every Valentine’s Day our campus newspaper has a section for student messages. Last year my roommate surprised his girlfriend with roses and dinner at a fancy restaurant. When they returned from their date, she leafed through the paper to see if he had written a note to her.
Near the bottom of one page she found:
“Bonnie—What are you looking here for?
Aren’t dinner and flowers enough?
Love, Scott.”

My high-school English teacher was well known for being a fair, but hard, grader.
One day I received a B minus on a theme paper.
In hopes of bettering my grade and in the spirit of the valentine season, I sent her an extravagant heart-shaped box of chocolates with the pre-printed inscription: “BE MINE.”
The following day, I received in return a valentine from the teacher.
​​​​​​​It read: “Thank you, but it’s still BE MINE-US.”
Caption Contest

Meme Of The Week

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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


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Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

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