**, - Adam Up - Getting Creative

Published: Thu, 02/09/17

February #2
Edition #585
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Hypnosis Weekly

The Hypnosis Weekly podcast is back with a new episode and it is a cracker.

Hypnosis trainer Karl Smith shares his incredible story and talks about working using hypnotherapy with military personnel.

It is fascinating stuff, I hope you enjoy it. 

PHN Offers Access To IJCEH
Also something that will interest you hypnotherapists, hypnosis geeks and those interested in evidence based approaches to hypnosis.

Last week, I announced that the Professional Hypnotherapy Network (PHN) now offers all of it’s members access to the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (IJCEH). This is a massive coup as far as I am concerned and I have worked very hard to establish this. I think it is such a big step in developing the education of the field.

With the membership fee for the PHN being just £50.00 (much lower than other major hypnotherapy associations - and is kept at the same price as when you originally joined even if it goes up in the future) this is incredible value if you are aware of how much a single journal research paper costs to download usually.  Here you have access to every single edition ever.

There is more detail and more for me to discuss which I wrote about here. if you are a hypnotherapist, have a read of this and come and join the UK’s leading hypnotherapists:

Getting Creative
Following last week, whereby I wrote about stepping out of your comfort zone, I had a LOT of exchanges with many of you about making this a reality and was struck with a few people struggling to create ways to do a lot of what I was suggesting. It seemed logical and a natural progression for me to write about advancing creativity this week. 

We are in February, a month where the festive season is a distant memory, the January motivation may have levelled off and as the dust settles, reality bites and we sometimes start to question ourselves. Getting creative and enhancing creativity does not only do what it says on the tin (increasing creativity) but it also inspires, motivates, drives and gets the brain in a wonderfully refreshing and effervescent place. 

So firstly this week, I wrote this: 

Be More Creative
It has been getting such great feedback on Social Media. I draw upon NLP strategies, classic psychology findings, and much more besides. All principles have great evidence base underpinning them, so go and have a read and give your entire life the tonic of enhanced creativity and see how much impact it has on so many varying areas of your life. 

I then followed that up with this article: 

You knew that I’d do so, right?

Self-hypnosis has all the right properties and characteristics to really support advancing creativity. In this technique, I incorporate mindfulness mental imagery and some other components for a wonderfully exhilarating self-hypnosis session for you to enjoy.

Have fun getting creative this week. 


Hypnotic Affiliates and Coupon Codes
by Keith Watson

Hypnotic Affiliates – that is what I am after.  Yes – maybe you!

A few years ago, I began to sell other peoples products online.  In fact I used to spend about 1 hour a day doing all the bits you have to do – and I made a great part time income.

Some affiliates make it a full time occupation and I know a lot of very successful affiliates.

I didn’t get that involved – but – what is actually weird (but great of course!!)  is that I am still getting cheques for sales that I made a decade ago for ongoing long term online services.



on that page is information about how to get a coupon code and gift from our online Hypnosis For Download store.


Join Us In March


Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​
 Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars.  There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Joke Of The Week
Two jokes about innovation this week, as we had a theme of creativity….

1. Three Legged Chicken

A man was driving along a freeway when he noticed a chicken running along side his car. He was amazed to see the chicken keeping up with him because he was doing 50 MPH. He accelerated to 60 and the chicken stayed right next to him. He speeded up to 75 MPH and the chicken passed him up. The man noticed the chicken had three legs. So, he followed to chicken down a road and ended up at a farm. He got out of his car and saw that all the chickens had three legs.

He asked the farmer "What's up with these chickens?"

The farmer said "Well, everybody likes chicken legs. I bred a three legged bird. I'm going to be a millionaire." The man asked him how they tasted.

The farmer said "Don't know, haven't caught one yet."

2. The Last Evacuation Drill

A fire alarm rang at 4 pm in a large office campus when almost all employees were present (approx 5,000 people )

As per past fire-drill practices, the entire office was quickly evacuated within 3 minutes, and all employees gathered outside the complex in designated areas waiting for further announcement.

Before long, the fire drill officer in-charge made the following broadcast over their loud-speakers system: "My dear colleagues : With sincere regret, I have been asked to announce that for many of you, this will be your last evacuation drill with us. Due to the on-going recession and bad business climate, the company is laying off almost 50% of its staff. So when this announcement finishes, I ask all of you to move back into the building. And if your swipe-card does not work, then it means that you have been laid off, in which case you will not be allowed inside, and all your personal belongings will be couriered to you by tomorrow.

The company is using this innovative, never-before approach as we do not want to choke our email system with lay-off notices and farewell messages going by the thousands, and we also wish to avoid any fighting inside the office and the consequent security issues for all staff.

We hope you have had a rewarding career with us. Now please move back in… and good luck!

Caption Contest

Meme Of The Week

Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd