**, - Adam Up - Hypnosis In The Gym...

Published: Thu, 01/19/17

January #3
Edition #582
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
For all those of you who read this ezine each week that are qualified hypnosis professionals, I have something exciting to share with you today.

We are officially launching our new online 30 month hypnotherapy CPD season pass which is just ram-packed with the highest level advanced hypnotherapy education available anywhere in the world today. I know this to be true as I researched, designed and delivered the courses that comprise the new programme. 

I am offering a healthy discount on the programme that includes our full diploma programme, our
  • advanced diploma course,
  • cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy certification,
  • hypnotic coaching course,
  • hypnotherapist business development academy,
  • also there are all the videos of our diploma course, our seminars ‘rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena’ and ‘science of self-hypnosis’ plus a few other extras for good measure.
If this has piqued your interest, then go and have a read all about this at the Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis website


We were originally just going to offer 5 places with 25% discount but we have decided to make our Adam Up readers a special offer till the end of this month

We are making an offer of 25% Discount from the on the 30 Month Four Courses Plus Other Resources package until the end of this month.  You are getting this information as you are a reader of Adam Up so you have this exclusive offer.  Just get in touch with us and mention the offer here and we will sort out the payment discount with you.

Latest Podcast - Claude Ribaux
Also, for you hypnosis fans, the latest edition of the Hypnosis Weekly podcast is live.

This week it features Claude Ribaux from Switzerland who talks about active alert hypnosis and I find a great deal of crossover with my own work on hypnosis for running, I think you’ll really enjoy this episode: 

Running Blog
Also, I wrote a rare article on my Hypnosis for Running hobby blog this week. Simply because my five-year-old son ran his first junior park run last weekend. I was so proud that I wanted to share some photos and also talk briefly about how well his amazing attitude helped him make such a wonderful account of himself at the event. Read about that here: 

Hypnosis for Running, The Next Generation
Referral Affiliates -
 Sell Self-Hypnosis Audios and Videos

You can join us

Read more from any of this links:

Hypnosis For Download: Low Prices In January - The Story

Hypnosis For Download 2: Make Money With Us In 2017

One Day Seminars With Adam Eason
Rapid Inductions and Science Of Self-Hypnosis


Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​

Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars.  There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

We Will Pay You 20% Of Ticket Price For Referrals To TheO One Day Seminars in March
So many of you who read Adam Up have been to Adam's One Day Seminars.  We all know they are fun and participants learn so much about hypnosis and psychologic techniques.  You are the very people who can recommend our courses to friends.  So here is an opportunity to not only recommend but get a reward for doing so. 

We have set our forthcoming seminars in March up with an affiliate program (this is NOT the same affiliate program as we use on our Audios and Videos.)

Gym Workout – Maximise Your Gains – Use Self-Hypnosis For Post-Workout
As you may or may not have read in a previous article on this ezine, I have added weight lifting to my fitness regime and I am loving it. There has been a whole new set of language to update my personal lexicon with and so my aim of becoming properly ‘hench’ is well underway and each week I revel in my ‘gains.’

Today’s article is all about maximising those gains made during your workout, regardless of the nature of the exercise you did.

With my running, I used self-hypnosis to advance and enhance recovery and have written about that aplenty. In recent months, I have been examining ways to use self-hypnosis to maximise the gains I make in the gym workout and how to aid a very different type of recovery.

Typically, many gym goers will drink protein shakes or take supplements to help their body recover, and I became interested in ways my mind could help and started to examine the evidence and research with regards to applying self-hypnosis.

Well, you guessed it, there is virtually nothing directly supporting the application that I am sharing here today. However, there are many evidence based principles that support most of what is involved with this process.

Self-hypnosis has been shown to alter body temperature (Dikel & Olness, 1980),
Advance immune functioning
(Barabasz et al., 1996; Gruzelier et al, 2001; Ruzyla-Smith et al., 1995),
Relieve pain (Jensen et al., 2009 & 2011; Lang et al., 1996 & 2000; Tan et al., 2014),
Speed up healing (Kline, 1953; Frankel & Misch, 1973),
Oxygenate the blood (read a full-on process on how to do that here:
Mobilise blood flow (Raskin et al., 1999; Swirsky-Sachetti & Margolis, 1986);
all of which can contribute (at least potentially) to the advancement of recovery following weight training or any rigorous exercise.

I initially looked at using placebo and creating hypnotic tablet and performance enhancing drugs to administer in conjunction with hypnosis, and I have done that a few times, yet there is not a new process to that which I have written about before.

You can simply adjust this particular process here and make it pertinent to whatever exercise you do and whether it is being used as pre or post workout:

Self-Hypnosis Audio:

The process that I have mostly been using and gradually honing into a central part of my post- gym workout ritual involves a number of simple components, just follow these steps:

Prior to starting have a positive cognition, an affirmation or a good positive suggestion that you can repeat to yourself later on within this process. Something that is worded in the present tense, is positively focused upon what you want and is motivating, for example:

“I am stronger and stronger”
“My muscles are growing healthily bigger”
“I am fitter and fitter”
“I feel and am healthier and healthier”

Then with that in your mind or written down, you can get started.
Step One: 
Induce Hypnosis

You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:
Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to the next step:
Step Two:
Go deeper by being mindful and tuning in to the body.

Now, begin by being aware of your entire body as one… From the top of your head, all the way down into your fingers and finger tips… and down into the tips of your toes… Be aware of your entire body as one… Just be aware of it and watch it.
Don’t try to change anything; don’t try to stop anything from changing. Sometimes things change all by themselves when you watch them, that’s ok…
Embrace what is happening within you instead of fighting or resisting it…
Be passive, a detached observer, just be contented to notice what you notice,
Feel what you feel…
Tune in to your breathing next…
Notice the sensations of your breathing…
Notice your tummy…
Rise as you inhale…
And fall as you exhale…
Notice your chest expand…
And relax…
Don’t try to change the breathing…
Don’t try to stop it from changing…
Just be a passive observer…
Let the body do the breathing…  
Observe it, as if you were watching a bird on a tree breathing, or as if you were watching someone else breathing or as if you were watching a well-maintained machine. When you are truly tuned in to your breathing, very aware of it in it’s entirety, then move on to the next step.
Be more and more comfortably absorbed in the feelings of the body… in this moment.
Turn your attention to the sensations in your arms, legs, chest, tummy, head and everywhere else… One by one. As you focus on each area, let your awareness spread over the surface of your skin… deep into the muscles… and even into the bones and joints…
Let the breath guide your awareness… deeper and deeper into the body… let your mind be more patiently absorbed in even the smallest feelings… Once you have been through the entire body, let your awareness rest on your entire body as one.
Let your body continue to do the breathing…  Once you have this deep sense of awareness of yourself physically, then move on to the next step.

Step Three:   
Oxygenate the Blood

Imagine watching the air coming into your mouth, observe the air and imagine it coming into your mouth and moving through your system.
You might imagine it has qualities you can observe; minute oxygen bubbles, light, colour, sound, a sensation. Just watch it coming in through your mouth, follow each breath moving through your throat, into your windpipe, and then branching out into the two smaller air tubes, the bronchi, going in the direction of the left and right lung via a network of thousands of smaller airways called bronchioles.  The air then reaches the alveoli in the lungs.
Continue to follow and imagine that journey of the air, tell yourself that as you imagine it, you are deeper hypnotised, more focused and more responsive. As the air arrives at the alveoli, notice that the oxygen sticks to it and is removed from the air. The oxygen then moves into the blood vessels and the blood.
Start to imagine that you are extracting more and more oxygen from each breath of air until you are efficiently and effectively absorbing and extracting ALL the oxygen possible from each breath of air you breathe in.
Watch as more and more oxygen increasingly is absorbed into your system in a healthy, beneficial way.
Now imagine that the increased oxygen traveling through the capillaries and into the red blood cells is being moved more effectively. It is being moved in a comfortable and efficient manner. Not necessarily being distributed quicker. Your red blood cells are brimming over with oxygen that enrich the body, arrive at the organs and muscles to fuel them with more natural ease, thus making it easier and easier to use more effort in a more effective fashion
You now practice that process once or ideally twice daily for a few weeks. Make it part of your post-workout routine following a gym workout. Believe in what you are doing. Believe in the effect and you’ll increase the results you are getting and will be maximising your gains for sure.
As this is happening, and your body has an abundance of oxygen, as it is becoming more effective at using it, so it transports away the carbon dioxide effectively. It seems that as the muscles expend energy and omit the waste product of carbon dioxide, the red blood cells are also capable of removing more of it with each exhalation. Your system cleans itself, renews more easily.
Tune in to the areas of the busy that have been worked hardest. Mobilise the blood flow to those needed areas by focusing in on the muscles that were used the most in your workout and imagine the oxygen being healthily transported to those muscles in particular, soothing, healing, and of course cleansing and removing more of the waste products. You find that the body’s removal of waste products is more and more effective as you imagine it to be so.
Once you have spent a good period of time doing this thoroughly, move on to the next step.
Step Four:  
Promote healing and health.

If healing and growth were a colour, what colour is that for you?
If healing and growth were a sound, what sound is it for you?
If healing and growth were a feeling, what sensation is that?

Imagine that colour, sound and feeling now spreading through your body, rejuvenating, healing and aiding the recovery of the body.

Zone in on and focus upon the muscles that you exercised in your recent workout. Imagine those muscles growing, developing and becoming healthier as the colour, sound and feeling arrives in those areas.

Imagine that the light, the sound and the feeling are feeding and fueling the muscles, energising them and filling them with health, vitality and well-being.

At the same time, as the colour, sound and feelings arrive within the vital organs, imagine them also getting healthier.

Imagine the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and so on, all healthier and fitter as a result of this.

When you have done this thoroughly, move on to the next step.
Step Five:  
Repeat your positive cognition to yourself (the one you created prior to starting this hypnosis session).

For example; “I am healthier, fitter, stronger etc.”

Importantly, say the words to yourself like you really mean them. Say them in a way that is undeniably convincing and like you believe them to be true. Tell yourself that whenever you repeat these words outside of hypnosis, they continue the effects.

When you have spent some time really repeating these words with meaning, then move on to the next step.
Step Six:
Post hypnotic suggestion
Tell yourself that as a result of this session, you are getting stronger, fitter and healthier. your muscles are growing, and importantly tell yourself (convince yourself) that the usual recovery benefits of sleep and nutrition are multiplied as a result of this session.

That is, your nutrition, sleep, rest all produce even greater health benefits for you.

Be assured of that, then move on to the final steps.
Step Seven:
To round this process off then, we engage in some progressive relaxation while thinking about the muscles we have exercised (similar to desensitisation).
Engage in some progressive relaxation while you are continuing to imagine the body growing and healing:
You can do this in a number of ways…
  1. You can simply breathe and say the word ‘soften’ to yourself as you think of the muscles of your body.
  2. You can spread a colour through your body, one muscle at a time.
  3. Imagine light and/or heat spreading through you, relaxing you deeply.
  4. Imagine that you are a rag doll and that your muscles are loose, limp and dormant.
  5. Imagine being close to a soothing heat source that spreads throughout you.
There are many, many other ways to use progressive relaxation. Just use whatever process you know of to deeply relax and allow your body to be more and more relaxed.
Once you have relaxed your entire body, simply move on to the final step.

Step Eight: 
Exit Hypnosis.
If you use my own protocol as shown in my science of self-hypnosis book, count yourself up and out from one through to five.
Otherwise, open your eyes, wiggle your toes and get oriented to the place you are in.
You now practice that process once or ideally twice daily for a few weeks.
Make it part of your post-workout routine following a gym workout. Believe in what you are doing.
Believe in the effect and you’ll increase the results you are getting and will be maximising your gains for sure.

Gym Workout Boy
Joke Of The Week
Joke of the week: 

As with this week’s similarly themed caption contest, we have a weight lifting/body building themed set of gags for you this week….

1. “Is there a veterinarian around here?" the bodybuilder asks. "No idea. Why?" his friend replies. "Because my pythons are sick!" 

2. Q: What did the bodybuilder say when he opened his protein rub?
   A: No whey! 

3. Q: Why didn't they evict the bodybuilder from his apartment?
   A: Because he was squatting.

4. Q: What do you call a weight trainer who takes up ventriloquism    
   A: A goddy guilder.

Enjoyed those, thanks to all who send the jokes in, I love getting them each week. 

Caption Contest
Meme Of The Week
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Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd