**, - Adam Up - Clear The Rubbish From Your Mind -Stress, Anxiety, Fears -

Published: Thu, 12/22/16

December #4
Edition #579
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
We got a great response to the return of the podcast last week, and there will be a new edition out live tomorrow where hypnosis gets discussed with my guest Ina Oostrom and we talk on a favourite subject of hers - quantum physics!

Look out for that going live tomorrow at the Hypnosis Weekly podcast website.
I am writing this while feeling of a very delicate disposition. Last night was our Christmas party and we had a lot of fun, and I perhaps had one too many drinks. In the middle of all the fun, we recorded a mannequin challenge video of us all doing hypnosis which was great fun and I’ll post on our social media channels before I sign off for Christmas.

So yes, it really is all on our doorstep now. The final wrapping has now happened in the Eason house and that has also meant a real excess of cardboard boxes, so many that our bins have been unable to cope and I’ve had to take them off to the local tip.

Here in Bournemouth if you want to use local refuse facilities, then you have to drive all your rubbish or waste up there and show them your council tax bill or some other evidence that you are a tax payer in the region and thus allowed to be there.

Recently, it was also decided that our lawnmower had to be taken there and a new one was to be purchased. The old one had outlived it’s expected time on this planet and sheer laziness on my part had meant that  the grass cuttings collection box did not stay on unless I pressed my foot against it, it had black tape holding the handles in place and it was an eyesore…

I mean * sighs dramatically * what must the neighbours have thought?

As I dropped the orange flymo from the late 90s off at the electricals section of the tip, I laughed out loud at the group of people who then eyed it up and down until one man decided to carry it off and load it on his truck…

I told him that it did not work and needed to be put out to pasture, but he insisted he could get some life out of it…

Ah, I like to think of that old lawnmower, running free in the countryside somewhere enjoying its final days having seen the screwdriver of a strange man who hangs around the local dump looking for rubbish to whisk away…

* daydreams happily for a few moments, gaze fixed on a distant point… *

I got rid of a load of other stuff at the time too. It leaves me with a real sense of well-being. Like feeling cleansed. I feel that way after a spring clean.

Likewise, I love it when clothes and bedding have just been washed and they feel all fresh and clean – free of any stuff that it had collected from the wear and rigours of life. I don’t start doing that thing that they do on the TV commercials where they lift up the sheets and try to gaily snort them into their nostrils because they are so fresh and lovely, don’t get me wrong, I just like the sensation and the feel of clean things.

It is nice when our heads feel cleansed, clean and free of clutter and rubbish too, isn’t it?

So with that tenuous link in place, lets move on to matters at hand today then…

CPD - 2017
Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma
December Discount For ONLINE Course

One Day Seminars With Adam Eason
Rapid Inductions and Science Of Self-Hypnosis


Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​

Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars.  There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.

Clear The Rubbish From Your Mind - Stress, Anxiety, Fears
Some of you may have some rubbish in your heads.

I have had emails and requests for some kind of process and technique that allows us to dispense of our rubbish and leave us feeling better.

Our own personal rubbish, for the purpose of this process, may include stress, it may be non-useful worries, it may be frustrations or unhelpful tension, or even unnecessary fears.

This process is going to show you how to have a clear out of the mind, and wash the laundry of the brain, let me show you how:

Step One: 

Think about what it is that you need to let go of. This could be stress, tension, anxieties or something that is affecting you detrimentally to hold on to.
As unusual as this may sound, imagine that this thing you wish to let go of is like dirt and is ingrained in items of laundry All will become clear as we progress. With that concept in mind, move on to the next step.

Step Two: 

You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to the next step:

Step Three: 

Find yourself in a bathroom of your own design. Make it a special bathroom of some kind. Become aware of the colours, the sounds, notice what is in this place and most importantly look at the bath.

Look at how big the bath is, where the plug hole is positioned, notice the size and shape of the taps, and what the bath is made of, the colour of it, the texture of it, how it feels to touch it.

Get the bath really vivid in your mind in as much detail as you can.

Now fill the bath with water. Notice the steam coming from the hot water as it fills and pours into the bath, notice the sound of the water pouring and really engage in this process. Use this part of the session to deepen your experience of hypnosis.

That is, watch the water pouring and go deeper inside your mind, tell yourself that the water helps take you deeper inside your mind as it pours wonderfully and enjoyable before you.

Once you have filled the bath with hot water, move on to the next step.

Step Four:  

Ok, now comes the important part and the moderately bizarre part.

Find a way to open a trap door on the top of your head. Imagine it in whatever way works best for you.

The tip your head above the bath and dump all the dirty laundry you have in there into the bath. Notice items of clothing and/or sheets that all looked filthy, stained, and soiled. Empty all those stressors, worries, frustrations into the bath.

The dirt and grime represents all that you want to let go of.

As you look at it all there in the bath, notice that the water froths slightly and starts to become dirtier.

Notice the water starting to actively work on the items in the bathtub and move and roll around in a therapeutic rhythmic manner.

Watch as the water becomes blacker and darker and blacker…

Take plenty of time to watch the items rolling around in the active water, as it turns darker and blacker.

When the water gets so black that you can no longer see any of the items within the water, then move on to the next step.

Step Five: 

Now you pull the plug on the bath. Pull the plug with some determination and energy, then take a couple of nice deep breaths as you watch all that black water draining away into nothingness, draining away for good.

Tell yourself that you are letting go of what you no longer needs. The bath also seems to be sucking the black liquid out of the bath and as it does, every last drop of liquid and fluid within the bath disappears. You notice that every last tiniest drop disappears, so much so that the garments and items left in the bath are completely dry.

Look at the items remaining in the bath now. Notice how they are now brightly coloured and clean – notice the whiteness is back in some of them, notice the true colours.

Then start to place them back in the trap door of your head, noticing the smell and feel of clean, fresh, delightful items. As they arrive in the head, notice how much lighter your head feels.

Take some time to experience your head feeling lighter and more comfortable and at ease. What a joy to behold.

Spend a few moments, just resting and relaxing in hypnosis as you let that lightness begin to spread through your body. Once you feel it throughout your body and have relaxed and spread the feeling throughout you, then move on to the final step.

Step Six:

Now tell yourself that the lightness stays with you once you have finished with this process and then wiggle your toes and fingers, stretch your arms, take a deep, deep breath and open your eyes and go about your day feeling lighter, cleansed and at ease.

Lovely process this is, practice it and practice letting go of what you no longer need in this way, it’ll serve you incredibly well.

… And at least I took you to a lovely bathroom and not a smelly refuse collection centre of some kind, eh?

You will find the audio version in our hypnosis for download online store on this page.  You will also find several other mind health hyponosis sessions - please check them out.  
All that remains for me to say is to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year.

I will be back in the new year, firing on all cylinders with more to share.

Thanks for all your continued support this past year, here’s to a wonderful 2017.
Joke Of The Week
A list of the UK’s finest Christmas cracker jokes has been compiled by
UKTV’s Gold, freshly updated for 2016 and recently published in the media.

A panel of Gold judges, whittled thousands of cracker joke contenders on Twitter down to a shortlist, before holding a public vote to find the 30 best rib-ticklers.

I thought I’d share them here today. 

Top 30 Christmas cracker jokes

1. How will Christmas dinner be different after Brexit? No Brussels.

2. What do workers at Sports Direct get for Christmas dinner? About five minutes.

3. How do you recognise a Christmas tree from BHS? All the branches have gone.

4. I bought my mum Mary Berry’s cookbook for Christmas, I tried to get Paul Hollywood’s but he’d sold out.

5. What’s David Cameron’s favourite Christmas song? All I Want For Christmas is EU.

6. Why has Hillary Clinton asked Santa for a 23-letter alphabet? Because she is sick of F-B-I .

7. Why didn’t Roy Hodgson go to visit Santa at the North Pole? He couldn’t get past Iceland .

8. Why are Jeremy Corbyn ’s Christmas cards on the floor? His cabinet collapsed .

9. Prince Philip looks out of the window on Christmas Eve. “That’s some reindeer,” he says The Queen replies: “63 years. Yes, that is a lot.”

10. What’s the difference between the clementine in your Christmas stocking and Donald Trump? Nothing, they’re both a little orange .

11. What do you get if you cross Donald Trump with a Christmas Carol? O Comb Over Ye Faithful.

12. What’s the best advice you can give at the UKIP Christmas party? Avoid the punch .

13. Why did the three wise men only have frankincense and myrrh? Because Team GB took all the gold .

14. Which parent is likely to do the Christmas shop at Tesco this year? Dad might, Marmite not.

15. Why can’t the England football team play Yahtzee this Christmas? Because they got rid of Allardyce.

16. I can’t get to the chocolates in my advent calendar. Foiled again.

17. Why is Bob Dylan’s sleigh so quiet? Because it has Nobel.

18. Why is everyone filing for divorce and custody of the kids this Christmas? Tis the season to be Jolie.

19. Who might be cooking Christmas dinner at Number 10 this year? Theresa May.

20. Why can’t Mary Berry eat turkey sandwiches? Paul Hollywood took all the bread.

21. Why doesn’t Sam Allardyce help load Santa’s sleigh? Because it takes him 67 days to get the sack.

22. Why did the snowman pull out of Strictly? Because he got cold feet.

23. How do you pay respect to David Bowie this Xmas? By serving some Ziggy pudding.

24. What’s Tom Hiddleston starring in over Christmas? The Night Manger

25. What does Nigel Farage do to the hall with boughs of holly? He Dexit.

26. What did Tim Peake get in his stocking this year? Galaxy and Milky Way.

27. Why did Ed Balls fail an audition to play one of Santa’s reindeer in a Christmas pantomime? Because he’s no Dancer.

28. What’s Donald Trump’s favourite type of ice cream? Wall’s.

29. Why’s Santa going round the world this Christmas Eve? He’s playing Pokemon Ho Ho Ho.

30. How do snowmen leave the EU? They trigger Icicle 50.
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
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