**, - We Would Love You To Make Some Money With Us in 2017

Published: Thu, 01/05/17

January #1
Edition #580
Hello and welcome to the very first edition of Adam Up for 2017
Happy 2017
Happy New Year to you! Our doors swung back open on Tuesday after a wonderful festive season break and now we are setting about the new year with a real sense of purpose and vigour. 

Since the last time I wrote Adam Up, due to us not really offering an issue last week due to the holidays, we had our Christmas Party here at the college. We invite students, graduates and friends of the college to join us in some Yule Time revelry. As is par for the course at these events, I took a lot of selfies which you can go and take a look at here on my blog, and while you are there, you can go and take a look at the Mannequin Challenge video that we took that night too, I think it is brilliant and it has a hypnotic theme, it includes full body catalepsy, spoon bending, a Sith Lord Choke grip with sinister sound effects and lots of hypnotic phenomena - it was great fun, you can go and take a look here:

Hypnosis Weekly Podcast
The podcast has it’s first edition of the year out now too. My guest in this episode is hypnotherapist Paul Hughes. After our interview, Paul and I discuss his specialism in working with people diagnosed with Aspergers’s syndrome and it made for a truly fascinating episode in my opinion.

Do go and have a good listen here at the website where it is streamed, or you can download the episodes via a variety of podcast vehicles, including iTunes: 

NEW For 2017
Affiliate Programme - Make Money With Us Promoting Adam's Self-Hypnosis Audios and Videos - 50% Commissions

We'd greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about our self-hypnosis audios and videos  in our Hypnosis For Download store!

We value 'word of mouth' so much that we've put together a generous affiliate (referral) program. Which means, every time you refer a customer our way - we'll pay you a 50% percentage of the sales even weeks later if they return - as a thank you.

You can sign up for our affiliate program by Clicking Here.

Our marketing strategy 2017 is 'unique' in that we prefer to put money in our customers' pockets. It's a win-win, and I much prefer it to writing fat checks to Google and Facebook every month for their expensive advertising!

When you sign up for our referral program, you can literally start earning extra income in just a few minutes. We'll help you spread the word via social media.

Your friends and colleagues will thank you - and so will we.

Just sign up and I will be in touch via the affiliate software over time to teach you new tactics, tips and tricks.

Again, to sign up, Clicking Here.

2017 - Gym
Soooo…. 2017 is here. This Adam Up weekly ezine is back and will be filled with hypnotic goodness throughout 2017. For this first edition, I considered writing up a reflective article on everything that I did during the festive period (which was wonderfully enjoyable) but instead have opted to roll the sleeves up and get straig
ht into health, well-being and self-hypnosis, let me explain….

Last Summer, after a slump in fitness levels and having put some weight on following my running injury and a sustained period of inactivity, I did a LOT of research and decided to enrol in a gym while gradually upping my running miles and making my way back to some sort of fitness. I did not join a massive commercial gym, I joined the Strength and Conditioning Centre in Poole not far from where I live and have been learning how to lift weights. It was one of the best things I have ever done. You can also visit the Facebook page of The Strength & Conditioning Centre if you are local to the South Coast of England as I am.

Up until joining this gym, I had never lifted weights, not in my entire life, so started with their prescribed ‘Built to Blast’ programme that they offer, where I learned to squat, deadlift, bench press as well as be introduced to pushing a heavy sledge around the gym and much more besides. The first week was quite an eye opener as I realised how weak I was for my size and I gazed around the gym in awe at some of the weights that regulars could lift. This gym has an amazingly supportive environment and as I persisted, the numbers for my weights lifted went up, and I started to see that I could lift my own bodyweight with pull-ups, for example, the progress I was making heightened my enjoyment.

Here I am squatting 100kg for the first time, and doing so for 4 reps:

The aim was initially to build strength, reduce weight and be in the shape required for the new year running schedule to start, however, I fell in love with lifting weights. I started to be able to deadlift, squat and bench press 3-figure weights which was a big deal for me and was part of my personal goal-setting. Initially, I put on weight (with muscle) and lost fat (it was measured) and my body shape started to change greatly.

My running ability changed too, I started finding running up hills so much easier even though my endurance levels were not where they were since my injury. I felt good and strong and needless to say, I am still there and plan on remaining a member with the ever changing programmes provided by these brilliant guys (they are into their science too, which you guys know means that it was a lot easier for me to like them, right?).

Where am I going with this then?

I thought my first blog of the year would not necessarily be about setting your goals and resolutions

(though you can read about the evidenced based principles of doing so here:

Nor leading with a “New Year, New You” theme that others are making a fine job of right now (though I feel a bit like a “new me” currently, I’ll be honest)

So thought I’d show you how I have been using my mind as part of the ongoing challenge of improving week upon week, even at my ripe age, with lifting weights and in a way that anyone else can do too.

I have been so fortunate to be alongside some really supportive and encouraging gym partners. I say encouraging, they often offer up the sort of thought process that by default I really ought to be using on myself.

They encourage me not to take softer options, to lift bigger weights, to go that extra mile, and it is that very term that made me decide to import some of my running self-hypnosis skills to the gym.

I did my due diligence and studied the science and when it comes to pure strength training, the number of studies are incredibly few, yet some of the endurance raising studies do offer some brilliant principles to underpin what I do in the gym. So I developed some of the techniques I offer in my Hypnosis For Running book, for example, to fit what I was doing in the gym, the main challenge was moving to explosive mobilisation of my energy and effort.
However, altering and influencing my perception of effort has been key, and being able to mobilise my strength has been something that I am really starting to master and so I thought I’d share with you today a technique that I have used and adapted with great success in the gym, and that you can use in a wide number of ways too.

To read more about altering your perceived level of effort using self-hypnosis, go read this research supported article and technique too: Altering Our Perceived Level Of Effort When Running Using Self-Hypnosis
One Day Seminars With Adam Eason
Rapid Inductions and Science Of Self-Hypnosis


Thursday 30th March 2017
Rapid Hypnosis Inductions & Hypnotic Phenomena for hypnotherapists  one day seminar.
I love this event! You can go and read more about it here: ​​​​​​​

Friday 31st March 2017
Plus a new date for my beloved Science of Self-Hypnosis seminar next Spring. Ideal for CPD or anyone wanting to learn more: 

We offer discounts for anyone wishing to come to both of the seminars.  There are also group discounts.  Details on the information pages.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Drive For That Little Bit Extra
In years gone by, I have found that during marathons or other ultra distance events, if I have felt tired at mile 10 and doubted myself, I subsequently got weaker, but when I started to dispute that and drive myself on, or got some encouragement from the crowd, or thought about my wife, my kids etc. I have overcome that wave of seeming fatigue and run for another 16 miles with more gusto than the first 10.

We are all far more capable of going on for longer when it comes to exercise and physical activity. I was so certain of this, that I adapted an idea using self-hypnosis that I have used for all my long runs but can be applied to any physical activity or sporting endeavour. So I adapted it for lifting weights.

You just need to be able to imagine an old school graphic equaliser that used to be on stereos. The youth of today may not know what I mean, but it was a panel on the stereo front that showed you how the sound was divided and what the sound levels were like while music played. You could turn them up and down to affect the sound and you could get a visual interpretation of how loud certain parts of the music were.

It had a green zone where everything was safe, sounded sweetest and best, then the amber zone where it meant it was at its upper limits of optimisation, and then a red zone where the sound was becoming impaired and of a poorer quality due to being too high.

So, my initial point today is that sometimes people think they are using all their effort and have used all their energy and simply cannot go on…

Yet you always see good athletes pushing themselves to do more and alter their own perception of what they are capable of. Those ripped guys in the gym always squeeze out another rep on the weights and other athletes put in that little bit extra throughout their schedule – it makes a great deal of difference.

We all recognise a certain level within ourselves that we reach, but we are often able to go much further than that. This self-hypnosis technique is designed to help you go further and literally go that extra mile, get your mind focused and believing that you can do more or go faster or stay at for a while longer.
Six Steps To Use Hypnosis And Mobilise That Extra Strength & Effort:
Step One: Induce Hypnosis

You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to the next step:

Step Two:

Imagine a graphic equaliser or a visual measurement gauge of some kind in front of you.

Each breath that you breathe, the gauge pushes up to show the amount of effort and energy that you are using.

Take a few moments and just watch the lights going higher, brighter and longer with each breath that you breathe and then dissipates between in breath, so it is going up and down in time with your breathing.

As the gauge moves up, notice that if you breathe out really, fast and hard, the colours move and just touch upon the red zone. As you breathe usually, it stays green, barely turning amber or orange, but a hard breath gets into the red zone and the lights reach red for a brief moment.

Spend some time to get it absolutely synchronised with your breathing. As you watch it moving in time with your breathing, rising and falling, tell yourself that you are going deeper and deeper inside of your mind.

Usually, the red zone is associated with impairment or danger, however, with this technique, imagine that the red zone is your untapped strength, it is your potential and be really happy and excited to dip into that red zone to draw upon strength and power for fleeting moments. Like when you land the hammer on a fairground strength test and it dings the bell for a moment, you can imagine dinging the bell of your own capability.

When you feel as though you have spent enough time deepening your experience in this way, move on to the next step.

Step Three:

Keep the colourful gauge reflecting your breathing while you now imagine that you are exercising. Imagine yourself engaging in your choice of exercise and as you exercise and breathe, notice how this effects your gauge, it starts to go up and move towards that maximum level. The colours start to encroach upon the maximum level, the red zone that indicates the upper levels are being reached and you are tapping into your strength potential that perhaps sometimes your body tells you not to do – and let’s be honest, we talk ourselves out of going that extra mile often – yet we are very capable. Remember to only do what is safe and for your own well-being and start to push those boundaries healthily further.

In your mind start to slide the gauge controller upwards in bursts when you need that extra push and imagine yourself feeling fitter, stronger and more energised, at a healthy and safe level of course.

Bring the colourful indicator graphics downwards using the sliding switch and notice it coming back down into the safe and comfortable zone.

At the moment, using self-hypnosis, we are using this process in self-hypnosis and mentally rehearsing how we use it. We’ll practice this several times in self-hypnosis and develop it as a skill we can use outside of hypnosis and import into the gym – though we can still use eyes-open self-hypnosis when applying it actively in the gym too….. To illustrate how I time this technique with lifting a weight, I have the gauge in my mind first, I breathe deep and set the gauge, then as I exert myself in dynamic fashion during the lift, I imagine the gauge raising upwards and the strength filling my muscles with energy and I then make the lift, exhaling and imagining the gauge coming back to it’s regular levels.

Step Four:

Start to notice that you are able to keep the levels of exertion and effort being displayed on your gauge at a constant easier, comfortable level even as you exercise yourself harder and for longer. When you bring it into the green area, imagine that you are energising, healing and revitalising yourself, and notice how effective you are becoming at tapping into the potential and extra strength that exists in the red zone for those dynamic moments of high exertion.

Let this process push you to go slightly, and healthily further than you would have gone in the past (a point whereby perhaps you’d have stopped in the past) and get comfortable with going beyond that level

Affirm to yourself in your mind, in time with your breathing, something that resonates well with you, for example:

I feel more and more capable of going on for longer.
I am stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier.
It is easier and easier to find extra strength.
My body loves this exertion and responds well.

Choose whatever resonates best within your mind and that you like the sound of most. As you say those words to yourself, keeping the graphic gauge at the right levels., your breathing responds well, your muscles respond accordingly and you feel wonderful.

Keep imagining this happening in your mind for a while, get tuned into it, so that when you are actually out exercising, it works powerfully and effectively just as you are imagining it will.

Once you have spent a while on this step, then move on to the next step.

Step Five:

Start to tell yourself that you can use this process when you are actually exercising too and that it starts to have the same effect as you imagine it having now.

Spend some time and get it absolutely synchronised for you, get the control absolutely as you want it and can affect it, then bring this session to an end with the final step.

Step Six:

Exit hypnosis by taking a deep breath, wiggling your fingers and toes, opening your eyes.

Practice this process. The more you practice it in your mind, the better it becomes and the more useable is in your exercise activity. Allowing you to alter your perception of how you feel in response to exercise and also helping you to exercise and remain active for longer, mobilise more effort and find more explosive power.

Use it daily for a week, then start applying it when exercising or in any physical activity and make sure you really do mobilise that extra effort and strength.
Joke Of The Week
Did not get many gags sent in during the festive season, but some New Year themed gags were sent in this week and here they are: 

1. When I thought about the evils of drinking in the New Year, I gave up thinking.

2. You know it’s time for a New Year’s resolution to lose weight when you step on a talking scale and it says, “One at a time, please!”

3. A man asks his friend for a cigarette. His friend says, “I think you made a New Year resolution to quit smoking.” The man says, “ I am in the process of quitting. Right now, I am in the middle of phase one.” “What’s phase one?” “I’ve quit buying.”
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
"To be truly critical is not to be in opposition. Most of us have been trained to oppose and not to criticize. When a man merely opposes, it generally indicates that he has some vested interest which he desires to protect, and that is not deep penetration through critical examination. True criticism lies in trying to understand the full significance of values without the hindrance of defensive reactions."
J Krishnamurti 
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Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd