Imagine that room is of an average size, round and it has a domed ceiling. Maybe you can imagine that it is a similar shape to how an igloo might be inside. Having really tuned in to this room, tell yourself
that this grey-walled room is actually your own unconscious mind. Really believe that you are at the very centre of you. Believe that this is the core of your being.
Step Three: Look all around and look closer at the walls of your unconscious. You notice that all over the walls of this room,
seemingly stuck to the walls are little bits of what appear to be paper! Some of them are the colour red; and some are the colour white.
Inside your mind move closer to the wall, and sense how the red bits make you feel.
You can sense that stored on the red bits of what appear to
be paper, are all the unwanted mind viruses you have picked up throughout your life. There are also the negative thought processes and uncomfortable emotional occurrences and unwanted feelings from all your past.
Whatever the negative mind viruses are, you do not have to know. Just imagine that all the negative, depressing, inhibiting, defeating, thought processes and feelings from your
past are stored in this room of your unconscious mind, upon these little red bits of what appear to be paper.
Step Four: Then comes the fun bit! Start to pull these red bits of what appear to be paper down from the walls.
You can be creative and pull them down any way you wish, then scrunch them up, crumple them in your hands until your hands are full, and then take them over to where a hole about 20 centimetres in diameter has opened in the centre of the floor, and empty your hands into that hole and watch those mind viruses and unwanted thought processes dissipate into nothingness.
Imagine that you feel healthier, happier and lighter for being in charge of your own mind - and choosing what goes on in your own mind. You have a mind of your own, don't you? Isn't it nice to know that you are showing yourself that?
You can sense that, with a few trips back and forth, gathering down handfuls, carrying them and emptying them into the hole, you can
clear out all of the negative and unwanted mind viruses from your unconscious mind. If any are very sticky, just breathe, imagine them releasing their grip on the wall, almost like when a leaf falls from a tree when it is no longer needed.
Step Five: Now lets replace that space that we made with some
wonderful thoughts and feeling while we are here, shall we?
Imagine that the white bits of paper - that is, the good, positive, energising, helpful thought processes and feelings are expanding. Any helpful, useful and empowering mind viruses that benefit you and your life are growing to fill all the space that has been created on the walls of your unconscious. Really get a sense of them
growing and expanding all over the walls.
Imagine that they fill the walls and ceiling with beautiful, wonderful, positive, white. Imagine a resurgence of positive energy and well-being within yourself.
Then close the hole in the floor, and spend some time ensuring that the entire
atmosphere of the room is white. Imagine it to be an enlightening, encouraging, supportive, beautiful, energising white. With every breath that you breathe for a while just imagine that you are inhaling inhale the positivity, the strength, the self belief, the love, the freedom of being in control of your own mind that is within this atmosphere! Feel and imagine the atmosphere permeating every cell and every atom of your being. Really invest some time to do this and make it as wonderful and
freeing as you possibly can.
Tell yourself that from this moment forward, moment by moment, every day and night, night and day, you choose the thoughts and emotional responses of your mind and you are not affected by every influence that comes your way in life.
Maybe even add that
you are attractive to ideas, thoughts and feelings that are genuinely for your higher good.
Step Six: Exit hypnosis. Relax, breathe deeply and again tune in to your body, wiggles your fingers and toes then open your eyes
Now really trust, imagine and feel that you have cleared your mind of unwanted programming and remind yourself that you are going to continue to be aware of how you allow things to affect you as you go about your life now.
We are all affected by so many things. As I have said, you have a mind of your own, how about you decide to let
go of what is just populist mentality or what the masses think thanks to popular media representations or gossip and allow yourself to truly empty that stuff out of your head, think critically and beneficially for you and notice how good it makes you feel to do so. Learning how to be a critical thinker will really ensure you do not get carried away by other mind viruses in the future too, go and grab a course in proper critical thinking if you have not done so