At this stage, use whatever trivialising comments you can think of to react to the scene before you. You might even want
to see the words “so what?” in huge letters inside your mind too, you might want to even say it out loud too. At the very least, say those words loudly and surely inside your mind.
Once you have repeatedly said those terms over and over, start to notice the old worry dissipate. Start to imagine that any
unwanted feelings attached to the imagined scene are not starting to wither and deplete and your attitude is one of strength and mental calmness.
Once you start top notice a change in your feelings, move on to the next step.
Step Five: You now engage in some progressive relaxation whilst repeating the words and sentiment “so what?”
Allow yourself to relax deeper. Engage in some progressive relaxation while you have that scene in front of you and you are repeating the words “so what?”
You can do this in a number of ways…
1. You can imagine tensing and relaxing the muscles of your body one by one.
2. You can simply breathe and say the word ‘soften’ to yourself as you think of the muscles of your body.
3. You can spread a colour through your
body, one muscle at a time.
4. Imagine light spreading through you, relaxing you deeply.
5. Imagine that you are a rag doll and that your muscles are loose, limp and dormant.
There are many, many other ways to use progressive relaxation. Just use whatever process you know of to deeply relax and allow your body to be more and more relaxed as you watch the scene and repeat your trivialising comments and new feelings towards the scene.
Once you have fully relaxed, clear your mind of that scene and move on to the next step.
Step Six:
Now move on to the next item on your list and repeat steps 3-5 for as many of the items as you wish for this session. Once you have done that, move on to the final step.
Step Seven:
Take a couple of nice deep breaths, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.
Reflect upon the session for a few moments and allow what you have learnt and experienced to influence your thoughts and feelings and go about your day with a renewed sense
of freedom and easiness of mind.
Sometimes we catastrophise, we worry and get ourselves stressed which does nothing to help us. If we are experiencing worry or unnecessary stress, then this approach can really help to let go of what is unwanted and non-useful.
You are going to have a great week with this process under your belt…
I’ll be back next week, and I am certain I’ll have a better week…. But if I don’t, so
what, right?!