**, - Adam Up - Dealing With Pressures

Published: Thu, 11/03/16

November #1
Edition #572
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Our hypnotic coaching online course is now fully available and ready for you to go and invest in. I am delighted with it, it is a great programme, go and have a read of this page at our website to learn all about it and the reasons I think every hypnotherapist should be doing this kind of work as well as major hypnotherapeutic work: 
Pre-Release Special Price TILL SUNDAY - ONLINE Hypnotic Coaching Course ... 
We are offering it for a one-time
pre-release price over this weekend.
We are still adding resources   

The first people on the course are about to receive the course material. You get a discounted fee and you’ll be given access to the online course within a couple of days

  • Understand what coaching actually is.
  • Understand how it differs from therapy.
  • Establish Your Own Role as a Coach.
  • Understand the Importance of coaching principles.
  • Define Your Own Coaching Principles.
  • Introduce Hypnosis Into Coaching.
  • Understand and know the key features of a wide and varied number of coaching models and approaches (including cognitive behavioural coaching, gestalt coaching, narrative coaching, positive psychology coaching, NLP coaching and how to incorporate your existing hypnotherapy training into them all).
  • We learn to be an eclectic coach.
  • Understand and apply the fundamental skills a good coach should have.
  • Understand effective evidence based goal setting.
  • Know a number of tools to aid assessment of a coaching client.
  • Formulate the ultimate ‘Comp Session’ process.
  • Understand the classic coaching conversation
  • Know how to use the GROW model.
  • Understand a coaching funnel session.
  • Know the OPUS coaching agenda.
  • Develop an understanding and application of the conversational session – and know how to incorporate hypnosis.
  • Develop a wide range of coaching single session techniques and strategies.

Coaching clientele are different to therapy clientele, often you’ll be working to advance performance, often you’ll be working with people who are already successful, and coaching can add scope and additional revenue to your one-to-one work.

We’ll have more details next week, but if you’d like to jump in right now, we’ll offer you a discount and your access will be available when we launch next week; just get in touch with Keith and he’ll guide you through that process.

Keith with two comments:-

The ONLINE Hypnotic Coaching Certification Course will be £350 + VAT from Monday 7th November. 

However over this weekend discounted £220 + VAT

Also -

Hypnotherapy Diploma Course: If you are want to train as a hypnotherapist in our 10 Month Course next year - please also get in touch with me and expect an Early Bird Offer there also. 

Just get in touch.

E-Mail: keith@awake-media.com
Telephone: 01202 247301
Mobile:07401 719619

Hypnosis Weekly
Also, the Hypnosis Weekly podcast returns this week… My guest is a great friend of mine Annalise Kirk, who now runs a very busy hypnotherapy practice, though she remains incredibly humble about it. She also runs a packed out ‘Hypnocise’ class with her Personal Trainer partner Gary and we talk about that in depth and detail in this episode. Go and check the latest episode out now. 
MAIN ARTICLE: My Hypnosis Convention Experience And How I Dealt With The Pressures
This weekend just gone by, I presented at the inaugural UK Hypnosis Convention. I attended as a delegate as well as presenter and was also the keynote speaker at the gala dinner on the Saturday night. I wrote a full report on my experience here at my website, it was an awesome event, I have so many tales to tell, go have a read: 
Adam Selfie
I also took a selfie stick with me, and yes, I took a LOT of selfies with a number of people from the world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, I put some of my favourites in another article go have a look here: 

In recent times, in many forums, there is sometimes a culture of anti-intellectualism in the field of front line hypnotherapy (I wrote about that here in fact, have a read: http://www.adam-eason.com/cult-anti-intellectualism-ignorance-field-hypnotherapy-hypnosis/), and so I had some slight apprehension about presenting a lecture on neuroscience and hypnosis.

I am biased about the subject, of course.

As Principal of the Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis I have a belief in the way hypnosis and hypnotherapy should be taught, that science should be included in the training; I have a bias. Though the objective evidence is something I weigh up with as much neutrality as I can, I was still presenting on a topic that was very academic. 

So as I made my final preparations in the days leading up to the event, I started to worry that the audience may be tough on me and my subject.

Having arrived early and got myself prepared by having a rare double shot of caffeine, the initial worries turned into pressure, the sensations  increased, and not just because I had consumed more than my usual weekly allowance of caffeinated drinks in that morning already… The other speakers were adept and being approved of greatly by those I chatted to in the intervals and at dinner the night before.

I was on mid-morning, the time when most people are looking for more caffeine and the bar had been set high by the previous presenters…

More pressure….

I had committed myself to doing a potentially risky very high brow lecture,
and I started to catastrophise…
More pressure…
More caffeine….
As I sat listening to my own small talk while setting up my laptop and slides, I needed to let off some steam before speaking, otherwise it may impair my presentation.

The reality is that I know my subject well, I teach and speak regularly on it, I was being irrational due to a particular set of stimulating circumstances..
And my wife will confirm how peculiar coffee makes me get sometimes.

I sat on the front row facing away from the other delegates, closed my eyes for a while and ran through a fast, rapid process which I am sharing with you here today.

I am a regular, practicing self-hypnotist and so that sort of mental speed with this kind of technique is something I can get away with every now and then, but of course, as I say on a regular basis here, repetition and practice would have made for a smoother and more effective use of this process.

This particular process does rely you the user knowing what a pressure cooker is… They are not that common today, but we had one at home when I was a youngster, so I am quite familiar.

Essentially, they cook food by being locked tightly shut so that no air can get in or out and thus creates a lot of pressure. They are airtight. Not too dissimilar to what goes on inside a bottle of fizzy pop if you were to shake it while ensuring the lid was kept tightly shut.

If you just casually took off the lid of the pressure cooker, you may lose your head as the lid flew upwards and into the ceiling. So it has a very strong locking mechanism to keep it closed and then a release valve to lessen the pressure before it is all unlocked and the food is taken out.

I am sure you see the metaphoric use of such.
Steps To Use Self-Hypnosis To Release Pressure And Enhance Comfort:
Step One: Induce Hypnosis. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:


Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to the next step: 

Step Two: Start to tune in to your body and really notice the sensations within it. Scan through it and detect how you feel and get a sense of how you know you have any pressure or stress in your body. You may find that simply being aware of your physical experience of it lessens it or increases it in some way. Just notice that if it does happen, no need to try and change anything just yet.

Be mindful of how you are feeling and scan through your body. Become aware of how your body does the process of stress or pressure, how that manifests itself, just watching it and being aware of it for now.

Use this process to deepen your hypnosis, tell yourself that every sensation takes you deeper into your mind. Then when you are tuned in, aware of your feelings, move on to the next step.

Step Three: Start to imagine that your mind and body possess the qualities of a pressure cooker. Think that your body has similar qualities of a pressure cooker and that it is currently like an airtight vessel.
pressure cooker
When you have that notion in mind, then start to imagine that all the issues of life that have contributed to your physiological stress, or pressure or emotional distress of any kind are being projected upon you; like heat firing up the contents of the pressure cooker.

Imagine that your own issues are being magnified and exaggerated, beyond any rational way of being, but without letting it become too uncomfortable – just enough sensation for things to be useful for you here.

You are likely to notice some difference in how you are feeling, and as soon as the sensations get to a stage where they are notable, but not too uncomfortable, then move on to the next step.

Step Four: This is the fun part and the part where we get to change and let go… Find the release valve of your mind. Imagine it in whatever way is best for you. Locate whereabouts it is in your body or perhaps it is just imagined in your mind. Become aware of its size, shape, colour, details and adapt it to your own liking.

Once it is there in your mind, all set up and ready to be utilised with maximum effect, start to let the pressure out. Let the pressure out of the valve in whatever way is right for you.

Watch the old, unwanted pressure being released –  maybe you imagine it as steam, or just a colour of some kind (maybe a coloured mist?) or perhaps it has a sound that is omitted (some might imagine the whistling sound of a kettle that has boiled, for example), you choose whatever is the best way for you to imagine and engage with the action of that pressure being released.

As it is released, notice the relaxation and comfort spread through you as even consider letting out a deep sigh as you do that now.

Distance and dissociate yourself from the old pressure.

Notice how different you feel as you let go… Perhaps you imagine your body physically relaxing, perhaps you focus in on and notice the difference in your body as the old pressure dissipates. Notice how you can tell a difference has happened and when you have really noticed the difference, ideally having let go of all (or as much as is possible) of the unwanted pressure, then move on to the next step.

Step Five: With the pressure released, imagine a typical situation or circumstance in your life when you may find yourself under some pressure. Notice the sights, sounds and feelings and really imagine that you are there; be there. Let the pressure felt be just enough for you to notice a change in sensation.

Really be there in that place. Engage in it, and then as you notice any pressure build, just use the same mental valve to let go of that pressure and feel a physical difference.

Tell yourself that each time you practice doing this, it becomes a more readily available tool that you use outside of the hypnosis session and enhances your ability to use this process whenever you need to, simply by engaging your imagination and letting go using your release valve.

Tell yourself that this process inherently lowers and lessens the old responses to those situations, but that this is a useful tool for you to use when needed in real-life terms too. Then move on to the final step.

Step Six: Take a moment to reflect upon the process, remind yourself of how things are going to be different in your life in the future and then take a good, deep energising breath, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.

That is the process I used, it served me beautifully well and it is a metaphor suggested to me by a colleague and fellow hypnotherapist who uses this with clients.

Enjoy that, and I shall be back next week. 
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training
Best Support Resources Online
Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education
Critical Thinking Students and Hypnotherapists
Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
Access For Anyone Worldwide  
Flexibility For Students With Work Or Family
Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students.  We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year.

Joke Of The Week
At the weekend, I heard numerous very rude and naughty jokes, most of which are far too rude to share here, so I’m sharing one of the rude gags that I felt could just about pass going public with here on Adam Up…..

Why did I get divorced?
Well, last week was my birthday.

My wife didn't wish me a happy birthday.
My parents forgot and so did my kids.
I went to work and even my colleagues didn't wish me a happy birthday.
As I entered my office, my secretary said, "Happy birthday, boss!" I felt so special.
She asked me out for lunch.
After lunch, she invited me to her apartment.
We went there and she said, "Do you mind if I go into the bedroom for a minute?"
"Okay," I said.
She came out 5 minutes later with a birthday cake, my wife, my parents, my kids, my friends, & my colleagues all yelling, "SURPRISE!!!" while I was waiting on the sofa...

Hahahaha, thanks to everyone who sends me the jokes….
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd