- Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up Last Sunday, on our social media outputs, we had a focus on using self-hypnosis to advance immune functioning. Have a read of the articles yourself too:
If you visit my
twitter feed (twitter.com/AdamEason) or my Facebook page (facebook.com/HypnotistAdam) you can go and look at the evidence based memes I post there too in the photos section as there are loads that examine the immune system and
how to use hypnosis to advance it. Also this week, we started our latest hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course, and what a great group they turned out to
I can't wait to share with them what we teach in the December module of my hypnotherapy diploma, with it being my final training of the year, we always finish the weekend off with a fun and simple exercise that is done in groups of three. The aim is to do no more than make an individual feel wonderfully high and happy.
One member of the group is the recipient. One member of the group is hypnotist. The final member of the group is “trance words” suggestion deliverer. The suggestion deliverer asks the recipient to get a sense of an occasion when they felt truly amazing, uplifted and high and to share the words they’d use to describe that experience. The suggestion deliverer makes a note of these
words. Then, with some very particular music playing, the hypnotist hypnotises the recipient, gives a number of instructions for feeling good, while the suggestion deliverer sits behind uttering that individuals specific words as suggestions to feel good. Each session only lasts a couple of minutes, but the recipient has an amazingly wonderful experience.
Today, I thought I’d show you how to have a similar experience using self-hypnosis and with some inspiration from the Maasai people….
Prior to starting this session, write down your own set of uplifting words. Do this by recalling a fabulous memory, a time
when you felt utterly amazing, ecstatic and high. You can use more than one memory if you wish. Write down the individual words that you think and feel adequately describe that memory and how you felt. Have a list of words that you can use later on in this hypnosis session.
Secondly, I have a preparatory step that
you only need to do the first time you run through this self-hypnosis session; it will make the session work even better and will give you a real-life point of reference to the things being referred to later in this process…. Dig out a highly uplifting piece of music. A piece of music that you love and that makes you feel great when you listen to it. Get it ready to play. Ideally a piece of music that makes you want to dance, or that puts a big smile on your face, or something that is energising
or makes you want to throw your arms in the air.
Now play that piece of music and imagine being a Massai Warrior jumping up and down. Actually prepare for this self-hypnosis session, by jumping up and down on the spot as high as possible to the music, with a smile on your face immediately prior to the self-hypnosis
session. If you feel silly or ridiculous doing this, then laugh at the ridiculousness of it and keep on doing it – you might even think of how funny it would be if you saw another person doing this.
We have just announced our official 2016 Christmas party.
It seems too early to be talking about Christmas, but October has crept up on me, the new Hypnotherapy Diploma Course starts this coming weekend, it’ll be Halloween soon, and Christmas will be hot on the tails of that little lot.
Anyway, do come and join the hypnosis gang for our Christmas party, we offer a very warm welcome to all and can promise lots of fun.
Coaching Course 17th -
21st October |
Additionally, we have a couple of places still available for our Hypnotic Coaching course that starts next week.
If you are a hypnotherapist and would like to extend your skills to being able to take on coaching clients, then this could be for you.
Coaching is different from therapy for sure, and it gives you the opportunity to work with a very different set of clientele.
Have you ever seen kids playing on a bouncy castle? Do they look anything other than ecstatically happy? They love bouncing and jumping and that is what we are tapping into here – the love we have for bouncing, jumping and
playing. Think of Tigger skipping along, think of trampoline joy, think of bouncy castles. With your words written down, and having done a few very high, upright jumps on the spot while listening to your bliss-inducing music track, you are ready to begin with the self-hypnosis session;
Follow these simple steps:
Nine Steps To Get A Real Hypnotic High |
Prior to starting this process, make sure you are in a place where you’ll be undisturbed for the period of time and be in a seated position, not a lying position. Let your arms and legs be uncrossed and not
touching each other. Take a couple of really good deep breaths and as you exhale, consider having a good ‘sigh’ or even letting out a groan as you get plenty of air in your lungs, which is going to help build a foundation for you to experience a really positive natural high.
As you get comfortable in your seated position, adjust yourself so that you adopt a strong and purposeful posture whereby
the crown of your head is pointed straight up at the ceiling and your shoulders are broad but not raised or hunched up, almost as if you are a guard on sentry duty. You want to adopt a good strong positive posture so that your body, the vehicle for this natural high is in a different place than it was previously and is ready to help advance the mood.
So with your posture strong and positive, you
begin with the process of inducing hypnosis.
Step One:
Induce hypnosis.
You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You
can use the process in my science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you establish the hypnotic mindset:
Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.
Step Two:
To deepen the hypnosis and to start our natural
high creation, you want to lighten the sensation of the head.
People often refer to feeling light headed, and we want it to be a good light-headed sensation. To do this, imagine that your head is a big, heavy bag of sand and that there is a hole in the back and the bottom of the bag and the sand is pouring out slowing and thoroughly. As it pours out, you go deeper into hypnosis and your
head feels lighter and more comfortable.
Tell yourself that it feels lighter as you imagine it to enhance the effect
Spend as much time on this step as is necessary for you to develop a notable sensation of lightness in your head and once you have that, move on to the next
Step Three: With the lightness sensations in place, maintaining your positive strong posture, you now imagine listening to your favourite piece of
music once again… Make sure you have practiced this in real life, then this is going to be easier for you to do.
Imagine the music, allow it to generate feelings within you and really connect with those feelings.
Be thorough with this and notice how it makes you feel to vividly imagine that music. Notice the sensations within you. Once you have noticed them, then move on to the next step.
Step Four:
Now imagine jumping up and down on the spot while you keep on playing the music in your mind.
Really get into it and imagine striving to jump higher each time. Keep
your body upright while you bounce. Imagine you have a great big smile on your face and bounce freely and happily.
As you jump, imagine endorphins being created by your brain and now flowing through your system, giving you a wonderful sense of well-being and blissfulness.
Once you have noticed how it makes you feel to imagine bouncing and jumping up and down to the music, move on to the next step.
Step Five:
Now think about and recall that time in your life when you felt high on life, perhaps a funny time where you shared uplifting feelings or laughter with others (as you thought about prior to beginning this hypnosis session).
Remember where you were, who you were with, hear the sounds of laughter or happiness and see the colours of the place, the shades of light, notice how you feel to be there again in your imagination… And do really be there, in those shoes, seeing through those eyes, hearing those sounds and experiencing those great feelings.
Spend as much time as is necessary for you to really feel as if you are there in that place, enjoying those feelings of well-being, happiness and laughter.
When you have those great feelings, move on
to the next step.
Step Six: Remind yourself of all the words you thought of that you associated with this great memory and feelings… Start repeating them to yourself over and over… Say them in a way that makes them feel like
suggestion being given to your brain to rekindle fabulous feelings as well as create lots of great new sensations right now!
Once you have spent enough time on this step and you feel that the words are generating great feelings as you continue to bounce to the music, then move on to the next step.
Step Seven:
Imagine your brain has it’s own special optic and ‘shot dispenser’ like those you see behind a bar. Imagine it right in the centre of your brain or your head Tune into it, imagine that it is connected to the rest of your brain and body, ready to dispense natural high chemicals. Now imagine using the dispenser; activate it so that it and it
sends a shot of dopamine, and endorphins into your body, like a rush of a natural high.
Convince yourself this is happening, be assured of it occurring and when you have felt it, move on to the next step.
Now continue to imagine jumping up and down freely to the piece of music while you repeat those words and let good feelings continue to be sent through your entire being.
Do this for as long as you want. Bask in the good feelings. Let it be effortless as you build and
enjoy your natural high.
One quick point… before the final step, take some time to imagine stopping jumping and stopping the music and just calming yourself and notice the good sensations just mellowing in and around your body, enjoy the afterglow and tell yourself that you are going to bring those good feelings with you when this session has come to an
The move on to the final step.
Step Nine:
Exit hypnosis and end this session by wiggling your fingers and toes and taking a couple of energising
breaths and opening your eyes.
As I say often with these techniques, repetition will ensure you get greater results with this type of session. Practice this process and repeat it in it’s entirety a few times. You’ll be able to get a natural hypnotic high more and more easily – and there won’t be any hangovers! I get so excited about these types of sessions, I love them!
If you want some
help achieving a hypnotic high, then go and grab my 'Tripnosis' audio set, you'll love it!
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis |
Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training Best Support Resources Online Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education Critical Thinking Students and Hypnotherapists Evidence Based Hypnotherapy Access For Anyone Worldwide Flexibility For Students With Work Or Family Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area |
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students. We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about
Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.
We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this
My son has just started school, so it’s time for some school based kids jokes to groan at!
Q: What did the ground say to the earthquake? A: You crack me up!
Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder? A: To reach the high notes.
Q: What's the worst thing you're likely to find in the school cafeteria? A: The Food!
Q: What kind of plates do they use on Venus? A: Flying saucers!
Q: How do you get straight A's? A: By using a ruler!
Q: What did the pen say to the pencil? A: So, what's your point! Love
those. Big thanks to everyone who sends in the jokes each week.
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub. Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join. You could then add a caption to our weekly image.
share the meme of the week:
Any Questions Or Help Needed - Please DO Contact
Us:- Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products. It is in fact great to get to know you all.
We can take payments for products or services over the Phone or Skype if preferred.
Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously
Support Centre
Do leave a message if
we are not available and we will call you back. Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK) Keith: 01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK) Skype:
Another thing that we encourage is contacting
us via Skype. Keith's Skype ID - keithaw2k1. Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.
Awake Media Productions Ltd |