**, - Adam Up - Let Go Of What You No Longer Need

Published: Thu, 09/22/16

September #4
Edition #566
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Last week, I was running my intensive hypnotherapy practitioner diploma course for 9 days, it is the last time that I will personally run that course for a number of reasons, but the college is likely to keep offering the course in the future, I digress, more on that soon. 

I planned to have the Monday afterwards off, but I really loved working with this group so I went into the office on Mondaymorning to send them all their manuals and learning materials as well as follow-up emails, and I did not step out of there again until my wife told me my dinner was ready that evening. I have spent a lot of this week readying our students for the new academic year, catching up on email queries and now the children are back at school, all our former students and my clients are all keen to get productive and have been in touch with us. It is a hive of activity around here. On one hand, this is wonderful, I love that buzz. On the other hand, it has meant that I have not been able to be anywhere close to being pro-active this week. 

Therefore, the Hypnosis Weekly podcast will be back next week with a paediatric specialist and well known author, we then have a pioneer from Switzerland and a gold record top selling artist who sells an incredibly large number of hypnosis audio audios globally. SO there are exciting times ahead for the podcast, just bear with me for another week. 

While I was in class, I did post a number of great articles and raised some points of interest for all those of you with an interest in healthcare, mental health, psychology and neuroscience. If you do not follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then start doing so: 

Running Already!? 
On one of the Sunday’s I was teaching, I ran a series of articles from our vaults about Hypnosis for Running as people are starting to prepare already for Spring marathon season. Even if you are not a marathon runner, the principles and psychological tools in these articles will be useful for you in many areas of life: 
A Satisfying Life
Then the following Sunday, I included a series of articles that I wrote that I believe feature essential psychological skills for leading a satisfying life, there are as follows:  
For The Hypnotherapists ...
For all you hypnosis geeks, hypnotherapists, hypnosis students and professionals, here are some articles I posted that you’ll love this week: 
Starts In October - Train As Hypnotherapist Practitioner.
A NEW Academic Year - Our 10 month Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma course starts in October. 

One weekend every month from October through till July. 

Please go and get a Prospectus and get more information at:

Confidence and High Self-EsteemBundle Worth £74.84
YOURS  FOR - £14.99
Here are a set of audios from online Hypnosis For Download ecommerce website.  All of these audio programmes can be bought separately.  All of the bundles we put together are offered at highly discounted price.

Onto this week’s main article then….
Many moons ago, I used to offer a programme that was similar to so many out there, it was offering up guidance on how to create a millionaire mindset, and it did not sit well with me. It was an incredibly popular audio programme, but I chose to stop offering it because I felt it resulted in us earning money from the people who needed it the most and a whole bunch of other stuff that was giving me existential angst at the time. We offered that old programme for free for quite a while instead. Then a couple of years ago, my initial reluctance to write on the topic of wealth gradually evaporated. The emails I received and the way I have managed to adhere to some evidence based principles while looking at this topic has assured me that there is much that can be done to develop a mindset that aids an individual to become more wealthy. 

Back then, as I addressed this topic again, I wrote about making sure that the reference to ‘wealth’ is your own interpretation of what it means to you. I have felt a bit ‘unwealthy’ at times this year on a day-to-day basis, perhaps when I have been poorly and incredibly busy which meant that I got to spend less time with my children – I remember when my youngest had her inoculation injections and I was unable to attend, my eldest had two days away with family which I could not join him with and I felt like I was missing out – time with my children is wealth in my book. Though to have that time, I need to have a certain level of income, but income is not exclusively what wealth is to me. Earlier today, I referenced the fact that I was lessening my teaching schedule next year, this is because I want to spend more time with my wife and children and spend time on my studies and engaging in leisure pursuits that are important to me. 

What’s more, at the time I am referring to a couple of years back, as I worried about it and got concerned, so I felt even less wealthy, because that sort of worrying mindset does not represent the usual freedom and easiness that I love so much and that is typical of how I usually am. 

It became a sort of barrier. Likewise, we can have a number of other types of barriers to having a wealthy mindset. For many people, these barriers are beliefs that we have looked at this month already. For others barriers may exist that they are ignoring or are simply unaware of. Today I want to offer up one such technique that helps to alleviate such barriers in a metaphorical context. 

At the end of this article, there is a link to my all-singing, all-dancing audio programme for developing a wealth mindset and it is filled with lots and lots of techniques and strategies. One of my issues with covering this subject has been that it always feels disingenuous to offer expensive help to individuals who struggled with the expense. I will not be offering it for free, because I want my time and efforts to be valued and I want the programme to be valued, so we offer it for a very affordable fee - do go and check it out. 
Have you ever noticed how humans like to throw stuff? 
throwing rocks
I am a big fan of skimming stones across the sea front where I live, but I also love chucking rocks and stones and making splashes. Have you ever dropped stuff (safely of course) from cliffs and down wells and found a sense of enjoyment to be had from it? 

There are also sports and events that involve us throwing things around and heck, why not gain some therapeutic benefit from throwing and chucking stuff too, eh? Have you ever heard anyone use the expression "chucking his toys out of the pram" when it comes to talking about someone being childishly angry or frustrated? Before we get to express ourselves in a range of other more sophisticated ways as adults, we throw and chuck and drop, don't we? 

Today, I am offering up a process to use the process of letting go that is similar to other processes I have discussed here before.  It combines self-hypnosis, with mental imagery and also a metaphoric process of letting go. 

It aims to equip you to let go of you no longer want or need or to let go of anything that is unhealthy to hold on to. This might include stress, jealousy, anger, frustration or revenge for example. Have a think of something you'd like to let go of – such as any barriers (known or unknown currently) that prevent you from achieving a wealth mindset, then use this process to help you do it. 
5 Steps To Let Go Of What You No Longer Need
Step One: Get yourself into a comfortable position and one whereby you are going to be undisturbed for the duration of this exercise. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your hands are not touching each other.

Then in that position, hypnotise yourself. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my Science of Self-Hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you establish the hypnotic mindset:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two: Use your imagination and create a pathway spanning out in front of you. Note what the path is made of, see the colours of the place where the pathway is and create the surrounding area too. it might be somewhere you have been to before, or that you are creating in your mind right now, imagine it is the pathway of your life. 

Start to walk along it, hearing the sound your feet make as they take each step. Become aware of other sounds around you too, note the temperature, make it just right for you. Imagine that the pathway leads to your wealthy mindset. 

Each step that you take, imagine you are going deeper inside your mind as well as further along the pathway. Let each step relax you more and further. When you feel deeply relaxed, and you have got it all vividly imagined in your mind, then move on to the next step.

Step Three: Pause for a moment on the pathway as you realise that in front of you and ahead of you, your enjoyable journey along the pathway is hindered by a number of rocks on the pathway. Your destination of a wealthy mindset is currently blocked. 
The rocks and stones are of various sizes and shapes. Again, notice the colours, the sizes, shapes and position of them. At the moment, these rocks are obstructing your progress on the pathway, let them represent what it is that you decided you needed to let go of prior to starting this session. 

As you look at each rock, notice how each one signifies an aspect or is a part of what it is you want to let go of. Notice the way each rock represents that; with its colour, texture, size or characteristics. They are hindering your progress and getting in the way of the direction you want to take.

You might not even know what each one represents, you might just let these rocks represent barriers to your progress. When you have got them pictured and imagined in your mind and you can notice the sensation that they give you when you have your direction barred, then move on to the next step, but make sure you take all the time necessary to get this done thoroughly. 

Step Four: The beauty of using your imagination is that you can use it without limits, and not only does our imagination have no limits, but we all have far more resources than we usually give ourselves credit for. 

Notice that beside the pathway is a well; a bottomless well. Get it vivid inside your mind and create the details of the well. It is a well of your own creation. One that exists within you. 

Use your imagination to summon up whatever mighty strength you need and start to move the rocks and drop them down the well. One by one. Notice how you feel so wonderful each time you let go of one of them and can hear the sound of it plummeting through the air, dissipating and disappearing. Let go. Gone. 

Systematically work your way through the rocks that were on the pathway and let go of them. 

Take all the time you need to clear the pathway and once you have let go of all the rocks, cover up the well for now. Securely close the well and know deep inside your mind that you have let go and the rocks have disappeared and been sent into nothingness. 

Start to notice how much lighter you feel, how at ease you are and spend a couple of moments enjoying some deeper breaths that relax you and enhance your enjoyment of this moment. 

Enjoy the sensation of knowing that your path is clear and that your mind is free. Feel the joy and sense of having let go of what you no longer need. ​​​​​​​
open path
You can use this time now to engage in any progressive relaxation process that you know and enjoy being uplifted for however long you feel is necessary.  When you have relaxed and assured yourself that you have cleared the pathway, you can move on to the next step. 

Step Five: Feeling lighter and like a burden has been lifted, continue walking down and along the pathway knowing that this wonderful feeling stays with you when this session comes to an end. 

Then counting from 1 through to 5 to exit hypnosis, wiggle your toes and fingers, open your eyes and go about your day. Remember to take some action that is going to be proof that you benefited and changed as a result of what you did in this self-hypnosis session. 

Enjoy this process, it is a lovely thing to do and we can all benefit from it greatly. There you have it. Using your imagination and combining it with hypnosis to be able to let go of unwanted negative effects. There are many ways of doing this kind of thing and this is another version, another way. 

For anyone interested in really getting to grips with the wealth mindset, have a read of this page and see what my Hypnotic Wealth Mindset programme can offer you: http://www.hypnosisfordownload.com/hypnotic-wealth-mindset/ 
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

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Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students.  We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year.

Joke Of The Week
I had to choose this one this week. It was voted funniest joke at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe by Nick Helm: 

“I needed a password eight characters long....

...so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.”

Hahaha, I love that. Thank you to everybody who continues to contribute to the jokes in the Hub and those who email me jokes every week. I love getting them. 
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
meme of the week
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Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd