Onto My Business Years And Meeting Adam
I set up my internet web design business - how was I to know that my health interest days were NOT over - in fact in walked Adam Eason who was to make things change for me.
I didn’t realise right away that his work would interest me - simply because I knew so little about what
Adam did.
I met Adam when he was a Hypnotherapist running a practice in Bournemouth.
We had both joined a Network Breakfast meeting club called BNI.
Each week we had to make a 1 minute pitch to promote our businesses.
Adam was a funny, articulate, charismatic character who had in those days quite a stutter. I knew nothing about Clinical Hypnotherapy and had a distorted perception based upon seeing stage hypnosis. So I was intrigued by Adam’s one minute pitches - in fact I quite looked forward to them.
Most of his presentations were done tongue in cheek. I can still recall one week he told us that so many people thought that hypnosis was taking over another person’s mind and thoughts. He pointed out that if that was the case he would be straight down to his bank manager - carry out his whizz whizz magical stuff and get him to fill a sack with some bank notes.
Chuckles all around.
We got to know each other and Adam asked me to develop his practice website. We quickly realised though that the two of us together could go on and develop products and other hypnosis teaching material online.
I found out that Adam had got his interest in hypnosis when he was searching for an answer for psoriasis - physical condition. Everything medical had failed - but hypnotherapy worked. Hmmm - got me thinking!
Adam was running a series of seminars and his hypnotherapy diploma courses and we began to video those. The technology was not as advanced as today but we were on our way.
What was
more important though for me was that the link was made between my nursing career and my internet business -
- I began to witness techniques and training that I wish I had known about when I was nursing.
- There were skills being taught such as pain relief which impressed me beyond belief.
- Stress, insomnia, weight control, addictions on and on - so many applications using hypnosis.
I knew I would never become a hypnotherapist myself but I realised I could get totally involved in getting as many people as possible training with us and also do everything I could to deliver knowledge about the
field to my medical friends.
What Adam and I have worked our way towards for several years now is a training college that could offer the highest level of hypnotherapy and CBT training - delivered online as well as in the
It was also essential that it would meet our following business standards.
Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training
Best Support Resources Online
Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education
Critical Thinking Students and Hypnotherapists
Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
Access For Anyone Worldwide
Flexibility For Students With Work Or Family
Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
My ambition now that we have got the training material in place - is to get more health professionals involved with hypnotherapy. Clinicians will like the fact that in the list above there is Evidence Based Hypnotherapy that is what drives treatment in the NHS. In Fact - Adam is involved himself with hypnosis research for his phd studies.
This is great news for you if you do join us now to train as a therapist as there is a massively growing need for more mental health care. You
will never be short of potential clients.
... Email continued - More about the online arrangements and testimonials ....