**, - Adam Up - Self-Hypnosis And The Healing Force ...

Published: Thu, 07/28/16

July #4
Edition #558
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up
Hypnosis Weekly
Ok, let me ask you a serious question… What do hypnosis professionals James Tripp, Reg Blackwood, Helen Bremner, Steve Baxter, Nick Ebdon, The English Sisters, Lindsay Shepherd, Gary Turner, Paul Ramsay, Craig Galvin, Deborah Sims, Trevor Silvester, Glenn Goudie, Sean Michael Andrews, Kev Sheldrake, Barry Thain, Dan Jones, Lucy Hyde, Jorgen Rasmussen as well as my good self all have in common? 

Well they all feature in our very special 50th edition of the Hypnosis Weekly podcast. A few weeks back, I asked our former guests to dig out their favourite hypnosis quote and to record it and to also explain what it is that they like so much about it, and boy did they come up with the goods. It is a brilliant episode and really encapsulates the very ethos of the podcast. If you are not subscribed to the podcast on iTunes or another podcast provider, go to the Hypnosis Weekly website and have a listen - you’ll be pleased you did. 
A couple of other things
I already mentioned that I was going to be keynote speaker at the UK Hypnosis convention later this year, well I thought you might like to have a read about what I’ll be presenting about, and what my keynote is going to cover. If you’d like to meet Keith and I (we’ll be there in force) then come and join us and we’ll have a drink and catch up there. Have a read of my article about it anyway: 

The UK Hypnosis Convention Happens This October – Be There!

Also, I recently encouraged a client to make a decision by flipping a coin. That may sound crass to some, but it was incredibly useful, and I have been getting some incredible comments and message from people for whom an article I wrote really resonated with. It is entitled ‘Let Fate Decide’ but is much, much more than that, as you’ll understand when you read this: 

Let Fate Decide. 
Summer Bundle Worth £93.96
In July we have  a rather unusual mix of products.  I think the bundle is fun, entertaining and educational.

Wealth Mindset - wealth is having an abundance of energy, joy, friends, opportunities, freedom and so on.

Hypnosis Revealed - this is the product I would like to get onto everybody's mobile devices - find out how a hypnotic mindset and using the skill of hypnosis can alter so many aspects of your life.

Tripnosis - hypnosis for stimulating your brain to help you feel good.
Motivation - OK, this one is to get you ready for the work/education year ahead.

If you buy this great bundle - we will also send you a coupon code to get any of our self-hypnosis products in our hypnosisfordownload.com store and you can use it up to 50 times! You can use the coupon code as often as you like for up to six months.
Onto this week’s main article then …. 
I am going to be on holiday next week and it heralds a couple of big moments for me. Firstly, I’ll be back running after my injury. Woo-hoo! I’ve been out for nearly four months, have eaten and drunk far too much in those months and so will spend my first few runs waddling. Woo-hoo again! My plan is to get into the shape necessary to have a full-on marathon training schedule in the new year in time for my Spring marathon in London which was postponed from this year.  

So my head is back in the game as far as my running is concerned, and my body is soon to follow. I could have got back running this week after the high hamstring tendonopathy, however, after I had a couple of light forays out on it, I decided I needed another week to be absolutely sure. 

A number of my friends ran PBs at marathons this year, and my brother ran an amazing first IronMan, a couple of friends are doing major running projects so it has been hard not to resist getting out there and running when I have wanted to so very much. 

Before I start charting my training plan and getting back into the swing of things here, I thought I’d offer up the other techniques and strategies I have been using for enhancing my recovery. Today I thought I’d share the use of ‘the healing force.’ 

I know, I know…. Sounds a bit ‘wooo’ which I hope that you know is quite unlike me, however, the process has some sound principles and is wonderful in it’s simplicity which means it is easy to apply, even if you are not totally motivated to engage in psychological processes whilst injured. 

The process can be used if you are not injured though and can be used to help ‘heal’ following a stressful day or a depressive or anxiety laden episode in life. 

The use of the term ‘healing force’ does have a bit of ambiguity within it, and it is also a little bit tongue in cheek… I mean, how many times do I get to incorporate a Star Wars-ish type of phrase into my work, eh? When I say ambiguity, it is actually something that you get to interpret in a way that suits you best rather than being utterly spoonfed by my own preferences. 
The process is based on a process I read that Donald Liggett (2000) trialed with a group of 10 athletes who were injured and used this type of technique when hypnotised and compared their recovery to 20 other athletes, and although the study was not able to be published, it is encouraging none the less. The recovery rate of the hypnotised group was quicker than the control group who tended to recover at the same rate as the estimated timeframe given by the professionals they were dealing with. 

Ok, onto it then…. Prior to starting with the session, think of a positive, healing cognition (an affirmation or phrase) that you can use later in the upcoming session. A good example might be “I am healing faster” or “I feel more comfort” – just make it present tense (i.e. it is happening now) and use the kind of language and phrase that suits you best. 
If you would prefer to use my MP3 audio you can get it at
Using the Healing Force

Steps For Using Self-Hypnosis and The Healing Force: 

Ensure that you are in a comfortable position, ideally seated, but if you have an injury, just get in whatever position you can to experience the most comfort. You’ll want to ensure your arms and legs are uncrossed and that you are going to be undisturbed for the duration of this exercise. Then follow the steps. 

Step One: Induce hypnosis 

You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my Science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio we give away on this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two: Take a few deeper breaths, and then allow your breathing to continue to be gently deeper. Imagine that you go deeper into hypnosis with each deeper breath. Tell yourself as much too. That is, use your cognitions and tell yourself with belief that you are going deeper into hypnosis. Notice the sensation that you get as you breathe deeper. For some it is like an energised feeling. 

Become aware of an uplifting, energised sensation as you breathe deeply and gently, enjoy the sensation and once you have noticed it for a couple of breaths, move on to the next step. 

Step Three: As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in an energised, healing force. Imagine a spark of healthy, well-being somewhere inside you. Notice a small sign of the good feeling, like it is a spark of light of some kind. Then start to imagine that each breath starts to make that feeling bigger. 
With each breath inwards, imagine that you are building up a ball of concentrated energised healing force, whatever that means to you, however you interpret it, just imagine that in your own way. Let is get bigger and more concentrated and more more powerful. Notice the qualities of it – the colour, the movement, the sound of it, and how it feels to have this powerful, concentrated ball of healing well-being there in that place within you. 

I imagine it being like a shimmering, golden globe, but I think that is because I am inspired by a particular sci-fi film I love…. I digress… 

When the ball is at a good size, then move on to the next step. 

Step Four: Now send this mobilised, concentrated ball of healing force to the area of the injury… Take some time to imagine it arriving there and dominating that area with it’s colour and sound (ideally they are healing sounds and colours). ​​​​​​​ 

Then start to imagine the ball just melting into the area in and around the injury. Imagine that the area becomes free of pain and discomfort. You might notice a slight sensation of some kind as it melts into the area, especially if you expect it… Some people imagine that curative fluids are being transported to the area of the injury and start to enhance and speed up the natural healing process.  Some people imagine it is like an ointment or cream has been applied and is soaking into the area, having a fabulous effect. Use your imagination and do what is best for you. 

Once you have moved the ball to the are and it is melting in and being absorbed by the injured area, move on to the next step. 

Step Five: While the healing force continues to get to work, start to repeat your progressive cognition to yourself. That you chose prior to starting this process. 

Say it in a way that is convincing and that you believe. Say it like you absolutely mean it and repeat it over and over with a gentle reassured sense. All the time imagine the effects of the healing force getting more profound and beneficial. 

Then move on to the final step. 

Step Six: Take a couple more deeper breaths, then wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes to bring this session to an end. 

With my own use of this process, I’d use this 3-4 times in a day and I think you’ll notice the difference (in a beneficial sense) when it is repeated often. 

Ok, so the running is on the marks, getting set and will be “GO” again as of the next  week…. Yay! Though I may not be Yay-ing as much as I drag my extra weight around…..
Cool things from the past fortnight: ​​​​​​​
What stuff have I loved from the past fortnight? What have I been watching, listening to, reading and consuming? 

1. Stranger Things: New TV show exclusive to Netflix. It is supernatural, so it had me at hello. As well as that, it has a great cast, great characters, and the group of boys in it are super geeks who play dungeons and dragons, so I love them! It has mystery and some properly scary horror, but more than all that…. It is set in the 80s and the attention to detail with all the 80s stuff is just brilliant. I love it. 9/10

2. Crimson Peak: Several people told me I should watch this as it was horror, psychological, involved ghosts and had a very impressive cast (Tom Hiddleston apparently makes women go weak at the knees and Charlie Hunnam was in my favourite ever TV show ‘Sons of Anarchy’). However, whereby I liked the aesthetic of the film and the colour and I liked the period of which it is set, it left me a bit disappointed and I felt it could have been more than it turned out to be. The horror verges on scary at times but the twists are obvious and the drama not riveting enough for me. 6/10 

3. The Great Ideas of Psychology: Audiobook from Audible’s ‘The Great Courses’ range is a series of lectures narrated by Professor Daniel Robinson that is both incredibly illuminating, and wonderfully scientific but not so much that it does not critique and examine it’s own weaknesses. Some of the classic theories of psychology are covered and a whole load that I have never considered to be quite so instrumental. Each theory is also put into a range of contexts and the development and usefulness of the theories are discussed. It has been a joy to listen to. 8/10 ​​​​​​​

I’ll be back in two weeks time after my holiday with my family. 
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

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Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students.  We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year.

Joke Of The Week
Talking of injuries, I thought we’d have an injury joke this week…..

Did you here about the guy who lost his whole left side? 
He’s alright now!

Hahahahaha, thanks to all who send in the jokes, I love getting them each week. 
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd