**, - Adam Up - Self Hypnosis For Emotional Pain ...

Published: Thu, 06/23/16

June #4
Edition #553
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up.
It was Father’s Day this past week, and I know it has many guises and many people have mixed feelings as they think about people who are no longer here with us, it can be poignant and reflective.
For me, I got to invite family over, eat too much, drink too much, let the children play on the bouncy castle we have just bought for our garden (I know!!! It does not fit in with the cottage garden aesthetic, but does deflate and get put away in the garage after being used!). The children gave me cards they’d made at pre-school and I ended up snuggled up with them in my bed at 6.30pm in the evening watching their favourite films, feeling bloated and incredibly lucky to be enjoying Father’s Day with them in an environment of love.
My son starts school proper this September and we have started going to parents meetings at the school, meeting his teachers and I must say, things are getting really exciting around here in that regard.
My daughter has been poorly, but is back and just about well again now, but on Father’s day she fell asleep in my bed and I did not want to put her in her own bed, she is so cute when sleeping…..

Ok, on with this week’s Adam Up…..
Seven Step Tour - Video
Those of you that follow my Facebook pages or Twitter account or any of our social media outputs will have seen that I promoted a page at the college website yesterday. That is because we just added a video to it and I’d love you to go and take a look.

If you plan on training as a hypnotherapist, or if you are already a hypnotherapist and wish to advance your training and your career, I think you’ll appreciate this page, it contains 7 very specific steps that you can take to understand who and how we are as a hypnotherapy training college, please go take a look:

Hypnosis Weekly Podcast - Nick Ebdon
This week’s edition of my Hypnosis Weekly podcast is one I’m really pleased with for a couple of reasons:

1. I got to interview the man behind the upcoming UK Hypnosis Convention, Nick Ebdon. He invited me to be the keynote speaker at the convention and I accepted, and I have spoken in the podcast about my main reasons for accepting the honour. However, I really enjoyed discussing the ethos of the event and can’t wait to be there.

2. I got to utter the immortal line “a big hello to all you truckers out there” in the style of a Hush FM DJ talking to people driving their vehicles at 3am while listening to 1980s love songs.
I reacted and responded to an article in a major tabloid newspaper about hypnosis which contained a video clip of a hypnotherapist doing that really affected way of talking…..
It is a pet issue of mine, you’ll have to listen to the podcast to get my full rant.. 
Self-Hypnosis || Self-Help Package
A lot of people ask me about that type of application of self-hypnosis, and this week I have had many queries asking me how I use self-hypnosis when running, how I use it for relaxing, how I use it for this, how I use it for that….

I then also see a lot of myth and nonsense being perpetuated in the media about what self-hypnosis is and what it can do, and it amazes me that there is so much misleading information out there that leads people in the wrong direction as far as self-hypnosis is concerned. 

If you really want to learn how to use self-hypnosis, then I think we offer the best, most evidence-based, scientific, practical, simple and easy to use education on that subject and have a couple of options for you: 

STEP 1. You can buy my Science of Self-hypnosis Video/Audio programme and we have an Exclusive Offer to Adam Up readers
60% Discount using Coupon Code:  SOSH60
Do go and take a look at this amazing product there is a video on the sales page.  You will realise that this is an exceptional offer
STEP 2. We will then send you Adam Eason's book 'The Science Of Self-Hypnosis' FREE to anybody who has bought the video/audio programme
To see information about the book here is the Amazon listing

STEP 3. AND - If you’d like to step that up and come and meet me, ask questions, and get further practical applications of self-hypnosis then here is another thing we will do.  
If you buy the above package we will send you a coupon code to get discount coupon to attend my One Day Seminar on Self-Hypnosis.  

You’ll learn all you ever need to really use self-hypnosis effectively and have it as an integral part of your life.  
Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma
Next week I will be running our Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma.  You could join us.

At the end of last year, I wrote what I consider to be a really important article about why hypnotherapists need advanced training and it really struck a chord with many, do go and have a read:
Hypnotherapy Training: I’m Frothing at the Mouth About Why Hypnotherapists Need More Advanced Training

Jo Cox …
At the end of last week, I wrote an article at the end of what i considered to be a very tragic week indeed.
Amongst some other things that really struck chord with me and many other millions of people around the world, here in the UK, the MP Jo Cox was murdered and I wrote an article with a simple message, “Fear Less, Love More.” You can read that article I wrote last week here:

Here in the UK, we go to the polls today as we vote to decide whether to remain in the EU or leave it - or Brexit, as it is referred to. Jo Cox’s death saw campaigning suspended and sparked a debate about how politics is conducted in the UK. In an interview with Brendan Cox, Jo’s husband, he said of the EU referendum campaigning:
"I think she was very worried that the language was coarsening, that people were being driven to take more extreme positions, that people didn't work with each other as individuals and on issues, it was all much too tribal."
"She was particularly worried about the direction of politics at the moment, particularly around creating division and playing on people's worst fears rather than their best instincts."

This was important for me to read. I could not have agreed more and I felt really pleased that I had written what I had a few days earlier, because I was not sure whether I was even qualified to offer a public opinion or thought about such a sensitive set of issues.

You can view the interview with Brendan Cox here:

love is ... being partners for life
With this in mind, I wanted to offer up a self-hypnosis session this week that can help with emotional pain. One that lets us overcome fear and heal.

The process that I am sharing here today is more of a coping skill developer.

It is used and applied in a similar fashion to learning relaxation skills and breathing techniques to deal with the symptoms of anxiety, worry or fear, for example.

When we experience loss or grief, or have been emotionally troubled in some way, then it can be of great, great value to be able to dissipate the symptoms in order that we can have space to deal with anything the symptoms may obscure.

I know that when I have discussed the physical symptoms of grief, or separation or jealousy, for example, with my clients, they often describe it as a tightening of the chest or a knot in the stomach and this process today is going to help with such.

We are going to deal with heart in this session Metaphorically speaking of course.

Get yourself in a comfortable position where you’ll be undisturbed for the duration of this session, with your feet flat on the floor, arms and legs uncrossed and not touching each other and we’ll begin…
6 Steps To Let Go Of the Symptoms of Emotional Pain Using Self-Hypnosis
Step One: Induce hypnosis.

You can do so by any means you desire or know of.
You can use the process in my Science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio we give away on this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Step Two: Imagine Being in a Safe Place

Imagine being in a safe place for a few moments.
You can create this place and design it in your mind. You can be in a familiar place. Just choose somewhere and be somewhere that you can relax and feel safe, secure and at ease.

Let the sensations of safety spread through you and engage in the place you are in; see the sights and notice colours, shades of lights and details.

Hear the sounds, those that are near and obvious as well as those that are subtle or distant. Notice how you experience feeling safe.

Tell yourself that you drift deeper as you engage with and imagine this safe place, and when you have created it and feel as though you have deepened you experience, then move on to the next step.

Step Three: Now Move Your Awareness
Now move your awareness inside of yourself in this place. That is, stop engaging with the surroundings and move your awareness to you and your body.

Become aware of your breathing and get a sense of the rhythm of your body, your pulse rate and your feelings.

Notice your heart, become aware of your hear beating and allow each beat of your heart to take you deeper inside your mind.

While you focus on your heart, remaining safe and comfortable, also notice that there are bands of some kind wrapped around your heart. They are like ties of some kind that weight and tighten the sensation of your heart. You and your mind know what these ties represent that are around your heart.
These ties represent the emotional pain that you have experienced recently in your life.

Get a sense of what they represent for you and notice how you experience them being there. It is almost as if the bands are holding the pain in and from time to time, that bands get tighter and seem to keep the pain there in your heart.

Be aware of this sensation as much as is useful for you, then move on to the next step.

Step Four: Focus On Your Mind
Focus on your mind and in your mind create a spark of light of some kind. Perhaps it is like a distant light, of a particular colour, but as you think about it, it becomes brighter and stronger and more radiant inside your mind.

Notice the colour, the temperature of it, and let it get bright inside your mind. Add any strength and resources or sense of joy and release to the light and let it signify a deep healing.

Then send it strongly and powerfully to your heart. You might imagine it flying out of you and back to your heart, you might imagine is moves through your body or you may just make it arrive as if teleported to your heart – do what is right for you and get the light to your heart and watch what happens…

Notice the light seems to loosen, lighten and melt the bands. Notice how the ties ease their grip and eventually even disappear and dissipate. The light soothes and eases the sensation within the heart and it spreads to the tummy, shoulders and any other affected areas too.

Take all the time to let each tie disappear and be melted thoroughly as you imagine all that emotional pain is released.

At this point, signal to yourself the pain ebbing away; you might sigh out loud, or just exhale deeply. Perhaps you feel sensations let go, or imagine a colour change, just do whatever is right to signify that release and letting go, as well as a dissipation of the old, unwanted feelings that are replaced by warmth and soothing feelings growing and building within you.

Spend some time letting that good feeling grow and develop, then move on to the next step.
Step Five: Pick A Time Or Place
Pick a typical time or place in your life that has been difficult for you to deal with, that used to trigger the old pain that you used to have.

Put yourself in that place in a future moment and watch how you breathe, create the light in your mind that soothes and dissipates the old pain and loosens those ties, those bands that used to tighten…

Spread the good feelings through your body and in detail, watch how well you cope in that situation now.

Repeat this process as many times as you like before you move on to the final step.
Step Six: When Confident
When you feel confident that you can use this process in your real-life, then take a couple of nice, deep energising breaths, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.

Practice this process a few times before you then go and practice dealing with those tough situations and notice how marvelously you can let go of old unwanted feelings and symptoms and helping you to progress in the way you’d like to.



If you’d like to be led through this particular session by me in an audio session, or if you’d like to look at any of our emotional health audio tracks, then please visit this particular page at our store.

The sessions are available for a £2.99, that’s all!

Go here: Emotional Health Enhancement and Nurture

Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training
Best Support Resources Online
Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education
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Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
Access For Anyone Worldwide  
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Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
What I Am Currently Reading, Watching or Listening To
1. TV show: Game Of Thrones:

This season has been awesome as I have already said in recent weeks, Episode 9 “Battle of The Bastards” was my favourite episode of any season of GoT, bravo indeed, loved it.

Won’t say much more as I don’t want to spoil it. Sad news is that the season finale is next week.

2. AudioBook: Rave!!:
There wasn’t one this week, for the first time in a long time. Mainly because I’ve been getting back into the running and chose to drink coffee and listen to very loud old school house music from my raving days as a way of humping my backside out of the door in the mornings and getting back into a schedule.

However, I can highly rate Spotify’s mega old school happy hardcore rave music from the 80s and 90s playlists if you were around in those days.

3. TV Series: Wayward Pines:

My wife and I just finished watching series one - I thought it was awesome.

A couple of great actors, Matt Dillon in particular who is initially searching for colleagues in a peculiar town, only to find out things are definitely what they initially seem.

The twists happen early, they blow your mind. Absolutely my cup of tea.

We then started watching series two which is only two episodes in and it is like watching a completely different show, they are losing me to be honest.

Series One 9/10. Series Two 4/10 so far.
4. Professional Text: Mindset - The New Psychology of Success.

This is a great, very evidence based self-help book with a real psychological slant that appealed to me.It has helped me with my parenting and my approach to work for sure.
5. Lifestyle Book: Super Immunity
Following on from Joel Fuhrman’s book ‘Eat to Live’ I decided to read and explore his book ‘Super Immunity’ as my kids are permanently sharing their illnesses with me.

I liked it, not as much as Eat to Live, but it made a lot of sense, had some great science in it, and I hope to see the results in coming weeks and months. 
Next week, there’ll be a lot of football to report back on, Euro 2016 is about to kick off.

Come on England!!

Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students.  We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year.

Joke Of The Week
This week’s joke of the week, are my favourite one-liners and gags that I was sent this week, which just happened to be a very high quality and funny week in this regard.

1. I hate Russian dolls. They’re so full of themselves.

2. When my wife said she was leaving me because of my Monkees obsession I thought she was joking. -  And then I saw her face.

3. The cross-eyed teacher had trouble controlling his pupils.

4. I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it.

5. A German asks for a martini. ’Dry?’ asks the barman. He replies: ‘Nein – just one.’

I really liked those, thank you to everyone who send in the jokes each week, I love getting them. 
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
Get In Touch
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Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd