Inspiring others is one of the most effective ways for you to become inspired. Not only will you be helping others but the lasting effects will take you further than you ever dreamed possible.
Take your skills and find those that can benefit from them.
Maybe you want to work with children? Get out and begin inspiring them. Maybe you are an I.T. expert, or an entrepreneur? Find people that will
be in awe from what you have to teach them.
Whatever it is that you rock at, there are loads of people that with your inspiration will achieve the goals that they are striving for…not many better feelings than that!
Find other ways to inspire too.
Share thoughts, share inspiring ideas, share quotes, and
lead by example.
That is, do inspiring things for others to watch and see and be inspired by.
I love it when my children tell me that they want to run marathons soon! They see me running as I do each week, month and year and want to do the same. I love that and find it
5. Talk To The Right People About Your Goals:
The more you speak to the right people about what it is that you are trying to achieve, the more you will be inspired to achieve it.
Find the people who will be honest and supportive to you and let them in. The right people will encourage you by sharing what has inspired them.
[Refrain from
telling the negative minded people and the nay Sayers, they will work extra hard to keep you uninspired! ]
Chances are that when you speak with the right people, they will have a similar story of trials and achievements to share with you, which will give you the
inspiration needed!
Evidence tends to suggest that holding yourself too openly accountable to goals has the potential to detrimentally effect your ability to achieve the goal, however, enlisting the support of those who really want you to succeed and those that can help you in the right ways is an incredibly valuable source of inspiration.
6. Gratitude Opens The Door Of Inspiration:
Never allow a single day to pass without expressing your gratitude.
When you are grateful for what you have and the journey that
got you there, it is likely that inspiration will float back up for you.
A very common mistake is to only remember to show gratitude when everything is hunky dory.
It is crucial to always be grateful, even when things are in shambles, not only will it inspire you to rise above but it will also get you out of your self-pity much quicker.
When you are grateful, it is much more likely for you to be open to receive the inspiration that is already inside of you or
surrounding you!
Read more about how to effectively express gratitude here.
7. Take Action:
Stop wallowing in your lack of inspiration and start creating it for yourself! Intentions mean absolutely zilch when not followed by actions.
Maybe you have said that you are searching for inspiration?
Maybe you are waiting for somebody to inspire you prior to making the next move?
Guess what?
That someone or something is you.
Stop trying and start doing. One move will lead to another. It is the uphill domino effect!
Inspire yourself by
having the courage to take the risk of taking action.
Eventually, your biggest inspirations will come from your own actions… just like helping others, when you help yourself, inspiration is inevitable!
Read these three articles to help you with that:
a) How To Be Incredibly
b) 7 Ways To Be More Self-Disciplined.
c) How To Keep Yourself Motivated.
Audio MP3 Download:
Mind Motivator
8. Have A Vision and Stay
When you have a vision and stay focused on taking the actions to achieve your goal, you will consistently be inspired.
Never give yourself an option of not taking action and that will be exactly the inspiration you need.
Often we have times when we have a vision and take an action towards it then focus on other things that come up, which drains our inspiration and readiness to complete the first goal you set out to achieve. It is only when we lose focus that we allow ourselves to sink into an uninspired slump.
To keep focused, monitor the progress you’re making and celebrate it.
Harvard’s Teresa Amabile‘s research found that nothing is more motivating than progress.
9. Flash Cards and Evernote:
I keep flash cards in my wallet, and keep a list of motivational quotes on Evernote that I refer to when I need more inspiration.
I have photos attached to quotes and clips that inspire me, there is just so much out there to find and use, we just need to get it all collated.
Here are a couple of other ideas that may help you too:
a) My Top Ten Motivational Quotes, And
b) Owning Your Life and Being Responsible For Who You Are Today.
c) Choosing Life Autonomy to Deal with Unhappiness.
And always remember this: Inspiration is inside of you and all around you, it is solely up to you to open up to receive it
and make great use of it.
For me, it is tending to my garden, running along the sea front, being with my wife and children and writing my blog here, for you it could be anything.
If you let these principles work their way into your life, you’ll find inspiration everywhere and anywhere.
Find what is right and what works for you.