**, - Adam Up - Real Life Social Health Benefits

Published: Thu, 04/28/16

April #4
Edition #545
Hello - Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up.
Office: Keith Watson,

Adam is away on leave this week with Katie and the kids.  At least they have had some sunshine BUT given that it is nearly May it is not that warm here in the UK. 

We don't have a podcast this week but we do have an article that Adam wrote at the end of last week  - Real Life Social Health Benefits
I Have Been Talking To Potential Hypnotherapy Diploma Students All Week ....
I have got to know the current students on the Hypnotherapy Diploma Course that started in October as I have been videoing the whole course.  For some years we have recorded a lot of our training so that we have online learning resources for anyone studying with us.

It is hard to believe it but this group of students finish their course in July.
10 Month Diploma Course October 2015 having fun during group shoot

So what about YOU - would you like to be in 2016 group photo?
Last weekend I wrote to all the people on our mailing list that have downloaded our prospectus in the last year - and my phone has been ringing. 

If you would like to train with our College of Hypnosis on our 10 month Diploma course starting in October - then get in touch with me.  Contact details at bottom of this e-mail

Follow this link to get a prospectus and I will be delighted to write to you with all the information you need. 

In fact there is a very good reason to do it this weekend - WHY? - let me leave it as a mystery!
Two Hypnosis Seminars in May 
Please book for these seminars on Eventbrite or the College Website.    The seminars are not exclusively for hypnotherapists so please feel free to book if you are just fascinated by hypnosis and want to know more.  

If you want to come to both there is a discount which you will find in the information at Eventbrite.

Onto today then.....

This week, our hypnotherapist business development academy began for this year and I spoke to the members of this year’s programme about how to get productive and ended up explaining how back in 2004 I took a week’s holiday and had a ‘staycation’ whereby I sat in my lounge from 7am to 11pm writing the bulk of my first book.

One of the funny things about it, I recall speaking to a friend on the phone on the Thursday and I said to him, “you are the first person I have interacted with in 5 days!” It was bizarre, and I vowed never to repeat it. My friend and I met up that evening and went to the pub together and I remember how lovely it was to engage in real-life with him.

Likewise, I love it when I finally meet people with whom I have only ever had email contact with; such as students who register for my courses – when we meet up, they are always so much more lovely than I imagined. Not because I imagined them as anything other than lovely, but because an actual meeting in real-life is so enriching and wonderful on a number of levels, the real life interaction makes them all the more wonderful.


I recall my younger days when I lived on a kibbutz for a while, I remember travelling into Jordan and Syria by train and across the waters on a journey, a husband and wife were talking and pointing out a range of red rock Arabian mountains, they were stunning as the sun had been beating upon them all day and it was early evening, they seemed to glow. It was not an important memory because it was so stunning and beautiful, but because I recall wanting to say to someone close to me “wow, that’s amazing, isn’t it?” I took photos, but they did not do justice to the splendour of that moment while I was travelling alone.

I love opportunities I get to spend time alone in my garden, I love spending hours on long runs running alone with just my own thoughts and I love those highly productive days when I get to work on projects alone and become engrossed in those moments of quiet and focus.

Solitude can be a beautiful thing, no doubt.


However, when I think about moments when I was really happy or enjoying life to the fullest, they involved other people. When you think about moments of major importance to you, I bet most of those moments were shared with someone. I mean, they don’t have to be extravagant moments, or out of the ordinary, but simply those moments when everything is great and in the right place.

Research has shown that having those interactions and those connections have a profound effect on us. “The idea that social interaction is important to mental and physical health has been hinted at and studied for years,” says Steven Joyal, M.D., vice president of scientific affairs and medical development for Life Extensions, a non-profit dedicated to research on extending the human life span. We are social creatures and despite attempts at faux social connection online, it’s not in the same league as real-life social interaction.

When I write about social interaction, it can refer to one-to-ones, larger multi-people events as well as your own existing relationships. In fact I have previously written about a couple of ways to use self-hypnosis to advance existing personal relationships.

Learn more about advancing relationships:

Metaphorically Enhancing Your Relationship 
Learning To Listen Hypnotically To Enhance Your Relationships

Audio hypnosis sessions:
Enhancing Relationships: Hypnotic Letter Writing for the Mind
Enhancing Relationships: Listen with Hypnotic Attentiveness and Genuine Interest

Recent research suggests that the link between social interaction and health and well-being is more important than previously realised. Let me explain…

Social Interaction Helps Problem Solving and Boosts Creativity:

Social interactions help invoke the diffuse mode in your brain when learning something new. Professor Barb Oakley explains that during the day we bounce between focus mode and diffuse mode. Basically focus mode, is about concentrating on one concept or on a very specific scope while learning. However, it is exhausting for our brain to keep this mode for a long period of time. This is why going into diffuse mode is helpful. Diffuse mode helps us understand general ideas and lets our brain make connections in unrelated concepts.

Having an interaction with a friend about general topics, like the weather or even just saying hi and smiling, helps our brain move to the diffuse mode and away from the problem. This simple move from the focus to the diffuse mode allows the brain to approach the problem from a different point of view and more often than not we are able to resolve an issue or come with the answer faster.

Social Interaction helps us fight depression:

In a study featured in the Journal of Affective Disorders, psychologists Dr. Alexander Haslam and Dr. Tegan Cruwys and their colleagues at the University of Queensland conducted two studies of patients diagnosed with depression or anxiety.

The patients either joined a community group with activities such as sewing, yoga, sports and art, or partook in group therapy at a psychiatric hospital. As a result of the studies, they were able to state “we were able to find clear evidence that joining groups, and coming to identify with them, can alleviate depression.”

A study led by the University of Michigan explored the effect that social rejection has on the mood and hormones. When a person receives an emotional rejection, the brain releases opioids. Opioids are substances that diminish the effect of emotional pain in the body similar to physical pain. A later study led by the University of Colorado Boulder showed that rejection is more closely related to sadness and depression.

Have an interaction with a stranger, with a friend or a family member. This will help them fight the sadness that they may experience by an earlier rejection. A smile goes a long way to show acceptance and a sense of community.


Here in the UK, many mental health charities offer support groups for those with depression to come and share, support and engage with others. While it is valuable to share and hear the experience of others, the simple and basic social interaction offers health benefits alone.

Social Interactions help release oxytocin:

Oxytocin first became a focus of study as it plays a major role in the bonding process of mother and child. It has been shown that oxytocin strengthens the bonds that make the relationship of a mother and a child a special one. Now more studies have been conducted, and it has shown effects in many other areas. Humans that have been treated with oxytocin have shown a visible increase in fidelity to their partner. Also this hormone helps the feeling of compassion and care. In a more notable study, autistic children that were treated with oxytocin showed higher levels of comfort with social interactions.


Oxytocin is only released in response to a positive effect. This means when neurons get excited, oxytocin is released and this release triggers the hypothalamus to produce more oxytocin. Evidence shows that we produce oxytocin during social interactions.

Social Interactions help older adults to combat the ageing process:

Some may argue that older adults and in particular those with physical deteriorations have different goals and thus less ambitious to exercise regularly. Whilst this statement could be true, research reveals that persuasion among older adults is actually similar to younger members of society. However, several barriers (including physical and cognitive declines) impede their ability to participate in outdoor activities and eventually isolate them from the society. Consequently, the social isolation suppresses their motives to exercise and to have an active life.


However, a research in Trento on the aforementioned issues, suggests that social interaction and physical exercising are coherent. The study also confirms that social facilitation tools motivate users to train together in a virtual fitness environment.

Businessman Scooter

The value of social interaction among the elderly is laid out beautifully and according to a strong evidence base in this PDF produced by the Age UK charity, have a read.

Social Interactions may help to reduce the risk of serious illness:

In one of the recent studies on the health benefits of social relationships, published earlier this year, researchers provided evidence that social ties and increased contact with family and friends are associated with a lower risk of death in young women with breast cancer. “This study provides research-based evidence that social support helps with physical symptoms,” said lead author Candyce H. Kroenke, ScD, staff scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research. “Given that this dimension was determined by the availability of someone with whom to have fun, relax and get one’s mind off things for a while, it is possible that positive social interaction may enable women to forget for a while the distress of being a cancer patient, and the physiologic effects last beyond the actual interaction.”

What’s more, a 2010 meta-analysis of 148 other studies showed that social connection doesn’t just help younger women survive health problems: the lack of it may cause them.

Staying connected to family and friends or making a decision to develop new friendships has never been more important, and in many cases, has never been easier. The digital age allows us to stay connected via mobile phone, texts, email, Skype, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. In fact, we can even meet and make virtual friends that live miles away or even in a different country.

Real-life social interaction is so much more enjoyable and fun though! Go and meet up in real-life, share laughter (want to know how important laughter is for your health?) From lunches with coworkers to outings on the weekend, having some fun will give you a sense of warmth and fulfillment that’s pretty tough to find any other way. Whether it is quiet and intimate one-to-ones or larger get-togethers, the evidence is pretty conclusive too, social interaction is incredibly good for your health in a number of ways!
Today, decide to make sure your social calendar is full for the foreseeable future.


It’ll be quiet here from me for a wee while as I am off on holiday with my wife and children. Lots of social time with my three favourite people, completely unplugged from all distractions.

On Holiday
Great Offers Currently In Our Hypnosis Download Store
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training
Best Support Resources Online
Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education
Critical Thinking Students and Hypnotherapists
Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
Access For Anyone Worldwide  
Flexibility For Students With Work Or Family
Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
Hypnosis Resources In Our Platinum Members Area
This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students.  We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year and the price of membership will be increased.  So it is a good time to join this month.

Joke Of The Week

Two factory workers are talking.

The woman says, "I can make the boss give me the day off."

The man replies, "And how would you do that?"

The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside down from the ceiling.

The boss comes in and says, "What are you doing?"

The woman replies, "I'm a light bulb."

The boss then says, "You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off."

The man starts to follow her and the boss says, "Where are you going?" The man says, "I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark."

Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd