**, - Adam Up - We Are ALL Wired Differently ...

Published: Thu, 04/14/16

April #2
Edition #543
Hello - Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up.
Hello from Keith Watson:

Adam is running his Intensive Diploma Course this week - so I am standing in and clicking the keyboard to share some thoughts about - well - you and me - our mind and what makes us all tick.  Nothing more intriguing than people and the way we all interact - I love it. 

Hypnotherapists - You Need To Educate
So let's start with a BBQ I went to last weekend and finished up talking about Hypnosis (yes me - the technical man of the business - dabbling with all that hypnosis stuff)
Now I have to set the scene so that you can imagine the situation. 
SO here goes...
Me and my wife Babs had gone to see our friends Brian and Lindsay who have a daughter called Laura who is married to Adam [please note - not our Adam E here]  Adam and Laura have twins Sadie and Emily and  they were two years old that day - the reason for the BBQ and celebrations. 
Got that? 
You know the sort of event I am sure - adults mixing with kids and trying to forget that you are missing Arsenal play. 
I didn't know Adam (the father of the twins) particularly well.   But I found myself sitting with him on the floor among some toys making funny men with play dough. 
And we get chatting...
Here is a bit of the conversation:
Adam:  What do you do?  (That was after asking me if I was retired)
Me:  Website development and Internet Marketing.
Adam: What sort of websites
Me: Various , yacht sharing company, swimming franchise, a hypnotherapist ...
Adam: Mmmmm  --- Erm - Hypnosis - oh I don't know anything about that - in fact it seems a bit strange to me?
Me:  Why
Adam:  Well all that falling about on stage.
Me: No - what I am talking about is Hypnotherapy - the therapeutic use of hypnosis. 
Adam: Erm -  Erm  -  Yes but isn't it weird having someone take over your mind. 
Me:  It isn't like that - NO nothing like that - in fact you can use self-hypnosis - there is nobody else involved, so who can be controlling that other than you.
Adam:  Have you been hypnotised.
Me: Yes sure - many times.
Adam: What does it feel like
Me: Well - umm

Just then - right on cue - something remarkable happened.  Laura (twins mother) came in the room looking for Sadie because there were birthday candles to blow out.  Sadie was in the corner near a toy kitchen talking to a doll and setting a cardboard table. 
Laura said: - no wonder I can never get her to come when I call - she is in her own little world.  Totally focused imagination in her play.  . 
Me:  There you are Adam
Adam:  What?
Me: That is what being in hypnosis is like - focused imagination. Kids do it naturally.
Add some suggestions and you are on your way.

Of course there is a lot more to understand but that is a good starting position.
It is a shame that a large amount of the public really need some education about just what is available from hypnotherapy. 

Hypnotherapists need to do a lot more public education I believe.
Go tell them!!  Go Educate!
I thoroughly recommend a video and audio set in our shop which is incredibly cheap to encourage anyone to find out more about the power of the mind. 
We have it on sale at just £1.99 (£17.78 Discount)
Hypnotherapy Diploma Course 10 Month
​​​​​​​Early Bird Offers - This Month
Now is the time to apply to join our 10 Month Hypnotherapy Diploma Course in Bournemouth.  The course will begin in October and you will attend one weekend a month through till July 2017.

Please get in touch with us [contact details at the bottom of this e-mail] 

Early Bird discounts - so to receive information about those please get in touch and we will send you further information.

Two Hypnosis Seminars in May 
Please book for these seminars on Eventbrite or the College Website.    The seminars are not exclusively for hypnotherapists so please feel free to book if you are just fascinated by hypnosis and want to know more.  

If you want to come to both there is a discount which you will find in the information at Eventbrite.

Good Behaviour OR Bad Behaviour?...

We are all wired differently. 

No wonder so much of Hypnotherapy Diploma training is about getting a detailed assessment before treatment. The differences in behaviour even with in families can be very instructive and helpful to finding appropriate solutions. 

Sleep In My House:

I was at a dinner party recently where we were talking about sleep.   My wife and I had the same situation as another couple there and it was great to swap notes.

I have to come clean - I am in the position now where I have to lay it all out. 

Most of you will totally be with my wife on this one and think that this Keith Watson is off his rocker. 

My recipe to get to sleep:

I love to listen to music - quite loud  -  from rock to symphonic it doesn't matter - drink as much coffee as I like during the evening, lights on if somebody else is reading etc.  When I want - I will fall asleep deeply within minutes - what ever my emotions or pressures etc.  I have done that without fail for years.

I am convinced that I would get the same affect listening to a play on the radio - but I don't do that because I would never hear the end.

On the other hand:

My wife - bless her - will sit and fall asleep during the evening in front of a noisy TV but needs, no coffee, total darkness, no sound etc to get to sleep in bed.

So this is our work around

So  - when I am ready to sleep I get my really good fitting headphones in and set the radio/tablet  to go off in 120 mins (although I seldom hear more than 5 minutes). 

The only problem is that I sleep with the earpieces still in and they are there in the morning.  However the plugged ears mean that I can't hear any snoring (that is a joke Babs)

My Hypnothesis:

I would like to know what you hypnotherapists think of my hypotheses. 

I argue that I forget all my daily thoughts and concerns because I get into the music that I love.  I am convinced that if I just tried to lie there wanting to fall asleep with out the music that my active mind would get going. 

Anyway I was pleased to find that we were not alone.

It was great to meet another couple who have exactly the same sleep arrangements. 

The strange thing about Alan though is that his choice is listening to bagpipe music.  Wow we are all wired differently

Learn Hypnotherapy Online
(All Levels Up To Advanced) 

This is a major collection of audios and videos that are a resource for our Hypnotherapy Students and Hypnotherapists for CPD. 

We now have made them available for anyone wanting to learn more about hypnosis. 

Once you are a member you get all updates automatically.

We are going to be adding new more recordings of new courses and seminars later this year and the price of membership will be increased.  So it is a good time to join this month.

Virtual Hypnotherapy?...

The other morning I was watch on Breakfast News TV a presentation about Virtual Reality headpieces. 

Most of that sort of technical equipment is geared towards the entertainment market at the moment.  However the point was being made that there are many areas of work where virtual reality worlds will have therapeutic use.

They showed a guy with dementia set up with a device so that he was able to walk in the woods in total safety.  The visions he was getting through the headpiece gave him the totally immersive experience.  He loved walking and they were able to recreate the conditions that he was familiar with and give him that enjoyment and presumably relaxing experience.

Just consider what may be developed for the hypnotherapy world where you are able to produce virtual imaginative visions to work your suggestions through.


Hypnosis Audio MP3s 
Webinar Business Development
Next week Adam will commence with this year’s Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy. A series of online presentations and discussions spanning the year with the sole aim of really taking the members’ hypnotherapy businesses to the next level, and beyond.

If you are a hypnotherapist, and if you wish to grow your business, develop it, and start to work on different terms to those that you are currently, go read about this programme and what it offers.

You’ll be pleased you did, and your business will thank you greatly as a result. 
One-To-One With Adam

 1. Hypnotherapist Mentoring With Adam: If you're a hypnotherapist (or other form of psychotherapist) looking to develop your business.
2. Financial Freedom Coaching With Adam: If you're seeking financial freedom, career advancement, perhaps you are returning to work after some time out, seeking financial independence or are developing (or starting up) your business, this is for you. You may struggle to monetise your love or make your dreams financially viable, if so, this is for you. 
3. Weight reduction mindset coaching: If you’re looking to reduce your weight, or have struggled to stick to your new year weight resolutions, or if you want to be sure of the Summer beach body, this is for you. 
Just visit these pages and read what is there, just reading that stuff I've posted on those pages will give you insight and value. 
If you do not think you need or want a session of this type with me, then do you know someone who does or who would benefit from such? Recommend them to these pages, I’ll serve them well and you’ll be doing them a great service indeed. Last week alone, here are what people have publicly written about just that single hour spent with me discussing these things, for free: 
“This is the most inspiring hour I ever spent on my hypnotherapy business”
“I’ve been more productive than ever since I spoke to Adam for that one hour call”
“There was so much information and inspiration crammed into that hour, I have no idea how it happened.” 
“I’m making it happen for sure!” 
Take me up on it. Dive in deep with me. 
Hypnotherapy Training With AE College Of Hypnosis

Highest Quality Hypnotherapy Training
Best Support Resources Online
Thoroughly Absorbing Fun Education
Critical Thinking Students and Hypnotherapists
Evidence Based Hypnotherapy
Access For Anyone Worldwide  
Flexibility For Students With Work Or Family
Develop Highly Professional Hypnotherapists
Joke Of The Week
toothbrush and toilet roll
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd