**, - Adam Up - How to Find Time ... AND - NO To Diets

Published: Thu, 01/14/16

Jan #2
Edition #530

Hello - Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up.

There is a theme this week here on Adam Up, we are focusing on weight reduction and exercise.

I know, I know, that was much more fashionable during the first week of the new year, but I consciously chose to write about this once the new year initial hullabaloo was over with.

The dust is settling after the new year and the sober reality is upon us. If you have struggled with your weight, I have an offer this week only of how I can help you without you spending penny. Do please take me up on this opportunity I offer after today's main article. 

Last week, due to getting so many requests, I wrote an article entitled: My Top Ten Recommended Hypnotherapy Books which you may wish to read if you are in this field. http://www.adam-eason.com/my-top-ten-hypnotherapy-and-hypnosis-book-recommendations/

Earlier this week, I also wrote on my running blog again as the new year running is progressing and thought you'd want to hear about me having the most pretentious breakfast in history, you can have a giggle at my expense here: http://hypnosisforrunning.com/in-the-name-of-running-excellence-i-had-the-most-pretentious-breakfast-in-history/

Exercise And The Biggest Excuse I Hear About NOT Doing It......

The new year is a whopping two weeks old and already the numbers of fellow runners wearing brand new pristine running gear are thinning out compared to last week. Last week was like a parade of major brand ice white socks, bright yellow and pink fluorescent running jackets, as yet untainted by many hours of sweat and toil. The cheeks were puffed out and red, AND there were smiles on faces. 

This week, there are fewer people out on the sea front in the early hours when I run, and those that are out have more pained expressions on their faces. Their expressions are certainly not matching the brightness of the new clothing as they were last week. 

As the new year enthusiasm wanes slightly, my friends, family, clients and those filling up my newsfeeds on social media are offering numerous reasons for it, and many of those reasons and excuses seem incredibly valid. I offer some support, some humour and some cajoling, but I still hear all too often the classic,

I don’t have time to exercise!” 

One friend of mine said to me this week that he certainly did not have time to run as many miles as I do each week. I want to share part of my response to him with you;

“Factually, that is incorrect. You and I have the exact same time every day. Every human being has the same amount of time available to them and ultimately they choose how to spend it.”

I was clearly in Spock mode at the time

My intention is not to convert everyone into running as much as I do, not at all, in fact, there are far more effective ways (and less time-consuming) to reduce weight than endurance running.

My aim was to point out that we all have choices and we can all learn how to be responsible for knowing what is most important to us. Then, I gave him a list of ways he could find time to exercise, and I have written a larger version of that for you here today.

Workout Plan

There’s no doubt about it, busy people in our world today throw us increasingly more distractions, opportunities for diversion, and present us with more choices and options for how we spend our time. With increasing demands in our personal and professional lives, our schedules just seem to keep filling up more and more each day.

How can we possibly squeeze in the extra time needed to work out?

The benefits of exercise have been proven over and over.

According to a new research from UNLV and Harvard scientists, indicates that regular exercise not only helps us to develop key leadership competencies, but it also increases personal self-efficacy.

This supports so much existing evidence – exercise and taking physical action is healthy for our mind, our body, our mood, our well-being and so much more besides.

The irony of saying “I don’t have time to exercise” is that when you do exercise regularly, you’ll be more effective and subsequently get more done.

So what did I suggest to my friend about how you can find time for regular exercise?

  • The key is to be flexible and make exercise a way of your life.
  • Let it become habit.
  • Remember, it is not just a purely physical thing.

Developing the habit of regular exercise becomes a personal journey that requires self-awareness, clarity, commitment and relentless focus and is a very rewarding investment.

1. Prioritise:

You have a super busy week, a really busy schedule, you are busy doing busy stuff that you make bees look redundant, - we know it.

Now, did you create your to-do list and attempt to stay on top of the game? Or do you simply keep on finding excuses on how to avoid a walk to the gym because 'there are other things to do'?

Procrastination is one of the most common reasons we do not exercise, we squander away our free time and put off important tasks. Instead of letting procrastination take over your life, create a to-do list, not just any to-do list – one which is filled with the things that are your major priorities - stick to it firmly and you'll see that procrastination can just slip away quietly as you engage in your activities, taking effective action.

Sometimes your plans can get scuppered, we know that too, but if this happens plan a longer workout for the next session.

Exercise ought to be a priority due to all the good it does you, so work it into your schedule and make it a priority on your list. 

2. Use Social Media Wisely:

Social Media

Social media does not just keep everyone connected and updated on what your friends are having for breakfast or how many miles they ran or what they are drinking in the pub,  these days it also helps business owners market their business and engage with their customers.

Social media is so integral to our lives these days that it can rob us of our time and inclination to do much else. Therefore, you need to use them wisely and effectively to take care of your health.

First and foremost, you have to control the urge to peruse the latest posts and messages, especially those unrelated to your business or productivity aims.

Consider permitting yourself to non-business related social media only after your priorities have been taken care of. Better still, you might use it as a reward for after you have exercised. 

Just be aware of social media eating your time that could be spent exercising if exercise is a priority to you. 

3. Get Up Earlier:  

Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” ― Mark Twain 

This quote by Mark Twain gets used a great deal and is interpreted in a wide number of ways. Some believe you do the things you have been putting off and then it is out of the way.

Get your exercise done first thing. You do get the added benefit of the raised metabolism for the entire day too – if you exercise in the evening, it might interfere with your sleep. It also seems a shame to raise your metabolism only to then go to be and sleep. 

You might therefore schedule your workouts before you get caught up in the roller coaster of the working day. Enjoy some fresh air, have a jog, walk to the gym, go to your local park, swim or cycle, or do some exercises in your front room to a chosen workout video but let your morning begin a little earlier and make space for exercise that way.

“I train myself in the very early hours of the morning when it’s still dark which I find kind of therapeutic and usually gives me the energy to get through the rest of the day,” Says Psychologist Richard D. Roberts from the University of Sydney.

I add this quote because it reflects how I feel when I have done my morning training session and feel energised for the day.

Although it sounds counter-intuitive, the evidence suggests that activity and exercise actually energises us. 

If you’re telling yourself that you are not a morning person, then I support that you do what you believe is right for you. However, do know that who you are is not set in stone and you do not have to adhere to it. You CAN reinvent who you are and how you lead your life anytime you want to.

Become a morning person if exercise is a priority and you wish to engineer more time to do it. 

4. Meditate: 

Meditation, mindfulness or self-hypnosis can help you in many ways, including finding the time to work out.

“Meditation not only provides a low-stress, low-stakes way to unlock your creative potential, it also unlocks memories of simpler, childhood times, when the biggest cause of anxiety was how to avoid your next nap,” Says psychologist Antoni Martínez. 

By lowering your stress levels, Meditation gives you the emotional balance which is needed to be more positive, calm and focused on what really matters to you. Eventually, it may even start to help you find the time to exercise without feeling obliged to be elsewhere or doing something else. 

5. Buddy Up: 

Body Up

Joining a workout group or committing to a class is a great way to reach out new people, make new friends, or spend more time with existing friends. It also can keep you motivated, hold you accountable and help you develop a sense of group camaraderie.

Not only does it motivate you to get out of bed and exercise, but there's the motivation to improve your current fitness level too. Explore clubs, find a running buddy, set times or schedule a regular weekly slot and you’ll find yourself more driven to stick to it and not as easy to offer up excuses. 

6. Relax:

No need to get stressed about it. 

Work relaxation methods into your day too. Get solution focused about what causes the most stress in your life. Work on that, maybe seek professional assistance.

It may seem like adding exercise to an already busy schedule is a daunting task, but you can do it. You can do it much more easily when you are relaxed too.

When you do exercise regularly, you’ll notice increased energy and a better ability to deal with stress, increased productivity and a feeling of overall well-being. Those components healthily feed each other – you can get that beneficial cycle started by learning to relax and reducing stress from your life as much as possible. 

Don't sweat the small stuff and ensure that adequate time is taken away from the office to enjoy with family and friends Plan regular holidays and keep fit and healthy. Just make the time.

7. Learn When To Say “NO”:

The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ― Warren Buffett 

I was going to refer to this as “Learn to do Less.” 

Know what your work and play capacities are. Politely declining to take on more work does not hurt people’s feelings. Both parties are better off, you really don’t have the time and you wouldn’t do a very good job for them either.

Start to work out ways to do less with your day, reduce time spent in ways that are not serving you with joy, satisfaction, love and well-being.

Of course, it would be unrealistic to suggest you only ever do those things, because to function we may need to do things we don’t like at times. Look at how you can lessen your load and focus with laser beam precision on filling your day with actions that serve you and your priorities. 

8. Grab Opportunities: 

Even if you do not want to firmly structure in a set schedule for exercise, work out how you can be more physical and take more physical action in your usual schedule. Use windows of opportunity when they present themselves: 

  • Walk up stairs. 
  • Do standing squats at your desk. 
  • Cycle to work. 
  • Sit-ups before breakfast.

I often do some pull-ups or some dumb-bell curls in the garage when I go to grab the washing out of the tumble dryer which is in our garage. 

We may never feel as old as our years, but without exercise and good, healthy eating habits, we can sometimes begin to age before our time;

To maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body, you need to keep moving!

Your body is designed for action and physical movement.

Sitting in front of a computer in work all day long, does affect you.

I think stating “I don’t have time to exercise” shows that it is either not important enough to you, or that you need to examine how you are spending your time. 

So the next time you think there is no way you can possibly fit regular exercise into your already busy schedule—think again.

Get re-organising. 

 Your Summer Beach Body Is Created Now!
Time To Get Healthy

Did you set yourself the resolution to finally reduce your weight this year?

How is it going?

  • A couple of walnuts for breakfast, licked a lettuce leaf for lunch and having soup for dinner?
  • Starving as a result?
  • Can’t stop thinking about chocolate cake? 

If you are keen to be finally thin forever, then the following is for you, read on because I have a fabulous offer for you that will not cost a penny! 

Last year, I had a conversation with someone, a friend who was struggling to lose weight and wanted some advice on getting started as a runner. I shared some of my personal and professional thoughts and insights gained from my own experience.

He did not take much notice of the useful stuff, instead he was keen to press his own thoughts of my physique “it’s easy for you because you run so much.” He basically and wholly attributed my current physique to my running.

This is wrong, it is a myth, and I want to explain why.

I have photos of me completing the London marathon in 2010 where I had a double chin. I had to train hard to run that marathon, and I crossed the finish line weighing in at well over 15 stone. In contrast, today I am lean and currently have a six-pack. I still run, but that has very little to do with my body shape, certainly a lot less than you might imagine. 

Just because someone runs a lot, it does not mean they are guaranteed to be thin. Lots of the ultra marathon runners that I encounter all say that the sheer volume of running they do makes them want to eat a lot…

And never stop eating…

So their weight does not necessarily go down as dramatically as people might expect. They are very often lean, but that is not just down to the running, they have a healthy attitude to life which ensures they make good choices for themselves, I’ll get on to that some more later on.

However, don’t take my anecdotal word for it.

According to research findings published in the Journal of Sports Medicine last  year, it is overeating sugar and carbohydrates that cause obesity and not a sedentary lifestyle as is popularly thought.

The researchers state “Our calorie laden diets now generate more ill health than physical inactivity, alcohol, and smoking combined” !!

They go on to add;

“It’s time to wind back the harms caused by the junk food industry’s public relations machinery,” the authors wrote. “Let’s bust the myth of physical inactivity and obesity You can’t outrun a bad diet.”

So it is not a given that running makes you thin – I am proof of that. The evidence supports that.

Exercising regularly is a contributing factor to well-being and good health, but it is not the singular answer and governments of Western Countries are examining their public health advice currently because of the advancing evidence to support this.

That is my first point here today; you can’t can’t outrun a bad diet. That is, you can’t eat poorly and think that exercise and activity will combat it, research proves this to be a myth.

This does NOT, however, mean that you need to ‘go on a diet’ Having a healthy diet is very different to taking up a fad diet or a diet comprising of supplements, or a very low calorie diet whereby you feel starved, or a diet whereby you have to count calories (calorie counting is also proven to be ineffective with regards to weight reduction)


There are some major conclusions that research suggests about dieting, and they are as follows:

1. Dieting does not work.

2. Dieting may make you more overweight, especially in the long run.

3. Dieting may be bad for your health.

Companies with big budgets and a vested interest in the massive diet market do not share such research findings. 

That is my second main point today then (following the point that “you can’t outrun a bad diet”) – that dieting does not work.

It often leads to yo-yo dieting whereby a person reduces their weight, puts it all back on again, then tries to lose it again.

However, it becomes an endless task because people who go on a very low calorie diet for the second time lose weight more slowly even if they take in the same number of calories as the first time. The body develops defences to deal with this and the more often it happens, the more difficult it is to reduce the weight.

Other things happen too when we diet; people become obsessed with food and eating, thinking about it constantly and sometimes obsessing about it.

The body of someone who has yo-yo dieted responds by hoarding energy and our usual activities use up less calories (including sleeping burning less calories, the research suggests!), we give off less energy in body heat and we often become lethargic, and all the naughty foods start to taste even better than before.

We often relapse, we yo-yo and we feel doomed to a lifetime of being overweight. This is a myth, just because we have always been overweight, or were only ever not overweight as a child, it does not mean that has to be true for us for the rest of our lives.

People seem to get into an overweight mindset and they seem to believe things about being overweight that simply are not the case.

There are many other myths about being overweight, let me give you a couple of the big ones:

a) As I have already suggested, the idea that physical inactivity is a major cause of obesity is not really proven to be true. People that are considered to be fat are usually less active than thinner people, however inactivity is probably caused more by being overweight than the other way around.

b) The notion that being overweight indicates a lack of willpower is a whopper of a myth. Today’s society often makes being fat a shameful thing and we hold people personally responsible for their weight.
Being overweight equates to being weak-willed and slobby.
This is helped by the fact that our friends and people in the media that have chosen to reduce weight do so dramatically and in a fairly short period of time.
Know this though; almost everyone returns to the old weight after shedding pounds by dieting. The more diets people try, the harder the body works to defeat the next diet. There are plenty of genetics involved in how much we weigh and when dieting, people also have to compete against an even tougher opponent; our biological defence against starvation.
We win some small victories through determined application of our conscious will, but more often than not, we lose the longer term war.

c) There is also a myth that overweight people have an ‘overweight personality’ which is also wrong.
There has been plenty of research conducted looking at the correlation between fatness and personality and it has shown that obese people do not have any major differences in personality to those who are not obese. It might be more correct to suggest that overweight people adopt a mindset, which is great news, because that can be managed and a new mindset can be engineered, more on that later….

Beach Body
There is agreement from researchers that anyone can lose weight in one or two months on just about any diet, and there is also agreement that you are almost certainly going to put it all back on again within a few years (some authors suggest that you’ll actually put it all back on again and then some).

You all know people who have adopted diets, regimens and plans or attended groups that has seen them reduce weight impressively only to put it back on again. Just look at many of the celebrities who did so in the public eye:

Oprah Winfrey: She followed the Optimist plan and became slimmer and slimmer on TV, losing 67 pounds in a few months. Then the following year, she gradually put it all on again and no longer sang the praises of the diet and in fact condemned it.

Vanessa Feltz, Fern Britton, Anne Diamond, Sharon Osbourne: Here in the UK we’ve seen many reduce weight and publicly put it all back on again after following a variety of fad diets and interventions.

If the science had been consulted before hand by these people, they may have not gone on those diets in the first place.

Very low calorie diets have been proven to fail in the long term for most people who embark upon them.

There is no diet in the world today that can boast figures and statistics to prove it works in the very long term. With most diet studies in fact, the longer the follow-up, the poorer the results.

People need to be able to maintain a proper eating plan. It may be useless or very difficult to eat less food, but it is incredibly important to eat healthier food and food which satisfies us.

There is evidence to suggest that the right mindset therefore helps, and it is my belief that the right mindset is the single most important thing when it comes to reducing weight and maintaining it for the long term.

In fact, when dieting inevitably leads to failure and helplessness this leads to another cost of dieting – depression.

When your fallible will-power competes with your unyielding biological defences, you know who comes out on top more often, don’t you?

You get reminded of that failure each time you look in the mirror, you feel guilty every time you order a huge dessert at the restaurant, and you feel like your desire for everything that contributes to you being overweight is beyond your control….
and all of this makes us depressed.

Especially when the media glorifies those that are young and thin; those continual messages we get from the media contribute to our depression, even if it is subtle.

There is much more to this, there is so much more, we still do not know the definitive answer when it comes to diet, exercise, genetics and many other factors that contribute to our physique. What’s more, there is a lot of evidence that we can utilise to give ourselves the best possible chance of achieving more for the long term.

My third point then, is that if you want to abandon fad diets and ways of losing weight rapidly, if you want to adopt a course of activity that suits you best, if you want to feel good about doing it and take control of your appetite, then you need to address your psychology and emotions.

In order to eat right, in order to exercise or up your activity levels at all, the key is that you need motivation. Real motivation.

You need self-discipline, drive, you need belief in yourself, you need to communicate with yourself effectively, you need a mindset to help your approach to food, to help with the way you perceive yourself, and to prevent emotional eating.

And you need to do these things in the way that the evidence suggests is the most effective way of doing it all.

That’s where I come in.

Today, I believe that an individual’s perception of her/himself, beliefs about her/himself, way of communicating with her/himself and the psychological attitude that individual has towards there own physique plays a vital role in achieving the body you want. It precedes and underpins everything else that individual does.

As I said, there is much more to this…

Certainly much more than I could write in a single message here. 

Therefore, If you (or anyone you know) have been struggling with your weight for a while and change has not been happening as fast or as effectively as you want, and has not been long-lasting then I‘d like to help you breakthrough. I'd like to invite you to talk with me

I meet a lot of people struggling with their weight, last year I was on the panel of experts for the national TalkHealth clinic in collaboration with NHS Choices here in the UK and got to communicate with many, many people who struggled to reduce their weight.

I researched, worked with many people, ran webinars and did everything I could to get the message out there of how important the mind is when it comes to weight reduction. 

Two weeks of 2016 have passed and after hearing about so many people’s weight challenges, I decided to do something about it. I have enjoyed the last week where I have been speaking to so many people and I want to do it again, so….

** NEW, For a Very Limited Time **

Therefore, I’d like to invite any and every person who is struggling to achieve and maintain the size, shape and weight that pleases them to take advantage of a special, “Weight Mindset” coaching session where we’ll work together to do the following:

  • - Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate weight” and the “perfect body” you’d like to have

  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the goals you have for yourself.

  • Leave that session with me feeling renewed, re-energised, and inspired to make changes confidently in your life.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, and totally FREE 30-60 minute “Weight Mindset” coaching session, click reply and send me your answers to these questions...

  1. How long have you struggled with your weight?

  2. What is your ideal weight? What is your ideal size and shape? Where do you want to be? 

  3. How does your weight effect your life?

  4. What do you see as the major challenges holding you back from achieving the size, shape and size that you want?

  5.  On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals today?

  6. Full Name

  7. Email Address

  8. Phone Number

During the call, I’ll also do all I can to answer as many of your questions and queries as possible, I’ll give you full access to me and will give you honest answers. 

Since I’m making this offer for the first time right now and I don’t know how intense the response will be, I can’t guarantee a coaching session for everyone.

I’ll take as many people as I can and then start a waiting list. You can expect to hear from me personally within one working day to schedule the session ideally within the next 3-5 business days thereafter (or I’ll notify you to tell you I’ve added you to the waiting list because I’ve had more requests than my schedule can handle).

The evidence base suggests you need a long-term psychological strategy if you wish to maintain that body once you have achieved it.

Each time you lose weight and put it on again, it becomes harder to lose again and keep it off.

As I said, you need a long term plan, a strategy that ensures you can prevent relapse, that can help you make healthy choices, feel fortified and in control of who and how you are. You need a long term strategy that will help you engage in heightened activity if you choose to and if you want to, a strategy that ensures you can make the steps forward with how you eat in a way that is not dieting at all, and a strategy that gives you skills to serve you for the rest of your life.

As usual, let me leave you with some of my favourite quotes and inspiration: 

“The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” -Walt Disney

“Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.”– Og Mandino

“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.”– Maya Angelou

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.”– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.”- Dr. Henry Link

“Security Is Mostly A Superstition. Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing.”– Helen Keller

“The Only Limit To Our Realization Of Tomorrow Will Be Our Doubts Of Today.”– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Do What You Can With All You Have, Wherever You Are.”– Theodore Roosevelt

“You Are Never To Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream.”– C.S. Lewis

“To See What Is Right And Not Do It Is A Lack Of Courage.”– Confucious

“People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.”- Rob Siltanen

“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees The Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

Go for it. Let’s examine the "weight mindset" together!! 

Again, to take advantage of this offer, simply click reply and answer the questions listed above.

The sooner you send me your answers, the more likely you are to get a session. Click reply now.

JANUARY No Excuses Bundle -
You may not need all of these audios - but here is self-hypnosis package that we have put together that will help you to help yourself with those resolutions and intentions for 2016. 
Joke Of The Week

Some topical new year dieting puns this week: 

Dieting is a Weigh of Life

  • It's not the minutes spent at the table that put on weight, it's the seconds

  • The biggest drawback to fasting for seven days is that it makes one weak.

  • The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat.  It's watching what other people eat.

  • An excellent way to lose weight is by skipping ... snacks and dessert.

Thanks to everyone who sends the jokes in, they really make me smile each week. 

Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
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Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

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