**, - Adam Up - Running and Success - Business Success

Published: Thu, 10/01/15

Oct #1
Edition #515
Hello - and Welcome to Adam Up
I am back in the office and have been catching up and doing my best to get productive following spending 9 days in class teaching the second half of this year’s Intensive Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma course.

After today’s main article, I have written about a new Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy that I will be running annually - if you are a hypnotherapist and wish to join me and focus on developing your business and seeing more clients, then our academy could be what you are looking for. 

We have been very busy behind the scenes with regards to my Hypnosis for Running blog, research, book and audio products.

Firstly, we have added a LOT of new audio tracks for using hypnosis for advancing running, go take a look at our hypnosis for download running page and see that we have tracks to aid your stretching, speed up recovery, oxygenate the blood, enjoy hypnotic compression on the legs and much more, I am really proud of it all. 

Importantly though, we now have a brand new, totally FREE six week audio course to help runners use their mind to advance their running performance. It is not just for advanced runners, but also to those who are new to running.   Just visit the hypnosis for running blog and you’ll see it.

Go sign up for free and enjoy the programme, it’ll definitely help you become a better athlete by simply learning how to use your mind! 
Onto today’s Adam Up, and keeping with the running theme…. 
I had the idea at the end of last year, and I wrote an article (http://www.adam-eason.com/the-7-main-reasons-im-running-all-4-races-at-this-years-bournemouth-marathon-festival/)  about it back in January of this year….

This weekend the idea becomes reality. I am running all 48 miles of the 4 Bournemouth marathon festival races back-to-back.

Here is what I wrote on my personal Facebook page yesterday morning: 

“Having spent the last 9 days teaching an intensive class, am getting myself updated and in order this morning at my home office...

All my race numbers have now arrived for this weekend's Bournemouth Marathon Festival.
Sunday morning's 39.3 miles with some mad dashing around in the middle (getting from the half marathon finish line to the marathon start line) will be the furthest I have run to date despite some Ultramarathon action this Summer.
Plus, I'll have raced the 5km and the 10km the day before, and I am not going to be just making up the numbers for those. Having planned this at the end of last year and despite a great year of marathon racing so far, reality has just bitten me.”
Bournemouth Marathon
Next year I have a 69 mile ultra scheduled after the Spring marathon season and I aim to step up to a one hundred miler in a year’s time.

Many people have been asking me about why I continue to run as much as I do (which is nowhere near as much as elite runners or my heroes who I stalk on Strava and follow on Social media), and my motivations have included
  • raising money for charity,
  • getting PBs,
  • wanting to test out my own psychological applications and a variety of other reasons.
One other main reason though, is that running helps create success.

This is not just a universal sweeping statement, I appreciate that there are exceptions to everything. However, there are some very specific reasons that running is likely to advance success in life. 

Some of the reasons I give for runners being successful apply to financial gain, however, my own definition of success is not measured purely by the size of my bank account. For me, there is much more life success that goes beyond material wealth.

Being able to enjoy a balanced, healthy, enjoyable and fulfilling life is how success is defined here. In those terms, let me give you 9 reasons why being a runner is likely to make you more successful: 

1.  Runners Effectively Set Goals:

There has been a large amount of study and research conducted on setting goals and the evidence suggests that those who effectively set goals tend to achieve more. (For those wishing to read about details of studies specifically, do have a read of this article I wrote here a while back: http://www.adam-eason.com/goal-setting-for-running-exercising-or-sports/)

Runners set a variety of goals. A typical marathon training schedule tends to have a performance related goal at the end, such as a desired finish time. Then it gets broken down into aims and goals for each month of training, often a week will have a theme and there are goals for each individual run whether it is an intervals session, a hills session, a recovery session, or a long run, for example. 

“People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.” - Earl Nightingale

Having goals directs attention and ensures we know what we need to do with each training session, keeping us focused. Having goals mobilises effort. Having goals enhances persistence.

There is a great deal of research to support the use of goal-setting. When set correctly with realism and in relation to our own performance they aid our performance wonderfully. To learn more about how to set goals effectively according to the evidence, read this article I wrote:

Nothing significant in any aspect of life is usually achieved without well formed goals. When we have no goals, we may be living without a sense of purpose and lead to a lack of motivation in life. When you are a runner, you become goal-focused and it enriches life at all levels. 

2. Runners Plan: 

Goals are good, but they need to be planned.

Runners plan their training schedules, schedule their runs, find time for what needs to be done. This is one of the keys for being productive in any area of life. 

There are no short-cuts to success with running. It needs to be planned effectively if we are to achieve our goals. Having set goals, then planned diligently…..

A goal without a plan is just a wish

 3. Runners Take Action:
“Action is eloquence.” - William Shakespeare
This sounds obvious. You cannot run a marathon without training. You cannot improve your 5km time without training. When training, you do not get better by only ever running comfortably. Running is absolutely a sport whereby you get out what you put in. Your ability is a measure of the time and effort you have invested. The stark reality is that when you become a runner, you have to run. You become someone who takes regular action towards your desired outcomes. 
This is true in running and forms part of a mindset that spreads into all aspects of life. Taking the first steps and getting into action. Flowing action eliminates fear, it builds momentum, and creates an enjoyable journey. For that journey to be successful, it requires patience to take persistent action according to the plan that delivers our goals. Patience teaches endurance, resilience and humility in life too. 
So runners set goals, plan diligently and take action. All of these are threaded with a variety of other strengths and skills that create success.

4. Runners Measure Progress: 

There is an expression in business, sport and self-improvement - you can’t manage what you don’t measure. 

Runners know this and as a result, they measure everything that can be measured when it comes to running performance. We measure the distance we run, the pace and speed we run, we measure our heart rate, our cadence, our mile splits, and we examine our averages and totals as we reflect upon it all. It shows us how we are progressing. Technology has made runners able to measure so much. 

One thing measuring progress does is to motivate us as we see our improvements as a reward for our efforts, and shows us when we need to push on harder to make greater gains. All well set goals will be measurable Measuring progress, measuring outcomes, measuring ourselves helps us be more aware in all areas of life whether this is in our personal lives, professional lives or with sports. 

I like to think of this in terms of Goodhart’s law - “Once you measure something it changes.”

5 Runners Have Self-Discipline and Persistence:

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison. 

Running becomes a habit, and then it becomes an inherent part of life. Any training schedule for a race or event requires persistence and self-discipline. As I already wrote, runners take action. To take action requires self-discipline and often that is needed in the face of some adversity. 

“Successful people do what they need to do whether they feel like it or not.” - Eric Thomas.

There are days when we may feel tired, or we may prefer to be having a lie-in, but we go out and run and feel better for it. We sacrifice late nights out for early mornings running sometimes. We have to be consistent with effort even if our enthusiasm wanes from time to time, and if the mojo flags, just like running through a tough period in a race, we ride it out and still work hard. 

Being persistent, tenacious and having self-discipline helps anyone to thrive in life.  

6. Runners Overcome Challenges:

As I alluded to in the previous point, runners face adversity from time to time. As well as coping with illness and the very wide variety of injuries that runners can get - all of which prevent us from running at all, or training to our best, there are also periods of mental and physical fatigue that challenge us. In real-life terms, there can be the wind, rain, cold, heat to overcome and deal with. Our minds can sometimes try to convince us we cannot go on, or that we are unable to go faster, yet we overcome that as a central part of having a runner’s mindset. 

I have written recently about relishing life’s problems instead of being daunted by them http://www.adam-eason.com/learn-to-enjoy-lifes-problems/ and runners do just that. They traverse the challenges, they work through them and they arrive at the other side all the better for it. 

7.  Runners Have Self-Belief:

“All battles are first won or lost in the mind.” Joan of Arc

When runners believe in themselves, they run better. No-one can run a marathon without self-belief. Have you seen the many tens of thousands of people that compete in big city marathons? That is a mass of self-belief right there. 

In life, when we believe in ourselves, we perform better. This is called ‘self-efficacy’ and is very evidence based. For more information on this, you can read this article I wrote: http://hypnosisforrunning.com/self-efficacy-for-runners-how-it-can-advance-running-performance/
8. Runners Know Success and Failure Differently to Non-Runners:

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan

Failure is inevitable in life. No-one succeeds at everything all of the time. Runners perceive a DNF (did not finish) in an ultra marathon as an opportunity to come back next time stronger. Failure is a set-back to grow from, runners know that. It is temporary.   

“It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” - Bill Gates

How anyone attributes success or failure effects their life, their level of satisfaction, their happiness and future performances. Most runners recognise that some set-backs are necessary to develop and that learning from those leads to success later on.

If you’d like to learn how you attribute success and failure, read this article I wrote: http://www.adam-eason.com/using-self-hypnosis-to-discover-how-you-attribute-success-and-failure/

9. Runners Understand The Value Of Community:

The running community is very supportive. There are massive online forums and websites where runners share advice, support and encourage each other. Despite being a solo sport most of the time, the entire running community forms a team at times Runners smile and say hello to each other when running, they talk during races, they share experiences, compare notes, dispense advice and share freely. They benefit from being part of a larger system and a community that is incredibly helpful and useful. 

Success requires a very particular mindset. That mindset is often created and established through healthy habit. Runners inherently exercise more than just their legs when they are training and competing. They are building the component parts of a mindset that is important for success in life in general. Running builds character, enhances a success mindset and does so much more besides. I want to share a favourite quote of mine with you;

“Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it;  men come to be builders, for instance, by building, and  harp players by playing the harp.  In the same way, by  doing just acts we come to be just: By doing  self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled; and by doing brave acts, we become brave.” - Aristotle

Likewise, if we run, we become a runner. If we adopt the runner’s mindset, we become successful. 

If you are a runner, I hope you recognise these qualities in yourself. If you are not a runner, then come join us and get running. 
Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy
I am delighted to announce that in 2016, we unveil The Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy. 

To download the prospectus for the academy with dates, fees and further details, visit this page at the Anglo European College website: http://aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/the-hypnotherapist-business-development-academy/
Any and every hypnotherapist should and can be running an effective, prosperous, flourishing business. Join this academy programme to develop your business, to help you achieve the dreams you have for your business or to simply take your hypnotherapy business to the next level. 

This is a six webinar series spread over 8 months that we will run annually.

It is a programme for practicing professional hypnotherapists.

It is run entirely online so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home or office wherever you are in the world.

If you cannot make the sessions live it does not matter because you’ll have access to the recording of the event the moment each session ends.

Each webinar is accompanied by accompanying written notes, guidelines and instructions to help you derive the most gain from each session. 

Over the years, I have worked with and mentored many hypnotherapists to help them develop their careers so that they see more clients, earn more money, are perceived as being more credible and have a better quality of life. With this programme, I am extending that further by running an annual Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy. 

  • Have you struggled to get clients?   

  • Do you love being a hypnotherapist but question if it is a viable full-time career?

  • Do you want to reach more people and make more of a positive impact upon the world?

  • Have sought solutions from experts that did not deliver?

  • Are you conflicted?

  • Feeling pain as a result?
I once felt exactly that way too!

I have been a full-time hypnotherapy professional since 1997. When I started out, I was in my early 20s, with very little life experience, a pretty poor education in hypnotherapy (unbeknownst to me at the time), no entrepreneurial skills or knowledge, and I struggled, boy did I ever struggle!

I was paying for advertising, paying for expensive offices in Central London, paying for professional memberships, paying for insurance, paying for a website, and that is before I even mention the cost of living and leading a life to feel good about! I got into a lot of debt, verging on Bankruptcy, my business was unsustainable, I was within a hair’s breadth of packing it in and returning to full-time employment as my family, friends, accountant and bank manager were all urging me to do.

It was a desperate time for me and gives me butterflies just recollecting it today. It felt like swimming in treacle, but tasted far worse. I put so much effort in, but was getting nowhere. I loved the field of hypnotherapy, but was getting nowhere. I could not understand it.

My last few pounds were spent on getting assistance from someone who coached me, mentored me and guided me, and things changed. I soaked up the advice, we explored what I was doing, I investigated and spoke to successful therapists, I studied what made people a success in this field. I got out of debt and learned how I could do what I wanted to do – to help others using hypnotherapy and earn a healthy living with a good lifestyle.

And so 20 years later, I am still a hypnotherapist. I have complete life autonomy. I am a hypnotherapist with a family, living by the seaside by choice, where I own a beach hut where I play with my wife and children, where I venture out on my paddle board. I spend many hours a week training for the marathons and ultra marathons I run breathing in the sea air and I love it.

I am a bestselling author in the field of hypnosis My hypnosis audios sell globally. My work has featured on prime-time television. My podcasts are among the most popular in the world (in this field). I run and own one of the most respected training colleges for hypnotherapy in the world – and my college graduates go on to have very successful careers in this field too.

I learned how to love the business of being a hypnotherapist. I learned how to attract clients. I honed it beautifully. Today I choose how I live as a result. I have been through two major economic crises periods while continuing to thrive and continuing to grow my hypnotherapy business.
The way in which hypnotherapists try to build their businesses absolutely baffles me, and I can tell you a few things for sure:

  • Getting provincial newspaper features do not fill you therapy rooms with clients, yet so many people seem desperate to do this type of thing.   

  • There is no fixed answer that fits every hypnotherapist all of the time and there are no gurus to be found who have a singular answer that is right for you. Absolutely not.

  • Spending hours on your website are often wasted hours. Some of the busiest and most successful hypnotherapists in the world have terrible websites with very poor search engine rankings.

  • Having the slickest business cards and company logo will not pay for the lifestyle you really want.

  • You don’t need to spend hours mastering social media.

  • Trying to keep up with the latest advancements in technology is impossible.

  • You don’t need an advertising or PR budget and should not be paying for any advertising.

  • Being a hypnotherapist should not be stressful and should not lead to you needing therapy more than your clients.

  • Building your hypnotherapy business can be invigorating, fun and enjoyable. I LOVE it!
In the last two decades, times have changed. The perception of the field of hypnotherapy has changed, there are more hypnotherapists out there than ever before, there is more information available about hypnotherapy than ever before. Things continue to change, rapidly.

Just as we all engage in continued professional development to keep our skills relevant, fresh and up-to-date, so we need to understand how to develop our business effectively and how to keep attracting clients.

Today, I encounter many, many hypnotherapists at lectures, conferences, CPD trainings and other events. So, so many of them struggle. So, so many of them ask me the best ways to get clients, but it is virtually impossible to offer up a soundbite in a tea break that will transform them from desperate, isolated, eager hypnotherapist into successful, commanding professional with a healthy waiting list of referred clients.

You want to see more clients. You want to excel as a busy hypnotherapist. You want kudos. You want to serve the world and help as many people as possible to be well and benefit from what you know hypnotherapy can do. You want these things and probably more besides; so what is the solution?

    - Be mentored.
    - Be coached.
    - Join this hypnotherapist business development academy.

Here’s a couple of the reasons why:

  • You learn from experience. Not just the experience of success, but also you learn from the often incredibly expensive, painful experience of your mentor.   

  • You’ll have the support of your colleagues in the group and along with me you’ll be held accountable by them all as you become productive and advance your business. 

  • You get to rigorously explore your existing approach.

  • You’ll get some truth. Often truth that is hard to swallow.

  • You get motivation. You’ll be fired up and inspired to learn how to triumph as a hypnotherapist.

  • You get insight.

  • You get to tap in to success.

  • You get to access your potential while someone holds your hand.

  • You’ll be held accountable and will make exponentially more effort than you realise was needed.

  • You’ll take massive, effective action that will send ripples into the world.

  • You’ll learn how to highly productive without necessarily expending a huge amount more effort. 

  • You get to laugh and feel the full force of joy that can be had within such an academy of professional peers who all have the same goal as you.
Join us for our annual academy. We work closely together. We have deep, powerful conversations. The pathway can become rewarding, clear and simple, instead of defeating, stressful and unnecessarily complicated.

Yo are not given direct instructions, you are not made promises and you are not given any secrets to untold riches that you follow in robot fashion. You’ll explore, you’ll journey, you’ll discover and you’ll enter the world of enormous possibility. 

You see, so many hypnotherapists do not spend enough time doing the right things Those that actually do spend any time on business development are doing it highly passively, highly ineffectually and it is an impotent process. They end up being forgettable, unnoticeable, blending into the mass of hypnotherapists out there all doing pretty much the same thing, charging pretty much the same fees as each other, fighting it out for the very few clients who are actually surfing the net looking at therapists rather than taking a quality referral.

All my clients are referrals.

It pains me to encounter so many incredibly talented, dedicated, wonderful hypnotherapists who simply cannot make ends meet and end up abandoning the field, or worse, abandoning their dreams. This is all because they did not know any better and ended up following the norms that every other hypnotherapist does. You don’t want to be satisfied and relieved to just make ends meet, often seeming desperate for business in the eyes of clients, you want to thrive, excel and be in love with being a hypnotherapist.

If you love working in this field, have a passion for hypnotherapy but are struggling to make it work, then that can change. The reality is that it is relatively simple to build a healthy business and a liberating, satisfying, inspiring career as a hypnotherapist.

This will be a series of interactive webinars, you will be presented to initially and then there ins ongoing consultation and discussion. You are set tasks and you are expected to take action throughout the series. 
The first thing you should do….

Download the prospectus for dates, prices and details. Then get in touch with us. Send me an email and let’s schedule a time to have a conversation. Let’s discuss dreams and possibilities. I look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the Hypnotherapist Business Development Academy.

To download the prospectus for the academy with dates, fees and further details, visit this page at the Anglo European College website: http://aecollegeofhypnosis.uk/the-hypnotherapist-business-development-academy/
Hypnosis Weekly
Joke Of The Week
This week, we have a healthy batch of clever jokes, I love these…..

1 . A plateau is the highest form of flattery.

2 . It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

3 . Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

4 . A soldier survived mustard gas in battle, and then pepper spray by the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

5 . What's the best thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus.

6 . A Buddhist walks up to a hotdog stand and says, "Make me one with everything."

7 . I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop whenever I want.

8 . What's the difference between my ex and the titanic? The titanic only went down on 1,000 people

9 . Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 is a registered 6 offender.

10 . Two fish are sitting in a tank. One looks over at the other and says: "Hey, do you know how to drive this thing?" 

Thank you to everyone who sends in the jokes each week, they are wonderful. 

See Our Online Store of Audios and Video Downloads
Caption Contest
Why not get over and join Adam's Hypnosis Hub.  Anyone interested in Hypnosis may join.  You could then add a caption to our weekly image. 
Meme Of The Week
Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd