**, - Adam Up - Belt, Pain and Other Bits and Bobs...

Published: Thu, 08/13/15

Aug #2
Edition #507
Hello - and welcome to Adam Up
Hello - It is Keith Watson here with a few bits and bobs including featuring my belt.  

Adam is on leave - great weather for it - but I am sure he is having a great time enjoying lots of playful fun with his kids.

My Belt And My Weight:​
Let’s start by showing you this picture of my favourite - well it has been with me a while - belt.  It is old and very faithful.  
I’ve tried to take this picture so you can see clearly what has happened over time. The last two holes I have had to add and I’m getting to the stage where I will need to punch another hole.  On show here is a visual representation of progress made in losing weight.   (Now I have to admit you were spared something - I could’ve taken my shirt off and taken a picture - what a let off) 

The thing is that I have lost a lot of weight.

Was there a diet involved?  NO  - more about how I did it in a minute.

Adam has just been running a six week seminar series about losing weight.  All I would say to those people on that course is - do get down and write out your plan?  You must identify your personal issues.

The one thing that Adam makes incredibly clear is that he is not a nutritionist and doesn't give any advice on that area. (I am sure he is glad not to be - look at my sidenote}


Research in the nutritional world is a nightmare:
Do you trust any of this research? 
Given how changeable it is - how are we even meant to navigate it?


Let us talk butter.
For years, butter was out in the cold - yet NOW butter has been declared okay.  
It was all a fuss about nothing, according to researchers at Canada’s McMaster University who this week announced that there is no evidence that saturated fat is bad for the health and that it may even protect against diabetes.  WHAT!


On July 29th the Million Women Study by Oxford University stated that drinking small amounts of alcohol every day increases the risk of breast cancer by 7% - 12% and it is best avoided.
This held good for ages  - well till August 5th when the Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago reported that its research shows that a glass of wine a day improves cognitive health and helps to stave off Alzheimers

Conclusion:  for optimum health you need to drink a glass of wine a day and also not drink a glass of wine a day.
Got it?
So how did I lose weight?

I simply used Adams Mind Your Weight audio MP3s.  

In my case the nutrition was good, my wife is a health visitor and I tend to get a lot of the good green stuff and the veg and fruit. So what was the problem - well there were several. 

Right until I was 40 years old I was as skinny as a rake - several pints of beer an evening, no problem.  

After 40 - and I would like to know why - something happened to my BMR System and all my learned bad habits caught up with me. 

The thing is I had learned a lot of bad habits and my problems were nothing to do with a bad diet. 
So what were my issues?
My Problems:

  • Simply eating too quickly - often in a rush.  
  • Eating too big portions. 
  • Having seconds 
  • Enjoying a glass or two-ish  of wine daily - let me qualify - largish glasses filled to the rim.
  • I also liked filling my plate up again - I don’t like to leave all that good food - I’m sure that goes back to my childhood.
  • Snacking - the inability of walking past the fridge.

Put down on paper this looks bad and in fact it is bad - this was a lot of things to sort out

So my hypnosis sessions were aimed at those particular issues. Before long - really not that long - the new behaviours had set in.  

  • I don’t even think of having a drink in the evening during the week - that’s right it doesn’t even enter my head 
  • My weekend begins on Friday evening - and the thought of having a drink does come back into my head BUT only in moderation
  • I never seem to worry about more than a couple of moderate sized glasses (gosh we're saving money)
  • Less food is cooked and the plate isn't overloaded. (gosh we're saving money) 
  • I never look for seconds any more.  You can ask my wife - now she knows how to spend the money we save :-).

The two audio MP3s for weight issues.

What Is Hypnosis?  - There I am getting brave!!
Hypnosis is something I wish I had come across very much earlier in my life.

There is a guy called Bob Collier who wrote a book back in 2011 which I think is really terrific for anyone who has never used hypnosis and doesn’t understand anything about it.

Bob wrote a book called "How To Use Hypnosis Effectively"

It was the beginners guide subtitled “unlock the creative power of your mind with audio MP3 downloads and make positive changes to your life safely and easily”

It is a great little book and for a time we had it on our website as an MP3 download.  I will get in touch with Bob and see if we can get it back.

In the introduction Bob says “Perhaps one day people of all ages will routinely use hypnosis MP3s to help with every aspect of their lives.  It’s as easy as putting on the earphones, pressing the play button and allowing a calm soothing voice to guide you into the most powerful state of mind you can be in,  for absorbing useful information, supportive advice, or life changing ideas”  He goes on to say “hypnosis however is a controversial subject, many people are afraid of it, and most people don’t understand it.

And to be honest with you, even professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists can disagree occasionally quite strongly attempting to explain hypnosis to the rest of us.

The book of course goes on in a sensible way to explain the wonderful therapies that are possible with hypnosis and demystify it all.

Adam has always tried to make it clear that hypnosis isn’t anything mystical or magical and that it is a wonderful skill to learn and us therapeutically.  He does say though and I agree that the outcomes and results achieved are magical - ASK MY BELT

Now I am going to do something now that will amuse the hypnotherapists I know (and that is quite a large number) - but here goes.

What is Hypnosis?

My layman’s definition.

Controlled laser, focused imagination - which (and it goes off the rails a bit here) gets rid of some bad stuff and thoughts in the mind - and we use suggestions and imagination to replace them with good stuff and thoughts.

Well - hmmm - maybe a bit more work necessary.  

Your e-mail responses will be ignored.

OK a bit of fun.

If you want to hear an academic and studied response you can go and check out this YouTube clip by Adam.

Some of it goes over my head - but what the hell I know it works and that is all I care about.
How About You?​  Can I reward you?
Thousands of you buy our hypnosis audios and I often wonder how you’re getting on.  You see my testimonial above for my weight issues.  

How about you?

  • Did you use your hypnosis audio enough?

  • Did you get the out outcome you wanted?

  • Do you need to get the audio out again? - it is down to you.

Here is a great opportunity for you - we would like to receive those stories 
a) Send your testimonial to me so that we can add it to our website (contact details below)
b) Go back onto the Hypnosis For Downoad store and place a testimonial against the product you have used.   
If you fill in a testimonial in the Hypnosis store - do let me know so that I can send you a voucher.  

I will send a 75% discount coupon for use in our Hypnosis For Download store to anyone that places a testimonial.

Okay that is a bit of an incentive but we really would love to hear your feedback.
Music and Hypnosis To Reduce Pain
I’m a nurse by background and back in the 1970s I was working for a couple of years in an operating suite.

One of the surgeons played music as he was operating - he insisted that it kept him very calm but not only that, he also argued that it was beneficial to the patients.  

So I must admit I did think of him when I read the report in this morning’s paper headlined Listening To Music During Surgery Improves Recovery

The research has been published in the Lancet and analyses data from 72 trials involving nearly 7000 patients.

Martin Hersh of Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS trust said “We have known since the time of Florence Nightingale listening to music has positive impact on patients during surgery by making them calmer, and reducing pain.

Hypnotherapists will also not be surprised by the research results because they are aware of techniques to use the mind to reduce pain.  

Adam does several demonstrations in his seminars of the affect of hypnosis to control pain.  

Here is a an article by Adam on pain control.

We also have this audio in our Hypnosis For Download Store
Casual Gigs​
A couple of my friends who in their 50s lost their jobs two or three years ago.  They had been with major companies most of their working lives and realised that in their 50s their chances were limited for get a new position.  

Neither had been particularly happy with their companies anyway.  

How they have thrived though.  The amazing thing is that the projects and works they have taken on for themselves have been very rewarding financially and their work life balance is the real winner.

Geraint Jones, professor of economics at Lancaster University said he had spotted the trend in the older generation “gigging” for their major source of income “what we are seeing among the over 50s is the a more portfolio career” he said “people take on gigs that are two day jobs and will work three of them in the week. It allows them to a very good income”

A retired nurse that I know has created a lifestyle business teaching Pilates and Mindfulness and carries out health checks.

I have had several young freelancers work for me who have other jobs - simply because it gives them the lifestyle they are after.

So there you are why not train with us as a hypnotherapist for maybe even part-time extra career - the more flexibility you give yourself the better.  
Would YOU Like To Train With Us Next Academic Year?
Do visit our College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis website to get a prospectus and full information about all courses during this next Academic Year.  
  • Accredited Hypnotherapy Diploma Course starts in October
  • Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy 5 Day Course in November.
  • Intensive Accredited Hypnotherapy Diploma Course in April 2016
One of the things to do if you are interested is to have a chat with Adam.  He will be back next week - so use the contact information below to get in touch with us.  Adam would love to speak with you and answer any questions about the course we run here in lovely Bournemouth.
Platinum Area Offers
We have a membership area which contains hundreds of hours of hypnosis training taken during the various courses and seminars. 

We originally developed it for our students that were training with us. 

It is now available for anyone worldwide who wants to study hypnosis. 
Take it out.

Joke Of The Week

A recent worldwide survey showed that out of 2,146,703,436 people, 94% were too lazy to actually read that number.

Caption Contest
Meme Of The Week
Meme of the week
Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd