**, - Adam Up - START Your Day With Vitality...?

Published: Thu, 07/23/15

Jul #4
Edition #505
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up
This week, our website was hacked. It was really hacked. For two days it simply could not be accessed and we were not online during that time. I don’t understand the mentality of people who do such things. It is basic vandalism, like smashing a telephone box up. It is senseless. In the long run, no major harm was done and we are here living our happy lives, serving the world as best as we can and we still have smiles on our faces throughout. 

If you have not listened to the latest Hypnosis Weekly, last week it featured me being interviewed and right now the new edition features a wonderful lady, Helen Bremner, who ran a scheme with the NHS here in the UK treating patients with IBS using hypnotherapy, with incredible success. Do tune in if you do not already - hypnosis-weekly.com 

As usual, I have a brief running update for you this week. Here is my weekly mileage and a note on the faster paced runs I am doing as part of my ongoing training: http://hypnosisforrunning.com/hypnosis-for-running-weekly-mileage-log-getting-faster/

Would YOU Like To Train With Us Next Academic Year?
Do visit our College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis website to get a prospectus and full information about all courses during this next Academic Year.  
Accredited Hypnotherapy Diploma Course starts in October
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy 5 Day Course in November.
Intensive Accredited Hypnotherapy Diploma Course in April 2016

If you have experienced self-hypnosis sessions you will know how relaxing they can be.  Relaxing and developing your mind in a beneficial way at the same time. 
What a great thing to be doing - self-development at the same time as taking a break. 

So we are offering you a coupon code - only known by people reading Adam Up. 

The Summer Refresh coupon code is
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Go to Hypnosis Download to get as many of our products as you want for 50% discount.

Onto today’s Adam Up, which is in two parts today…..​
1. Morning Vitality
A while ago I offered up a self-hypnosis process for starting the day, which I love and use often. http://www.adam-eason.com/what-is-the-best-way-to-start-every-day-use-this-self-hypnosis-process/

The way we start the day is so vital to having a thriving, productive day that we look back upon and feel like we achieved something. 

As I researched here, there and everywhere for scientific articles about how to start your day in ways that are psychologically the most effective, I encountered lots of things and many have found their way into my routine. However, the three things that get me the most driven at the start of the day are as follows: 

- Lively activity. 
- Gratitude. 
- Motivational quotes. 
In isolation, each of these things helps me start my day wonderfully and I have used all three thoroughly and with great effect for much of my adult life. 

Over the years, I have kept a book that I have filled with motivational quotes. Not just generic motivational quotes, but snippets from films that I love, words that my wife, children or wider family have said to me, as well as quotes from my heroes and idols.

I have lots of them written on flash cards that I pop in my wallet at times, or look at when in my office, or that I read to myself just before a running event I am entered in. They really strike a chord within me, they mobilise me physically, emotionally and psychologically. They get me feeling productive in the workplace too, they help me keep things in perspective. 

Gratitude is something I have written about a number of times before here, but is also incredibly evidence based. The simple notion is that by appreciating what we have, we learn to be happy in the now. We spend less time pining for what we do not have and we realise that we have much to enjoy and love in our life. I have a gratitude journal that I fill in daily, but I also have an extensive list of stuff written down that I refer to and remind myself of that I am incredibly grateful for. 

The lively activity is something which a lot of people are not going to want to read about or even consider when they first get out of bed in the morning, I understand that. I run first thing in the morning, before eating. I run in all weather conditions, it is part of my daily routine… But what about people who don’t run or who don’t want to go to the gym or exercise? I’ll tell you in a just a moment. 

You see, I wanted to bring all these elements together to rocket fuel the start of my day. What brings all of the three afore mentioned components to life? Music. Yes indeed, we add music. 

When I am running, on occasions I listen to music as a distraction, or to help me feel pumped, inspired and driven, especially if I am struggling with those things on that occasion. Some pieces of music do have such a profound effect on me.  
Some pieces of music lend themselves very well to lively activity. There are tunes which make me want to start cutting shapes in proper early 1990s raver fashion. Some make me want to jump and of course, lots of tunes just make me want to dance. To dance like no-one is watching. In fact, we can all dance when no-one is watching. 

Some pieces lend themselves very well to gratitude. Music that reminds us of who we are, where we’ve come from, and what we have in our life. Music that moves us in a way that we feel thankful for the life we have. 

Some pieces of music lend themselves very well to motivational quotes. If you go to YouTube you’ll see it is inundated with loads and loads of homemade videos of quotes and motivational music. They do not do it for me, because I have my own taste, my own favourite quotes, my own relationship with certain songs. 

It therefore makes sense to combine all three of these in a 10 minute ritual to start your day off in one hell of an awesome fashion. 

Firstly, you get your raw materials together. List, type up or write up, or just gather up somehow as many of your favourite motivational quotes as possible. Then, have your gratitude list drawn up and collated with your quotes. 
Secondly, you find your music. One or two tracks that you find truly inspiring and motivational, one or two tracks that help you express gratitude, and then one or two tracks that make you want to get up and play air guitar to an imaginary stadium packed with fans, or throw your arms into the air. 

When you get up in the morning, you then play your motivational music while reading your quotes. You play your gratitude music while reading your gratitude list. You then get up and move your body, dance or prance or whatever you can as you get physically lively and energised. 

You need to invest yourself in the process. That is, don’t just simply expect stuff to happen to you; don’t be passive. Help it along, make it even more effective with the use of your thoughts and intention. 

Now this is some mighty powerful way to start your day. Evidence supports each component of it. The good feelings will stay with you, but most importantly, the tone is set for the day ahead and you’ll be ready for anything. 

Just go and do that every day now and see how much of an impact it can make. 
2: Hypnotherapists - Coaching Coaches
This second half of this week’s Adam Up is really aimed at you hypnotherapists that I know read Adam Up each week. 
This week, I read a great Facebook update from a well known coach Chris Morris who, among other things wrote:

“It's become really common for coaches who can't get clients to pretend they are experts at getting clients so then other coaches who can't get clients will pay them for coaching on how to get clients. Like abused children who grow up to be abusers, successive generations have scaled this imaginary pyramid, eventually being passed an imaginary baton so they themselves can start coaching coaches on how to coach coaches on 'how to build a successful coaching practice’.”

The same is very true in the world of hypnotherapy. I see so many people attempting to sell the golden ticket of getting clients when they are not actually able to get any clients themselves. Many hypnotherapists try to set up training courses before they have seen many clients as an attempt to make more money and they are flawed from the start - what happens when students ask about your experience of dealing with certain issues and you have none to offer them; and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Just because you know therapy, does not mean that you’ll be any good at training other people to be hypnotherapists. It is one of many other distractions that many hypnotherapists find, instead of truly returning to their love and making a viable career out of it - seeing clients and filling your hypnotherapy practice with fulfilling, rewarding work that brings in a great living. 

The problem is that hypnotherapy is not mainstream and often not people’s first choice of therapy, and there are plenty of hypnotherapists out there all competing for the same business. They are fighting over the scraps, because the vast majority of clients are choosing their hypnotherapist through referral. 

If you are a hypnotherapist, stop looking for supposed gurus selling you gimmicks, technology fads and systems that will somehow bring you clients automatically - there is no such system and no-one has the absolute answers that fit every single hypnotherapist - they just don’t.  

I help hypnotherapists develop their careers so that they see more clients, earn more money, are perceived as being more credible and have a better quality of life.

  • Have you struggled to get clients?
  • Do you love being a hypnotherapist but question if it is a viable full-time career?
  • Do you want to reach more people and make an impact upon the world?
  • Are you conflicted?
  • Feeling pain as a result 
  • Do you simply want to take your career as a hypnotherapist to the next level? Expand, develop, grow? 
I once felt exactly that way too!

I have been a full-time hypnotherapy professional since 1997. When I started out, I was in my early 20s, with very little life experience, a pretty poor education in hypnotherapy (unbeknownst to me at the time), no entrepreneurial skills or knowledge, and I struggled, boy did I ever struggle!

I was paying for advertising, paying for expensive offices in Central London, paying for professional memberships, paying for insurance, paying for a website, and that is before I even mention the cost of living and leading a life to feel good about! I got into a lot of debt, verging on Bankruptcy, my business was unsustainable, I was within a hair’s breadth of packing it in and returning to full-time employment as my family, friends, accountant and bank manager were all urging me to do.

It was a desperate time for me and gives me butterflies just recollecting it today. It felt like swimming in treacle, but tasted far worse. I put so much effort in, but was getting nowhere. I loved the field of hypnotherapy, but was getting nowhere. I could not understand it.

My last few pounds were spent on getting assistance from someone who coached me, mentored me and guided me, and things changed. I soaked up the advice, we explored what I was doing, I investigated and spoke to successful therapists, I studied what made people a success in this field. I got out of debt and learned how I could do what I wanted to do – to help others using hypnotherapy and earn a healthy living with a good lifestyle

And so 20 years later, I am still a hypnotherapist. I have complete life autonomy. I am a hypnotherapist with a family, living by the seaside by choice, where I own a beach hut where I play with my wife and children, where I venture out on my paddle board. I spend many hours a week training for the marathons and ultra marathons I run breathing in the sea air and I love it.

I am a bestselling author in the field of hypnosis. My hypnosis audios sell globally. My work has featured on primetime television. I run and own one of the most respected training colleges for hypnotherapy in the world – and my college graduates go on to have very successful careers in this field too.
balance life
I learned how to love the business of being a hypnotherapist. I learned how to attract clients. I honed it beautifully. Today I choose how I live as a result. I have been through two major economic crises while continuing to thrive and continuing to grow my hypnotherapy business.

The way in which hypnotherapists try to build their businesses absolutely baffles me, and I can tell you a few things for sure:

  • Getting provincial newspaper features do not fill you therapy rooms with clients.

  • There is no fixed answer that fits every hypnotherapist all of the time and there are no gurus to be found who have a singular answer that is right for you. Absolutely not. Do not buy into people selling definitive answers.

  • Spending hours on your website are often wasted hours.

  • Having the slickest business cards and company logo will not pay for the lifestyle you really want.

  • You don’t need to spend hours mastering social media.

  • Search Engine Optimisation is not the answer and your budget cannot compete with that of corporate budgets. 

  • Trying to keep up with the latest advancements in technology is impossible.

  • You don’t need an advertising or PR budget and should not be paying for any advertising.

  • Being a hypnotherapist should not be stressful and should not lead to you needing therapy more than your clients.

  • Building your hypnotherapy business can be invigorating, fun and enjoyable. I LOVE it!

In the last two decades, times have changed. The perception of the field of hypnotherapy has changed, there are more hypnotherapists out there than ever before, there is more information available about hypnotherapy than ever before.

Things continue to change, rapidly.

Just as we all engage in continued professional development to keep our skills relevant, fresh and up-to-date, so we need to understand how to develop our business effectively and how to keep attracting clients.
Today, I encounter many, many hypnotherapists at lectures, conferences, CPD trainings and other events. So, so many of them struggle. So, so many of them ask me the best ways to get clients, but it is virtually impossible to offer up a soundbite in a tea break that will transform them from desperate, isolated, eager hypnotherapist into successful, commanding professional with a healthy waiting list of referred clients.

You want to see more clients You want to excel as a busy hypnotherapist. You want kudos. You want to serve the world and help as many people as possible to be well and benefit from what you know hypnotherapy can do. You want these things and probably more besides; so what is the solution?

    Be mentored.
    Be coached.
    Join my one-to-one apprenticeship programme.

Here’s a couple of the reasons why:

  • You learn from experience. Not just the experience of success, but also you learn from the often incredibly expensive, painful experience of your mentor.

  • You get to rigorously explore your existing approach.

  • You’ll get some truth. Often truth that is hard to swallow.

  • You get motivation. You’ll be fired up and inspired to learn how to triumph as a hypnotherapist.

  • You get insight.

  • You get to tap in to success.

  • You get to access your potential while someone holds your hand.

  • You’ll be held accountable and will make exponentially more effort than you realise was needed.

  • You’ll take massive, effective action that will send ripples into the world.

  • You get to laugh and feel the full force of joy that can be had within such a process.

  • If you want to discover more reasons why, contact me, call me….
Join me. We work closely together. We have deep, powerful conversations. The pathway can become rewarding, clear and simple, instead of defeating, stressful and unnecessarily complicated.

You see, so many hypnotherapists do not spend enough time doing the right things. Those that actually do spend any time on business development are doing it highly passively, highly ineffectually and it is an impotent process. They end up being forgettable, unnoticeable, blending into the mass of hypnotherapists out there all doing pretty much the same thing, charging pretty much the same fees as each other, fighting it out for the very few clients who are actually surfing the net looking at therapists rather than taking a quality referral.

All my clients are referrals.

It pains me to encounter so many incredibly talented, dedicated, wonderful hypnotherapists who simply cannot make ends meet and end up abandoning the field, or worse, abandoning their dreams. This is all because they did not know any better and ended up following the norms that every other hypnotherapist does. You don’t want to be satisfied and relieved to just make ends meet, often seeming desperate for business in the eyes of clients, you want to thrive, excel and be in love with being a hypnotherapist.

If you love working in this field, have a passion for hypnotherapy but are struggling to make it work, then that can change. The reality is that it is relatively simple to build a healthy business and a liberating, satisfying, inspiring career as a hypnotherapist.
The first thing you should do….

Get in touch with me.

Send me an email and let’s schedule a time to have a conversation.

Let’s discuss dreams and possibilities.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Joke Of The Week
Q: What do you call an illegally parked frog?

A: Toad. 

Hahahaha, I liked that one. Thanks to everyone who send in the jokes each week, I love getting them. 
Hypnosis In The News  
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A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

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Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

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