**, - Adam Up - 500th Edition with Special Offers

Published: Thu, 06/18/15

Jun #3
Edition #500
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up
500th ADAM UP
Includes Special Offers
Well this is the 500th edition of Adam Up.  We are chuffed - and the joy is the feedback we get from you the people who open up the ezine and read it.

Keith Watson:

Adam is running his 5 day CBH Course this week and so I said that I would tell a story or two and make an offer or two to celebrate this milestone.  

I spoke to Adam this morning and he will be involved with a mammoth edition next week at the same time as releasing a new Adam-Eason.com website.  
Yes there is a need to change that site now - we have a different set up now compared to the time that website was put together.

We have always tried in our business to set ourselves targets and the Thursday deadline each week to get Adam Up out has focused our minds. 

One Thursday it scuttled into the second minute of Friday morning before the send button was pressed - I can’t recall the reason or details BUT guess what - before midnight I had received a couple of e-mails asking me what had happened to the weekly ezine.  We have also had e-mails asking why we send out so many e-mails.  We just smile and say we can't win them all.   

There are people on our mailing list that have been with us since those earliest days. I noticed in our online store only last week a name that I recall from the first days of attending Adam's seminars.  Fantastic - so I popped her a message and received a lovely reply within minutes.  What a fabulously connected world.

So ten years of Adam Up - Why?
Why do we put so much time into it? 
I hope to give you a well thought out philosophical emotional response in the closing paragraph at the bottom of this page. 

Well maybe and maybe not.

So how and why did out whole business get moving?
So many questions you can see that I am reflecting about all of this.

In some ways Adam and I are alike. 
Adam’s main focus when I first met him about ten years ago was to help his clients with therapeutic uses of hypnosis and other psychological techniques. 
I had also had a career as a nurse both here in the UK and abroad.  It is a  story too long to relate just now - but - through a weird set of circumstances - I started setting up a business developing websites from 1996 after I had returned home from Oman in the Middle East.   

Both of us had gained extensive skills in dealing with patients/clients and were that way  focused  but we were both developing our skills in business, marketing and all that stuff. 
Do you want a list of all the errors and disasters in those early days ten years ago - maybe not.

I developed a website for Adam.   I will point out one mistake we made just then.  It would have been easier to have called the website adameasonhypnosis or adameasonhypnotherapist or something along those lines.  Oh no - let’s go for adam-eason.com and promote that as the brand.  Somehow we made adam-eason.com actually work.  

As I got to know Adam we worked closer together - me on the technical and marketing and products side and Adam developing another area of the business - the school.  We have never varied from that approach and it has worked really well. 

I knew then very little at all about hypnotherapy and Adam knew little about the web.   

My knowledge about hypnosis then was so bad that I was not sure I was the best for marketing Adam’s work. 

That all changed quickly as I began to video his seminars.  There was one strap line we used that really made me stop and think - YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.  

The thing I really want to point out here is that over time I have learned a lot about hypnosis and can compare hypnotherapy with some of the psychological and psychiatric training during my nursing. 

What has thrilled me is that Adam’s approach is based around cognitive behavioural techniques that is readily accepted by the medical profession and it is all research basedThat sits well with me and I can so whole heartedly get behind promoting Adam without hesitation. 

What we have developed over ten years is the most amazing set of resources and websites aimed at different audiences. 

We quickly want to point people who arrive at our website in the right direction for them.  

Are you:
  • Like I was ten years ago - just clueless about hypnosis.  
  • A hypnotherapist looking for Continuing Professional Development
  • Looking for a Self-Hypnosis audios
  • Looking for online training
  • Looking for a peer group community
  • Looking for Training as a Hypnotherapist
  • Looking For Courses and Seminars
Adam Up our ezine has always tried to funnel people to the specialist areas.  The new Adam Eason website will try to do the same thing.

I was reading only the other day about business growth:
Knowledge = Information x Experience
Wisdom = Knowledge x Reflection

After ten years Adam and I can now reflect and move forward with more wisdom. 
As long as you come along and learn more about the amazing field of therapeutic hypnosis then that is what we want as well.

What I am going to do down this page is highlight all of the different sections of our hypnosis centre and give you a brief description where they fit in with our plans and areas we want to grow.
We Would Love You To Join Us
 One Day Seminars

This is where I first got into it all and I just try to convince everybody that this is the best starting point if possible.  These are fun filled educational days which can affect many areas of your life.

If you have the chance please fix up a day (or two days) with our seminar. 

You will see for yourself hypnosis convincers and be told how they work and why.

You will quickly see how you can help yourselves in all sorts of areas by developing hypnosis scripts etc.  

My own recent example :
I have a blood pressure problem and had white coat syndrome. 
In other words my blood pressure would rise just because a doctor was taking it.  Think about it - it will happen.  Self fulfilling!
24 hour recordings show that my blood pressure is significantly lower at all other times. 
Why? - that blessed mind. 
Cure? - Hypnosis of course.  
ou are what you think.  

One tiny example - but anyone who has learned hypnosis skills can get control over these things and train the mind to think differently. 

Manchester is your next opportunity in two weeks time.

You can get a prospectus from AE College Of Hypnosis

You can get your ticket(s) online at Eventbrite
Weight Control Webinar
For Anyone Wanting To Control Weight Long Term
Webinars are online seminars and we have done a few in the past for hypnotherapists.

However here we are about to launch something new for people who have certain issues.

We know from some enquiries that the impression given was that this was for hypnotherapists who were wanting to up date their approach to weight control.  That is not the case.

It is for anybody who wants to control weight - ongoing. 

So anybody worldwide can join this six week course and watch and ask questions during a session. 

If you can’t attend at the exact time that is not a problem as you will be sent a link to watch the recording. 

You will also be able to ask questions in between sessions and have them answered  in the next session.

Let Adam help you get the body you really want.

Find out all about this six week course at:
500th Edition Deal
Science Of Self-Hypnosis Audio/Video Set
If you can’t get to the Self-Hypnosis Seminar then here is a fantastic opportunity linked with this special edition

In this 500th edition of Adam Up I wanted to make you a really big offer and what better than one of the most significant products Adam has developed. 

Adam authored a book called ‘The Science Of Self-Hypnosis’ and we have an audio and video set of the same name. 

It includes videos taken at one Adam’s one day seminars and there are loads of audios and hypnosis sessions.

What we have done is set up a sneak preview for you. 

Go take a look and check a video, audio and hypnosis session out. 

If you like what you see you will see an Amazing Discount Code there on that page for you to purchase the full product.

Any problems just get in touch with me - contact at bottom of page.

The coupon on offer on that page will only work for two weeks from today.

If you already have that product get in touch with me and I will make you an alternative special offer.
College Courses
We have recently changed the name of our Adam Eason School of Hypnosis to Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis.  

It has it’s own website now (this is the trend of having a separate site for each part of the business)  

The main courses are:
Diploma Hypnotherapy Courses - two run each year
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy 5 Days Course

The first thing to say is that before deciding where to take a course like this please check out carefully the qualifications on offer, the resources available and the follow up support and care.

The first thing to do on our College Website is to fill in a form to download a prospectus.


Visit SEVEN STEPS Page where you can really check us out, call us, Skype us and in every way see how open we are about what we have on offer.  

Some of the courses available are not leading to the same qualifications and if in any doubt get in touch with us and we can advise.

We aim to make this the best hypnosis education available. 

Hypnosis Hub
For Hypnotherapists or Anyone Studying Hypnosis
This is a community website which we run to offer a central place for our hypnosis friends to meet with other people studying or working in a mind related field.

It is totally free for anyone to join but it is highly moderated.  We want discussions and even debate to happen but we will not tolerate personal attacks etc.

It is a great place to visit if you are wanting to find out more about courses before you start.  There is plenty of advice always on offer.  For instance we often get asked about hotels and bed and breakfast for people attending courses.  The best people to advise you are there in our Community Hub - just ask them or look for previous comments. 
Caption Contest in Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Hypnosis Weekly
We have run a few podcasts over the years. 

Recently we have started a series of podcasts at Hypnosis Weekly.  Each week Adam interviews a hypnotherapist.

Adam is not just interviewing people that he totally agrees with and he makes that quite clear at the start of each podcast. 

It is really interesting to see each week how each person being interviewed answers Adam’s question about how they define hypnosis.  I don’t think I have heard the same answer twice. 
But don't take my word for it - it is probably best for you to go and have a listen as there are some great insights into the subject of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

If you are in a position where you may be wondering about training to become a hypnotherapist I would love you to listen to last weeks podcast with Lucy Hyde. 
I know Lucy well because she trained with Adam and now helps in his classes.  I think she puts over so well in this podcast interview - how and why she has moved from a career as a barrister and trained as a hypnotherapist. 

Great stuff!!

Hypnosis For Download
We have developed a large amount of audios for download over the years and they are all available in our Hypnosis For Download Website

Some of the audios and videos are aimed at learning all about hypnosis. 
We also have a Platinum Members Site with videos and audios recorded during  Adam Eason courses which will give you the skills to write your own therapeutic hypnosis scripts. 
Given those skills you could write really personalised scripts which will be more effective than audios developed by some one else.

Having said that the scripts for all our audios have been written by Adam - who is very good at getting the overall basics in place and has the appropriate language and suggestions sorted.  

So I have been honest with my disclaimer but would like to add I have used many of the audios and think they are great.  I would never write good scripts myself and think that these audios from Adam are just fine. 

There are some great bundles available at the moment and those can be found in the June Offers category.

To Learn Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Online

Events Online Ticketing 
We have now set up most of our seminars and courses onto the Eventbrite ticketing website.  It has simplified the process of joining our courses.  We can set up different payment options and early bird discounts.

You will see above we have got a different choice if you want to join both seminars and we have been able to set up that as an additional choice.

To date we have found the system works well.

To see all of the courses and seminars available at any one time you can check directly there and also see a full explanation about what is in the course.

Hypnosis For Running
Running For Hypnosis 500 Edition Offer.
I couldn't complete this Adam Up edition without referring to Adam's passion for running.  He has a blog running at HypnosisForRunning.com website - AND I have an another 500 Edition Offer

Performance in sport is affected by the state of your mind especially in stamina events.  Adam has put together a set of audios including hypnosis tracks called Hypnosis For Running.

So to add to our offers for this 500th edition I have set up a discount code.  You can get Running For Hypnosis for just £7.77 which is a £20 discount by using Coupon Code:  500RUNNING

Just go to Hypnosis For Running to read about the audio set and you put the coupon code in during the check out to get your £20 discount.
So I Said I May Answer Why We Do This...
 Because we do. 

What better reason can there be than that.

Keep with us for the next TEN years.

Bye for now.

Joke Of The Week

A man goes to the doctor and says: 'Doctor, there's a piece of lettuce sticking out of my bottom.' The doctor asks him to drop his trousers and examines him.

The man asks: 'Is it serious, doctor?' and the doctor replies: 'I'm sorry to tell you, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.'

Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd