**, - Great Thoughts From The Pub?...

Published: Thu, 05/28/15

May #4
Edition #497
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up
Keith Watson here:

Adam is in Edinburgh today and tomorrow giving his Rapid Inductions and Self-Hypnosis Seminars.  So I have written a short article about pubs, dogs and darkness.

Apart from the regular Diploma Course Adam is also running his five day Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy course at Heathrow London during June.  

On the first two days of July Adam is in Manchester with his one day seminars.  He is getting about and I hope that some of you will be joining him - or he will be lonely.

In fact I am joining him in Manchester - so would like to see you there.
We Would Love You To Join Us
One Day Seminars
What Hypnosis Can Do For You
When ever I write anything for Adam Up - I am very conscious that I am simply a user of hypnosis.  I have no hypnotherapy training but have learned a thing or two from the maestro as I have videoed many of his courses and seminars.

We have a great deal of hypnotherapists on our list BUT we also have a lot of people who are just like me, and simply want to get to grips with how hypnosis can affect their lives and how to develop their skills in using hypnosis.  

I am your champion!  

I am an end user and my article below is hopefully a sober version of what I could tell you in a much more inebriated way if we were having a pint together.  Maybe some day - I would like that.

So I have set up a really great offer just for you this week in our Hypnosis For Download store - I would love you to find out more about hypnosis with a great set of videos which will help you understand what these hypnotherapists are all about.  

Next - 5 Day Course For Hypnotherapists - (CPD)
For Hypnotherapists - Join Us In June!
Great professional development course (PDC) based in London (near Heathrow)

Why not join some of you peer therapists for this certified five day course

There is no doubt that the medical profession take more notice of a research based approach to therapy

Read more about the course either at:
or College Website (get prospectus)

Great Thoughts From The Pub 
by Keith Watson

“What soberness conceals, Drunkenness reveals” Proverb

Ok - it is probably a man thing - but I like pubs - the old fashioned type - where groups of men (yes usually men), swig beer, spill beer, crack jokes, offer great solutions to the world's problems, tease each other, disagree about referees decisions at football - BUT - every now and then have a meaningful and even thoughtful inebriated discussion.

It is amazing what you can find out about people you have known for a long time when the soberness disappears.  

We were discussing one Friday evening recently silly irrational things that affect our lives and are quite a hindrance if not worse.  The crazy thing that struck me was that story after story was revealing how we all seem to have minds, behaviours and thoughts that need some loving care.

One of the guys, professional, successful, wealthy, lovely family - told us he was frightened of the dark, will not sleep without the light on and has nightmares which he can describe in great detail - but has no idea how all of this started.   


I was amazed - I couldn’t imagine him having any worries or fears. The only issues with him were all at night and not during the day.

I could actually equate with the darkness problem:-  

My wife and I got lost one evening getting back to our motorhome after an evening down a pub (I am not always in a pub)  

We had clearly walked up a wrong street some distance before we realised our mistake.   There was a railway station showing a local map and we could see that we had two alternatives: 

ONE - going back about a mile down the road, along to the right road and another mile walking up that to our motorhome.  

TWO: The alternative was to take a track clearly marked through a golf course and a wood, just a half a mile walk.  

The moon was up making the track clear in the dark and we set off. 

Five minutes later as we headed into the wood, clouds covered the moon and all went very dark.  The difference was staggering - the sounds, the movements and crackling of the trees in the breeze - sounds of animals.  OK we got through but it was a memorable experience.

My input to the pub conversation was about my fear of dogs - which I related at the same time as keeping one eye on a massive dog sitting comfortably near the bar.  

​I was bitten by a dog belonging to a neighbour when I was about 12 years old and have a long scar on my arm showing the stitch marks. Till this day - the picture of that dog attacking me is savagely clear in my mind.  

Every now and then I will get in situations where this fear of dogs affects me.  

I was out walking earlier this week and a dog came pounding up to me - WHY? They always seem to know I don’t like them and do it out of spite.  The owner called the dog’s name and told me he was harmless and still young and jumpy - "YES - sure that’s fine!" I said - err - wanting to hit him.

Another occasion comes to mind:-  

I was bike riding when I lived out in Oman on a track that went around our campus.  It was just scrubland and sand all around and a load of wild dogs in a pack appeared suddenly.  

OK I am going to stop there - I could tell you what went through my mind - but I know Adam will probably read this and will probably come up with one of his words he knows I tease him about - "that Keith is catastrophising!"

What I have been describing above is learned behaviour.  We aren’t born with these fears - life’s experiences have given us powerful memories which we can imagine time and time again not always at appropriate times..   

Adam can tell you more successfully than I can what is really going in in that change that takes place when using hypnosis but I know that I can replace some of those bad unwanted imaginations with better ones.  

I personally like to think of hypnosis as focused imagination.  

You can see what I have said about about imagination and it’s lasting power.

​The thing is that I can - and will - do something about this.  I have used self-hypnosis really successful for other things but just never got round to my doggie issue.   

Time to give it a go and I WILL report back.  

 WOOF! - It is working already!!

If you do want to learn more about hypnosis and how it works I can really recommend one of
​Adam’s great audio /video downloads:-
Hypnosis Revealed.  

I have lowered the price of this for one week to just £4.77

Joke Of The Week
If you call your show Heir Hunters, you should have at least one episode where Prince Charles is chased in a forest by men with crossbows. 
One Day Seminars
We have these seminars coming up - Edinburgh in May and Manchester in July.
You can see full details and book tickets on the Eventbrite website. 
You will see a full list down the page at:


Why Not Join The Hub?
Adam's Hub - Caption Contest:​
Caption Contest

We have a great community centre which is open to anyone who is interested in hypnosis. 

Platinum Membership Resources

The platinum membership area was set up originally to provide extra teaching resources for our students.
We have videoed many hundreds of hours of course modules, seminars etc.
The content is always being updated.
For full information please go and read the following web page:

Platinum Membership
Hypnosis Audio Bundles
We have set up a set of bundles of our hypnosis audio sessions that complement each other.  Check them out at: hypnosisfordownload.com
Take A Tour - Learn About Hypnosis
Some Places We Would Like You To Visit:-
Adam's Main Website: This is the command centre of the business - a revamp of this site is currently in progress.  You can also find out here about personal therapy with Adam if you are seeking help.

Anglo European College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis: The college website contains all the training courses and seminar information.  The course prospectus can be downloaded from here.

Hypnosis For Download: An online store with about 160 self help hypnosis audio products - always look in the Offers of the month.  Please note there will be some extra special discounts coming this month.  Don't miss the 75% discount in December - Get prepared for the New Year

Hypnosis Weekly: A weekly podcast where Adam interviews peers in the field of hypnosis.  Adam is in his element in this section as he loves to debate all things hypnosis.  A place for serious students of the subject.  A tad geeky!

Adam's Hypnosis Hub:  A community site which you can join free as a member.  Many of the members are former or current students of Adam's Training School/College.  A great place to interact and wise to check out if you are thinking of training with the college.

Hypnosis For Running Adam combines his two passions, running and hypnosis and manages this blog about the runner's mindset.

Membership Site - Where you can see hundreds of ours of videos from courses and seminars

Adams Main Blog: A general blog about things on Adam's mind.

AECollege Blog/News:  If there is anything new to tell you about what is going on with courses, seminars or post graduation support this is where we will post it.  See some charity news posted 4th December.

Book - Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Book - Hypnosis For Running  Visit Amazon in your part of the world to get either the paperback or Kindle versions of these books.

Get In Touch
Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd