- Adam Up - 7 Steps To Snowball Your Determination...

Published: Thu, 04/02/15

Apr #1
Edition #490
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up

This week, I wrote an update on my hypnosis for running blog charting my mileage after a week away from it. You can read it in full here: 

However, here is an extract from that blog entry, that I wanted to share…..

For the last nine days of that fortnight I was teaching and so I was running in the morning before class, weekends included. For those 9 days, I ran 85 miles and I also was standing teaching all day every day, something my pages and I are not used to. I found it quite tiring, but did not do any additional cross training as I usually do, and considered it to be replacement cross-training to be stood up all day every day. 

When I got back into my office, while catching up, I noticed a post by Gibson’s Daily motivational running quote, which went like this;

"It seems like there's always been this notion that distance runners are the misfits of the athletic world, since they don't often participate in more glamorous sports like football or basketball. But distance running is hard work. Cross-country is a brutal sport — and those skinny runners are just as intense and competitive as any 220-pound linebacker. They push themselves beyond boundaries of pain that most other athletes dare not approach, and they do it almost anonymously. We'd just like more people to understand that."

– Donald Buraglio & Michael Dove, The Running Life: Wisdom and Observations from a Lifetime of Running

I really liked that.

But I liked the accompanying graphic even more…..

I love this.

I really love it. 

It represents my mindset as a multi-marathon runner for the last 17 years.

The author seems to know what goes on in the mind of a runner.

It is certainly not glamorous to get up and run at 5.30am each morning, and to have to finely hone your dietary regimen, to get used to being in pain when you are on your own but you keep marching onwards, to overcome psychological demons that try to get you to stop or to give up, to keep on placing one foot in front of the other when feeling drained as you turn a corner and are faced with a steep hill to run up….. 

As with most runners I know who are dedicated and continue to train diligently in the face of ongoing adversity, stopping is not an option, pushing, driving and learning how to get the best out of oneself is a natural and inherent part of being a runner.

Having determination is one thing, being disciplined, stubborn, brave are all other things….

But the line I really loved in the graphic was “I look past it” 

This is it for me. 

Part of me wants this to be my new running affirmation to repeat to myself when running, but that would defeat what it means to me. It is that we simply do not consider other options. We know where we need to get and we get there. We train, we run, we push, and anything else is not an option. 

I believe that I have had to train myself to learn to be that way. I had to develop that mindset. I am certain some people find it easier to develop than others, but I have had to work at it. This blog and my own ongoing body of work in this field has helped greatly, and will continue to do so as marathon season arrives in the coming weeks and I then make the step up to ultra marathons. The very notion of “I look past it” is something I want to help as many other athletes get to with this hypnosis for running blog. 
Running Blog

running blog
This is where you can really get to grips with Adam and his running lifestyle. 
Adam uses hypnosis to break through barriers and accomplish personal goals. He then shares them with you to achieve your own targets.
Hypnosis For Running Audio Downloads

This programme is designed to work alongside you while you train for your marathon or any other running event or just if you are wanting to get better at running using the power of your mind.

Most marathon training schedules are 16 weeks long and so it is no coincidence that this programme is a 16 week programme dealing with all facets of the runners mindset.

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Will work for one week till 9th April
Hypnosis For Running One Day Seminar
10th April 2015
Spring Arrives! Determined To Get Your Beach Body?
In the coming weeks, as Spring arrives, people will start looking towards the Summer and hoping to hone those beach bodies and we’ll be offering a brand new webinar series to help with that.

I am going to be showing people how to adopt the right determined mindset that gets results.

You see, even though I thoroughly enjoy the reference to the runner’s mindset, the same determination can be applied to anything we wish to achieve. I’ll digress for a moment and then return to this notion of developing determination….

Here in the UK, despite being a relatively small country (compared to places like the US, China and Russia anyhow) we have a wide variance of weather conditions, and we discuss it greatly and enthusiastically.

Yes indeed, up in Scotland and some Northern parts of the UK, they have a lot of snow while we get sunny days here on the south coast of England. Interesting stuff, eh?

We do go crazy and get excited when it does snow, but we do not get as much of it as many other parts of the country each year.

I was hoping to use the fact that Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow in today’s article. Some serious research and googling highlighted the fact that this was a myth that I had fallen for and believed for a number of years. Why did I not apply some modicum of critical thinking to such a myth?

Despite this setback, snow is a useful metaphor for my purposes here today. Snow does come in all shapes and sizes, even if there are not really Inuit words for every single kind.

The intrepid fundraiser and TV’s former Blue Peter presenter (here on UK TV) Helen Skelton travelled across the South Pole raising funds for Sport Relief with another heroic challenge a couple of years ago.
The reason I mention this is because in an interview that I heard her doing from the South Pole, she said it was tough to ski (as they had been doing for a while) as the area was so dry and the snow was like freezing cold powder that they could get no purchase on as they skied upon it.

We know that stuff, don’t we? The stuff that falls that needs to packed together tightly in a gloved hand to form a proper snowball that we throw at someone with any force rather than it turning to a sort of dust in the air as it is launched.

So then, snow is going to be the metaphor and the basis for this self-hypnosis process here today that is aimed at developing determination.

People often refer to an occurrence or a phenomena that ‘snow balls’ when it gathers momentum and the sort of imagery gets used on TV that shows how snowballs can start out tiny and then become such a force as they roll down the hill that they blast away all obstacles.

I was introduced to this idea when I did some training back in the mid noughties. Since then I have read about it in various other places too, especially by Stanton (as cited in the Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors) for example and it seems a great metaphor to use with our self-hypnosis to affect change and get determined.

Following a discussion about motivation in class last week, several people engaged me in a discussion about the difference between being motivated and being determined.

Determination tends to be more about having a sense of purpose and providing a solution for an outcome of some kind. Whereas motivation tends to be the fuel that mobilises us towards something more naturally.

Though intrinsic motivation (motivation from within, rather than extrinsic motivation being something external driving us such as monetary gain or kudos etc) is very similar indeed to determination.

I always think of determination as having slightly more teeth gritted when it happens. It is a lot more conscious and purposefully driven. Sometimes it is a means to end whereas motivation sometimes tends to be considered a more enjoyable experience.

Anyhow, we are going to get determined today. We are going to grit our teeth without the related issues of bruxism, and we are going to roll our sleeves up and we are going to get determinedly in the direction we want to go in…

Wherever and whatever that might be for you.

So ideally, get a notion in your mind about what the focus of your determination is going to be.

What are you going to get determined about?
What do you want to get determined to achieve or complete?
Think about how you plan to wield this determination.

With that in mind, crack into this process.
7 Steps To Snowball Your Determination:

Step One: Induce Hypnosis. 

You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Whichever process you use, get relaxed and at ease. Breathe easily and deeply, pushing your stomach out as you breathe in. Tune in to the moment and engage with it. 

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two:

In your mind, using your own imagination in whatever way is most pertinent and best for you, imagine some kind mountain or tall hill that is covered in snow and you are at the top of it. Notice the view around you, notice the temperature of the air and see the sights, hear all the sounds and feel how good it feels to be free and in awe of such a landscape covered in snow all around you, breathing clean, invigorating air and noticing that there is a valley down beneath you.

As you imagine this, allow the imagination and images to take you deeper inside your mind.

Think about your own desired outcomes, your own life and what it is that you want to achieve. That journey towards that desired outcome, that journey towards that goal has brought you as far as this tall hilltop or mountain here and engage in it. Once you have a really vivid scene before you, then move on to the next step.

Step Three:

Continue to think about your outcome, that thing, you know the one. That thing that you want to achieve, your objective, your desired outcome. For some reason your progress has faltered maybe, or you have become stuck at a certain stage along the way towards it, or you just kept giving up or whatever else, you are here at this point, on this mountain top representing your journey to date in relation to this thing that you want to achieve and get more determined than ever to ensure you go for it now…

As you look down at the valley, you see that peppered all along the mountainside are a wide variety of shapes and sizes of obstacles and barriers that represent any excuses or issues or things which you know have been holding you back and impeding your progress toward your desired outcome.

Gaze down upon them, see what they are, how they are, where they are positioned and think about what they represent… All those things that have been holding you back.

But not anymore. Oh no.

With that vision and thought process firmly in mind, move on to the next step.
Step Four:

Reach to the ground where the snow lies at your feet and around you and pick up the snow and notice how powdery and light and fluffy it is in this form. This may well be representative of your efforts up to now when attempting to achieve this desired outcome.

Though now notice how if you pick enough of it up in a large handful and compact it with determination and with a positive intention, you can form a small snowball. Pack it tight and make it strong, like the strength you know you have deep inside of you. Pack it tight and compact it to represent the powerful core of your potential determination that you are going to realise fully in your life very soon.

Make it tight, hard and round and be really assertive with it. Roll it around your feet and start to notice that the intention you have, starts to ensure more snow sticks to your snowball. The snow is attracting more snow and starts to become bigger and stronger and it develops. Roll it around until it is the size of a football and then roll it to the edge of the hilltop or mountain side and look down into the valley stretching out far in front of you.

Think about how you want things to be in your life. Think about how you know you are more than capable of achieveing anything you set your mind to. Think about old obstacles that you want to let go of and overcome. With the snowball poised like a cannon ball ready to fire, move on to the next step.

Step Five:

Now comes the fun bit. Reach deep inside your mind and build up all your strength, courage, firmness and be sure that you know you are capable of this, then use all that and push the snowball over the edge of the mountain as watch it roll deeper and deeper down the side there.

As it rolls deeper and further down, moving faster, tell yourself that you are going deeper inside your mind and that you are reaching further inside your self to that place of realizing potential and where change happens.

Now watch the snowball get bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger and more powerful. What started out as your intention and the foundation of a small hand built snow ball is now a large snowball gathering pace and momentum along the mountain side. Watch as it overpowers obstructions, watch as it blasts purposefully through barriers, watch as it heads in the direction of your potential, heading for achievement.

As it gathers momentum and pace, start to notice a sensation within yourself right now. Notice that somewhere within you there is a slight sensation. Whatever it is and however it feels, start to develop and amplify your determination. As the snowball grows and develops let the feeling of determination within you amplify and exaggerate and grown bigger, spreading throughout your entire being, filling your body and mind with a sense of purpose and a sense of knowing.
So that you just know that you have what it takes. You know that very soon you achieve what you want to achieve. You think about your next progressive action steps and what you plan to do with this determination as it grows within you.

Maybe you imagine it as a colour, or a sound, or just let it grow as a distinct sensation that you develop and amplify as the snowball careers down the mountain side, removing hurdles and obstructions and barriers as it moves on a distinct pathway towards your desired outcome.

As it progresses, it becomes so powerful it sets off a full blown avalanche and sweeps through like a totally convincing, undeniable force that sweeps through you, clearing out all last remnants of doubt. You go deeper inside your mind and the avalanche only concludes and reaches the foot of the mountain when you are sure that you are filled with a level of determination that you know means you are going to take action.

When that happens, enjoy it and then move on to the next step.

Step Six:

You now know that the pathway in front of you, leading you to your desired outcome is cleared. No further barriers exist, no excuses, no doubts. You are filled with a sense of healthy determination that is going to make sure you take decisive and assertive action in your life now Start to think of yourself moving with the momentum of that snowball and that avalanche, progressing powerfully toward your goal, that you remain undeniably strong and powerful, filled with purpose and direction that cannot be halted and that ensures you achieve what you want to achieve.

Tell yourself that you can do this and that you now do this. You take that action. You use your powerful determination and you get things done and that your goals are easier and easier for you to achieve.

With that sense of purpose installed move on to the final step.

Step Seven:

Once you have enjoyed enough of that great feeling, then wiggle your fingers and toes, take a couple of deep energizing breaths, stretch out and open your eyes. Take that determination with you into your day and take that action.

There you have it. Get determined. Get driven, go build that snowball effect in a positive way in your own life.

I’ll be back soon, in the meantime, have a wonderful Easter. 
Learn About Hypnosis
Here Our Wealth Of Learning Materials For Hypnosis

1. Free Download

To be reading this you have probably downloaded our free audios from Adam’s website.  

If you haven’t then go get them at :

You will see a couple of files that you can listen to about using the hypnosis download.  

It is great listening the the hypnosis audios - you just need 20 minutes of time - quiet relaxing - just like a siesta.
2. Hypnosis For Download MP3 Audios

 Then of course there is our ‘Hypnosis For Download’ store.  This is a great way to get started.  

Expect to play the self-hypnosis audios on several days to begin to get the affect.

For reading this email today I am giving you a coupon code that you can use for the next week:

Coupon Code To Put In During Checkout
This will give you 50% Discount on all MP3 audios in the store
Will work for one week till 9th April

3. Hypnosis Revealed

This is the product that I requested Adam to make.  
This is a great introduction to hypnosis and how it all works.

Go To Find Out More:

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Will work for one week till 9th April
4. Science Of Self-Hypnosis Audio Set

running blog
This is as where you can really get to grips to learn self-hypnosis and writing your own scripts.

This is Adam's most significant set of audios.  Developed over a long period.  When you buy this you will also get all updates as they are added.

Go To Find Out More:

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Will work for one week till 9th April
5. Science Of Self-Hypnosis Book

My personal experience is combined with a great deal of research and is therefore supported throughout with evidence to support the processes involved. 

This programme is designed to work alongside you while you train for your marathon or any other running event or just if you are wanting to get better at running using the power of your mind.
6. One Day Seminars
7. Platinum Membership Resources

The platinum membership area was set up originally to provide extra teaching resources for our students.
We have videoed many hundreds of hours of course modules, seminars etc.
The content is always being updated.
For full information please go and read the following web page:

Platinum Membership
Joke of the week:

A bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I'll have a pint of beer and a.......... packet of peanuts."

The bartender asks, "Why the big pause?" 

Hahahahaha…. My son told me that one and he did not understand it, but we both laughed together. 
Adam's Hub - Caption Contest:​
Caption Contest

We have a great community centre which is open to anyone who is interested in hypnosis. 

Some Places We Would Like You To Visit:-
Adam's Main Website: This is the command centre of the business - a revamp of this site is currently in progress.  You can also find out here about personal therapy with Adam if you are seeking help.

Anglo European College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis: The college website contains all the training courses and seminar information.  The course prospectus can be downloaded from here.

Hypnosis For Download: An online store with about 160 self help hypnosis audio products - always look in the Offers of the month.  Please note there will be some extra special discounts coming this month.  Don't miss the 75% discount in December - Get prepared for the New Year

Hypnosis Weekly: A weekly podcast where Adam interviews peers in the field of hypnosis.  Adam is in his element in this section as he loves to debate all things hypnosis.  A place for serious students of the subject.  A tad geeky!

Adam's Hypnosis Hub:  A community site which you can join free as a member.  Many of the members are former or current students of Adam's Training School/College.  A great place to interact and wise to check out if you are thinking of training with the college.

Hypnosis For Running Adam combines his two passions, running and hypnosis and manages this blog about the runner's mindset.

Membership Site - Where you can see hundreds of ours of videos from courses and seminars

Adams Main Blog: A general blog about things on Adam's mind.

AECollege Blog/News:  If there is anything new to tell you about what is going on with courses, seminars or post graduation support this is where we will post it.  See some charity news posted 4th December.

Book - Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Book - Hypnosis For Running  Visit Amazon in your part of the world to get either the paperback or Kindle versions of these books.

Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.


Awake Media Productions Ltd