- Adam Up - Learn More About Hypnosis - MUCH MORE...

Published: Sun, 03/29/15

Mar #4
Edition #489
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up
Keith Watson - standing in for Adam Eason who is running his Intensive Hypnotherapy Course this week

A strange thing happened to me the other evening.  I had been sending out loads of e-mails during the day to some very important people.
They are people who have downloaded our College prospectus - obviously important because they clearly have been thinking about some hypnotherapy training and I wanted to touch base.
I don’t usually do this but just before jumping into bed I was having a quick check to see if there were any replies and there was one - so I opened it up and to my surprise I found out that I had sent a letter to a guy (obviously won’t identify) but I had spelled his name wrong by leaving a letter off at the end and had changed the name to a female name.  
I didn’t know the guy at all and it was also hard for me to totally read into the message - he was clearly not happy but at the same time used a bit of humour to make his point.  
I actually didn’t settle that easily for a time and thought I had upset somebody needlessly really.  
Just a silly error on my part.
I wrote to him next morning and got a good reply - so all was well…


The point is it had an affect on me - an emotional affect.  
A small thing but it had got into my mind - an affect.

Now I am NOT here looking at major experiences like health issues accidents or whatever - here I am just talking about every day occurrences.

Here are three small events that have had an emotional - maybe small - but an affect on me - this week.

These Small Events Had An Emotional or Inspirational Effect On Me
On Saturday I was watching the rugby which was an amazing game between England and France.  
To my surprise my wife Babs watched it with me and got into it as much as I was.  
We do tend to have separate TV watching experiences my love and I.  
I’m into my sport in a big way but tend to watch it on my own.  It was so great to have Babs enjoying sport with me and hope that we'll watch more together. 
However I can't see Babs seating here with an Arsenal Shirt on (in joke - Adam I just had to get my team on the page this time)
In fact I've found myself thinking that maybe I needed to join her when she is watching 'Bake Off' (or whatever they call it) or 'Strictly Come Dancing'.  
Who knows I might enjoy them - err maybe! 
Something for my mind to work on!!

Sunday morning we both went to church which is fairly regular for us and it is lively place with a great group leading the singing.  
This week's service had a particular effect on me as there was a  powerful message which I won’t try to explain as I couldn’t do it any justice.
The music was so moving that I had a tear running down my cheek at one stage.  
Most of my friends are not church goers - but I stood there thinking about them and wishing they could share the moment.  
My wife turned to me at one stage and commented about the experience - clearly as effective on her.  
Small thing - but again into my mind vault

I watched a documentary earlier this week on the great motor racing champion Graham Hill.  He was a larger than life character with a great sense of humour.  It was an amazing peek into his love and fears associated with the sport and the impact on his family.  What was so revealing after a crash was his determination and grit to get over some serious injuries with one intent - getting back to racing again as fast as he could.  That fits in so well with my already same attitude to getting over health issues - and just not letting things get in my way.  My mind was filtering the information from that documentary and reinforcing my own belief in not giving up.  Just move on.
What About You?
What has been inspiring or upsetting you?  
What has happened that has reinforced your attitudes, prejudices, and general look on life.
The thing is that for all of us these little events sit alongside much more significant changes to our lives and have continued to happen over the years.  

Our mind is processing things and our attitudes, beliefs, fears, phobias, etc   That filtering will go on till the day you die - but you have skills you can learn that can help you keep a lid on difficult mind related problems.
The point which I am making is that all behaviours, attitudes and so on are learned - but they CAN be unlearned or changed.
But for any change to happen you have to be the one that can start that process.
Let me repeat in a different way:
The desire to change has to come from within you - as you are so different from me.  
And again:
You are unique - your experiences and journey through life is totally different than mine.  

Hypnotherapists And Hypnosis
I had to go in to see Adam on Tuesday to take some video for his website.  

He is currently training our latest set of Hypnotherapists and when I arrived he was talking about this very point.

I sat at the back listening.
He was telling the students that they should never ever say to a patient “I know how you feel - because that happened to me etc”  

The point is that you can never understand what the other person is thinking.  

Don’t get me wrong - you can have empathy and you will be able to call to mind things that might be similar - but we are all glaringly, amazingly, fantastically incredibly different - and that is that.

I get to speak to many hypnotherapists and the thing that I have heard them say more than anything else is that they absolutely love what they do and have totally learned so much about themselves as well as being able to steer others towards the right techniques to bring changes to their lives.

What a great career a hypnotherapist has.

Where Does Hypnosis Fit In?
I am not a hypnotherapist but have worked alongside Adam filming hour after hour of videos to put on his website and platinum membership area.  
So I have learned a thing or two.  

I learned enough to know that I had habits and attitudes that could easily be helped by hypnosis and other techniques.  
I realised quite early on - (about 10 years ago now) that what we tend to do is to keep filling our mind with things that will fulfill what we already believe or have prejudices for.   Look at my example above where I was picking out Graham Hill as somebody that had an attitude that I would like to emulate.  
The problem is that we can also have bad, BAD, BAD things going on that our mind.  
We will often defend our bad habits with excuses.  
Talk to a smoker - and he will often give you lots of reasons why he can’t give up.

When we recognise that there are things we do which can be changed then hypnosis is a way to give our mind some new input - similar to my every day events

One Example From Me - There Are Many But I Won't Bore You
  Three years ago I was 2 stones (28 lbs; 13 Kgs) more than I am today.  

The food I was eating was quite nutritious - nor was there lack of activity that was causing me wealth problem

NO - it was simply portion size.  

I would always go back for seconds until I felt very full.  

Anyway a simple self-hypnosis audio was used. I played it regularly into my mind until I just didn’t keep on seeking that extra stomach filling need.  

In fact - I was able to make an over full stomach feel very uncomfortable and is something I don’t want to have any more.

It absolutely works.

So Why Oh Why Don't More People Use Hypnosis For Therapy?
Adam wrote last week about a TV programme that doesn’t do hypnosis any favours and there are masses of stage hypnotists that use great skills.

BUT they want everyone to believe that it is all mystical and that there needs to someone bringing zapping forces from somewhere else.  
That is clever and uses hypnosis but it is showmanship - AND I am not talking about any of that.
Here Is The Reality
Here is the reality as far as I can see it in clinical hypnotherapy
It is a SKILL to be learned and pursued.  

Nothing mythical.  

Nothing that somebody else has to do to you.  

A hypnotherapist can help but they will often teach you the processes to help yourself make the changes you want.
The magic of hypnosis is that it works for so many things.  

The real central requirement is to be able to turn your imagination on and into use.  

Yep - it takes quite a long time to really understand the intricacies of how that works and why - but developing your imagination is the beating heart of the process.

Learn About Hypnosis

I am not in a position to help you learn hypnosis - but I know a man who is.
I am really delighted to work with Adam and I think we have put together an incredible amount of material to help you how to learn this SKILL.  

Here Our Wealth Of Learning Materials For Hypnosis

1. Free Download

To be reading this you have probably downloaded our free audios from Adam’s website.  

If you haven’t then go get them at :

You will see a couple of files that you can listen to about using the hypnosis download.  

It is great listening the the hypnosis audios - you just need 20 minutes of time - quiet relaxing - just like a siesta.

2. Hypnosis For Download MP3 Audios

 Then of course there is our ‘Hypnosis For Download’ store.  This is a great way to get started.  

Expect to play the self-hypnosis audios on several days to begin to get the affect.

For reading this email today I am giving you a coupon code that you can use for the next week:

Coupon Code To Put In During Checkout
This will give you 50% Discount on all MP3 audios in the store

Will work for one week till 2nd April

3. Hypnosis Revealed

This is the product that I requested Adam to make.  
This is a great introduction to hypnosis and how it all works.

Go To Find Out More:

Coupon Code

Will work for one week till 2nd April
4. Science Of Self-Hypnosis

Science Of Self-Hypnosis
This is as where you can really get to grips to learn self-hypnosis and writing your own scripts.

This is Adam's most significant set of audios.  Developed over a long period.  When you buy this you will also get all updates as they are added.

Go To Find Out More:

Coupon Code

Will work for one week till 2nd April

5. Science Of Self-Hypnosis Book

The Science of Self-Hypnosis:
The Evidence Based Way To Hypnotise Yourself

is a book written for anyone wanting to learn about self-hypnosis and how to use it.

There are many Amazon sites around the world.  Just go to your own local Amazon and search for the book.

There is a book and Kindle EBook available.

6. One Day Seminars
15% OFF Today On Seminars
Available Till 31st March 
rapid seminar
For The Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena
Click The Links Below:

The following links are already got the 15% code in them. 
You will see the 15% show on the prices on the booking form




The Science Of Self-Hypnosis One Day Seminar
Click The Links Below:

The following links are already got the 15% code in them. 
You will see the 15% show on the prices on the booking form

7. Platinum Membership Resources

The platinum membership area was set up originally to provide extra teaching resources for our students.
We have videoed many hundreds of hours of course modules, seminars etc.
The content is always being updated.
For full information please go and read the following web page:

Platinum Membership
8. Come And Train With Us

Download a Prospectus from our College Website and you can be sure that we will be happy to help you with anything you need to find out.

Make a new career option a reality!
Joke of the week:

Twenty feet below sea level, a diver notices another guy at the same depth with no scuba gear.
The diver goes down another 10 feet, and the guy joins him a minute later. The diver goes below 15 more feet, and a minute later, the same guy joins him.
The diver takes out a waterproof pad and pencil and writes, "How are you able to stay this deep without equipment?"
The guy takes the pencil and pad and writes, "I'm drowning, you moron!"
Adam's Hub - Caption Contest:​
Caption Contest

We have a great community centre which is open to anyone who is interested in hypnosis. 

Some Places We Would Like You To Visit:-
Adam's Main Website: This is the command centre of the business - a revamp of this site is currently in progress.  You can also find out here about personal therapy with Adam if you are seeking help.

Anglo European College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis: The college website contains all the training courses and seminar information.  The course prospectus can be downloaded from here.

Hypnosis For Download: An online store with about 160 self help hypnosis audio products - always look in the Offers of the month.  Please note there will be some extra special discounts coming this month.  Don't miss the 75% discount in December - Get prepared for the New Year

Hypnosis Weekly: A weekly podcast where Adam interviews peers in the field of hypnosis.  Adam is in his element in this section as he loves to debate all things hypnosis.  A place for serious students of the subject.  A tad geeky!

Adam's Hypnosis Hub:  A community site which you can join free as a member.  Many of the members are former or current students of Adam's Training School/College.  A great place to interact and wise to check out if you are thinking of training with the college.

Hypnosis For Running Adam combines his two passions, running and hypnosis and manages this blog about the runner's mindset.

Membership Site - Where you can see hundreds of ours of videos from courses and seminars

Adams Main Blog: A general blog about things on Adam's mind.

AECollege Blog/News:  If there is anything new to tell you about what is going on with courses, seminars or post graduation support this is where we will post it.  See some charity news posted 4th December.

Book - Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Book - Hypnosis For Running  Visit Amazon in your part of the world to get either the paperback or Kindle versions of these books.

Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  

We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable

Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)

Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.


Awake Media Productions Ltd