Get Energised With Hypnosis
So today, I thought I’d share with you a self-hypnosis process that can get you energised and
motivated, ready for the day ahead.
Follow these simple steps:
Prior to starting, think of a motivational affirmation that you like and that makes you feel good and driven when you say it with meaning.
I have a few famous and well-known favourites that I use when I am in bed and about to get up in the (often
cold, dark and wet) mornings for my run:
“Get busy living or get busy dying” (Quote from the film Shawshank Redemption)
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Steve Prefontaine
“I run because
I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't run, what they'd give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. I know they would do the same for me.”
“Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favourable do nothing.”
“Now if you are going to win any
battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired. You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going.”
“We are
what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
“Champions are made when no one is watching.”
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
“I do today what you won't so I can do tomorrow
what you can't.”
“Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any.”
“There will be days when I don't know if I can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime knowing that I have.”
“The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it
tells you to stop but the mind must be strong.”
“You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed.”
“Every man dies, but not every man really
I tell myself to think of my wife. Think of my son. Think of my daughter. I tell myself to make them proud. I tell myself to “get out there and run Adam.”
With one or two good quality affirmations at the ready, follow these simple steps to use self-hypnosis to get fully motivated, stoked, pumped, driven and inspired for your day
Step One: Induce Hypnosis.
You can do so by any means you desire or know of.
You can use the process in my 'Science of Self-Hypnosis' book, or use the free audio we give away on this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:
Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.
Step Two:
Repeat your affirmation to yourself. Start off saying it however you choose, but as you repeat, start
to repeat it to yourself with more gusto.
Perhaps start to see the words in your imagination, or imagine them being spoken to you by a person you find to be motivational. Repeat the words and get to the point where you are saying the words in a fashion that you find to be undeniably convincing.
As you repeat those words, as you do so, imagine your body coming to life,
filling with energy, enthusiasm and inspiration - imagine this by thinking about colours filling your body, good, positive feelings spreading through you, vibrations increasing throughout the body.
Anticipate the joy of how you are going to feel when this session comes to an end and you are able to go about your day in a progressive and positive frame of mind.
a light rising in your awareness; that could be watching a sunrise, or just imagining the place you are in is getting brighter. Imagine filling your senses and awareness with light. Imagine drinking in that light, letting your body and mind absorb a mental lightness.
With all of those initial elements completed, move on to step three.