- Adam Up - Your Big Chance To Catch Adam This Year...

Published: Thu, 01/22/15

Jan #3
Edition #480
Hello - And Welcome To This Week's Edition Of Adam Up
I have tended to keep it to myself and only really mentioned it to close friends, family, everyone on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, on my blogs, during a webinar and on my podcast this week;
- prefer to keep things like this low-key - have had man-flu this week.

It was a close call, but I managed to avoid going to A&E at the hospital. My throat was incredibly sore, my nose behaved like a snot factory non-stop for days, my head pounded and it made me miserable at times.  

But I kept on running...
Mileage Log And Discussion

Such is the place I am at with my running schedule, that I would feel worse emotionally and psychologically if I missed a training run, than I would feel physiologically if I still ran regardless of how ill I felt.

So I ran on through it. I pushed through. I called it dedication, my wife called it stupidity.

When I cross the line in superb time and in grand fashion at both London and Edinburgh marathons this Spring, I will look back on these dark, freezing cold, wet, icy mornings with just man-flu and dog walkers for company and realise that running is very much a sport that gives you results based upon what you put in.

I wrote about my weekly mileage, my challenges last week and give a couple of links to my actual run maps and stats here on my hypnosis for running blog: http://hypnosisforrunning.com/hypnosis-for-running-weekly-mileage-log-and-discussion/ 
Running Using Arms

Also on the hypnosis for running blog this week, I shared something I have been working on for the past 6 months or so. Following some coaching, some research, discussions with experts and a variety of other sources, I worked out the best way for me to use my arms to advance my running performance. I wrote about some of that, however, I have also fine tuned some ways to use self-hypnosis, mental imagery and a cognitive strategy to advance running performance using your arms. You can read it here: http://hypnosisforrunning.com/running-using-our-arms-using-self-hypnosis-explain-please-adam/

I run a lot and I write about running a lot. However, the articles are not limited to runners. They have broad applications ranging across a variety of sports, but also demonstrate a lot of thinking skills and mental strategies that are good to excel in a wide variety of aspects of real-life.
We Are Giving This Self-Hypnosis Seminar Away - Adam Pointed That Out To Me!  So Won't Be Repeating This.  This Will Only Last Till End Of Month.
I am bringing one of my favourite one day seminars to
  • London (near Heathrow for those of you who live abroad) in February,
  • Edinburgh in May
  • Manchester in July
It is my One Day Self-Hypnosis Seminar which is an educational day which is great fun and teaches you so much about mind.  It is ideal for newbies to the subject through to hypnotherapists wanting CPD updates.

In fact this offer is so generous that I am not joking when I tell you that you will be getting a place for just about the cost to us from the hotel.
See I said I wanted to meet you.

This page has 7 Steps in how to find out about our College. 
The step 7 is what I am pointing you towards... 
Please go off to this page on my on my Anglo European College Of Hypnosis site
So take action and see you soon.

Effective Complaining

You may recall that a couple of weeks ago here on Adam Up, I wrote about the difference between whining and effective complaining. Well this week on my blog, I also gave a process to help anyone learn how to tell if they are an incessant whiner, and how to actually start to complain effectively. I have been getting some fabulous feedback about this, have a good read: 
Debates On Hypnosis Weekly

For those of you that like to learn more about hypnosis, my Hypnosis Weekly podcast started back again last week.

We welcomed Terence Watts to the show as my guest. A couple of things he said caused me to receive a number of emails.

Firstly, he stated that one of his major influences was Sigmund Freud - those who know me and my work, will probably know that I am not Freud’s biggest fan - and Terence then went on to say that one of the reasons he was influenced by Freud so much was because Freud conducted such quality research into what he did therapeutically. Again, those who know me know that I have publicly questioned this.

Many of today’s academics and scholars dispute this too and suggest that Freud’s contribution has been little more than pseudo-scientific at best.

Terence also suggested that there had not been much/any real quality research conducted on the field of hypnosis/hypnotherapy when I asked him about evidence based opinions and yet my own book and others have championed numerous randomised controlled studies.

As a result, I got numerous messages asking why I didn’t take issue with these points during the interview. Here’s the thing; the podcast is not about me affirming my own stance exclusively. I state it every week that I want it to embrace diversity, and that I encourage a variety of opinions, stances and so on.

I love the debate, I love the variety of perspectives, and I love making great friends with people who have differing opinions than me. There is much strife in the world currently because people with opposing views are unable to find common ground or be tolerant and respectful of one another. We are adults. Adults in a modern, developed society. So therefore, we can all be friends, learn from one another and heck, who’d want to come on my podcast if I turned into Jeremy Paxman every week. These people are giving their time, sticking their heads above the parapet and I thank them and have high respect for them.
This Week On Hypnosis Weekly

Tomorrow, the latest edition comes out, it features Gemma Bailey, the founder of NLP4Kids. I have some very interesting guests coming in future weeks too. Do subscribe on iTunes or listen to the podcast at the Hypnosis Weekly website here: http://www.hypnosis-weekly.com/
Students Given A False Memory
Also, for hypnosis fans this week, I posted a video over at the Hub.  My friend Sean Michael Andrews shared it with me first. I have to credit him with highlighting it to me, it is fascinating. Two graduate students are hypnotized by psychologist Lester Beck of the University of Oregon and given a false memory. The psychologist then coaxes the information out of them using standard psychoanalytic methods of 1949. 
Those who advocate the use of age regression will be particularly interested in this video.Visit the hub and look for the post I added this week entitled “Unconscious Motivation_ Hypnosis Experiment - Psychological Instructional Film (1949)” http://www.adamshypnosishub.com/
I hope you have a wonderful week, I shall be back next week with much more….
Events Coming Up In Next Two Months:

18th February - Park Inn, London Heathrow
Self-Hypnosis One Day Seminar

19th February - Park Inn, London Heathrow
Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena One Day Seminar

We would love to meet you there.

How are you doing with all your new year resolutions?  How is your Mindset?  Whether it is your weight, smoking, motivation to exercise - Whatever.  Some of Adam's Audios can help?

Why not get hold of Adam's Hypnosis For Running book plus his running software in one package. Hypnotic Store January Offers

Joke of the week:
As heard on kids TV show Gigglebiz this week, by presenter Arthur Sleep: 

Q: What is big, grey and wobbly?

A: A jellyphant. 

Hahahahaha, I love that. Thanks to all who send in the gags each week, I love getting them.
Adam's Hub - Caption Contest:
Caption Contest

We have a great community centre which is open to anyone who is interested in hypnosis.  Why not join us at http://www.adamshypnosishub.com
Some Places We Would Like You To Visit:-
Adam's Main Website: This is the command centre of the business - a revamp of this site is currently in progress.  You can also find out here about personal therapy with Adam if you are seeking help.

Adams Main Blog: A general blog about things on Adam's mind.

Anglo European College Of Therapeutic Hypnosis: The college website contains all the training courses and seminar information.  The course prospectus can be downloaded from here.

AECollege Blog/News:  If there is anything new to tell you about what is going on with courses, seminars or post graduation support this is where we will post it.  See some charity news posted 4th December.

Hypnosis For Download: An online store with about 160 self help hypnosis audio products - always look in the Offers of the month.  Please note there will be some extra special discounts coming this month.  Don't miss the 75% discount in December - Get prepared for the New Year

Hypnosis Weekly: A weekly podcast where Adam interviews peers in the field of hypnosis.  Adam is in his element in this section as he loves to debate all things hypnosis.  A place for serious students of the subject.  A tad geeky!

Adam's Hypnosis HubA community site which you can join free as a member.  Many of the members are former or current students of Adam's Training School/College.  A great place to interact and wise to check out if you are thinking of training with the college.

Hypnosis For Running Adam combines his two passions, running and hypnosis and manages this blog about the runner's mindset.

Membership Site - Where you can see hundreds of ours of videos from courses and seminars

Book - Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Book - Hypnosis For Running  Visit Amazon in your part of the world to get either the paperback or Kindle versions of these books.

Any Questions Or Help Needed -
​Please DO Contact Us:-
Do feel free to contact us if you need help or more information about our courses, seminars, products.  It is in fact great to get to know you all.  
We can take payments for products or services over the
Phone or Skype if preferred.

Please use Support Centre rather than e-mails which are notoriously unreliable
Support Centre

A reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.

Do leave a message if we are not available and we will call you back.

Adam: 01202 526977 or 0044 1202 526977 (outside UK)
Keith:  01202 247301 or 0044 1202 247301 (outside UK)

Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Adam can be contacted on Skype by arrangement.

Awake Media Productions Ltd