** - Further Your Therapy Career By Writing A Book In 2015...

Published: Thu, 11/27/14

                       Edition #473

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- This Week In Adam Up
  1. Why I Would Like To Treat Scooby Doo
  2. Would You Like To Further Your Career By Becoming An Author AND Support My Charity
  3. Courses and Seminars Coming Up In December and January
This week I was interviewed by a running magazine about the use of hypnosis for runners. During it, I was asked who I’d like to work with if I could work with any runner or athlete, and I spoke with the interviewer about some famous runners.

However, I would add that most elite athletes got to their level because they have good psychological skills already, or have applied psychological skills to help themselves get there.

I think I’d help those elite find seconds to shave off their personal best times with the use of hypnosis, but I also said that hypnosis would be able to make a far greater impact on the running outcomes of those who were not already elite runners, and I shared a bunch of strategies and techniques.

The magazine article will be published in the new year and I’ll mention it on our social media channels when it is available to read, for those interested. 
While we were talking, I joked with the interviewer and said that really, I’d like to work with Scooby Doo.

Scooby has issues, I believe.

I thought this would make a good topic for a blog entry and ezine article too. That is why Adam Up today is slightly different to usual.

Today it is all about how I’d help Scooby Doo become a more balanced and better functioning individual. 
My rationale for him needing help and what I’d do about it is as follows: 
1. He is a worrier

Scooby Doo does appear to worry to excess; so much so that his teeth chatter in a way you’d expect someone with a severe form of hyperthermia to exhibit. 
I’d teach him basic and applied relaxation skills and employ some sort of desensitisation to help lower the very real physiological anxiety he has that makes him regularly pounce up into the arms of his friend Shaggy, or cower behind nearby furniture. 
2. Scooby experiences a lot of fear
I’d teach Scooby Doo proper Socratic Questioning techniques so that he’d examine his thoughts and ideally seek out the logical explanation to things he is afraid of, rather than letting his imagination run wild and catastrophise. In the past, time after time, Scooby Doo has discovered that it was not an actual Ghost or a real monster, but a person with a vested interest who is pretending to be such an entity. You think he would have learned from all those former experiences, wouldn’t you? I’d like him to take an empiricist perspective and draw upon the evidence he has encountered and examine the likelihood of the monsters and ghosts being real and likely to harm him 
Scooby Doo obviously has a great imagination because he fears certain outcomes. I’d utilise this and have him mentally rehearse coping well with similar situations in the future. 
3. Scooby avoids certain situations and circumstances

He derives comfort from avoidance and escape, and this serves to negatively reinforce his fear of and apprehension towards those situations and circumstances. Again, I’d probably run through some mental rehearsal of approach behaviour and role play of those scenarios, perhaps with the adjunct of assertiveness training skills before tasking him with in vivo exposure to those circumstances equipped with the right kinds of coping tools for staying the course while his symptoms abate in those circumstances.  
4. He eats for comfort
Scooby derives courage and is often seemingly bribed into situations by being rewarded with Scooby snacks and other edible treats. He also spends moments in the midst of investigations, reducing his anxiety by eating multi-tiered sandwiches. I’d be keen to equip Scooby with the skills to deal with his anxiety and not have to reach for food to help lower it. 
It is plain to see, he can be helped and has a good support network around him to lean upon. That said, I think Shaggy is probably a bad influence at times as well as a good friend. Shaggy often confirms Scooby’s irrational fears and thus makes them worse, often exaggerating and amplifying them. 
I shared this because I love it so much To me, it speaks of a lovely philosophy of life that also has important application in my work. Ariel pined for a life she did not have and it made her desperately unhappy. She yearned to be ‘part of their world’ - her reference to wanting to dance and play with humans who walked around on legs, as opposed to the Mermaids and Mermen in her own world.  She made poor decisions that eventually led to the demise of her Father for a period of time. 
Learning how to enjoy the seemingly ordinary day-today experiences with my children, my running, my garden and my studies have all contributed to my approach to life. An approach that also serves my psychological and emotional well-being greatly. I’d like to share that with Ariel. 
It is not just useful personally though. Those who know me and my work, also know that I adopt this kind of stance when it comes to hypnosis, therapy and well-being in general. Enjoy the ordinary, psychological processes that combine to form what hypnosis is, rather than seeking the magical and intangible in the first instance. I have found that learning how to perceive those ordinary psychological processes to be rather magical in and of themselves. I have also found marveling at the ordinary psychological processes helps to yield some of the seemingly most magical results in therapy too.
Ariel started out as a Mermaid with a lot of magical elements to her life if only she stopped for a moment to enjoy them - the singing crustaceans in particular. 
I’m not entirely surprised that Ariel has some mental health struggles, her Mother died when she was young, her Father is prone to violent outbursts and her best friend Flounder, has a definite anxiety disorder. However, I think she’d benefit greatly from some hypnotherapy with me and since she has married royalty, I think she is able to afford the fees. 
Who else then? I think that Pinocchio would probably want to come and see me for his pathological lying, but would not admit he had a problem necessarily. Charlie Brown could use my help with his depression, but Lucy is currently giving him therapy sessions, he might not find the time or have the inclination to see me. Homer Simpson seems to break into fits of explosive anger and Sponge Bob Square Pants lacks all social inhibition and necessary constraints required for appropriate social interaction. That is not including all the rich Royal villains with a variety of disorders that could be treated to advance their ongoing experience of life.  
So there you have it, the market I’d be free to tap into if I got to work with Scooby Doo. If you know anyone who can put me in touch, please let me know. 
This week, I want to write and tell you about something else too..... 

Visit Our New College Website

If you've not seen it, do visit the new college website and download a college prospectus: wwwaecollegeofhypnosis.uk 
Come and like the new college social media pages too: 
FREE Sample Tracks From Some Of Adam's Larger Programmes
2. A Webinar Series For Therapists Who Want To Become An Author - Finally DO IT In 2015
Let Us Show You How To Become a Respected Author in 2015 and Advance Your Therapy Career:  
Are you a therapist?

Have you ever wanted to become a published author?

Have you thought about how to really advance your career with the kudos of being a published author?

Ever thought about how nice it will be to have passive income generated from your book sales?

This is an opportunity for you to seize this coming New Year.

Starting on Wednesday January the 7th, for 8 weeks, we’ll be hosting a series of webinars to ensure you make 2015 your most successful ever. If you are unable to make any of the calls, you’ll get access to the recordings to listen to straight after.

This is limited to just 15 people, and I’m certain it will fill up We’ll work with each of the 15 people as part of the group but also individually to help you get laser beam advice specific to you and your book project.

This set of live online classes delivered by myself and Keith Watson will run you through everything you need to know about writing your book, editing it, getting it published and how to market it effectively in order to get it into the hands of your target audience.

This is only ever going to be run a single time at this price, because it is the first time we are running it and we want to make sure we get it absolutely right for you.

It will be the only time we deliver this course in 2015 for sure. Plus, all proceeds for this first time, go to charity. You do not pay us directly for this, you just need to visit my charity fundraising page, donate £125.00 and you have one of the spaces for this webinar series: http://ukvirginmoneygiving.com/AdamEason
There are many, MANY people out there who want to write a book, but don’t.
There are many, MANY, people out there who write a book and do not get published.
There are many, MANY people out there who get a book published and who make very few sales indeed.
There are many, MANY therapists out there who deserve to be doing better than they are!

If you follow the guidance and instructions as well as invest the right amount of effort, you’ll have a book written, edited, published and selling well much sooner than you might think.

For the 8 weeks that this course runs, you’ll be required to work very hard, making sure you complete the homework given to you each week within set deadlines – this will make sure you have made major progress by the end of this course and have a foundation to go and become a published author whose book sells and whose book has a positive effect upon your business. We are going to pack each webinar with a LOT of information for you to digest and then use effectively.

The first few modules will guide you through how to actually write your book – seems simple, but it is not. You want to write a book that publishers will be sold on and enthusiastic about. You also want to write a book that readers will invest in, will talk to others about and a book that represents you well. These are things that require consideration and balance. We’ll even run through the processes of having the best title (and a subtitle that will deliver success), knowing the right tone, being able to express yourself with clarity and also be considered credible and respected due to your content.

I’ll show you how to choose your subject matter, how to research it, how to be subsequently considered the expert of this subject as a result. What qualifies me to advise you on that? Today, I am sought out by professional peers, world champions, world record holders, media representatives, magazines, conferences and members of the public from countries all around the world due to being considered a world renowned expert when it comes to self-hypnosis and when it comes to using hypnosis for advancing running performance. This was built upon having books that sold well in these niches. Your book will open doors for you and add dimension to your career.

With the latter part of this course, you’ll be guided through the process of how to get a publisher to publish your book, what they look for in a book proposal and advise of the benefits of taking the route of being backed by professionals in this field.  We’ll also show you how to self-publish if you want a higher cut of the sales and how to be absolutely in charge of the entire process yourself. We have direct experience in both of these areas and both has it’s own fair share of advantages and annoyances.
Either way, you’ll also need to know how to market your book, we’ll show you how to make online book retailers love your book. We’ll show you how to launch your book in style, how to get a great Amazon ranking, how to get your book featured in all the right places and how to ensure the book becomes a tool that will indeed jettison your career. Importantly as well, we’ll show you how to make money from your book.

This is a one-off opportunity – we will work you hard, coach you and set you up with all you need to know.
Is This For You?

We are primarily aiming this at therapists, so you should be a therapist. This is our area of expertise, we do not know about publishing fiction. You need to be able to invest time and effort in this process. We do not want people to sign up and take places on this course, but then not implement what we show you to do. We want you to be a successful author with a successful career as a result. Your progress and level of achievement will reflect upon us.

It will be run on 8 Wednesdays 4pm-5pm UK time as of January the 7th. You will get spoon fed with all the instructions of how to join in each webinar and we’ll send each of you a recording of the call as soon as it has finished. Each call will be led by Keith or myself in the first instance, then there’ll be ample opportunity for you to ask questions and directly consult with us. You’ll have ongoing access to us throughout the rest of the week for us to help you work on your book until the course ends

Is 2015 the year that you decide to finally become a successful, published author and become a recognised authority in your specialist area? Then seize this opportunity. I think it’ll be the best investment of £125.00 you ever made. I know what we are going to be teaching and what we are going to be including and you are going to be blown away with the depth of information. We are going to ave the way for you to become the published author you wish to become. No more dreaming, no more pining, but making it happen and taking positive action.

Simply donate £125.00 to my charity fundraising page and I’ll email you through confirmation from there about how to get started: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/AdamEason
3. Seminars and Courses Coming Up Shortly
Keith Watson Updates:

Adam and I have a busy period coming up in December and January.  We both love this though as we get to meet so many of you and have a great fun and educational time.  I get to video all the action to add to our Platinum Inner Circle Members area. 

Apart from the regular Diploma Course Weekend each month here are our other offerings.

Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena Seminar - 5th December
This one is next Friday 5th December and there are a couple of places if you would like to join us here in Bournemouth.  Obviously most of the attendees will be Hypnotherapists so it is a great chance to meet other practitioners at the same time.
To join us - go to Rapid Inductions page on College website and click on Book Here.

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy 5 Day Course - Wed 10th till Sun 14th December.
This one is only for you if you have previous related training.
It is NOT too late if you want to join us BUT hurry as there is just one place available on this course as someone has had to drop out because of ill health.
Check details out at
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy page on College website  where you will find masses of information about the course and how to book under BOOK NOW

Self-Hypnosis Seminar - Friday 9th January
This one I really LOVE.  I have videoed this seminar several times and I never tire of it as it is always evolving.  Great if you are a total newbie to hypnosis or a seasoned pro.  You will definitely learn a lot about yourself.  I have seen people attend this seminar as a total beginner that go on to do their diploma and are now fully qualified hypnotherapists.   I will be videoing this one in January and would love to meet you there. 
PLEASE NOTE:  If you come with a friend you both get a discounted price and even better discount if there are three or more of you in the group.
For more information check out the Self-Hypnosis Seminar page on the website

Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena Seminar - Monday 19th January - London Heathrow
YES!! We're coming to you - well at least a bit nearer you as long as you don't live in Bournemouth.  We have many attendees that have come from abroad and had that additional journey from the airport to the south coast.  Hopefully we are easing that problem.  So we have purposely located this seminar close to the airport but also close to all major routes around London.
To join us - go to Rapid Inductions page on College website and click on Book Here.

* All course information and venues can be found in our new prospectus which you can download from almost any page on our College Website
** There is a lot of information on the course information pages - make sure you click all the blue tabs at the top of the page to get to each section.  Also when on the booking page make sure that you scroll down as there may well be other dates that you can book further down the page.

Joke of the week:

What kind of accident did the proctologist have?

He was rear-ended! 

Hahahaha.... Enjoyed that one! 

Thanks to everyone who continues to send me in jokes each week, I love getting them!

Articles of the week:

Here are a selection of topical articles that I enjoyed reading this week, often related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here: 

Can You Write A Witty Caption For This Weeks Photo
caption contest picture
Why not join us and add your captions? 

I am taking clients again for personal therapy, have a read of this page if you'd like more information.

Forthcoming Courses & Events

 Avoid Disappointment - Book Early
You will see that some of our events are now available via Eventbrite. 
This means that you can pay for the tickets online. 
We will still get in touch with you for any special arrangements. 
We just hope that you find this a more convenient way to
book yourself onto our Seminars.
If you have any queries about any course get in touch via our Help Desk
We will be sure to get back to you


Our 10 Month Course is 1 weekend per month from October till July
Next course starts October 2014

Our Intensive Course is more suited to people living further afield. 

Two 9 Day blocks - Next Course begins March 2015

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4

The Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Learn Self-Hypnosis! 
We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 
They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 
The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 
CBH Prospectus

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

We have new dates available for two courses I have planned: 


Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena Seminar
rapid inductions
I am delighted to invite you to join me for a daylong, fun filled seminar aimed at and created for hypnotherapists looking to advance their range and fluency at inducing hypnosis rapidly and creating hypnotic phenomena in a professional manner. This seminar is being run in Edinburgh, Manchester, London and Bournemouth in the next year.
Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 

Tom Evans

Tom Evans
Author 100 Years Of Ermintrude

“Adam is one of the best, if not the best and most entertaining, speakers I have seen at an event. Beneath his lighthearted presentation, of which many a stand-up comic would be proud, Adam shows much depth and passion for research and understanding into the human condition.”


Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week by registering at my homepage.
I thank you for reading...  Goodbye for now.
Best Ways To Contact Us
Support Centre

The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Keith Telephone:  01202 247301

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.