** - Do You Have A Compulsion You Can't Get Rid Of?

Published: Thu, 06/26/14

                       Edition #451

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Hello  , Welcome To This Week's Adam Up
This week has not gone totally to plan, so I am going to be a week later than planned with the streak of weight reduction articles I promised last week, but that streak starts today with a very cool technique that can be used with any eating compulsion you may have. 
Courses 2015 - London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Bournemouth - Discounts Available Now on a Number Of Tickets - First Come First Served!

I am delighted to say that we now have dates for my seminars that I am running at various locations around the UK. 

Next February I am coming to London, we have a Heathrow destination that is incredibly accessible. I'll be running my Self-Hypnosis seminar and Rapid Inductions there. 


There'll be a further trip to London next June for my five day Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist Certification training course. 

Next May I visit Scotland and will be running my Science of Self-Hypnosis and Rapid Inductions Seminar. 

Then the same two seminars in Manchester next July. 

If you want to do both days in a particular location (they are all the day next to each other in each location) we'll offer you a healthy discount (get in touch with us if you want to arrange a group booking to get your special deal) 

You can find more information about all these events at my Eventbrite and my website

Check out Eventbrite as we hope this will be a more convenient way for you to purchase a place on our courses and seminars.  In the majority of cases you will find all you need there.  We will follow up as soon as possible after you have registered with any further joining information.

We would welcome your feedback about what you think.  Do contact us though if you would prefer to pay over the phone or make any special arrangements.

For any assistance use our Help Desk

I hope to meet lots of you along the way. 

Hypnosis Weekly Podcast - Coming Soon

In two weeks time I shall be launching a new podcast. 

Hypnosis weekly is going to be a podcast featuring hot debates, interviews, news and facts to satiate ultra hypnosis geeks and also those looking to learn more about this field of ours. 

I have some major names involving themselves with this and I'll announce more details very soon. It has taken a lot of my time to get it up and running, which is partly the reason I have been unable to be blogging in earnest this week. 

More details next week... 

But as a teaser, Norwegian based hypnotherapist and author of 'Provocative Hypnosis', Jørgen Rasmussen is going to be taking me to task over some of the central elements of the CBH model that I support and offering a critique of some of the points I made in a recent webinar with James Tripp - you won't want to miss this.

Affiliate Programme Up and Running
Keith Here:

I am delighted to announce that we have an affiliate programme set up for our main Hypnosis For Download store.  I am just going to give you here and now the link to the information about this, but, I will be in touch with all who have expressed an interest in selling Adam's products in a separate e-mail.

To sign up and get your special links please go to: http://aff.awake-media.com
Onto Today Then....  

How Are Your Compulsions?

When I was young, one of my best friends at school, a very close friend of mine got caught smoking. This was a cardinal sin. As a means to put an end to this flirting with the tobacco weed, his Dad sat him down and handed him a packet of 20 cigarettes. 

Puzzled, my friend was not sure what to do... His Dad instructed him to open the packet. He then handed him a lighter and told him to smoke a cigarette - which he did. They chatted and my friend thought it was great that his Dad had accepted him as a smoker and that he had understood. As he stubbed out the cigarette and thought this chat was coming to an end. His Dad instructed him to light up another one straight away... Uh-oh. 

He then had to smoke the entire packet, every single cigarette, back to back, until he was green at the gills, coughing, wheezing, and eventually throwing up... 

His Dad hoped that this would deter him from ever smoking again. 

I bet you know someone with a similar story, don't you?

Ever meet a drug addict that had a traumatic overdose? There is a similar belief that this somehow scares and educates the mind not do that behaviour again... It does not necessarily always work, but many people think that it does. 

I once listened to a music track so much that I ended up transforming my utter love for this song into getting totally bored of it... I mean, it got to the stage where it did not excite me and did not offer up any stimulus anymore... And that is just what we do want! 

Let Me Explain...

I would like to ask you a relatively simple question... many people have compulsive behaviours that they would like to change, especially certain habits that are compulsive... So answer me this, which of the following are compulsive behaviours: 

  • Someone who smokes 30 cigarettes a day and has done for 40 years.

  • Someone who smokes a pack of 10 only at weekends when they go out drinking with friends, has done so for a couple of years.

  • Someone who eats 5 bags of crisps in front of the TV every night. 

  • Someone who eats one chocolate bar at 3pm every afternoon. 

I know that you know the answer here... 

They are all compulsive behaviours. In psychiatry a compulsion is defined as a drive that causes a person to perform actions, often of a trivial nature and repetitive nature, against his or her will. 

Do you have any such compulsions? I bet if you thought about the patterns involved in your daily life you'd notice that you have many. Of course for most of us, our compulsions are fairly non-threatening and innocuous, however some people harbour compulsions that cause problems and they really need to be stopped. 

Yet attempting to stop such compulsions can cause us discomfort and so we just keep on comfortably letting them happen. 

The field of NLP has a wonderful technique for dealing with unwanted compulsive behaviours... It is called the compulsion blowout... 

This week, I have combined that technique and process into a self-help, self-hypnosis technique that anyone can do for and to themselves. 

A compulsion is an urge, often irresistible, to behave in a particular manner... And like I already said, it is often against the individuals will... I mean, someone knows that smoking 30 a day is harmful and may want to stop... Someone might know that grabbing two huge cream cakes every day at 1pm when they walk past the bakers is unlikely to help the waistline reduce in size... Yet they carry on doing it... 

Compulsions are different to habits. habits can be consciously controlled to some extent, and what's more there are many habits that are productive and useful, aren't there?    Compulsions however are not within your conscious control.. They are dark and sinister and happen as if by some evil force lurking deep within you... And they are all non-productive... 

The process that I am offering up today desensitises compulsions... Ranging from biting fingernails, to smoking, eating and even obsessing about a partner or the cleanliness of your bathroom...

Eight Steps To Blowing Out Those Compulsions! 

Step One: 

Induce hypnosis. You can induce hypnosis in any way you desire or know of. You can use the process in my science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Heavy Arm Self-Hypnosis Induction Method

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip

Hand to face Self-Hypnosis Method

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two: 

In this receptive state of mind, choose a compulsion that you wish to eliminate... Ideally you thought about it a tad prior to knuckling down to do this. 

Ideally, it should be a compulsion that has an external trigger... Something external that sets it off. For example, in the example I gave earlier, the person sees the bakery and feel compelled to go and buy 2 cream cakes... If the compulsion is biting finger nails, the stimulus might be the finger nails growing to a certain length, or an external stimulus of some kind. 

Give this some thought in some depth and then move on. 

Step Three: 

Now we want to think of the primary trigger. The primary and main thing that sets off this compulsion... 

So think in even more depth and ask yourself some questions, roll the compulsive behaviour around in your mind... What circumstance or factor triggers the compulsive behaviour? What is the main that thing that always happens that tells your unconscious mind that it is time for that compulsion to occur. 

In a receptive state of mind, it should be really easy to identify. move on once you have the primary trigger. 

Step Four: 

Ok, just think about that trigger... With it fresh in your mind, think about which of your senses gets used the most in relation to that trigger? 

So, in the cake eating example, the shop gets seen first, the cakes are on display, it is very visual, there is a visual quality to it... When biting fingernails, the sensations might be quite a bit more specific... Such as a tingling sensation or a pressure felt inside the body that connects the behaviour to your reality and starts it happening. 

It might even be as simple as having a consciousness about that a certain thing... Really get a detailed idea in your mind about what senses are attached tot hat trigger and how that trigger works. 

Step Five: 

Here comes the fun... 

Whatever was the main sense, the main sensation... Start to turn it up. Use your imagination and really increase the sensation as much as you possibly can. Turn it up to the highest possible level. 

if someone has a sense of the nails sticking out, then imagine them protruding really far, very far indeed. If seeing the cakes then starts a feeling in the tummy... Turn that feeling up, maybe until it gets to a queasiness of some kind...  If there is a certain pressure sensed in the body, imagine it getting closer and closer to actually exploding! 

You get the idea here. Whatever the sensation is, keep turning it up and up to the point whereby it could blow up, or erupt in some way! 

Step Six: 

Repeat the above step and turn up the sensations to the extreme. Really turn them up massively until you start to get the sense of this becoming boring... Or feeling that it is trivial, or even to the stage where it is not triggering the compulsion... By turning the sensations up to dramatic, extreme levels, you are desensitising the compulsion trigger, making it more and more difficult to be triggered off in the first place! 

This is fabulous stuff... Who'd have thought that turning up the sensations of what you do not want could be so useful?! 

Step Seven: Tell yourself that you intend to take some action to test and prove to yourself that you have blown this compulsion away, that you have blow it out! Think of something you could to show yourself and plan on doing it as soon as you can.

Step Seven: 

Wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes and open your eyes. 

Then think about and remind yourself about that action. be sure to go and do it. Test it as soon as you possibly can. go with a deep rooted determination and vigour to prove to you that you blew out that old compulsion. The sooner you take that action, the better the result will be. 

Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena

June Special Offer

The video taken at last Friday's Rapid Inductions seminar has been added to the product in our store.
There is a lot of new of induction and hypnotic phenomena material and updating of previous seminars.  If you previously bought this product we will be sending out the new material to you also during the coming week.
If you want to purchase this month - the good news - it is on offer.  

Find Out More
Brand New Product  - Price Rises £1 For Every 10 Copies Sold.  Get Yours Today
Hypnotic Wealth Mindset

23 Audio MP3 Files
7 Of Those Are Hypnosis Sessions
PDF Workbook

Joke Of The Week

There are two muffins sitting in an oven. 

One looks at the other and says, "Boy it's getting hot in here." 

The other muffin goes, "Eeek!  A talking muffin!"

Hahaha.. Love that one! Please keep them coming folks, I love receiving the jokes each week. 

Articles Of The Week

Here are a selection of topical articles that I enjoyed reading this week, often related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. My personal comments about them are in brackets and just because we feature an article here, it does not mean they represent my own views - most often, they do not! If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here:

- Michael jackson was quizzed under hypnosis

- Hypnosis delivers pain free birth says Mum

- Watch Laura Duncan race Ferrari 360 at Knockhill after hypnotherapy cures her fear of driving

- The virtual gastric band, is it possible to think yourself thin? 

- The Hypnotist Bandit is making headlines

Can You Write A Witty Caption For This Weeks Photo
caption contest picture
Why not join us and add your captions? 

Adam Eason Forthcoming Courses & Events

 Avoid Disappointment - Book Early
You will see that some of our events are now available via Eventbrite. 
This means that you can pay for the tickets online. 
We will still get in touch with you for any special arrangements. 
We just hope that you find this a more convenient way to
book yourself onto our Seminars.

If you have any queries about any course get in touch via our Help Desk
We will be sure to get back to you

Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 
Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com 

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4

Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 

CBH Prospectus

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

We have new dates available for two courses I have planned: 



We are constantly adding new material to our Platinum Members Area - this richest of resources of hypnosis training.

PLEASE NOTE - The many hours of video recorded at the Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy Course recently run in Bournemouth has been added to the Platinum area.

We recently added footage from a seminar ran in April this year:  My own presentation about how to use hypnotherapy with children and the presentation from Jill Harrington relating to counselling skills for hypnotherapists will be available by this weekend.

For those of you that are members, I hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in hypnosis or are a student or a professional in the field of hypnosis, then our platinum area is a mighty resource. As well as it containing many hours of footage from my hypnotherapy diploma course, rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena seminars, it has several additional lectures and footage as well as audio guides.

The Platinum Membership  is something we are incredibly proud of here and we add to it regularly. Our next 10 month hypnotherapy diploma is going to be recorded in full and added to the area later this year too.

Online Hypnosis Download Store

I know - I know !!
- it isn's summer in the southern hemisphere.  
We are generous though and want to spread the warmth.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Do come and join us in the Platinum members area if you wish to learn more, I mean much more about the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. There's over 150 hours of video footage, even more audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too. Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of CPD trainings, specialist workshops and tuition as well as all the video footage from my diploma course and my cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy course, go have a read about it.

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week by registering at my homepage.

I'll be back next week ... I thank you for reading...  Goodbye for now.



Ruth Saint

Ruth Saint,
Hypnotherapist, Kent

"Becoming a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist is for me the biggest achievement to date. It is a very demanding course and there is a huge amount of coursework. There hasn't been one day that I haven't been pulled out of my comfort zone. I am amazed at how much I have achieved and how much I have progressed and grown as a person, and am still discovering my abilities daily.

Adam is an excellent tutor who adds a lot of humour to his teaching, many a class was filled with roars of laughter and I will miss them so much. As a tutor Adam is very honest and will bring out the very best in you - he's dynamic, enthusiastic and will help you out in any way he can. In between sessions, he is at the end of the phone (when possible) and will always give you the benefit of his knowledge and expertise.

My choice to go with Adam was definitely for me the correct decision, and I will continue to have Adam as my supervisor.

Adam is much, much more than just a tutor, he is an outstanding teacher and an exceptional kind and helpful person who will be there to support you not only during the course, but long after.

Thank you, from one of your newly qualified students."


Best Ways To Contact Us
Support Centre

The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1.

Keith Telephone:  01202 247301

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.