** - How to Build and Protect a State of Wealthiness...

Published: Thu, 02/20/14

Feb #3
                       Edition #433

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Hello , Welcome To This Week's Adam Up

Firstly, today is my baby daughter's first Birthday. She has spent a lot of the morning chewing the ties to her new Wigwam. She knows how to celebrate.

Anyway, to share my celebration, I am offering any one of our single hypnosis tracks to Adam Up readers for £1.00 till the end  hours.

HYPNOSIS SESSIONS FOR A QUID (as we call £1 coin in the UK)

Onto today's Adam Up...

Napoleon Hill wrote in his book 'Think and Grown Rich' the following: 

"Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of failure. This is no statement of a theory - it is a fact.

procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer." 

How many times have you known that you needed to or wanted to do certain things but just do not seem to actually do them? Do you procrastinate about doing certain things that you really would love to do? Do you really want the end result but don't seem to muster the action to do it?

Procrastination can be (and in my opinion is) one of the most devastating problems you ever face. Just why is that? Because when you procrastinate, there is a life you know is waiting to be lived, you may even be yearning to live it, but part of you doesn't seem to want that life and part that part of you seems to prevent you from doing it. Procrastination commonly happens because part of you believes that you don't deserve the rewards of the actions you need to be taking, though there are of course lots of other possible reasons. 

Procrastination often is the most sneaky and subtle form of self sabotage you will experience. 

Being productive, making decisions and taking action is our next focus for developing our wealth mindset as we have been doing throughout the month of February. Today then, I present to you, two separate ways to help overcome procrastination and get really productive. 

Firstly, getting into a productive state: 

What kind of a state are you in each day. Hmmm? Is it one filled with procrastination, hesitation and failure to take action or be productive? Or is your state conducive to being wealthy and prosperous in the way you desire? 

You are always in some kind of a state, though we are often not consciously aware of what exactly that might be. Especially if we are in a state of blissful ignorance and lack of self-awareness, eh? ;-)  

A state is your way of being at any given moment. It involves what is happening in your brain, what is going on in your body, what you are seeing, doing, feeling and what you are thinking.

Now then I can confirm that some states are pleasant, uplifting and enjoyable, oh yes. Some are divine, ecstatic and blissful. Others may be mild or unpleasant. We like some states and are apprehensive or fearful about others. Good management of our states make us more and more effective in our lives - and what's more; it greatly enhances our prosperity.

We tend to develop our own repertoire of states that we are accustomed to such as relaxing when the sun shines, being nervous when our boss at work calls our name,  or feeling guilty eating chocolate cake when we should be training for a marathon - I excuse myself, it is my baby's first Birthday after all!! 

Sometimes we recognise these states at the time, particularly in relation to specific stimuli. Exams and tests are widely seen as triggering anxiety, our children's birthdays often make us excited, Christmas or other celebrations often makes many people feel good. Some people become euphoric with some things, others can become anxious or filled with dread as they anticipate that same event.

So what is the most optimum state for you to be in to develop your wealth and prosperity consciousness?

I once worked with a guy who had been picked on his entire lifetime. I mean, he was picked on at school, he was picked on at work, he was even often picked on by people in the street. His state was that of someone who got picked on and so it kept on happening, he attracted more of the wrong attention He thought, felt and then subsequently behaved in a way that lent itself and gave opportunity for people to treat him in an uncharitable way. People found it easy to treat him poorly - not the loveliest of people, agreed.

All of us can walk into pretty much any place and get a certain reaction or response from people without saying a word - because we have an internal state that projects beyond what words can communicate.

When our state is right, the world and life responds to it.

One of my favourite comedians and actors, Steve coogan, did a one off comedy show once about a salesman called Gareth Cheeseman. Before Gareth Cheeseman was about to go and give a sales presentation, he would spend a few minutes standing in front of his bathroom mirror exclaiming to himself "You are a tiger! Raaaah!"

This was his way of getting into the right state. I am not suggesting that you need to stand in front of your mirror telling yourself that you are a tiger by the way.

Quite often, when someone is not feeling as good as they would like to, they try to distract themselves with all manner of things - this often leads to them feeling worse. Knowing we should be getting productive, being decisive and productive when actually doing something unrelated and non-productive as a distraction makes us feel guilt, anxiety, frustration and so on - procrastination is an enemy of a wealth conscious internal state. 

When you learn to understand and be aware of your own states, you learn to recognise them, what causes them and can find yourself in a position of being able to prevent certain states from occurring before they get to an unmanageable level. Heightening awareness of our states helps to allow us to prevent much of what we don't need and allows us to make more of each moment.

Now, I don't know about you, but I am quite sure, no, I am really sure that I would not want to spend my life experiencing limiting and unpleasant states, but you would be amazed how many people actually do. Think about how much time you spend in states that you would rather not. What states would you rather be in? As you think about those states that you would like to be in, then think about how much time you actually spend in those states

As of today, become aware of your physiology: This you can change easily. Move your body differently, change your posture, move around, adopt the positions that you adopt when you feel a different way. I know that when you are happy you hold your body differently to when you are sad, so change your physiology.  Really get into the idea of asking yourself what you need to do physiologically to make yourself feel and be different at that time. Learn to hold you body like someone who has a wealthy mindset, who has the desire and drive I wrote about in previous weeks, someone who is assured of attaining wealth goals.

Then start to think about how you create and develop progressive abundant states: I have often needed to find some inner strength or mental calmness before I can even think about dealing with something that I have to do, especially if it is demanding. Let me tell you how I do that. Sometimes I do something different for a while to build up to it, or I encourage myself to do something and gee myself on, but most of the time I think about how I did something well before and remember the feelings I had then when I handled something really well and successfully. Other times, I think about how enjoyable the outcome is going to be once achieved. I usually feel more decisive and productive as a result.

Today, we are going to set up a good, resourceful, prosperous state with a fabulous technique, using your imagination. In addition, I want you to imagine that the internal state of prosperity that you are creating also acts as a shield to protect you from old influences that may have nudged you off course in the past. Likewise, if some sort of distraction presents itself, you are protected from it effecting you as it may have done in the past - you maintain your productive, wealthy mindset.


When people consider taking action and getting productive, they often go through that phase of  rationalising it with themselves. You use that language at times, don't you?

"I ought to start planning."

"I should do some research."

"I must make those calls."

"I should start writing today, maybe tomorrow."

This sort of language shows that getting productive is often something we don't really want to do, but it is somehow necessary for us to get something else, it is a means to an end and not very compelling. We want to be wealthy, we want to live a certain lifestyle, we want to feel proud of ourselves, we want to be perceived in a particular way - certain wealth achievements do these things for many people

There are very few people that first start out on their journey toward their wealth mindset that actually really think to themselves and tell the world around them:

"I want to be productive."

"I enjoy taking action."

"I love feeling the sensation of decisiveness."

It often takes us a while to develop this perspective as we get productive. Whenever I say these kinds of things, many people look at me as if I am some sort of nutjob.

It tends to then feed my motivation to take action further and keep on doing it. It is now an intrinsic and automatic part of my life and my day-to-day regimen.

"What? Is that it Adam? That is your strategy for getting motivated? Just keep on doing it until you like it?!"

Nope. That kind of suggested process is likely to end up as many ventures do - down the pan.

Many people have an unusual psychological association with taking decisive action. They think of it as some sort of a chore and think of doing it with some kind of begrudging mindset, like it is a punishment; often perpetuated by those that insist on "no pain, no gain" or other outdated 80s idiocy that only deserve ot be repeated at select nostalgic moments when refusing to throw away your 'Frankie Says Relax' t-shirt.

If you consider being productive to be something you must/should/ought to be doing because you have to earn a certain amount of money to compete with your neighbours or impress your in-laws by feeling you have to sacrifice some comfort and exchange pain, hassle and .... Then of course you are not going to be motivated to do what is necessary.

Today, I thought I'd run through a nice process, using self-hypnosis, mental imagery and a bunch of other stuff (excuse the technical jargon) to show you how to get motivated to take action and end up wanting to be productive, feel good doing it, and enjoy taking decisive action - because it feels good really!

Before we start with this process, write up a list or have a mental note of all the reasons that you want to have a wealthy mindset - include all your motivations for achieving your wealth goals. Word them in a positive frame. By that I mean, to state that you want to 'achieve the lifestyle I desire' and not 'I don't wanna be skint.' Make your reasons things that move and strive to achieve rather than things you want to avoid - at least for this exercise, we are going to be positive.

I appreciate that many people are motivated by fear and avoiding things that they do not want, but this particular process lends itself better to being progressive.

With that in mind, also now think of some really marvellous statements that are inspiring and motivating to you such as those I gave earlier "I love to take action more and more" and "I increasingly enjoy being productive" and "my mind and body loves being decisive" or word things however you choose, in your own preferred way.

So with that set of great reasons for exercising in mind,  and with a set of positive affirmations to deliver to yourself later on, let the fun begin; make it your aim to have a powerful state of productivity, appropriate levels of positivity, and for it to stop you being distracted or procrastinating. 

Steps to Build and Protect a State of Wealthiness: 

Prior to starting, construct and develop a positive cognition or affirmation that you can use in this session and thereafter to stimulate feelings of productivity in the future. 

Step One:  Induce Hypnosis: 

Induce hypnosis. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my Science of Self-Hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you establish the hypnotic mindset:

Heavy Arm Self-Hypnosis Induction Method.

Using Eye Fixation for Self-Hypnosis.

The Chiasson Self-Hypnosis Method.

Hand to Face Self-Hypnosis Induction.

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis.

The Coin Drop Self-Hypnosis Induction.

Step Two: You may choose to remember a time you enjoyed being productive, where you took action, were decisive and you felt great for it. Alternatively, you can imagine and create such an experience..

Spend a few moments imagining that you have just completed a project of some kind. You decide what kind of action it was. Notice what you see all around you, notice the sounds of the environment you are in and most importantly, start to feel the sensations of having enjoyed a spectacular uplifting decisive period of productivity that is leading towards your desired wealth outcomes.

Imagine the endorphins that your brain is pumping through your body that reach every cell of your body. Notice the warm tingle of heightened sensation in your muscles as they relax after the project is complete. Like it is a glowing, joyous sense of satisfaction. Imagine feelgood chemicals working through your system.

You might choose to imagine the good feelings as a colour working through your body and mind, or as a sound or even just get a physical sense of it working through your body and you concentrate on it.

Really spend plenty of time making sure you generate a very real and observable sensation in your mind and body that represents the sensation of having just been productive. As you do it, tell yourself that you are going deeper into hypnosis and use this step to deepen your own experience of hypnosis at the same time.

When you are certain you have that, move on to the next step.

Step Three:

Now we benefit from one of the main benefits and characteristics of hypnosis. Magnify and increase that magnificent feeling. Maybe you imagine a dial in your mind, maybe you imagine the colours spreading or becoming brighter, maybe you sense the feelings expanding, maybe you just tell yourself they are amplifying, maybe you move the feelings (or your imagined feelings) faster and faster through your body and build them up to a feverishly delightful and delicious joyous feeling.

Take all the time you need and really practice expanding and developing this glorious feeling of post-action bliss and ecstasy. The feeling of achievement!

When you are sure that you have grown it and amplified it to a memorable level, move on to the next step. 

Step Four:

Holding those great feelings, recall all the reasons you have for achieving your wealth goals. All those great reasons and motivations you have. Remind yourself of all those wonderful reasons you have for getting productive and start to imagine how good it is going to be when you achieve those desired outcomes - maybe it is going to help you live a certain lifestyle that you wish, maybe it is wanting to feel good, or prove to people that you can do this, whatever the reasons, imagine you have achieved them and notice how good the feelings of achievement are. Bask in them and combine these feelings with those that you already have.

Build and develop and amplify, then move on to the next step.

Step Five:

Continue to build and amplify the good feeling and now state those affirmations to yourself, those positive statements.  Start to say to yourself any one of the affirmations or positive statements that you decided upon prior to starting this session, for example: 

I love to be productive more and more.  Or...

I get increasingly more enjoyment from taking action towards my wealth goals.

Be more personal and specific than these generic examples. Repeat the chosen statement over and over in your mind and imagine that these words are getting combined with that good feeling, so that if you say these words to yourself outside of hypnosis, they install the feelings.

Imagine the words rolling around your mind and body and let these words become associated with that great, motivating feeling.  When you are sure that these words have been repeated enough times in your mind to really have an effect in real-life, then move on to the next step.

Step Six:

To bring this together, now imagine being in a typical situation in your life when you are about to choose whether to take action or not. See the sights, hear the sounds, be in that place, that environment of your life.

Now mentally rehearse that in that situation, you state those words to yourself, you feel those feelings begin to grow and develop within you, you are inspired into action and you decisively choose to be productive.

Step Seven:

Tell yourself that every time you practice this process, it becomes easier to do in real-life. Tell yourself that each time you have to decide whether to move towards your goals or not, you start to automatically feel really good at the prospect of it, knowing the great feelings you get and knowing the wonderful outcomes that await you.  Think about some action that you can go and do within the next 48 hours and decide to do that.

Step Eight:

Remind yourself of that lovely feeling spreading through your body - the feeling of satisfaction we developed in the earlier steps. Imagine it spreading through your body.

Here in the UK, there used to be an advertisement for a breakfast cereal called ready brek. Every time someone in the advert had eaten Ready Brek for breakfast, when they left the house, they had a glow around them. I want you to make it your aim to have a glow about you wherever you are and whatever you are doing. A glow that protects you from having your state affected by unwanted influences. Now that we have developed this productive state, we want to protect it. 

Imagine the good feeling filling your body so comprehensively, that it moves out beyond your body and forms a powerful protective shield that ensures you are free of distractions and your productivity is not unduly diverted.

Let it cover your body in any way you like and remind yourself of it being there throughout your days. When you have got it there, completed and almost like an armour plating, move on to the final step. 

Step Nine:

Count from 1 through to 5 to bring yourself up and out of hypnosis. Open your eyes, wiggle your fingers and toes and reorient yourself.

So now, on a daily basis, spend some time generating good motivating feelings about being productive - keep your protective shield up so as to avoid attempts to procrastinate!

Split Screen Technique

Secondly then, we have a split screen technique to destroy procrastination thoughts when they occur.  

What pleasure do you get by not taking action?

In your mind does it outweigh the pain of not taking certain actions?

Is there more you could be doing to develop your wealth mindset?

I used to be a big procrastinator in my early and mid twenties. I always wanted to write books, to have a flourishing career, to travel more and maintain certain friendships, but I kept on setting things aside and diverting my attention to other things. I worked averagely hard, but was sabotaging my own life by not getting the books into print, not writing the new programmes or making the progress that I desired personally and professionally.

I was sabotaging myself. There was a part of me that believed that it was not possible for me to have success or even deserved it. I had not worked as hard as my Dad advised me was necessary to get ahead in life. He had risen out of very poor beginnings to get where he was against all kinds of adverse conditions. I just had not overcome anything, in fact, I believed that I had been handed everything on a plate.

I worked fairly hard but when it was obvious I could do great things, I would get lazy and stop being productive when I saw the potential for a successful life.

Once I had my own house I would often find myself watching the TV for hours, flicking through the channels. I was flicking away the hours of my life! I know and meet lots of people that do this too There were other ways I was procrastinating, but that one was most prominent and obvious.  

Then I attended a Tony Robbins seminar in London and I remember him talking about having to have a goal. Now, I had lots of my own dreams and goals. What's more, I really did believe I had lots of potential.

The seminar faded from my mind as my mind flashed possible futures. I saw one of being mediocre and unaccomplished and another one was where I was a success on my own terms with all the wonderful things and people in my life that I want, and I decided that I really wanted that more than the other future possibility.

I started to think "What do I need to do to change?"

"I have to stop procrastinating and I must start to get off my backside and not just work, but finish projects and finish them successfully." I could see the end result that I wanted. I just had not been taking the necessary action to make things happen and make it all work and fit into place for me. I had been procrastinating and flicking through the channels.

So I rummaged through all the books and training manuals I had to find the right solution for me to take control of my brain and one of the most powerful ones I ever did I am going to share with you all today. It is known as the swish pattern.

Ok, so get yourself nice and comfortable and we are going to run through this technique.

Step One:

Firstly, identify what it is that you want to change. Run through that thing in your mind, get all the details of that behaviour in your mind. 

Step Two:

With your eyes closed, imagine that you are sat in the most comfortable chair in your own private cinema, and imagine that you are looking up at a huge blank cinema screen. Now up on the screen play the procrastinating behaviour over in your mind like a film clip.

I used to sit down in front of the TV, so I imagined doing just that, up on that screen was me holding the remote control in my right hand with my thumb over the channel hopping button. I imagined the TV in front of me and with my right hand holding tightly onto the remote control. I imagined the channels changing as I pressed the buttons.

Step Three:

Wash that from your mind for a moment, clear your mind. Now decide what behaviour you want to do instead and see yourself rewarded.

Having established and replayed what you no longer want to experience. That was the repeating loop of procrastination that you were doing time after time in the past. That is what needs to stop. Now you have to figure out what behaviour you want to do instead.

What I wanted was to take action by writing more material for my books, researching for and recording new audio programmes, and studying more. I wanted to help change people's lives! I wanted to see looks on people's faces that were of happiness and satisfaction and I wanted to get well paid for that! How could I create a behaviour that I would do instead of flicking through the channels of the TV? How could I turn all of these desires into one simple process in my mind?

I created a film clip in my mind which went something like this: I see my hand flicking the channel on the remote controller and this alerts me to immediately get up and go to the computer. I start typing and I immediately see the rewards that I really want, coming out of the computer. I see the money, I feel the sense of self-satisfaction, I see things around me that are the rewards of my hard work. It all feels perfect.

That is the new film clip. Do this now and get this really vivid in your mind. Get the sights, sounds and feelings integrated into this film clip, it must be as vivid as possible. 

Step Four:

Now we need to install the new behaviour.

So now we have two very different film clips of how you want to be and how you were in the past. We need one to be more dominant in your mind in a way that will create lasting change. For me, it meant that as soon I ever saw myself holding the TV remote control, I had to get to work on something that I have been procrastinating about. 

So, for this next step, you have to see the old behaviour in your mind, up on the large screen. Then have the new behaviour as a smaller image. Shrink this image so that it fits into a little tiny picture box in the lower right hand side of the big screen. So basically, you are looking at two screens; the big old, unwanted behaviour and the small new desirable and productive behaviour. 

Step Five:

On the big screen is the film clip of the procrastinating behaviour that is causing so much sabotage in life. You see yourself watching the film clip of the procrastination and then you "swish!"

When I say "Swish" what I mean is this: Immediately the tiny box in the lower right hand corner explodes onto the big screen. The old film clip is shrunk into the small box. You can't even see what's going on in that tiny picture any more. Instead you see yourself doing the new behaviour. In my case, I saw myself going to the computer and starting to do work that would be productive and I saw myself receiving the rewards I wanted.

Step Six:

Then you reset things. Let the picture in the small box, the old unwanted behaviour, reset onto the big screen.  With the new behaviour in the small bottom screen and the "swish" them again.

Imagine that as you swish them, you are obliterating and destroying the old behaviour. Make the new film clip, the new behaviour more and more vivid and sensory rich and make the old behaviour more vague each time you shrink it, have it lose some of it's qualities, losing its colours, sounds and so on, make it more and more vague each and every time you do this. Like you are erasing its effectiveness from your mind. 

The old film clip that was running as a behaviour in your life is being shrunk down and dismantled every time you put it on to the big screen, then replaced with the new productive behaviour with a "Swish." I even have a special sound that I use in my mind to go with the word swish as I say it in my mind. 

Step Seven:

Repeat lots of times.

I know therapists who do this with people 3 times and then that is it. I recommend that you do this lots and lots of times.

I did this in excess of 30 times in an hour one day. By the end of that hour, I had a new behaviour. I had a new response to seeing the TV and the remote control. Up until this day, it just keeps on working and as each day has gone by, the new behaviour has become more and more lodged into my brain and my life. It got to the stage a couple of years ago that I just do not go near the TV any longer, I literally walk straight to the computer to begin and finish projects that richly reward me and those that follow my work.

Run yourself through those steps lots of times and really see the end to any procrastination. Then you can start really taking huge leaps into action for your own wealth mindset development. 

Use both of these processes this week and get productive!

Articles Of The Week

Here are a selection of topical articles that I enjoyed reading this week, often related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. My personal comments about them are in brackets and just because we feature an article here, it does not mean they represent my own views - most often, they do not! If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here:

Improvements from stopping smoking are at least as effective or MORE than taking anti-depressants for mood anxiety disorders! Impressive findings!!

Here is the actual study - conclusion is that smoking cessation:

  • is associated with reduced depression, anxiety, and stress and improved positive mood...
  • the improvements are just as large for those without mental health issues as those with them and...
  • the improvements are as large or greater than anti-depressants for mood and anxiety disorders.

Change in mental health after smoking cessation

Here is some additional Daily Mail coverage:

It has traditionally been suggested that people with previous suicidal ideation or severe depression may be contraindicated to stopping smoking due to it potentially leading to depression in some cases - therefore, will this BMJ study supersede such notions? Not with diligent therapists, no. Stopping smoking is still potentially contraindicated if the client has had severe depression or suicidal ideation in the past.

- Horizon on BBC TV this week was a programme I was consulted about and was nearly part of. I was going to conduct hypnotic anaesthesia for a surgery patient, but sadly the lady pulled out and we did not have enough time to get it set up in time with someone else. The programme focusing on the Power of the Placebo had a section on dental hypnosis towards the end:

10 Nervous habits that hurt your health:

Finally, I thought I'd mention the Change Phenomena hypnosis conference. Many of those from my school are going this year and it is the best hypnosis conference around in my opinion, do come and join us:


More next time.

Joke Of The Week

Following our 7-year-old jokes for previous week,s I received a more adult gag this week that made me laugh greatly...

Two lads are at the bar discussing their girlfriends...

'My Amy's a bit of an airhead,' the first guy says. 'She's just bought a car and she can't even drive.' 'You think that's bad?' his mate laughs. 'My girlfriend has just gone to Greece on a girlie holiday with her mates. She took a bumper pack of condoms - and she doesn't even have a willy.'

Hahahahahaha, brilliant, love that one. Thank you everyone who sends me in the jokes and tells me them with such frequency, they help keep a smile on my face!

Part Two Of This Audio Programme Has Now Been Added And You Can See What Adam Has To Say About This  - His Favourite Project
Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Check out this video in the Online Hypnotic Store

Can You Write A Witty Caption For This Weeks Photo
caption contest picture scooters
Why not join us and add your captions? 

Adam Eason Forthcoming Courses & Events

 Avoid Disappointment - Book Early

Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 
Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com 

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4

Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 

CBH Prospectus

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

We have new dates available for two courses I have planned: 



We are constantly adding new material to our Platinum Members Area - this richest of resources of hypnosis training.

PLEASE NOTE - The many hours of video recorded at the Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy Course recently run in Bournemouth has been added to the Platinum area.

We recently added footage from a seminar ran in April this year:  My own presentation about how to use hypnotherapy with children and the presentation from Jill Harrington relating to counselling skills for hypnotherapists will be available by this weekend.

For those of you that are members, I hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in hypnosis or are a student or a professional in the field of hypnosis, then our platinum area is a mighty resource. As well as it containing many hours of footage from my hypnotherapy diploma course, rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena seminars, it has several additional lectures and footage as well as audio guides.

The Platinum Membership  is something we are incredibly proud of here and we add to it regularly. Our next 10 month hypnotherapy diploma is going to be recorded in full and added to the area later this year too.

Online Hypnosis Download Store

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week by registering at my homepage.

I'll be back next week, enjoy educating your wealth consciousness this week this week ... I thank you for reading...  Goodbye for now.



Shaan White

Shaan White
HPD Hypnotherapist, Brighton, UK

"I took the decision to train as a Hypnotherapist very seriously and wanted to do my qualification with someone who was at the top of their game, but also get a real world certificate that would be recognised and accepted worldwide. After many hours of searching, I came across Adam Eason. I read all the testimonials and something seemed to tell me that this was the person to go for. I was impressed with the level of qualification on offer and, after studying the brochure, I decided Adam was the right person for me.

I have to say that Adam is the most incredible teacher around. The Diploma demands your full attention and demands you to work hard and thoughtfully throughout the course. During the time of doing the Diploma, I sadly suffered a number of bereavements which put additional stress and pressure on me to complete the Diploma. Adam and I worked very closely, and through Adam's incredible support and understanding, I felt I had the confidence to get this Diploma. Our support calls enabled me to refine the answers I gave, and look at further research to answer the questions, and all this led to me receiving my HPD Diploma, which to this day remains my greatest accomplishment.

I give Adam my full recommendation, as you will not find a greater teacher who can teach hypnotherapy, or even who knows more about the complex and often misunderstood world of hypnotherapy. During the 10 month Diploma, Adam taught the subject with his incredible sense of wit and humour, yet always managed to instill and challenge you to explore and investigate more about that Module's topic. I would urge you to complete the homework tasks as and when they are set during the Diploma, and not to leave them to the last minute. I never thought I would achieve my dream of getting the HPD, but I have, and I put it down to Adam's incredible support, knowledge and motivation. I really like and respect Adam, because no question was silly or stupid, and Adam always gave me the most detailed answer to my questions as they came up.

I wish you all the success in getting your HPD, and as they say, if I can do it, then there's no reason why you can't! Thank you."


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The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.