** - Desire and Belief - the Foundation For Using Hypnosis To Be Wealthier

Published: Thu, 02/06/14

Jan #1
                       Edition #431

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Hello , Welcome To This Week's Adam Up
Onto This Week's Adam Up

In last week's edition, I rounded up by writing this:

Coming Up In February: Using Hypnosis to Become Wealthier

I found it difficult to write that title today. This is something I have toiled with.

In recent years I have gradually moved towards a much more evidence-based approach to the application of hypnosis. There is no empirical evidence to directly suggest that using hypnosis can help people become wealthier in financial terms. No studies to support such an application of hypnosis. For a number of years, we offered a 'millionaire mindset' programme based upon lots of common theories and notions that I had read about from a wide variety of different authors - it sold incredibly well. That's somewhere else I began to struggle with on a personal level. I was making money out of people who needed the help the most - the programme's name suggested they might become a millionaire as a result of using my programme and I had no way of substantiating that. At times, it felt like preying on the needs of those who were struggling the most, and that weighted more and more heavily upon me.

So we offered the full programme for free for a while and the uptake was immense. Eventually, I took the decision to remove it completely. I wanted to focus on applications of hypnosis we had evidence for - more therapeutic applications of hypnosis, and focused on that.

In that time, we have had a most incredible number of people email me and ask where they can get that programme online. We get many people asking to buy it. We get people from all over the world asking about it and for it. I have stood firm and been resolute about not offering it.

Last month, Keith and I were discussing some of our plans for the year ahead and he asked me about this subject matter again. He reminded me about the popularity of that previous programme and showed me more of the emails he had received from people saying how much they had benefited from the programme. One well-known wealth guru even openly wrote that my old Wealth Wizard audio tracks had helped him more than any other single course of tuition or advice on his way to becoming wealthy - but I still refused to offer the previous programme again. Keith asked me if there was a way around it, and if there was anything that we could offer, or anyway we could help all of those who were asking us.

I attempted to do a literature review, but there was very little in the way of direct material to use so I had to look at alternative ways and ideas; processes that had evidence-based rationale that were related and could potentially be put to use in this area I could find nothing and was close to closing the door on this topic forever. Then I flicked open an old copy of Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich' and there at the very start of the book, before chapter one, this is written:

"Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich

Teaching, for the first time, the famous Andrew Carnegie formula for moneymaking based upon the thirteen proven steps to riches.

Organized through 25 years of research, in collaboration with more than 500 distinguished men of great wealth, who proved by their own achievements that this philosophy is practical."

The foreword to the book writes account upon account of people who benefited from the system of beliefs, thinking strategies and processes laid out in this book. Still today, there are a great many who use and apply these processes with great success.

As I started to unwrap some of the chapters and some of the key concepts utilised within the programme of the book, I found that some of the theories had parallels with pieces of evidence that did support them, not just for the field of hypnotherapy, but in fields of neurology, cognitive psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy. This got me looking deeper and starting to formulate ways in which i could start to amalgamate self-hypnosis with some of these principles, some of the studies and some of the core concepts contained within this seminal work. Needless to say, I got on the phone to Keith and told him that I think I have found a way to be able to offer up a series of articles and audio sessions that are supported with evidence, that have solid principles to support them and which will result in me being able to sleep at night, knowing that there is a good chance of people deriving much gain from such applications.

There will be no reference to making people millionaires. There will be no promises. There will be no get rich quick schemes. There will be solid notions and ideas, key themes supported with as much research as possible, cognitive strategies, mental imagery exercises that are all combined with the magnifying and amplifying effects of self-hypnosis aimed at helping you to become wealthier in ways that are right for you.

That is going to be my theme for the month of February both on my blog and on my ezine. I think you are going to really like what I am about to offer up. I'll be writing more in February! 

It is now February and I set about that task as of this week. This first week of February is our foundation building week. Our aim for Februrary is to develop a wealth mindset. A wealthy consciousness that helps us to achieve our wealth goals. 

What is a wealth mindset? What does that actually mean?

.... You tell me

It is not really my job to impose my own translation of what wealth is onto you. Wealth for me means one thing, for you it may mean another.  I am going to encourage you to be specific about it, so have a good think - what would need to be achieved in order for you to deem yourself wealthy? How much money would you need? What would your lifestyle entail? 

This month, throughout all that I write, when I reference 'wealth' - that is your own interpretation. Make it a positive, progressive interpretation and make sure you permit yourself to think BIG.

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BUT Please Click Through And Read The Introduction
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This first week, our aim is to create a burning desire to be wealthier and have that supported with belief. That is; you believe in what it is you desire so greatly and that you believe in your ability to achieve it. 

Note that I refer to a burning desire. This is not the same as some temporary whim or some hopeful wish to attain more wealth. This is strong desire that burns it's way into your consciousness and influences your actions and your ability to take action in a way that is going to help you achieve what it is that you want.

Back in the 1990s, I was at a large family wedding My parents both come from big families and I went to a lot of weddings, christenings and family parties as a younger man. I recall having a conversation with one of my Uncles about my decision to set up my own business as a hypnotherapist. He had enjoyed a couple of drinks, but was very earnest in the way he spoke to me. He told me that it was the wrong time for me to set up in business; both personally and due to a market place that did not want what I had to offer. He told me that most businesses failed within a year and that I had no business experience as was doomed to fail without enough work experience and business acumen (I was in my first ever job at the time). He told me that I was too young to be a therapist, no-one would want my advice and no-one would take me seriously. He told me that therapists did not earn very good money and I would struggle to live a fulfilling life. His was an account that was grey at best. He meant well and wanted the best for me I was best advised to take up a different career that would serve me better and that offered more security and so on.... 

Add to that damning response to my plans the fact that I had accumulated quite a bit of student debt through student loans and credit cards propping up the fact that I was living beyond my means in London.... The outlook appeared bleak and perhaps if common sense were to prevail, I would have taken up some further advice and sought alternative directions with my life and career.

That was in 1997. I have been earning my living as a hypnotherapist ever since. 

Today, I have found it quite rare to encounter people who have worked as a therapist for as long as I have. I run one of the most highly regarded training schools in the UK in this field, I am considered to be a leading authority on the subject of self-hypnosis and using hypnosis to advance running performance, and I am moderately well-known for my work in this field.

This is not some flight of self-indulgence that I mention this. This is me illustrating how I had a strong desire and I had belief that I could do it - I refused to believe my Uncle.  

It was what I was going to do, without a doubt. I was utterly sure of it. It was how I perceived myself. Today it is an inherent part of my identity - it has always been how I desired to be. I didn't think that I'd do something else first. I did not just hope to be a hypnotherapist. I absolutely desired it, I was passionate to the point that it drove me onwards and my behaviours formed around that desire. The desire made it all possible. 

It needs to be said that I made one hell of a lot of mistakes, in my first 5 years in particular. However, I am still buoyed by that desire today. 

It is the same desire that gets me to the end of multi marathons that I complete each year. It is the same desire that I apply to driving my school onwards. It is the same desire that enabled me to write the books and develop the audio programmes I have done, which I am incredibly proud of and that have fuelled the success of my business. 

Napoleon Hill states that 'desire' is "the turning point of all achievement. The first step towards riches." Hill offers a story about an army who sailed out to war and upon reaching the shores of the country they were to engage with in battle, the commander of the army burned all their ships down. They either won the war, or they died - they had no way to return home.

Similarly, in modern times, I'd like to tell you about Guy Laliberté who began his career busking on the streets of Canada playing accordion, walking on stilts and fire-eating. He brought a successful performing troupe from Quebec to the Los Angeles Arts Festival in 1987 and did not have the return fare home! It paid off though; his troupe were eventually brought to Las Vegas where they went on to become the world famous Cirque du Soleil that most people have heard of. Laliberté is quoted on the Forbes rich list as being worth approximately $2.5 billion today. 

In the early 1990s, J.K. Rowling had just divorced and was living on welfare with a dependent child. She states that she wrote most of the first Harry Potter book wandering from café to café as she got her daughter to sleep. Her franchise has become a worldwide success and Rowling is a billionaire. 

Here in the UK, most football fans (and a lot of non-football fans) have heard of Roman Abramovich. His parents died when he was 4 years old; he was raised by his uncle and his Grandmother. He dropped out of college to pursue his entrepreneurial interests, which at first included selling plastic ducks out of an apartment in Moscow! He has gone on to make bigger and bigger acquisitions and he is a billionaire. He has a reputation for being ruthless, but quite clearly has a burning desire to succeed.

Oprah Winfrey, the TV host and media mogul is today worth approximately $3 billion. She was raised by a single parent and grew up being shuttled between Milwaukee and inner-city Nashville. She lived with her Grandmother for her first six years of life and wore dresses made out of potato sacks. She has a number of sad incidents from her early life that make for harrowing reading too. Despite such adversity, she is one of the most famous people on the planet.

Howard Shultz, the CEO of Starbucks is worth approximately $2 billion. He grew up in Brooklyn's housing projects and attended Michigan University on a football scholarship. 

If you read and research these people, you will find that they all had a burning desire to achieve what they deemed to be a success. That burning desire was fuelled by an unshakeable belief.

Napoleon Hill offers up many, many examples of people of his day who had success as a result of a strong desire and a belief underpinning it. In addition to the examples I have given here, all of whom I have read about in depth and studied and find to be truly inspirational, I strongly recommend that you research and track down people who have had that same desire and achieved wealth as a result of it. Find people that resonate well with you. 

Napoleon Hill offers up a six step process for building desire and then turning that desire into a wealthy outcome. He recommends that the process is practiced twice daily. I have combined that process with more modern, evidence based processes of problem solving therapy, self-hypnosis and goal setting principles but have still kept the skeletal theme of Hill's methodology, designed as it is, purely for becoming wealthier. 

Diligence, Preparation and Planning:

I want to make an important point here. There is more to developing a wealthy mindset than just hypnotising yourself. Just as self-hypnosis requires a hypnotic, focused mindset, in order to develop wealth, we need to develop a wealth-conscious mindset. When we have a wealth consciousness, it will direct our actions, fuel our motivation and drive us towards the outcome we desire. The desire needs to be there first, and we are going to build it and enhance it with self-hypnosis. However, we must also be responsible for taking action, preparing thoroughly and being diligent with this. 

You are going to have to invest some time and effort into building your wealth mindset. Before we move on with building our desire and belief and use self-hypnosis, there is some research to complete and some exploration, and definition to get straight. 

1. Research people who had a strong desire to achieve something and went on to do it successfully. Similar to the examples that I have given here today. Read about them, know about them and familiarise yourself with them. This information is going to be used later on.

You are going to use the spirit of those people that have had dreams and gone on to achieve great success. 

2.  Set (SMART) Desired Wealth Outcomes. 

Formulate your desired wealth outcomes using the SMART principles:

S - specific

M- measurable

A - attainable (achievable, actionable)

R - realistic (relevant, reachable)

T - time-bound & tangible

SMART as an acronym is well known and is really useful to keep us thinking soberly while still dreaming BIG about how we want our wealth to be.

Using these guidelines, get a fix in your mind about the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient to simply say "I want plenty of money" - be definite and specific regarding the amount.

Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the wealth you desire. Make sure you believe it is attainable and realistic - we'll ensure you build your beliefs later on in this process.

3. With those desired wealth outcomes written down, then have a think about how exactly you will know that you've achieved them? It might seem obvious - it might be the readout of your bank statement, or it might be something else.      

One way to cement all of this process later on when we use self-hypnosis is to acquaint yourself with the outcome you want.

To be achieved a goal needs to become real to you. As the great US coach Robert Dilts explains, 

"The more it matters to the client the more it acts as a magnet it will draw in the person rather than the person having to push for it."

Therefore, write down a detailed account of how it will look, sound and feel when you have achieved your desired wealth outcomes. Build a very real picture of how you and your life will be. This has the effect of making the goal seem achievable and helps you to have a much clearer idea of what you are endeavouring to achieve. We'll also be drawing upon this later on. 

4. Brainstorm Solutions. 

In a similar vain to the evidence-based problem solving protocol of D'Zurilla and Goldfried (though there are many authors from as far back as the 1940s who support the effective use of problem solving therapy) brainstorm a number of possible courses of action to help you achieve your wealth goals and/or take the first step towards them.

Be creative and run through lots of options. You can edit these ideas later. For now, run through lots of options and ideas you have available to you; anything you can think of.  

Consider options, in particular, that you may have avoided, dismissed, or neglected in the past. Consider combining options too. Also consider your own thoughts and behaviours - anything that needs to be changed or potentially worked into a plan of action to establish a wealth mindset.  

5. Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis. 

Examine what you have just written down. Begin with what seem like the best options and list the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of each proposed solution in turn. Make sure you list everything that needs to be taken into account, including both short and long term consequences (pros and cons).

Napoleon Hill suggests that you determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. Despite the Dire Straits song suggesting that you can get your "money for nothing" it is not a sentiment shared by wealth creation experts. What is the cost of the solutions? What is the investment required to achieve your wealth goals?

Go ahead and rate your level of satisfaction with each proposed solution from 0-100%, according to how realistic, achievable and satisfactory it seems. Make a decision which one to implement based on your evaluation.

6. Conduct an Annoyance and Motivation Review. 

Now then, we are nearly complete with our preparation. It is time to remind yourself of your motivations for achieving your desired outcomes for your wealth. At the same time, you can look at the annoyance of not achieving it. Both will fuel your motivation to take action and implement your plan.

In terms of your desired wealth outcomes, your goals, ask yourself the classic Cartesian logic questions:

What will happen if I do achieve my desired wealth outcomes? 

What won't happen if I do achieve my desired wealth outcomes? 

What will happen if I don't achieve my desired wealth outcomes?

What won't happen if I don't achieve my desired wealth outcomes?

List and review your motives to change things. List all of your reasons for wanting to achieve your desired wealth outcomes. Review the benefits of achieving all of your goals, what you hope to gain.

7. Construct Your Plan of Action!

Finally, you now plan the steps required to put the best solution into action, create an action plan and schedule of dates and times. Make a list of realistic and achievable steps that need to be taken to achieve your best solution to progress towards your wealth goals. 

List any "unanswered questions" which need to be answered, and propose the steps required to obtain the necessary information. The plan may involve using psychological techniques too, so think about that, it may involve adapting certain behaviours, it may involve other people and their influence upon you etc. If you really want to put the cherry on top of your plan, anticipate possible setbacks, if possible, and provide a contingency to deal with them.

Once you have done your due diligence J and have completed the above 7 preparatory steps, proceed onto the belief building process before we are reading to work on that burning desire that I have talked about so much here today. 

This process will culminate in a hypnosis session to practice daily this next week. While you practice that process to boost your desire and turn it into action that will create your wealth outcomes and build your wealth-consciousness; that desire also needs to be supported with belief. It is tough to keep running through a process if you do not fully believe in your ability to do it. I recommend you run through the self-hypnosis process with as much conviction as possible, in the same way all of those billionaires believed in themselves....  but I think the following steps that offer up a practical guide about how to update your beliefs rationally, will advance what you do with your desire.

We want belief instead of hope or wishing...  Napoleon Hill states 

"Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief."

Building Wealthy Beliefs:

All those examples I gave of those billionaires - they all had the burning desire, and they all had belief.  Beliefs fuel the wealthy a great deal.

Many people have beliefs that are holding them back from achieving their desired wealth outcomes.

My very first therapist said something to me that I have written about many times before in the past, in mid conversation he said "well Adam, whatever you believe to be the truth, is the truth for you..." As he carried on talking, a lightbulb switched on in my head and stuck with me ever since.

A favourite author of mine, the late Robert Anton Wilson wrote in Prometheus Rising "what the thinker thinks, the prover proves" meaning that we think a thought and then filter reality to match that thought and thus prove it to be the truth for us. Beliefs do this filtering job incredibly well for us, but not always the most accurately or the most beneficially.

First, We Want to Discover Any Limiting Beliefs:

Your beliefs are explained by many as the rules of your life, well at least they are the rules that you will no doubt be living by at some level. These rules may be what sets you free to achieve things in your life and live the way that you think is important. The beliefs you have about your ability to be wealthy are going to subsequently influence and affect your actions and the chances of you actually achieving your wealth goals.

These beliefs therefore, may be restricting your wealth mindset and holding you back; they may even be creating the belief that you are incapable of achieving your wealth goals. Or as in the case of the previously mentioned billionaires; those beliefs make sure you achieve what you set out to.

We tend to form our beliefs as the result of our experiences and then we act as if they are true. In one sense they are self-fulfilling prophecies. If you believe you are capable of being wealthier, you will act that way, dedicate yourself that way, approach your life that way and communicate with yourself that way when working towards your goals.

Many think that beliefs are only formed by experiences, but equally experiences are the results of beliefs which means that you can choose, create and fashion your beliefs!

In any aspect of life, and especially when it comes to wealth development, we all have a personal investment in our own beliefs. When the world confirms them, then they make a lot of sense to us, they are then predictable and give us a sense of security and certainty. We even may take a perverse pleasure in a poor outcome occurring in life, providing we have predicted it; how many of you have used the term 'I told you so' and found it to be a satisfying phrase? Not because you necessarily wanted anything to go wrong, but because your beliefs were proved correct.

Prior to updating our beliefs, it is best to make sure we are aware of any negative and limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are a major offender stopping us from achieving our wealth goals. They act as rules that stop us from getting what exists within us as potential and we all have so much potential to be wealthy that we do not tap into nearly enough.  Limiting beliefs hold us back from achieving what we are actually capable of.

So have a good think about this question; "What is stopping you from achieving your wealth goal?" and know that the answers are very often your limiting beliefs.

Here are some typical limiting beliefs that are amazingly common among individuals with a progressive wealth mindset;

"It is too late in my life to become wealthy."

"I do not have the right personality to be wealthy."

"Other people are better at doing XYZ than me."

"I do not deserve to be a success."

"I have reached my limits."

"I need to work very hard to just make ends meet."

"wealth requires great sacrifice."

This is important: These and similar beliefs are only true if you act as if they are. Suppose they are mistaken? What difference would that make? Is the difference worthwhile? What if you held other, more progressive beliefs?

In the process of achieving your goals, sometimes just being able to articulate any existing limiting beliefs and in turn noticing their effect is enough to alter or dissolve your old unwanted belief and therefore change and update your own reality.

It has certainly been my experience that the majority of people are not usually aware of their limiting beliefs. So the first step is to put them into language or to write them down. Then they are exposed and can be examined and ideally let go of.

One way is to simply ask yourself what the reasons are that you are not currently achieving your goal. What do you think is holding you back? Or ask yourself what the reason is you are struggling in some way? Ask yourself that question and answer as truthfully and thoroughly as you can. The answers will reveal what it is that you perceive to be limitations. More often than not, these limits will be more about you than about the world. When they are about you, they are something that can be changed or updated.

A good principle to work from is the following;

Whatever you state is preventing you from achieving your goal is a belief and comes from you, not reality.

Barriers to success are created in the outside world from limiting beliefs in your mind.

Reason with yourself intelligently and objectively and write down and explore any limiting beliefs that you hold that you think may be detrimentally effecting your running.

Now Lets Update Our Beliefs:

Having identified a belief that you think is limiting or restrictive or causing you problems, make sure that you write it down precisely. When you get a belief down on paper and look at it in that way it then begins to dissipate already; it is exposed and vulnerable.

Now run through the following 18 steps to rigorously question and ideally transform the belief. This is a very thorough and diligent process that requires you to take some time, get sat down with a pen and paper and devote some thought, reasoning and conviction. It'll be worth it when the results occur though, eh? Those that spend the right time on it will reap the rewards and form a solid foundation of positive cognitions that are going to fuel your wealth creation wonderfully.

1. Ask yourself and write down how true the unwanted, negative belief feels on a scale of 0-100%.

2. Now ask yourself and write down how true that belief is in reality on a scale of 0-100%.

Be objective here, be as neutral and as honest as you can be.

3. As you look at that old belief, write down when it feels the most emotionally convincing? Then also write down when it feels the least emotionally convincing.

This is going to give you some valuable information about the kinds of conditions that will exasperate the issue and the unwanted belief.

4. Write down what actual evidence you have for that negative belief.

What evidence is there to support that unwanted, negative belief? Again, be neutral, realistic and objective.

5. Now write down what evidence you have that contradicts or challenges it.

What evidence do you have, and what evidence can you find right now that proves the old, unwanted negative belief is not necessarily the truth or a fact?

6. Write down what possible advantages there are to holding the negative belief.

Is it (the negative old belief) serving you beneficially in some perverse way?

7. Now write down what possible disadvantages there are to holding that negative belief?

At this stage, before moving on to the upcoming questions, start to recall a time when you doubted a belief?

Can you remember an occasion when you doubted something that you really used to hold as a firm belief? You may wish to reflect on your life, think about the kind of beliefs that you had at certain times in your life, I know that mine have changed and altered a great deal over the years. I remember having solid beliefs about certain things when I was at college and can remember doubting those beliefs as I learned more about life and throughout my studies.

When you think about that period of doubt, how did you know that you were doubting your belief? Did you have certain sensations in your body? What were you thinking about? How did you think about it? What were you experiencing? Really see if you can get back into that state of doubt, psychologically and physiologically. While in that state, bring to the forefront of your mind the old unwanted limiting belief that you identified earlier and have a think about your old limiting belief that you want to shed; do this while in that doubting state.

Great isn't it? Who would have thought that there are advantages to doubting things? Start to doubt the old unwanted belief.

Continue to do this with some more of the questions that we previously asked, begin picking away at the old withering belief by asking your self:

"What are the disadvantages to your running of having this old belief?"

"Does it really fit in with what is truly important to me as a runner?"

"In the past, when was having this old belief getting in the way of my running performance?"

"What would it be like to be free of this old belief?"

Just roll those questions around in the mind and then start to get focused again.

8. What possible thinking errors are contained in that negative old belief? By holding that old belief....

- Are you blaming or personalising?

- Are you discounting the positives?

- Are you catastrophising, or thinking the worst?

- Are you making an over-generalisation?

- Are you engaging in shouldism or musterbation? (If you think you should or must be doing something, for example, it is very different from wanting to do something Do you feel obliged to do something by having this belief?)

9. Having considered all those things, how true does the negative old belief feel now on a scale of 0-100%? Write that figure down.

Get your self nice and relaxed and breathing deeply and comfortably and then go ahead and imagine that deep inside of you exists a large furnace and if you really want to be free of the old belief forever, then imagine tossing it into the furnace and watch it burn away into nothing.

Now lets update... Think carefully about this; what would be a more realistic and helpful alternative belief to have? Before you write it down on the next numbered step, consider these important points:

Firstly, it has to be stated positively and progressively, remember that you want to move towards goals not move away from fears with your beliefs, ask for what you want, not what you don't want. 

Secondly, you must ensure that you are comfortable and happy with the desired belief, make sure that it does not harm, conflict with or upset anyone to have this belief; that includes your self!

Thirdly, make sure that it is worded in the present tense, by that I mean phrase it as if it is occurring now. For example if your goal were to achieve your ideal weight, a suitable new belief would be: "I believe I am able to achieve my ideal weight."

By doing that now, you have made the desired belief relevant and pertinent now and you have gone and given it flow, direction and energy.

10. Write down a better, new belief that is going to replace the old one. As you look at it, write down how true it feels right now on a scale of 0-100%.

11. As we did with the old belief, looking at and thinking about the new belief, write down when it feels the least emotionally convincing.

12. Write down when it feels the most emotionally convincing.

13. What evidence could you possibly have against the new belief? Is there any evidence to suggest a problem with the new belief?

14. What evidence do you have for that positive new belief?

Find evidence that shows it is correct, realistic and useful to have this new belief. Write it down.

15. Write down any disadvantages to you for holding that positive new belief.

If there is any kind of downside, objectively write that down here.

16. Now write down all the advantages to you of holding that new positive belief.

Before proceeding, get into a receptive state of mind now. Think back through your life, just have a think about times when you have been impressionable, willing to learn, open to change and especially open to new beliefs. Remember everything about that wonderful state of receptivity; How did it feel? Where in your body were the feelings? What did you see? What internal dialogue did you have? Really run through as much as you possibly can to achieve that state again for your self right now?

As you recall a time when you were open to a new belief, now really focus on and think about your new desired belief while in this open, receptive state. Now ask your self;

"How would it feel to have your desired belief?"

"How is it a better belief than the old one?"

"What difference would it make to your life to have this new belief?"

"What things would you do that you have not been doing?"

"What would you be able to achieve and overcome now?"

Nothing to write down just yet, simply roll these thoughts around inside your mind as you engage positively with the new belief.

To round off this step nicely, take some time out now to evaluate the new belief. How good does it feel? Is there any tweaking to do? Can you make it even better and even more empowering?

17. Having run through this, now write down how true it feels now on a scale of 0-100%.

18. Finally, we come onto the process of taking some action.

Make a choice to take some action. Think about your previously written plan of action. What can you and what will you do differently this very day as a result of having this wonderful new wealthy belief?  If this new belief were true and you really believed it, how would you act, what action would you take?

Start doing things differently straight away and get that new belief firmly embedded into your behaviour patterns. When you start to do things differently, you then have physiological support and experience of the new belief and it becomes verified and enhanced with each new day.

With your beliefs in place, and having run through the preparatory steps prior to that, you can now engage in the following self-hypnosis session each day for the next week to get your desire firing and your wealth mindset in place.

Self-Hypnosis to Build Desire and Entrench Belief For Your Wealth Mindset: 

Step One:  Induce Hypnosis: 

Induce hypnosis. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my science of self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you establish the hypnotic mindset:

Heavy Arm Self-Hypnosis Induction Method:  

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Chiasson Self-Hypnosis Method.

Hand to Face Self-Hypnosis Induction.

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Hand to Face Self-Hypnosis Induction:

The Coin Drop Self-Hypnosis Induction: 

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two:

Tune into yourself, become aware of yourself, be mindful of yourself physiologically. Be aware of your breathing, note the pace of your heart beat and just observe your physical self. Tell yourself that as you tune into yourself and become mindful of how you are in this moment, you go deeper... 

Feel that sense of desire within you. That desire to achieve your wealth goals. Imagine it spreading around your body, perhaps like a colour, or as a sound or a sensation that travels through your body and mind, filling you with a drive and a sense of purpose that knows no barriers or boundaries.

Let it dominate you and as you notice it building, keep those feelings with you and move on to the next step. 

Step Three:

Think about the plan of action you have compiled and constructed. 

As you reflect on it and think about the steps you are going to take and that are involved in this plan, start to see yourself taking those steps. As you successfully take those steps, notice changes happening. 

Imagine actually engaging in that plan, taking the actions, going to those places and thinking, behaving, feeling that particular way. Run through it as quickly or as slowly as you like and when you have done that thoroughly, move on to the next step.

Step Four:

Think about one of those highly successful people that you researched and think of as a motivating person. Imagine them stood in front of you. See them in detail. As you look that person, now imagine stepping into their shoes and becoming them.

Feel their desire and belief. Become aware of their mindset. Wear it, tune into it, imagine that you are learning and gaining real insight into this person's sense of desire and belief... 

Bring it all with you as you then move on to step five.

Step Five:

Imagine yourself at that future point in time when you have achieved that wealth goal. 

See yourself at that point in the future, having achieved that desired wealth outcome. See yourself out there, notice your life, notice what is different.

As you look at that version of you, tell yourself "I just know that is going to happen" - as you look at that future you, know without a doubt that it is going to happen. Convince yourself that it is going to happen. When you are convinced undeniably, move on to the next step.

Step Six:

As you look at that version of yourself there, now go and step into those shoes.

Become that future version of yourself. See your life as it now is, having achieved that wealth. See the sights in details, look at the evidence that you have achieved that, hear the sounds, notice how it feels and notice how you think. 

Acquaint yourself with this. Be this version of you. Tell yourself that this is how you choose to be. Get familiar with it and allow yourself to really learn how to be this way, developing your wealth mindset and consciousness all the time.

Then move on to the next step. 

Step Seven:

Think about a positive cognition, or think about your new belief, or a positive affirmation. 

For example: 

"I achieve my wealth goal"

"I know I can do this" 

Or again, it can be the words of your new positive belief. 

Say it to yourself, repeat it over and over and mean it more with each repetition. Say it to yourself in a way that you find to be undeniably convincing.  Convince yourself that you will achieve that desired wealth outcome. 

When you start to feel comfortable with it and you start to really believe those words, move on to the final step.

Step Eight:

Exit hypnosis. Count to five, or just wiggle your fingers and toes before opening your eyes and taking a couple of nice deep breaths.

There you have it - a daily self-hypnosis session, built upon diligent preparation and with a foundation of solid positive belief. Incorporating the work of Napoleon Hill, who researched many millionaires, and adding a number of evidence based principles, this rigorous process will set you up for what is coming the rest of this month. 

Step Reference:

Dilts, R (2003) From Coach To Awakener. Met Publications. 

D'Zurilla, T. J. & Goldfried, M. R (1971) Problem solving and behavior modification. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 78: 107-26, 1971.  

Hill, N (1937) Think and Grow Rich. Chicago, Illinois: Combined Registry Company. 

Wilson, R. A. (1983) Prometheus Rising. New Falcon Publications. 

Article Of The Week

Here are a selection of topical articles that I enjoyed reading this week, often related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. My personal comments about them are in brackets and just because we feature an article here, it does not mean they represent my own views - most often, they do not! If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here:

Success in hypnosis depends on motivation, study suggests.  COLUMBUS, Ohio - People who are willing and motivated to be hypnotized may be as successful in hypnotherapy as those defined as "hypnotizable" or able to enter "altered states," new research suggests:

Worry on the brain: Researchers find new area linked to anxiety:

The Eczema Itch: Using Hypnotherapy to treat eczema: 

'Yoga and hypnosis made feeling sleepy like a deam come true,' say ex-insomniac:

Are all psychological therapies equally effective? Don't ask the dodo. 

More next time.

Joke Of The Week

Following on from my 7-year old inspired previous couple of weeks, this week's joke of the week section is also inspired by children. These are jokes that a number of friends told me this week were the first jokes that their children told them. I think they are brilliant.

Q: What did one snowman say to the other?

A: Can you smell carrots?

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?

A: It wasn't peeling well.

Q: Why did the beach blush?

A: Because the sea wee'd!

Hahahahahaha, brilliant, love those. I am a reborn fan of kid's jokes! Thank you everyone who sends me in the jokes and tells me them with such frequency, they help keep a smile on my face!

Part Two Of This Audio Programme Has Now Been Added And You Can See What Adam Has To Say About This  - His Favourite Project
Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Check out this video in the Online Hypnotic Store

Can You Write A Witty Caption For This Weeks Photo
caption contest picture scooters
Why not join us and add your captions? 

Adam Eason Forthcoming Courses & Events

 Avoid Disappointment - Book Early

Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 
Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com 

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4

Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 

CBH Prospectus

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

We have new dates available for two courses I have planned: 



We are constantly adding new material to our Platinum Members Area - this richest of resources of hypnosis training.

PLEASE NOTE - The many hours of video recorded at the Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy Course recently run in Bournemouth has been added to the Platinum area.

We recently added footage from a seminar ran in April this year:  My own presentation about how to use hypnotherapy with children and the presentation from Jill Harrington relating to counselling skills for hypnotherapists will be available by this weekend.

For those of you that are members, I hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in hypnosis or are a student or a professional in the field of hypnosis, then our platinum area is a mighty resource. As well as it containing many hours of footage from my hypnotherapy diploma course, rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena seminars, it has several additional lectures and footage as well as audio guides.

The Platinum Membership  is something we are incredibly proud of here and we add to it regularly. Our next 10 month hypnotherapy diploma is going to be recorded in full and added to the area later this year too.

Online Hypnosis Download Store

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week by registering at my homepage.

I'll be back next week, enjoy building the foundations of your wealth consciousness this week this week ... I thank you for reading...  Goodbye for now.



Sam Davey

Sam Davey
Therapist, Axminster, Devon, UK

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience on Adam Eason's 10 month diploma and can't recommend it highly enough. Adam is passionate about hypnotherapy, has a vast depth of knowledge, a great sense of humour and committed to his students' progress 100%.

The range of skills and techniques taught on this course has been very comprehensive, and an excellent foundation to begin my career as a hypnotherapist. This diploma does involve a lot of home study, but it's well worth it, and I've found it very rewarding. The last 10 months has been a fantastic experience and one I would recommend to anyone interested in pursuing a career in hypnotherapy."


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Support Centre

The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.