** - Self-Hypnosis For Emotional Issues

Published: Thu, 11/14/13

Nov #2
                       Edition #420

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Hello  Welcome To This Week's Adam Up

Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up, 

Continuing with our theme for this month, I am going to be focusing on using self-hypnosis to help with emotional issues and achieving emotional balance. 

In recent weeks, at a time when my own immediate family has been growing, I have also been confronted by a number of very sad deaths and am reminded of the fragility of life, a subsequent desire to enjoy every moment and to value the ability to be able to manage emotions with the use of cognitions to improve the quality of one's ongoing experience of life.

Within the training courses I run, we often touch upon the field of REBT - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. This field was pioneered by Albert Ellis PHd and can be read about within any of his brilliant books on the subject. One of the core techniques within REBT is the use of Rational Emotive Imagery (REI), which is the focus of today's entry here. As tends to be the case with what I offer here, I shall be offering up some steps for using REI in combination with self-hypnosis.

The main purpose of REI is to aid us in identifying an appropriate and rational emotions that we experience in certain problematic situations or scenarios of our life. Additionally though, and similarly to a lot of the cognitive focused sessions I share here, REI also looks at the kind of coping statements that we use when in those same situations.

This is a process that you learn a great deal about yourself throughout. Also, it is grounded in realism and balance; that is, you are not attempting to feel wonderfully happy in every situation or circumstance in your life. Sometimes, it is absolutely appropriate to be upset in a particular situation or circumstance. However, there is a difference between being healthily upset and unhealthily upset. This process aims for us to be aware of and to be healthily upset. 

Part Two Of This Audio Programme Has Now Been Added And You Can See What Adam Has To Say About This
- His Favourite Project
Science Of Self-Hypnosis
Check out this video in the Online Hypnotic Store

7 Steps To Use Rational Emotive Imagery In Combination With Self-Hypnosis:

The key is for you to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy negative feelings and to change the unhealthy ones into healthy.

Prior to starting, identify a situation whereby you have had an unhealthily upsetting emotional response to. That is, in the past you have had a problematic emotional response to.  You might like to think about a better or healthier emotion to experience in that situation already, but it is not essential at this stage, you can think it through within the session instead.

Get yourself into an attentive, seated posture where you'll be undisturbed for the duration of this exercise. Then proceed with the following steps:

Step One:  Induce Hypnosis: 

Hypnotise yourself. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Heavy Arm Self-Hypnosis Induction Method:  

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Hand to Face Self-Hypnosis Induction:

The Coin Drop Self-Hypnosis Induction: 

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two.

Step Two:

Imagine being in the previously identified difficult situation.  The situation or scenario that caused unhealthy upset in the past. Really immerse yourself in that scene. See the sights, hear the sounds and allow the scenario to stimulate those feelings.

Imagine going deeper into hypnosis with every detail of being in this place. Engage your imagination and make this as vivid as possible whilst remaining as relaxed as possible.  

When you are imagining being in that situation to your satisfaction, it is as real as you can make it for now, move on to the next step. 

Step Three: 

Now label the upsetting feelings you have in that scenario. What are the names of the emotions you feel when you (imagine being) are in that scenario? (for example; anxiety, anger, fear, worry, jealousy etc.)

Just identify the feeling or feelings and when you are sure you have identified them and have an awareness of them, move on to step four. 

Step Four:

Now focus on changing the upsetting emotional response to one that you consider to be healthier, more useful emotion, even if it remains a negative one. 

You might firstly identify or think about what would be a more healthy upsetting emotion or feeling to have in this scenario and then do whatever you need to in order to feel that way instead. 

Take all the time necessary to change the old, upsetting emotional response to a healthier one. Be thorough and diligent with this step, it is important, then move on to the next step. 

Step Five:

Come back to the here and now sat in the chair and start to reorient yourself with your real-life environment. Now you are going to spend some time reflecting upon what you did within the previous step. Start to reflect upon what you just did. 

Ask yourself: 

How did I end up feeling? 

What did I do to change my feelings?

How can my thoughts help me to feel more healthy upset rather than unhealthy upset in the future? 

Answer each of those questions in turn and really get a good understanding of each before you move on. 

Then think about a rational statement that you can say to yourself in real-life situations in the future, for example: 

"Getting angry does not change her and simply serves me poorly."

"Failing at something does not make me a complete failure." 

When you have put that together, and answered all the reflective questions, move on to the next step.

Step Six:

Imagine yourself in the future, in a similar situation and notice yourself thinking and feeling healthily upset, as much as is appropriate. Notice how it makes you feel and how it changes your responses to how they were previously.

Whilst there, state your rational statement to yourself forcefully and with real meaning. Notice how it helps. 

Reassure yourself of your ability to cope appropriately with future situations, then move on to the final step.

Step Seven:

Exit hypnosis. Take a couple of energising breaths, wiggle your fingers and toes and count from one to five (if you use my suggested process of self-hypnosis) then open your eyes and reorient yourself with your surroundings.

Practice this process a couple of times, then go and place yourself in those situations (if it is appropriate to do so) and be aware of dealing with your feelings differently.  You might like to have a go at role playing that scenario before you engage in the real-life scenario, stepping up your rehearsal of your rational response 9so to speak) which is one of the things I'd do in therapy sessions with my clients.

I hope you enjoy that. 

Our November Special Offer Is This 7 Set Emotional Bundle To Accompany Adam's Articles On The Subject
Emotional Health Bundle

Articles Of The Week

Here are a selection of topical articles that I enjoyed reading this week, often related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here: 

Hypnotherapy idea to help smokers quit: 

Exercise may alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms:

Treating post-traumatic stress disorder with ecstasy: 

Here is one of a number of excellent recent articles from school graduate Martin Johnson who is using hypnotherapy and other tools to help support the gay community in a number of ways. Do have a read, the articles are superb:

More next week. 

Joke Of The Week

This week, I do not just have a single joke, but a very long transcript to share. It has been a while since I shared this, but it is a transcript of the Radio Show that Alan Partridge had on radio 4 before becoming a TV and film star. He is my favourite comedy character and I hope this script makes you laugh; it is the show where Alan is hypnotised and although perpetuating many a myth, it never fails to make me smile: 



OK, now, if you just want to move chairs, right. My next guest. Look into my eyes! You are feeling very sleepy. If my soothing voice is soothing enough, it should be sending you listeners at home to sleep. Are you asleep? Well, wake up! Because I, Alan Partridge, am not a hypnotist but my next guest is. I'm told she's going to hypnotize me I might end up like one of those zombies from The Living Dead. Of course, my arms won't be dropping off. She hails from across the Great Lake, good ol' Uncle US of Stateside. She's as American as chocolate chip biscuits and mum's apple tart, but that's where comparisons with a tart must end, lest I come to a sticky end. Ladies and gentlemen, she's not a tart, she's a lady hypnotist, with a set of pins that will hypnotize any bloke. The big question is, what's the name of her game? Please welcome Janey Katz. 

Applause and music: 'The Name of the Game' 


Thank you! 


Janey Katz. Knowing me, Alan Partridge, knowing you, Janey Katz, ah-haa. 




No, ah-hooo, you say, ah-haaa. 




That's right. 


OK, right. 


What's the name of your game? Is it a game? Has it got a name, other than hypnotism? 


Really, what I practice is hypnotherapy, not hypnosis, so I try to distance myself from showbiz, you know, the razzamatazz side of it. I'm not out to make fools of people. I'm there to use hypnotherapy as a form of helping people to open up their minds. 


Right, because I saw a brilliant hypnotist -Tony Mesmer he was called - he was brilliant, he was fantastic. He had blokes crying like babies, he had women on all fours barking like dogs. It was really first-class entertainment, it really was fantastic. 


Yeah, I don't do that. 


He's very popular. He's booked right through to next summer, unavailable, hence your good self. Now, but you were in London promoting your new book. 


That's right, yes. 


I actually know New York quite well. 


You do? 


Mmmm, I popped over there, and I really did get into, as Billy Joel put t, I really did get into a New York state of mind. 


I bet you did. 


Urn, I jumped in a cab and I said, 'Cabbie, take me to the core of the Big Apple. I want to check out the bits, dude.' I really did say that. 


Ha-ha-ha! Oh my God! Just next time, say Manhattan and you'll get there. 


Well, no, I want to get to the centre of New York. 


Yeah, that is Manhattan. 


Right, that's not where I want to go. 


Where do you want to go? 




Yeah.You're in Manhattan. 


Right OK, I'm in Manhattan. What do I do now? 


You just get in a cab, and you say to the driver, 'Take me to Manhattan to Bloomingdales.' 


OK, I'm outside Bloomingdales. What next? What do I do now? 


What do you mean? 


You've hypnotized me. 


No I haven't, no. 


Oh, I see! I'm sorry. 


You'll know, Alan. 


I thought you just slid into it. It's just that you are staring at me. 


I'm sorry. No, I just find you fascinating. 


In what way? 




Really? Thank you. 


My pleasure. 


You, Janey Katz, hypnotist, I, Alan Partridge, clinically fascinating. Thank you. Now I believe right now, I'm very fortunate, because you're going to hypnotize me. 


I certainly am, yes. 




Obviously, we don't have much time, so it's going to be a kind of vague gesture towards it. But the idea is that what we'll try to do is project on to, let's say, the curtain of your mind, a series of images from your past. 


OK, well, I'll draw back my curtains 




- behind which you will find a net curtain. You may lift that up, should you wish 


Thank you. 


- and we'll see if there are any skeletons lurking in - the cupboard, the curtain, the curtain cupboard. 


In your mind. 


My mind's curtain cupboard, yeah. 


All right. Well the first thing to do is to get you relaxed, so if you can just lie on - what are you 


Just put this peg on my nose. 


Why are you putting a peg on your nose? 


(Sounding blocked up) Well, because I was told that your blood-pressure increases during hypnotism. It could lead to a nose bleed. 


No, that's nonsense. Who told you that? 


The researchers. 


I think it was probably a joke. 


Ok, no, that's all right, that's ok. 


Well, I mean, take it off. 


I'll take it off if I wish to take it off. 


You can't relax with a peg on your nose, Alan. 


I should be the judge of whether I should take the peg off my nose, and, as it happens, I have decided to take the peg off. I'll do 

that now 


OK, just lie back on the couch if you could be so kind. 


(Sounding normal again) Right, I'm lying back on the couch, listeners. 


OK, just try to concentrate. Now, I'm going to count you down from three and then in that time I want you to relax every muscle in your body, OK, and then you will be hypnotized. Three, two - one. Now, Alan, without opening your eyes, I want you to tell me what you can see. 


(In a high, childish voice) A pair of plimsolls. 


All right. Now, who do they belong to? 


Little boy. 


Do you recognize the little boy? 


Yes, it's Alan Partridge. 


Uh, huh. Now, I want you to just step inside Alan Partridge. 




Now, Alan, would you tell me how old you are? 

Little Alan 

(Sounding frightened) I'm eight years old. 


And where are you at the moment? 

Little Alan 

I'm on the bottom of Tandle Hill. 


Where's Tandle Hill? 

Little Alan 

Near the school. 


OK. Now, describe what you can see in front of you. 

Little Alan 

There's about eighty boys. 


So you're not alone? 

Little Alan 

No, they're at the top of the hill. 


And where are you? 

Little Alan 

I'm on the bottom. Can't keep up with them, it's a cross-country run. 



Little Alan 

It's cold. It's very cold. 


Why are you so cold if you are running, Alan? 

Little Alan 

I haven't got any shorts on. 


Why not? 

Little Alan 

Steven McCoombe's taken them off me. 


Can you see Steven McCoombe? 

Little Alan 

Yes, he's waving them about with his hands. He's saying, 'SmellyAlan Fartridge! Smelly Alan Fartridge!' I'm not smelly! 


No, I know that. 

Little Alan 

Smelly Alan Fartridge! 


OK, Alan, all right, now look, you're not happy, are you, no? 

Little Alan 



No. Should we take you away from here? 

Little Alan 



Let's take you to some place where you are happy, OK? 

Little Alan 

Oh good. 


We're going there right now 

Little Alan 



Are you there? 

Little Alan 



Now tell me what you can see. 

Little Alan 

I'm in class. 



Little Alan 

The Headmaster's come in. 


Right. And what's happening? 


And what's happening now? 

Little Alan 

Oh, he's looking very pleased. He said, he said, 'Someone's won an essay writing competition, someone's written an essay on sport and it's won a prize.' 


Mm-hmm. What else is he saying? 

Little Alan 

He said, 'Is there an Alan Partridge in the class? Would Alan Partridge identify himself?' 

Little Alan 

I'm standing up. They're all applauding me! 


Terrific. And what are you saying, Alan? 

Little Alan 

I'm saying, (reverts back to his grown-up voice) 'I'm Alan Partridge! I am Alan Partridge! I've won the essay writing competition, of that there's no doubt!' 



Little Alan 

Yes, I have won it. Things will now be very different. No longer will I be called infantile names - 'cos I won the competition! 


Great, now, Alan, we have to, we're running a little short of time, we have to now bring you back, OK? 


No, I don't want to come back. 


No, you, you'll be fine, you have to come back because you're in the middle of a talk show. 


I like it here. 


Well, you like it here too. 


No, I don't want to go back. I don't want to be on the radio. 


Come on, Alan. You're very popular - 


Nobody listens to Radio 4. 


Alan, OK- 


Nobody listens to Radio 4! 


Now, Alan, just concentrate because I can't bring you back otherwise. 


I want to be on the telly! 


Now, I'm going to count to three and you have to come back. 


Let me on the telly! Let me on the telly! 


One - two - three. 


So what I want to know is when are you going to hypnotize me? 


I've done it. 




Yes, it's been done. Just think about what is foremost in your mind at the moment. 


Oh, the essay writing competition. 


That's right, back at school. Anything else from school, d'you remember? 


Yes, cross-country run. 


Tandle Hill, do you remember that? 


Yes, ah, great stuff. 


That's right, yep, did you enjoy that? 


Smelly Alan Fartridge! 


What? No one calls me that! No one alls me that! 


Hang on, Simon - 


I was just referring him back to his past. 


No, Simon, this is a very important point, you must not abuse this privilege, because we have been privileged to see inside Alan's memory. 


No, I did not smell. 


Now this is irrelevant, Alan, you don't have to defend yourself. 


(Agitated) No, I want to clear this up once and for all. 


There's no need 


This has been hanging in the air for about thirty years, right, but I want to clear it up, OK? Steven McCoombe called me Smelly Alan Fartridge, because he thought it was funny. Fartridge, Partridge, he said smelly. I wasn't. My personal hygiene was never in question. I showered regularly, I didn't smell. The question is, what's Steven McCoombe doing now? That's the question, because I host a chat show, what's he do? I tell you, he's a forklift truck driver with British Leyland. I'll tell you. he lives in Edgbaston, he's got a pathetic life, I've seen, I've parked my car outside his house, I've watched 

him come and go, and he's got a sad, pathetic life and McCoombe, if you are listening, what are you now? You're nothing. And lam Alan Partridge! 

(Applause) Yeah, thank you, thank you. 

Now, that sort of wraps it up. Now -your book's available in the shops this Christmas? 


Ha ha! It's not a very good advert for my book! I assure you it does not make you this aggressive! 


OK, well. 


Yeah, it's called The Future is Behind You and it is in fact a therapeutic study. 


OK, one for the Christmas stocking, hypnotize your friends. 


No, no, it's not a show, it's not a party trick. 


Well, OK, in that case, a very serious book. Slap it on top of, er, Stephen Hawking's book on your coffee table and impress your 

friends. Ladies and gentlemen, Janey Katz! 


Joke of the week will return next week. Thank you all for sending them in each week, I love receiving them. 

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Joke Of The Week

Two verbs, three adjectives, three nouns and a conjunction appeared in court. They're due to be sentenced next week.

Thanks to everyone who continues to send me in jokes each week, I love getting them!

Adam's Hypnosis Hub
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
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If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4

Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 

CBH Prospectus

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

We have new dates available for two courses I have planned: 



We are constantly adding new material to our Platinum Members Area - this richest of resources of hypnosis training.

PLEASE NOTE - The many hours of video recorded at the Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy Course recently run in Bournemouth has been added to the Platinum area.

We recently added footage from a seminar ran in April this year:  My own presentation about how to use hypnotherapy with children and the presentation from Jill Harrington relating to counselling skills for hypnotherapists will be available by this weekend.

For those of you that are members, I hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in hypnosis or are a student or a professional in the field of hypnosis, then our platinum area is a mighty resource. As well as it containing many hours of footage from my hypnotherapy diploma course, rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena seminars, it has several additional lectures and footage as well as audio guides.

The Platinum Membership  is something we are incredibly proud of here and we add to it regularly. Our next 10 month hypnotherapy diploma is going to be recorded in full and added to the area later this year too.

Online Hypnosis Download Store

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week by registering at my homepage.

I'll be back in next week, enjoy overcoming any unhealthy emotional upset this week ... I thank you for reading...Goodbye for now. 


Peter French

Peter French
Hypnotherapist, Fareham

"My background is computer software and electronics, so doing this course is about as different as I could get from my day job. I found that it was down to earth and founded on evidence based principles. Adam combines challenging views with humour to help you learn and understand the skills you will need.

From the outset I found that there was a lot of homework and that taught me as much again as I learned in class. By the time I finished this course I felt that I was a hypnotherapist with the skills I needed and the confidence to apply them.

Adam and his trainers provided support in the classroom and also with homework and anything else I needed during and after the course.

If you just want a fast and dirty hypnosis course with a certificate to get you going, then you will be disappointed. On the other hand, if you want a thorough grounding in hypnotherapy that includes hands on practice and covers a lot of therapeutic techniques with good documentation, then this course should be at the top of your list.

It could even change your life, I know it changed mine."

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