** - Dump Rubbish To Clear Your Mind ...

Published: Thu, 03/14/13

March # 2
Edition # 385

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Hello Welcome To This Week's Adam Up And Guess Who Is A Daddy
I am back in the saddle after some time off whereby I became a father and I have to say, it is nothing short of being utterly amazing. I love it and am continuing to love it. For those that want to read a bit more about my journey into fatherhood, please have a read at my article listed in this week's articles of the week. WHile I was jubilantly entering into Fatherood, Keith was in hospital having a tumour removed along with one of his organs, and further to his writing last week, he is going to update you here this week with how he is and how it all went.

Before I crack on this week, I want to thank each and every one of you people that sent very kind, warm and loving messages to both Keith and I during this last week. It means a great deal and it is very humbling. A heartfelt thanks :-)

Message From Keith About My Progress

Just a quick update from me:

First - let me add to the thanks that Adam made to all the people who have contacted us.  It is hard to express how much your thoughts are appreciated.  Just take my word for it we really do appreciate your messages.

Isn't it great news about Adam and his wife Katie.  Katie sent me a photo of Ollie while in here and it really made me smile.

"Where is here?"  you say. 

Well unfortunately I am typing this beside my bed in Bournemouth Hospital instead of being kicked out as I expected last Saturday.  Things didn't go totally to plan and I got a complication of surgery where the bowel went into spasm and totally obstructed.  I won't go into any graphic details but last weekend was a rather miserable one.  I finally got my last tube out this morning. though and the plan is light food today and if all tolerated home tomorrow.  Yeah!

There is so much that I want to write about the experience and I will in my blog over the next few weeks.

I just want to leave you with a thought though.

I found myself saying the word 'bliss' several times this past week and it meant a different thing on each occasion

After two days of Nil By Mouth I was allowed sips of water - BLISS - the ultimate thing that could have happened at that moment in time

Getting a naso gastric tube removed - BLISS

Getting my first shower for a week this morning - BLISS

There were lots more BLISSFUL moments

I have just heard lunch arriving and today I can have some lunch - BLISS

We normally have so much in life that we take for granted and think nothing of them.  The lessons you can learn from setbacks can be really valuable.

Onto This Week's Adam Up...  Self-Hypnosis Trip To The Rubbish Dump

Here in Bournemouth if you want to use local refuse facilities, then you have to drive all your rubbish or waste up there and show them your council tax bill or some other evidence that you are a tax payer in the region and thus allowed to be there.

Recently, it was decided that our lawnmower had to be taken there and a new one was to be purchased. The old one had outlived it's expected time on this planet and sheer laziness on my part had meant that  the grass cuttings collection box did not stay on unless I pressed my foot against it, it had black tape holding the handles in place and it was an eyesore... I mean *sighs dramatically* what must the neighbours have thought?

As I dropped the orange Flymo from the late 90s off at the electrical section of the tip, I laughed out loud at the group of people who then eyed it up and down until one man decided to carry it off and load it on his truck...
I told him that it did not work and needed to be put out to pasture, but he insisted he could get some life out of it...
Ah, I like to think of that old lawnmower, running free in the countryside somewhere enjoying its final days having seen the screwdriver of a strange man who hangs around the local dump looking for tat to whisk away...

*daydreams happily for a few moments, gaze fixed on a distant point...*

I got rid of a load of other stuff at the time. It leaves me with a real sense of well-being.

Like feeling cleansed.

I feel that way after a spring clean.
Likewise, I love it when clothes and bedding have just been washed and they feel all fresh and clean - free of any stuff that it had collected from the wear and rigours of life. I don't start doing that thing that they do on the TV commercials where they lift up the sheets and try to gaily snort them into their nostrils because they are so fresh and lovely, don't get me wrong, I just like the sensation and the feel of clean things.

It is nice when our heads feel cleansed, clean and free of clutter and rubbish too, isn't it? So with that tenuous link in place, lets move on to matters at hand today then...

Some of you have some rubbish in your heads apparently. I have had emails and requests for some kind of process and technique that allows us to dispense of our rubbish and leave us feeling better.

Our own personal rubbish, for the purpose of this process, may include stress, it may be non-useful worries, it may frustrations or unhelpful tension, or even unnecessary fears.

Process To Show You How To Clean Out Your Mind

This process is going to show you how to have a clear out of the mind, and wash the laundry of the brain, let me show you how:

Step One:

Think about what it is that you need to let go of. This could be stress, tension, anxieties or something that is affecting you detrimentally to hold on to.

As unusual as this may sound, imagine that this thing you wish to let go of is like dirt and is ingrained in items of laundry. All will become clear as we progress. With that concept in mind, move on to the next step.

Step Two:

Induce hypnosis. You can do so by any means you desire or know of. You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Heavy Arm Self-Hypnosis Induction Method:  

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Hand to Face Self-Hypnosis Induction:

The Coin Drop Self-Hypnosis Induction: 

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step three.

Step Three:

Find yourself in a bathroom of your own design. Make it a special bathroom of some kind. Become aware of the colours, the sounds, notice what is in this place and most importantly look at the bath.

Look at how big the bath is, where the plug hole is positioned, notice the size and shape of the taps, and what the bath is made of, the colour of it, the texture of it, how it feels to touch it.

Get the bath really vivid in your mind in as much detail as you can.

Now fill the bath with water. Notice the steam coming from the hot water as it fills and pours into the bath, notice the sound of the water pouring and really engage in this process. Use this part of the session to deepen your experience of hypnosis. That is, watch the water pouring and go deeper inside your mind, tell yourself that the water helps take you deeper inside your mind as it pours wonderfully and enjoyable before you.

Once you have filled the bath with hot water, move on to the next step.

Step Four:

Ok, now comes the important part and the moderately bizarre part.

Find a way to open a trap door on the top of your head. Imagine it in whatever way works best for you.

The tip your head above the bath and dump all the dirty laundry you have in there into the bath. Notice items of clothing and/or sheets that all looked filthy, stained, and soiled.
Empty all those stressors, worries, frustrations into the bath.
The dirt and grime represents all that you want to let go of.

As you look at it all there in the bath, notice that the water froths slightly and starts to become dirtier. Notice the water starting to actively work on the items in the bathtub and move and roll around in a therapeutic rhythmic manner. Watch as the water becomes blacker and darker and blacker...

Take plenty of time to watch the items rolling around in the active water, as it turns darker and blacker.

When the water gets so black that you can no longer see any of the items within the water, then move on to the next step.

Step Five:

Now you pull the plug on the bath. Pull the plug with some determination and energy, then take a couple of nice deep breaths as you watch all that black water draining away into nothingness, draining away for good.

Tell yourself that you are letting go of what you no longer needs. The bath also seems to be sucking the black liquid out of the bath and as it does, every last drop of liquid and fluid within the bath disappears. You notice that every last tiniest drop disappears, so much so that the garments and items left in the bath are completely dry.

Look at the items remaining in the bath now. Notice how they are now brightly coloured and clean - notice the whiteness is back in some of them, notice the true colours.

Then start to place them back in the trap door of your head, noticing the smell and feel of clean, fresh, delightful items. As they arrive in the head, notice how much lighter your head feels.

Take some time to experience your head feeling lighter and more comfortable and at ease. What a joy to behold.

Spend a few moments, just resting and relaxing in hypnosis as you let that lightness begin to spread through your body. Once you feel it throughout your body and have relaxed and spread the feeling throughout you, then move on to the final step.

Step Six:
Now tell yourself that the lightness stays with you once you have finished with this process and then wiggle your toes and fingers, stretch your arms, take a deep, deep breath and open your eyes and go about your day feeling lighter, cleansed and at ease.

Lovely process this is, practice it and practice letting go of what you no longer need in this way, it'll serve you incredibly well.

... And at least I took you to a lovely bathroom and not a smelly refuse collection centre of some kind, eh?

New Audios and Videos For Download Now

I am delighted to announce that we have released two new audio programmes.

One is for runners wanting to develop and install supercharged mantras that they can use when running to elicit major responses and draw upon resources.

The other which uses hypnosis and mindfulness to develop self-acceptance.  If either of those pique your interest, please visit the store and grab them.

Learning To Truly Accept Yourself - Self Hypnosis Audio Program.

Some of us will have a negative perception of ourselves, even if only temporary as a result of an issue in life. 
Some of us may have unwanted beliefs about ourselves and our lives, which are unduly critical.
Some of us may just have uncomfortable or unwanted feelings as a result of our ongoing experience of life.

This audio shows you how to accept yourself, how to accept your own feelings towards yourself and develop a thoroughly loving relationship with you. Enjoy it!

JUST £1.77 ($2.7 USD)

Buy Here
Advancing Of The Runners Mantra Using Self-Hypnosis - Audio Program.

Short extract from product information page

This audio session has two tracks - the first one shows you how to construct and create the most powerful mantras for yourself. The second track is a hypnosis session that installs and supercharges your mantras for use when you are actually out running.

You'll end up with a number of very powerful, resourceful mantras that you simply say to yourself when running and they'll elicit wonderful responses within you when you need them.

I consider my running mantras as essential as my running shoes and GPS watch these days - so if you are a runner, come and get your mantras organised and ramped up ready for use and advance your running performance as a result.

JUST £1.77 ($2.7 USD)

Buy Here
Can You Write A Wittier Caption
Picture of Freud with his dog
Why not join us and add your pearls of wisdom? 
Here are some of this week's postings.
Adam Eason Events 2013
 -- Avoid Disappointment - Book Early
Hypnotherapist Peer Support

Joke Of The Week

I have a couple for you this week:

1. Did you know that 85% of pie charts resemble Pacman?

2. I've been stamping on flatfish with my platform shoes on, alone. It's sole destroying on so many levels.

Mark Chappell to thank again -

Thanks to all of you who send the jokes in, I love getting them.

And those that get posted in the Hub, keep us all amused greatly.
Charity Fundraising

Please consider sponsoring my latest charity fundraising, multi-marathon running exploits. 

You can sponsor me here: 

Just Giving

Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 
Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com


If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus , dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4


Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 


Intensive Certification in
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy in 2013

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

Then read this page on my website, because due to popular demand, I shall be running a 5 day intensive certification in Cognitive behavioural Hypnotherapy in 2013: 



Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week and let them know that they get a free hypnosis session, a five day personal development course and a 50,000 word eBook 'The Happy Brain Manual', when they register from my homepage.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Do come and join us in the members area if you wish to learn more, I mean much more about the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. There's over 60 hours of video footage, even more audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too.

Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of training and tuition video from my diploma course, go have a read about it. 

I'll be back next week ... In the meantime, enjoy dumping unwanted thoughts ...

I thank you for reading...

Goodbye for now.
Karen Puttick


"It took me a long time to choose the hypnotherapy course I felt was right for me. From the moment I entered the classroom on the first day, I knew my decision to learn from

Adam was the right one.

Throughout the course, Adam's passion, knowledge and experience of evidence-based hypnotherapy made him the best tutor I have ever encountered.

Adam and his team of assistants also went out of their way to support all the students, even beyond the end of the course, to make the whole learning experience an absolute joy.

I would recommend Adam's course to anybody who wants to learn clinical hypnotherapy from a Master."


Best Ways To Contact Us
Support Centre

The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.