** - Adam Up - 70 AMAZING Facts About The Brain EBook- Yours FREE!! ...

Published: Thu, 01/24/13

January # 4
Edition # 378

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Hello Just 24 Hours Left For Book + Audios Running Offer...  AND Free Book For ALL READERS

This is going to be the final edition focusing on running before we change tack for a new month ahead as of next week.

Today is the final day that you can get my latest book "Hypnosis For Running: Using Your Mind To Maximise Running Performance" and also receive all the hypnosis audio goodies bonuses for FREE.

In a short while the book will be available through Amazon and on general sale around the world. I am delighted we'll be featuring in runners magazines and specialist media and I have been overwhelmed with support and love for the book already.

If you are interested in running, or hypnosis, or self-hypnosis, or wanting to improve in ANY sporting endeavour or any endurance enhancing endeavour.... This is your last 24 hours to get a signed copy of the book with all the great audio bonuses thrown in FREE.

Grab your copy here today!

FREE For Every Reader - Tim Brownson EBook
Adam's friend Tim Brownson has offered this EBook FREE to Adam Up readers.

Your chance to grab "70 Amazing Facts About Your Brain - and why it does weird things".

All you have to do is follow this link and put in the password hypnosis and you will have immediate access to the pdf download version of this fascinating EBook

No name or e-mail address required but you might like to sign up for other free stuff there as Tim is a funny, creative, insightful writer

Onto Today's Adam Up Then - 
Adam Wonders How He Could Have Missed This Fascinating Running / Hypnosis Study.

It has been a wee bit quiet on my blog and social networking pages this past week.  Mainly because I was away in Bruges and Brussels for part of the week, but also because of adverse weather and also because of having a cold that I am struggling to shake off.

I have put some photos from my travels on my blog but usual service will resume shortly.  

Whilst writing on my main blog at the end of last year, my research led me to stumble across an article published in a 1983 volume of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis and it is entitled "Auto-Hypnosis in Long Distance Runners" by Kenneth Callen - I could not believe it.

How on earth did such a journal entry and study escape my attentions until then? Well, I shall not carry on looking for answers on that, needless to say, my eyes lit up, and I began reading in some depth. What could be more wonderful, an academic journal attempting to correlate hypnosis and running?

For me, it was a golden few moments.

So today, I could not resist sharing with you some of the findings of this study, because they are fascinating. First up, here is the abstract for the study, which as every good abstract aims to do, explains the study and its findings;

Four hundred and twenty-four runners completed a questionnaire concerning their running habits and the mental processes which occur while running. Over half of the respondents experience a trance-like state with wide variation in depth, along with increased receptivity to internal events, absorption, and vivid imagery, all hallmarks of auto-hypnosis. The techniques used to get into a trance are the same as those commonly employed in hetero-hypnosis; rhythmical deep breathing, eye fixation, and repetition of a sound or phrase.

Many of the runners become more creative during these trance-like states, and some feel their athletic performance is enhanced.

Well, this is exciting stuff for us here, on many levels. The study does really conclude by asking more questions and suggesting more research is needed; indeed. However, I thought I'd share with you some of the key findings in this particular study, which make for fascinating reading, even if the study does not offer up any particular tool or methodology for our own gain, which is usually what piques my interest.

Prior to this study, the vast majority of research had looked at the end result of exercise and running performance.  The authors noted that very little research examined the mental processes which occurred during running.

With my own running experiences and having worked with so many runners and met so many over the years at races, clubs, events and so on, I found myself agreeing with some of the opening statements framing this study -

Running is a natural process which under ordinary circumstances requires very little concentration or attention, thereby, freeing the mind to wander in pleasant fantasy. Most runners tend to run alone and many seek out isolated areas with few distractions, such as parks and country roads.

Some might even add, this is a perfect environment for self-hypnosis being described here?

Many runners describe the 'runners high' which I mentioned on Adam Up last week.

There is also a great deal of literature where people refer subjectively to their running experience as delving into other worlds and realms of altered consciousness etc. Which is all very good, but how is this related to or pertaining to hypnosis?

The authors of this study suggested that there were some parallels to be drawn between some formal definitions of major authors in the field of self-hypnosis, and the psychological experience of runners detailed in the study.

For example, Fromm et al (1981) refer to self-hypnosis as trance-like states with wide variation in depth, increased receptivity to interval events, absorption, and vivid visual imagery - which is very similar to a number of accounts given by runners when describing their own mental experience during running. Likewise, the very same authors Fromm at al (1981) who have conducted a great deal of research on the phenomena of self-hypnosis also call for more research on the subject of 'alert self-hypnosis' such as that experienced by runners.

So I wanted to share some of the results of this study:

1. 267 (54%) of the sample indicated that they sometimes feel they are in a "trance" or altered state of consciousness while running.

36 (16%) of this group have been hypnotised before and 26 (11%) have been exposed to other techniques such as transcendental meditation, yoga, and autogenic training.

Interestingly, comparing the 165 respondents with no previous experience with the 62 who had used hypnosis (or other techniques) before reveals no significant difference on any of the items asked within the questionnaire.

Of those who stated they experienced "trance-like" states when running, 70 (31%) described the methods they used to get into those states:
  • 24 (35%) used their own breathing as a technique. They described rhythmical breathing, counting and stride patterns.
  • 18 (26%) use imagery which is frequently described as "out of the body" whereby the runner watches himself from a dissociated perspective.
  • 9 (13%) of those using imagery had a grandiose quality to the imagery used - such as winning a big marathon event or Olympic gold.
  • 6 (9%) used music to induce a trance. Often using some of the lyrics over and over in the mind.
  • The remainder focused attention on a particular point or would allow their mind to wander.

2. 196 (46%) of the runners stated that they repeated words or phrases in their heads when running. 43% of them used music lyrics or music to repeat. 15% stated that they used encouraging words to themselves such as "you can do it" etc. 12% employ counting such as counting steps, breaths or passing cars.

The runners were also asked what mental processes they used to run faster and better. 108 (25%) described techniques fitting into a variety of categories:

  • 18% use imagery relating to body parts working well or their body functioning smoothly.
  • 16% Use distractions such as talking to someone else or focusing elsewhere, getting absorbed in the scenery or used sexual thoughts.
  • 14% used goal setting and rewarding themselves for hitting targets.
  • 14% focused on their form throughout in an attempt to keep efficient and effective.

3. 245 (58%) of those runners in the survey engaged in mental imagery of some kind when running.

  • 34% try to form images.
  • 66% say that the images happen spontaneously without effort.
  • 35% use imagery that involves watching one' self running and often crossing the line at the end of a run.
  • Many see themselves as fit and healthy.
  • 18% engage in grandiose imagery, such as winning races.
  • 18% imagine pleasant scenes such as beaches or forests.

4. 251 (59%) of runners in this study felt that they become more creative when running. They found themselves able to find solutions to problems, generate ideas better and with less effort.

It would be an interesting study that examined whether running somehow does help us create new ideas or if it is lowering anxiety in order to enable a free flow of thoughts.

It is a fascinating study for sure. Especially for me as author of this Hypnosis for Running blog.

Even though runners may seem blank and withdrawn and quiet inside, this study suggests that the opposite is true and that the majority are engaged in some mental activity. The study even suggests that what many runners experience is similar, if not the same, as self-hypnosis.

Fromm et al (1981) describe self-hypnosis as being characterised by "an expansion of attentional range, increased receptivity to internal events and an increase in the quantity and quality of imagery." The mental processes occurring during running tend to meet all these criteria for self-hypnosis. Though heck, no-one single definition of self-hypnosis is as of yet agreed upon and tends to be open to plenty of debate.

Typically, runners being dissociated or absorbed in something else or engaged in other types of reality are also considered characteristics of both hetero- and self-hypnosis.  

Again, sixty-two of the 227 runners who say they experience trance states have been exposed to hetero-hypnosis or other methods of altering consciousness such as meditation and yoga. Comparison of these responses with those of the 165 who have had no experience reveals no important differences.

This study (especially with my level of biased interpretation) might suggest that running naturally enhances hypnosis skills of the individual.

Spanos et al (1986) and Fromm et al (1981) demonstrated that those who practiced their self-hypnosis skills became more responsive and more hypnotisable. Most runners train 3-5 times a week and so get to practice their own mental strategies that many times too. Runners really do therefore (surely!) have the capacity to become exceptional self-hypnotists - especially if trained how to use it effectively instead of just using spontaneous forms as noted and reported on within this study.

I wonder how true these statistics would be today. I know 'Runners World' and other running organisations do runners surveys, but none really look at psychological processes such as this study.

For me, it gives me even more encouragement about the usefulness of the mental capacity and self-hypnosis capacity, relevance and benefits as runners.

There you have it, some research sharing today. More reasons to go and get out there running, eh?


Callen, K. E., (1983) Auto-hypnosis in long distance runners. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 26 (1), 30-36.

Fromm, E., Brown, D. P., Hurt, S. W., Oberlan, J. Z., Boxer, M., & Pfeiferg, G. The phenomena and characteristics of self-hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, 1981,29, 189-246.

Adam Eason Events 2013
 -- Avoid Disappointment - Book Early
Hypnotherapist Peer Support
I have attached a PDF to this e-mail with all this information
Articles Of The Week
Here are a selection of articles that I enjoyed reading this week related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here:

Hypnotic Runners

Caption Fun
Growing in popularity on the Hub is the Weekly Caption Challenge.  Can you write a funnier caption?
Please do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, 
  • if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum,
  • if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more,
  • if you are student of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll get support and resources... 
Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com


If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate! 

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus , dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries... 

The spaces are going at some pace right now though... 

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4


Learn Self-Hypnosis! 

We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. 

They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. 

The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. 


Intensive Certification in
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy in 2013

Are you already qualified as a hypnotherapist? 

Want to become an evidence based cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist? 

Then read this page on my website, because due to popular demand, I shall be running a 5 day intensive certification in Cognitive behavioural Hypnotherapy in 2013: 



Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week and let them know that they get a free hypnosis session, a five day personal development course and a 50,000 word eBook 'The Happy Brain Manual', when they register from my homepage.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason 

Do come and join us in the members area if you wish to learn more, I mean much more about the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. There's over 60 hours of video footage, even more audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too.

Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of training and tuition video from my diploma course, go have a read about it. 

Come and join in our running campaign, set some goals and get running...

I thank you for reading...

Goodbye for now.
Melanie Rivera


Having just completed Adam's 10 month diploma course and thoroughly enjoyed it, it brings me great pleasure to write this review. I just want to say that if you have decided that you would like to embark on a career in hypnotherapy; and you are now at the stage of deciding on the right training school for you...

Search no more, Adam's course in my mind is the best of the best! From beginning to end you will be hypnotized by the way in which Adam delivers his course material to you. I found Adam to be a very fun and charismatic guy; he will have you in stitches laughing! He is a brilliant teacher, very clear and easy to understand.

For me the whole course has been like a personal journey towards a successful ending. Adam demonstrates many of the techniques so you really get to sample how talented he is as a hypnotherapist.

I have to say that on more than one occasion when Adam did a class demonstration; I noticed some big changes take place in my own confidence and in the rate of my learning... I put down this down to benefiting from being in deep hypnosis myself during his demo.

Adam is very attentive and very observant, he doesn't miss a trick. He seems to distribute his attention towards each individual at the right time, as a result you really feel like you get a very personalized learning experience.

I might add that this course isn't a 'cake walk'... Prepare to 'work your socks off!' In terms of homework, you really have to be committed and keep on top of it.

I can honestly say that it is all worth it and, having completed Adam's course, I do feel competent enough to embark on my career as a hypnotherapist.

Gareth Morgan

(pictured here firewalking)

Adam is unique trainer or, as I like to think now, my mentor. With a perfect balance of seriousness and fun mixed together, he creates an enjoyable and learning atmosphere which keeps you wanting more. I spent over a year looking at different courses and chatting to other trainers and I can honestly say that I made the best choice that was right for me.

Adam's knowledge and passion for the subject surpasses that of anyone else I have met in this field, and Adam is very generous with his sharing of that knowledge. It is obvious from the beginning that Adam knows what he's doing and that you have made the right choice in joining the course.

Prepare to amaze yourself in the things you know and can talk about with others confidently as you progress through the course, I did and I still do today.

If you want an enjoyable learning experience with a trainer that really does want you to be the best you can be, then take that next step. To sum up the course in three words, Creative, Enjoyable, Diverse.

Helen Johnstone


"I attended the 10 month course which ran from October 2011- July 2012.  

The course is interesting, fun, fast paced, encouraging, confidence building, skill packing and very professionally run by Adam and his team.

Realistically, it required a lot of committment in time and effort, which in reality was easy to give with the knowledge and new zest for learning that Adam's enthusiasm brings.

Adam and his team were of constant support to me throughout the course and I feel lucky to be able to consider them to be good friends and confidantes now.

 I have qualified and feel confident that the knowledge,confidence, skills and practical experience I have gained during this course will serve me very well in practice"..

George Watson


"I booked up to Adam Eason School of Therapeutic Hypnosis in 2010, and I really did not know what to expect, I was very interested in Hypnosis, but what is taught throughout the diploma course is by far the best around. 

Adam's very unique style is very uplifting and thorough and I leave his school with much more knowledge and well trained in clinical hypnotherapy. If you want trained to the high standard that Therapeutic Hypnotherapy should attain then look no further than Adam's School"

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The best and most reliable way to get in touch with us is via our Support / Help Centre at http://support.adam-eason.com.


Another thing that we encourage is contacting us via Skype. 

Keith's Skype ID  - keithaw2k1

For example if you would prefer to pay for products or services by using a debit or credit card then you can contact Keith to make your payment.